The solo leveling limit conjecture

Adeon Hawkwood



I've been hearing crazy leveling claims for almost as long as I've been playing the game. Sometimes, the claim is true, and sometimes it points to an exploit. Most of the times I think they are exaggerations, comparable to the ones made about endurance limits or one-shotting bosses.

It got me thinking about whether there was an actual mathematical limit on leveling; something that would prevent a solo player from being able to level any faster. And there sort of is: there is an endurance limit.

Fundamentally, we all convert ticks of the blue bar into damage, damage into kills, and kills into XP. Most characters have a limited amount of endurance (certain powers in certain sets can increase this to extremely high levels in theory, but most powerset combinations don't have access to this).

Now, kills are not the only way to get XP: you can get XP from mission bonuses (that intrinsicly do not require endurance, although they may require mission objectives that do ultimately require endurance) and you can get them from miscellaneous activities (such as finding exploration badges). But assuming that those are relatively minor, and assuming that things like CaB drops are relatively minor, I've calculated what I believe is the endurance limit on leveling from level one to level 50: its 35.6 hours.

This number is based on the following assumptions:

1. Throughout the character's leveling, they had the best damage modifier (the blaster ranged modifier, 1.125).

2. They were always operating at a DPE efficiency of 1.95*1.33 = 2.59 of base (which is scale 1.0 damage per 5.2 endurance), which is the efficiency of being slotted to the ED soft cap for damage and one SO worth of endurance reduction, from level 1 to level 50 (really from level 2 to 50, I'm not counting the time to level from 1 to 2).

3. You are always killing the most optimal targets in terms of endurance per XP point. And that is +2 bosses.

4. I do not assume you can farm targets with higher than normal XP, aside from the bonus for killing +2s.

5. I assume targets never regenerate.

6. I assume single target damage efficiency.

7. I assume fully slotted stamina from level 2 through level 50.

Given those assumptions, it takes about 35.6 hours to produce enough endurance to generate enough damage to earn enough XP to reach level 50. And while there are some assumptions that are conservative (I never assume AoEs will do better than single target attacks in terms of DPE), and some are not strictly always accurate (Brutes can be more efficient with fury than the list above assumes) most are highly aggressive (for example, it assumes targets are on an infinite conveyor belt and line up to be killed one after the other without pauses, and don't ever shoot back).

I'm not saying its impossible to level to 50 faster than in 35 hours. I'm saying it seems unlikely to be able to do so without help. But this is a very loose calculation. Its possible it contains some unreasonably conservative assumptions. So my question is: does anyone think they can level from level 1 to level 50 in less that 35.6 hours, under the following restrictions:

1. No teaming
2. No direct combat assistance
3. No exploiting bugs in the reward system

That's it. Beyond that, anything else would be fair game, twinking with inventions, any archetype, any powersets, even ones that break the assumptions about endurance limits (i.e. electric armor). Is it actually possible to solo level to 50 in less than 35.6 hours, and if so, how?

I was thinking of adding a fourth rule that said:

4. No leveling by dropping missions

Because I thought of the possible exploit of waiting three days and then logging in just to drop a mission, but actually I don't think that will work anyway.

I'm not interested in vague anecdotes about sorta fast leveling. I'm interested to know if it would be possible to do now, and what specifically would allow a player to exceed the apparent limits of this calculation. Is it that mission complete rewards are higher than I am assuming, or that combat is really far more efficient than I am predicting, or that AoEs are much more efficient than I think can be leveraged consistently? Or something else I just haven't thought of or thought was unimportant?

I don't necessarily expect someone to try to level from one to 50 all at once just to test this conjecture, so here's an extra bit of data for anyone that wants to experiment with this conjecture of mine. Here's my raw calculated numbers for the estimate for the minimum time to reach each level:

2	0
3	0.01
4	0.02
5	0.04
6	0.06
7	0.09
8	0.12
9	0.16
10	0.21
11	0.26
12	0.31
13	0.37
14	0.44
15	0.5
16	0.59
17	0.68
18	0.8
19	0.93
20	1.1
21	1.29
22	1.54
23	1.83
24	2.14
25	2.5
26	2.88
27	3.32
28	3.82
29	4.36
30	4.9
31	5.52
32	6.2
33	6.95
34	7.78
35	8.63
36	9.57
37	10.61
38	11.67
39	12.88
40	14.27
41	15.82
42	17.56
43	19.45
44	21.51
45	23.78
46	26.08
47	28.41
48	30.77
49	33.16
50	35.59
Note that is the minimum estimated time to reach each level in hours. In other words, it should take at least a half hour to reach level 15, and an hour to reach level 19. After 10 hours the fastest possible player according to this conjecture would be between 36 and 37.

An interesting observation of mine personally is that the conjecture guesses that it will take about an hour or so to gain each level in the 30s at maximum speed, and that's actually very close to the maximum solo leveling speed I saw running Warburg missions back when they had extra-large completion bonuses (of course, it took a lot more than 5 hours for me to reach the 30s in the first place).

So: anyone out there want to prove me wrong and beat this leveling curve?

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I'm not a good enough player to do this in practice, so I'm just going to talk theory.

1) Are you assuming that you're always running through Patrol Experience? I didn't see it mentioned either way, but that's a potential 50% bonus if you're not in AE. AE is most likely to give the easy-kill enemies we covet, though.

2) There are arc completions that award large amounts of XP. Of course, those arcs are not conveyor belts of +2 bosses, but I remember getting close to a bubble of XP for finishing one of the Croatoa arcs. I don't think it's likely to be exploitable (I think it's either Skipper or Buck, so best case it's six missions and two are Defeat All) but with Ouro, it's one loophole I'd look at. (They closed the "Welcome to Vanguard" version of this but there may be more subtle ones.)

3) I think that AOE's are potentially huge, but I don't know the +2 boss to +1 minion XP ratio. Given a conveyor belt of pacifist minions, and perfect placement, a Fire/Mental blaster could beat ten +1 minions per cycle of AOE's (maybe +2, but I don't think so), and given 100% recharge in Fire Breath could do so every 10.67 seconds. (Given infinite recharge and a pretty fast conveyor, they could do so every 5.5 seconds or so.) Drain Psyche virtually eliminates endurance as a consideration, so we're damage-limited.

4) I don't know if CaB's can be discounted. You can start with a full tray of CaBs. (How do those compare to carrying damage enhancements?) You can combine to create CaBs. If you're beating bosses you will not generate as many inspirations but they will tend to be larger; I don't have useful numbers on that. If you remember the old Nethergoat Dark Astoria runs, if you beat enough minions fast enough you can keep yourself in perma-inspiration. I don't know if they tweaked the inspiration drop rates after that was discovered.
5) I'd be interested in the "damage chain" measurement- assuming enough damage to exactly match an AV's regen rate, how does that convert to +2 Bosses Per Second and how long would it take to hit level 50 at that damage rate? (I picked that as a level of damage that some sub-50 characters can reach, but few can significantly exceed. If you have a better standard, feel free. )

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



one thing i didnt read in your text is that each lvl up grants you 100 end and the 60 sec 50% damageboost
i am not sure if you got that in your calc or simply forgot it

Helge corr lvl 50 rad/cold
Helge2 corr lvl 50 ice/rad
Techbothelge MM lvl 50 robo/dark
Helge Mauz def lvl 50 emp/ele
illuhelge troller lvl 50 illu/rad
Wiederbelebter helge nk lvl 50 bs/reg
Maennerschreack nightwidow lvl 44
Quantenjaeger ws lvl 3



As always its very hard to comment on a calculation without seeing the work

But that said

1. Recovery IO availability
2. Recovery powers (quick recovery, drain psyche, etc)
3. Insp drop rate and the ability to combine them
4. Effectiveness of AOE powers to leverage end
5. The ability to buy insps
6. The effect of red insps on the dpe

Of these the insp drop rate is the only one mentioned and that is to discount it.

It would seem to be more effective to calculate the time it takes to kill a spawn on average using aoe/st attacks then plug that in to the calcualtion of kills/level.

Just as example an archery or assault rifle blaster can kill entire spawns as fast as full auto, rain of arrows and aim and buildup are up. I cant see how or if this is accounted for in your estimation



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
2) There are arc completions that award large amounts of XP. Of course, those arcs are not conveyor belts of +2 bosses, but I remember getting close to a bubble of XP for finishing one of the Croatoa arcs. I don't think it's likely to be exploitable (I think it's either Skipper or Buck, so best case it's six missions and two are Defeat All) but with Ouro, it's one loophole I'd look at. (They closed the "Welcome to Vanguard" version of this but there may be more subtle ones.)
I recently completed an arc red-side - I want to say it was from Lt. Chalmers, but I can't remember for certain - that gave ~ 11,000 xp. This was around level 25, so this was a HUGE boost and dinged me when I wasn't even expecting it.

I can't even imagine reaching 50 in anything close to 35 hours. I feel like I'm getting progressively faster but still feel like anything under 200 is pretty good for me. Of course I waste a lot of time at the market or AFK making dinner or helping the wife and kids with things. Were I to attempt to level as quickly as possible though it likely would involve camping on a relatively easy mid-level arc via Oro, playing in bursts to utilize Patrol XP.

I wonder which Day Job would help best for this - Duelist (+Max End), Clubber (+Recovery, but "Out of Combat"), or Arachnos Agent/Law Enforcer (Mission Complete XP bonus). Clubber at least would be quick to get to and from, using the Pocket D porter each log out and the base teleporter/oro portal each login to get back to the pillar.

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I wonder if a MM or controller might do better by use of pets, which sidestep the individual character End limit?

Alternatively, one might be able to leverage "pets on the fly", e.g. confuses. One of the quickest Posis I was on had a Plant controller along, those Vahz spawns can really take each other out fast when they are confused. . .



1. I'm a huge fan of your work. (that said...)
2. I'm not convinced that anyone would, solo, ever beat that curve because your conditions (fully slotted stam at lvl2?) are simply impossible to set-up.
3. The only possible way to do this would be to test this in AE.
4. If you could set up these conditions in AE, run the mission over and over (to simulate the conveyor belt), and I got such rates, the miss arc would likely be terminated.
5. The likelihood that lvl2's could sustain damage/end to kill +2 bosses long-term is too low and them NOT attacking is absurd.
6. This yields a hypothesis that cannot be tested (there exists no lvl2 that has stamina, so based on this model we cant prove you wrong).
7. Endurance much more sharply bottle-necks performance, and I doubt devs would ever allow for this level of performance.
8. MM's = self-help?
9. I'm sorry if this post comes off as snarky. It's not ment to be. I just find the whole thing entirely unlikely, or at least inconsistant enough that any player base wont be effected anyway. I think I see what you are trying to express: Given maxium damge/end attack chains, how fast could a toon lvl. Maybe when I get my stone/wp scrapper completly IO'ed at lvl2 with lvl50 slotting with stamina and purples, I could tell you.
10. I agree with the points others raised.

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server




I'm not assuming patrol XP. Thanks for reminding me of that. I'm going to assume that for someone attempting to level quickly patrol XP is going to have only a small effect. Its theoretically possible, of course, to take ten days off per level to gain maximum patrol XP and level in half the time in terms of play time, but that would take over a year of calendar time to pull off.

As to the other assumptions, well, that's why I'm posting this. I'd like to see someone demonstrate either by example (actually testing leveling) or by very strong argument (something fairly mathematically rigorous) that assuming those are relatively minor leads to an incorrect guestimate for the leveling limit.


I didn't forget about leveling inspirations, but I did forget to mention them. I'm assuming that inspirations in general, including the leveling ones, are not material. This includes damage insps (which increase DPE), CaBs (which give E) and the lifesaver roll you get on dinging a level.

To give you an idea why I didn't consider them significant, my estimate for the amount of endurance necessary to reach level 50 is about 213509. 50 dings of full endurance is about 5000 endurance.


I'm not so much interested in comments on the raw calculations themselves as I'm interested in knowing if there are empirical tests that can contradict them. I posted the per-level table so that theoretically speaking anyone could take a character of any level and test leveling strategies to see if its possible to beat the curve I specified. You could take anything and see how high you can get XP/min to go at a particular level, and see if its faster than the curve implies.

The other way to look at this is the way you mention: try to calculate how *fast* someone can generate damage. But the problem with that is that sustainable damage is actually very tricky to calculate boundaries for. When I attempt such calculations, I end up with limits higher (faster) than the endurance one. So the endurance one is, at least for me at the moment, the stronger constraint, so its the more interesting one.


Personally, in terms of *normal* play, I've never reached 50 in anything remotely close to this limit. My fastest leveler to 50 is probably around 200-250 hours myself, and usually I take even longer than that, because I am almost never focused on leveling speed.


I wonder about controllers and masterminds myself, because they aren't bound to this limit directly (as are some powerset combinations). But I'm curious if their ability to side-step this limit comes with other disadvantages that prevent them from exceeding it anyway, which is the purpose of my post.


The assumptions are very extreme because I'm looking for the boundaries of solo play. However, as extreme as they might appear, its still actually possible that someone could beat them, or at least come close to them, if just one of my assumptions turns out to be too conservative. For example, if you could be dinging arc completions all the time, those bonuses could be huge. But I don't think there are enough of them, or that you could do enough of them quickly enough. If I'm wrong, there might be a strategy that doesn't have to do the extreme levels of work the calculation assumes and can sidestep them. And actually Warburg missions with the old bonus reward came surprisingly close to doing so.

If absolutely no one jumps in and tells me that this is possible, I will probably go back and refine and loosen the calculation to come up with a lower (slower) limit, and see if someone challenges *that*, until I'm satisfied I have a reasonable guestimate for the limit, or until I get distracted by something shiny and go do something else.

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Interesting conjecture here; I do know of a couple of early (now plugged) AE missions that could easily break your averages; I assume no exploit or "under the radar" AE missions of which there still are a few in the list.

The fastest I've yet managed to take a character 1-50 mostly solo is in the 100 hour range, and that included considerable time in the auction house and other, non-XP gathering, activities. From that I'd estimate that at least 50% of the time was wasted as far as pure XP goes... traveling from A to B, hitting contacts, looking for lost mobs in kill-all missions etc. This was an AOE heavy Fire/WP brute and I did focus mostly on large swarms of +1 mobs (old 2nd difficulty level, later the +1/8 setting).

I've leveled a solo Night Widow to 28 using AE in about 6 hours, although it's admittedly using one of those exploitable missions; I don't see getting him to 50 in 50 hours though; one once a character gets to a decent level I prefer to actually play it rather than grind it through a PL mission. I'd imagine you'd get better results with something hugely AOE heavy running at -1 to +0 set for 8 than single target heavy running +2 bosses; the hordes of minions/LT's are much faster to kill than the bosses. Maybe they're not worth as much individually, but killing 10+ of those in the time it takes to kill 1 boss?

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



You are always killing the most optimal targets in terms of endurance per XP point. And that is +2 bosses

Not every toon can run mishes at this level.



Originally Posted by eryq2 View Post
You are always killing the most optimal targets in terms of endurance per XP point. And that is +2 bosses

Not every toon can run mishes at this level.
Then they would probably level slower. I'm currently interested in whether anyone can level faster. I have plans to do a more refined version of this calculation, taking per-level maximums into account, and trying to zero in on more precise bottlenecks, but that's a lot more work (about 50 times more work) so before I do that, I'd like to know if the entire exersize is doomed from the start because the assumptions the calculations are built on are wrong.

Basically, if no one can beat this, I move on to better calculations. If its beatable, I go back to square one.

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I understand you are running entirely hypothetically, Arcana, and I'm trying to imagine a way in which someone could either make or beat this time, and I come to two conclusions

1. it would have to be a MM with damage enhancing powers, /dark has an early start, but I think Storm, TA, or possibly Therm might take the advantage in the higher game. Picking the highest damaging primary would be the only possibility (not sure which one that is)

2. It is not possible to reach your +2 boss condition, simply because AE would be the only way to fight an almost constant stream of such enemies, but if that was all you fought, you would lose XP because of the anti-farming measures that were implimented.


Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

I think you underestimate our fools, sir.

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Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
I'd imagine you'd get better results with something hugely AOE heavy running at -1 to +0 set for 8 than single target heavy running +2 bosses
In real life, probably. But the open question is can an AoE-heavy character beat optimal killing of +2 bosses, not can they beat their own personal time on +2 Bosses.

Why +2 Bosses, by the way? First of all, it comes down to health vs XP. Bosses have more XP per point of health. This means all other things being equal, one point of damage earns more XP when it hits a boss than anything else. Second, the XP multipliers give you more XP if you attack something higher, but the purple patch reduces your damage vs those things. The optimal point is +2, where you are doing 80% of the damage but getting 140% of the reward, which is a net 12% better return on damage (that's a simplification: a +2 will have slightly more health as well as taking less damage, but that doesn't change the optimal point by much, and its a simplification for the purposes of this estimate I think is reasonable at this stage).

At their target cap, AoEs can generate as much as 3 times the DPE as single target attacks. But its questionable whether that is sustainable to the degree that it can break the absolute single target limit I've calculated. If I go back and refine this calculation to determine a more precise (and lower) limit, the effect of AoEs will probably become significant. At this point, I'm not sure it is.

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Originally Posted by Psyonico View Post
I understand you are running entirely hypothetically, Arcana, and I'm trying to imagine a way in which someone could either make or beat this time, and I come to two conclusions

1. it would have to be a MM with damage enhancing powers, /dark has an early start, but I think Storm, TA, or possibly Therm might take the advantage in the higher game. Picking the highest damaging primary would be the only possibility (not sure which one that is)

2. It is not possible to reach your +2 boss condition, simply because AE would be the only way to fight an almost constant stream of such enemies, but if that was all you fought, you would lose XP because of the anti-farming measures that were implimented.
I'm actually sort of hoping someone comes along and tells me a way to beat this that bypasses the assumptions rather than breaks them. Something I just haven't thought of. I'm pretty sure the assumed limits themselves are practically unbreakable as stated. But they might not represent the best possible options.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post

I'm not so much interested in comments on the raw calculations themselves as I'm interested in knowing if there are empirical tests that can contradict them. I posted the per-level table so that theoretically speaking anyone could take a character of any level and test leveling strategies to see if its possible to beat the curve I specified. You could take anything and see how high you can get XP/min to go at a particular level, and see if its faster than the curve implies.

The other way to look at this is the way you mention: try to calculate how *fast* someone can generate damage. But the problem with that is that sustainable damage is actually very tricky to calculate boundaries for. When I attempt such calculations, I end up with limits higher (faster) than the endurance one. So the endurance one is, at least for me at the moment, the stronger constraint, so its the more interesting one.

The problem is without the calculation no one can even look at or make a change to the assumptions to see if they are modeling anything that even connects to the game.

Take the biggest hit to the primary assumption that end is the determiner of rate. Well fully slotted stamina is about the least of the plus end powers. QR on on willpower and regen comes in early and is 20% superior to stamina.

Is QR+Stamina actually better ? Or at some point do you hit a point where you cant effectively turn more end into damage ?

If end alone is the limiting factor, On a blaster drain psyche is at minimum 3 times better than stamina and can cap your end recovery , with the right build it can be up 100% of the time. An ugly thing to try and calculate what could be achieved at what level point but once again if you are going to say end is the limiting factor this is the extreme case.

So the question becomes how much end can you use ?

There is also the question of does the end/sec you are funneling in exceed the maximum DPS chain achievable ?

The scrappers have a giant set of threads on this and Werner IIRC had a very detailed spreadsheet on this. The blasters seem to have tried halfheartedly awhile ago, but DPS on a blaster is very negatively impacted by deaditis.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
The problem is without the calculation no one can even look at or make a change to the assumptions to see if they are modeling anything that even connects to the game.
Then consider it a guess. In fact, consider this Arcanaville's Leveling Challenge: can anyone level solo faster than I've predicted its not possible to level.

Its not a model anyway: its constraint logic. But at the moment I'm not interested in refining the calculations, because I'm going to discard them anyway. The question is whether I discard them for a more refined version of the same, or I discard them completely as an unworkable methodology because there are too many exceptions to its framework.

To do this "right" would take a significant amount of effort. It would be wasted effort if (for example) Topdoc posted two minutes after my analysis that his fire dominator levels 30% faster than my maximum, so the calculations are worthless. So I'm taking this in stages.

In principle, anyone could duplicate these calculations, though. For each level, take the health of bosses at that level, divide by scale one damage at the blaster ranged scale. That's the damage it takes to defeat a boss at that level, in scale units. Take the XP required to level per level, and divide by the XP an even Boss gives. That's the number of kills it takes to level. Multiply the two. That's the scale damage to level. Multiply by 5.2. That's the endurance points required to level. Divide by 1.12. That's the approximate purple patch scaling factor. Divide by 1.95*1.33, which is the DPE efficiency factor for 3x1 slotting. Divide by (100/60)*1.49 which is the recovery rate of slotted-stamina enhanced recovery. That's the number of seconds it takes. Divide by 3600. Those are the numbers in the table above.

Its extremely rough, because its intended to be. That's why I didn't bother with a complete description of the calculations: they are intended to be relatively quick and dirty, as a test of the methodology. But at the moment, I'm not interested in all the ways the calculation "doesn't model reality." I'm interested to know if its beatable.

And part of the reason why I'm looking at this issue from this angle is because, as you point out, everyone else already looks at it from the opposite angle of attack chain output. I'm assuming you've solved the optimal attack chain problem and have an attack chain that is as efficient and as fast as possible. At that point, endurance becomes the bottleneck, and no one has ever really looked at the endurance bottleneck.

Which is interesting to me, because its a fundamental balancing parameter of the game. We're supposed to be endurance-constrained, but no one - not even the devs I don't think - actually knows how *much* of a constraint it is, or even if its an actual significant constraint at all.

Just because it looks like one, doesn't mean it actually is one. My *guess* is that its sometimes one, and sometimes not one. But I'm a very very long way from where I ultimately want to go with this. Baby steps.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



As always, Arcanaville, your posts are interesting and thought provoking.

A couple nuances I'll toss into the mix.

A> With regard to your point #3 and killing the most efficient enemy, I would
also consider that to be: only the enemies that directly complete the mission ... ie. stealthing missions.

To me, this maximizes endurance usage, and it also weights the XP (especially early)
towards completion bonus > killing bonus.

B> CaB drops - this seems a low hitter to me as they can be purchased
in so many places these days that endurance needn't be too dependant
on drops.

C> Also on the limiting side: travel time might be an additional factor.

In any case, interesting conjecture - to me (an avid soloist) many of the
times have seemed overrated (sometimes grossly so), but having said that,
I've never been one to rush the levelling process. Consequently I'd be a
very poor candidate to test your idea.

Your limit of ~35 hrs does seem to be in the ballpark of folks that claimed
to get L50's over a weekend... I'm not sure whether those claims were
for soloists though - my sense of it was more in PL teams.


PS> In terms of your limit, I've never levelled to 50 in anywhere near that
time - I'd have to check, but I doubt I've ever done it in under 100 hrs
(again, not that I've ever rushed levels either).

I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.




I extended out your table for a variety of reasonable endurance regimes.

2    0                
3    0.01    0.01    0.01    0.01    
4    0.02    0.02    0.02    0.01    
5    0.04    0.03    0.03    0.02    
6    0.06    0.05    0.05    0.03    
7    0.09    0.07    0.07    0.05    
8    0.12    0.10    0.09    0.07    
9    0.16    0.13    0.12    0.09    
10    0.21    0.17    0.16    0.12    
11    0.26    0.22    0.20    0.15    
12    0.31    0.26    0.24    0.18    
13    0.37    0.31    0.29    0.21    
14    0.44    0.36    0.34    0.25    
15    0.5    0.41    0.39    0.29    
16    0.59    0.49    0.46    0.34    
17    0.68    0.56    0.53    0.39    
18    0.8    0.66    0.62    0.46    
19    0.93    0.77    0.72    0.53    
20    1.1    0.91    0.85    0.63    
21    1.29    1.07    1.00    0.74    1.18
22    1.54    1.27    1.19    0.88    1.30
23    1.83    1.51    1.42    1.04    1.42
24    2.14    1.77    1.66    1.22    1.56
25    2.5    2.07    1.94    1.43    1.72
26    2.88    2.38    2.23    1.64    1.89
27    3.32    2.75    2.57    1.89    2.09
28    3.82    3.16    2.96    2.18    2.31
29    4.36    3.61    3.38    2.49    2.55
30    4.9    4.06    3.79    2.80    2.79
31    5.52    4.57    4.27    3.15    3.06
32    6.2    5.13    4.80    3.54    3.37
33    6.95    5.75    5.38    3.97    3.70
34    7.78    6.44    6.02    4.44    4.07
35    8.63    7.14    6.68    4.93    4.45
36    9.57    7.92    7.41    5.46    4.86
37    10.61    8.78    8.21    6.06    5.33
38    11.67    9.66    9.03    6.66    5.80
39    12.88    10.66    9.97    7.35    6.34
40    14.27    11.81    11.05    8.14    6.95
41    15.82    13.09    12.25    9.03    7.64
42    17.56    14.53    13.59    10.02    8.42
43    19.45    16.10    15.06    11.10    9.26
44    21.51    17.80    16.65    12.28    10.17
45    23.78    19.68    18.41    13.57    11.18
46    26.08    21.58    20.19    14.89    12.20
47    28.41    23.51    21.99    16.21    13.24
48    30.77    25.46    23.82    17.56    14.29
49    33.16    27.44    25.67    18.93    15.35
50    35.59    29.45    27.55    20.31    16.43
The third column is with all the recovery IOS

The 4th column is with all the recovery IOS and perf shifter in stam 10 end/50 sec

The Fifth column is with stamina and QR

The Sixth is with Drain psyche at 50% up time. On blasters this caps out at 8.3 end sec give or take I used 8 end/sec as the number.

These can be plugged back into your calculations to see what the kill rate would have to be but as an observation Somewhere around QR+stamina with recovery IOS endurance recovery is probably not a limiting factor

Edit: Assuming a team of 8 of these and getting the 2.5x large team bonus that would be 1-50 in 6.5 hours



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Edit: Assuming a team of 8 of these and getting the 2.5x large team bonus that would be 1-50 in 6.5 hours
Title of thread: The solo leveling limit conjecture

Edit: While i find many of your comments interesting you seem to keep missing the explicitly stated point of the challenge and dwelling on conditions that are mostly irrelevant to it.

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Title of thread: The solo leveling limit conjecture

Edit: While i find many of your comments interesting you seem to keep missing the explicitly stated point of the challenge and dwelling on conditions that are mostly irrelevant to it.
That was an aside.

Anywho The conjecture is that the availability of end is the constraint on how rapidly you can do things in the game, in this case level. Well that is apparently just not the case.

I don't have the constants to work back the leveling rate to a DPS number but I am pretty sure the column 5 and column 6 numbers break anything that is reasonably achievable.

Putting the 6.5 hours into context, I also have not heard of /regen scrappers /ment blasters leveling at spectacular speeds. If they were able to we would see hordes of them used to pl others.

Edit just another on the aside about end being the constraint. A team of 8 rads would be expected to hit 50 8 hrs / 2.5 or approximately 3 1/3 hrs.

DPS seems more the constraint.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
DPS seems more the constraint.
Most archetypes can manage at least a 1.0 DS/sec attack chain. That represents a 5.2 eps endurance burn rate. Base regeneration for non-VEATs is about 1.67 eps. With slotted stamina its about 2.48 eps. Slotted to the ED soft-cap in endurance reduction a 1.0 DS/sec attack chain burns 2.67 eps.

Even a leisurely 1.0 DS/sec attack chain burns more endurance per second than most players can recover without inventions, and that's assuming more or less maximal endurance slotting reductions and no other endurance loads. So to a first cut approximation, I believe endurance is the limiting factor in continuous combat conditions.

However, in real life, we can't generally achieve 100% combat time. At some ratio of combat to non-combat activities (i.e. traveling between spawns) its DPS (in scale terms) that becomes the bottleneck and not DPE. I looked at that a while ago, but I'm trying to work back to that point (and past it) from a different angle.

Anywho The conjecture is that the availability of end is the constraint on how rapidly you can do things in the game, in this case level. Well that is apparently just not the case.
The calculation seems to suggest that as well. Which brings up the interesting question of why people run out of endurance? And I'm asking that question rhetorically: I know why, but I'm attempting to revisit that apparently obvious question from a more fundamental game balance foundation.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I'm actually sort of hoping someone comes along and tells me a way to beat this that bypasses the assumptions rather than breaks them. Something I just haven't thought of. I'm pretty sure the assumed limits themselves are practically unbreakable as stated. But they might not represent the best possible options.
I'm wondering if endurance is actually the limiting factor. I have a sneaking suspicion (but no proof) that the actual limit for leveling speed is going to be based on the animation times of a particular power set. Specifically the point at which you achieve a seemless attack chain (either single target, AoE or a combination of the 2) and how Arcana time factors into that.

Against non-end draining foes, I can create a blaster that has a seemless attack chain, ED capped damage, and 100% end sustainability even with a travel power runnning (I have a few actually).

My leveling speed on these blasters was limited not by endurance useage, but by animation times and mitigation of enemy damage.

My Fire/Energy and Rad/Fire both leveled faster than my Sonic/Ice (slow activating primary) or my Arch/Dev (extremely slow activating secondary) for instance.

My Fire/Em is mostly ranged damage and my leveling speed with it was limited by activation times. My Rad/Fire is an AoE/PBAoE focused blapper and my leveling speed with that toon was sharply limited by my ability to mitigate incoming damage.

Edit - in your post directly above did you factor in the Atlas Medalion, Portal Jockey, and the average boost from using Geas of the Kind Ones every time it recharges? Also the recovery boost from the base empowerment (cheap and easily sustainable requiring only an SG with the appropriate empowerment station and salvage that can be easily obtained in the hour that the empowerment buff lasts?) and the boost from using the Vet pet that grants recovery.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
Edit - in your post directly above did you factor in the Atlas Medalion, Portal Jockey, and the average boost from using Geas of the Kind Ones every time it recharges? Also the recovery boost from the base empowerment (cheap and easily sustainable requiring only an SG with the appropriate empowerment station and salvage that can be easily obtained in the hour that the empowerment buff lasts?) and the boost from using the Vet pet that grants recovery.
In the case of the accolades, its unlikely a player will have very many of them for most of their levelling career, and you have to factor in the time to acquire them where you are not earning XP efficiently.

Theoretically speaking the base empowerment station is something available to a lot of players even if they are leveling solo, but I specifically didn't factor that in. The vet pet is something I didn't factor in even though I myself always take the endurance version specifically because I think the pet doesn't do much at higher levels, but at lower levels every point of endurance helps. But its a relatively high-level veteran reward, so its not available to probably most players.

Against non-end draining foes, I can create a blaster that has a seemless attack chain, ED capped damage, and 100% end sustainability even with a travel power runnning (I have a few actually).
Here's an experiment. Take one of those blasters, and make an AE mission with an extreme Willpower AV as the boss (just to make it basically impossible to kill solo). Test mode the mission, and set yourself to be immortal. Now wail away on that AV as fast as possible, constantly. If your endurance bar genuinely doesn't move downward at all over a long period of time, let me know what the build is and at what level does it become possible to construct it, and as a result level with it. I'm not asserting such builds are impossible, but I believe they are rare enough at early enough combat levels and/or require enough compromises to make them not significant to leveling balance.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

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(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
In the case of the accolades, its unlikely a player will have very many of them for most of their levelling career, and you have to factor in the time to acquire them where you are not earning XP efficiently.

Theoretically speaking the base empowerment station is something available to a lot of players even if they are leveling solo, but I specifically didn't factor that in. The vet pet is something I didn't factor in even though I myself always take the endurance version specifically because I think the pet doesn't do much at higher levels, but at lower levels every point of endurance helps. But its a relatively high-level veteran reward, so its not available to probably most players.

Here's an experiment. Take one of those blasters, and make an AE mission with an extreme Willpower AV as the boss (just to make it basically impossible to kill solo). Test mode the mission, and set yourself to be immortal. Now wail away on that AV as fast as possible, constantly. If your endurance bar genuinely doesn't move downward at all over a long period of time, let me know what the build is and at what level does it become possible to construct it, and as a result level with it. I'm not asserting such builds are impossible, but I believe they are rare enough at early enough combat levels and/or require enough compromises to make them not significant to leveling balance.
Atlas Medallion can be gotten solo around level 23-25 with out slowing down leveling speed by running over the exploration badges when ever you are in the area and then running the Council missions in Striga. (Which I have occasionally done). Geas can be gotten without slowing down by level 34 but does require a team to complete the KHTF.

As I recall my Sonic/Ice was sustainable with SOs only with the exception of a Miracle+, Numina +/+, and Perf Shifter proc in the low to mid 30s and had a seamless (or nearly so) attack chain without hasten at that point.

If I have time this weekend I'll copy him over to test and play around with it, see what I can come up with, and give you the build if it's sustainable.

Edit - If I remember correctly my Arch/Ice was sustainable pre-archery buff (which was also before IOs) and so was my Ar/Em before the AR buffs.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



I got the "arc complete" bonus for Piercing the Veil and... didn't write it down. It was approximately 16K for a level 30 character, doing 1 hunt, 2 talk-tos, 2 "regular" door missions and 3 kill-alls. Mission complete was approximately 2.2K just before that, so the arc bonus looks very roughly like "the same as all the mission bonuses" in this case alone.

The FASTEST I've ever heard of people doing an ouro mission [back when there was that level 9 or 14 timed in KR which gave juicy merits] was around 3 minutes. I've done them in under 5 (the loa bone) myself.

If all the missions were 4.5 minutes [I know, they're not, due to kill-all] and intermissions were 30 seconds that's, plus or minus fenceposts, 40 minutes. Mission and arc bonuses are something like 32,000 XP out of a 256,000 XP level. So in this case, which is memorably large, you get 1/8 of a level in arc bonuses in the time that, by your DPE calculation, you'd be getting about an entire level.

If you could somehow get 4000 XP per mission in mission/arc bonus at level 30, with a 3 minute mission, you'd be getting XP at almost 1/3 of a level per hour not counting any defeats along the way. That's roughly 6 times slower than your optimum rate. For me that's just on the "ignore" side of the line, but it's close.

I need to get better Loa bone measurements before I come back to this thread.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

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