Star Rating = System Failure




Let me make the following suggestion, since I haven't seen it show up in this thread yet:

Include a "recent activity" date on the arc entry. This gets updated every time someone either starts the arc or edits it. Include "recent activity" as part of the basic sorting criteria.

This way arcs that aren't seeing any play or revision fall to the bottom of the list. Arcs that were started and abandoned, or junk arcs, should fall away and arcs that see activity should float to the top.

If you're an arc owner and you want to be sure your arcs stay in the "current" pile, be sure to have some activity on each arc every month.

Aside from that, I totally endorse the idea of moving DC and HoF arcs to separate areas on the display, and out of the default search screen. The default search screen should show a random dump of the month's active arcs.

I also endorse the idea of binary ratings for arcs. Either you vote for it (1), or you don't vote (0). Each vote for an arc is worth 5 tickets to the architect, and if you are allowed to vote more than once, the timer has a cooling period of one week (so no more than one vote a week).

EDIT: Oops, make that 25 tickets, not 5.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think there should be more filters in the search - like one that lets you view only 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 star arcs for example - so you could filter, say, "Heroic" morality, then filter what star level you wanted, then sort them after publishing date, as well as the number of times they'd been played.
Uh, we have those.
More proof that "More" needs to be expanded by default.



Our rating system might as well be binary anyway: every time I've done a census the 4-star section was larger than all the other sections combined.



When I was still doing this, I reached the point where if I couldn't 5 star an arc in-game, I'd post my thoughts and not rate it at all.

Intuitively, I believe WN has a valid point.

However, my own experience really doesn't support it. Until the last review, "The Long Road Back" was sitting at a 5 star average for three months with 5 plays. It did not drop to a 4 star average until the last review happened. That means that, by and large, the few who'd played it to that point were either merciful or honestly didn't think it sucked.

Mathematically, it's pretty easy at 5 plays to figure out how many 'points' I had. There were 5 plays. It had a 5 star average. A 2 star rating dropped it to a 4.

As I understand it, anything between a 4 and a 5 is a '5' according to the rankings. This means that I had either 21 or 22 points at that point. 21+2 = 23 or 3.83. 22+2 = 24. That's a straight 4. So there are a few ways to reach those point combinations. Most likely, I had a couple of 5's and 3 4's. Both AE guys rated it a 5, so it's pretty likely that everyone else rated it a 4. Either that or there were 3 5's, a 4 and a 3.

Either or. The game rating to that point was a '5' and the arc was still not being played at all, despite getting 2 5 star ratings from the Aentertainment Tonight reviewers. So what does that mean?

So that basically, to me, means that it actually doesn't much matter what the rating average of the arc is. The system itself is broken. There are presumably more than 340,000 missions now. The chances of any arc emerging from that large a pool, no matter how good or how bad, is diminishingly small.

Well, that and the devs pretty much decided they didn't want people using MA anymore. But that's another issue.



Originally Posted by Sister_Twelve View Post
So that basically, to me, means that it actually doesn't much matter what the rating average of the arc is. The system itself is broken. There are presumably more than 340,000 missions now. The chances of any arc emerging from that large a pool, no matter how good or how bad, is diminishingly small.
Well, preferably you have 5 stars plus a zillion plays. If you only have a few plays, 5 stars may not be enough to get you into a spot where players will be able to stumble upon your arc. Five stars with just a few plays is nearly as bad as four stars.

But yeah ... the search tool will hide your arc in the pile. In a manner that reminds me of how everyone used to get shunted to The Hollows back in the old days, the search tool will point players to Dev's Choice and Hall of Fame arcs, and everyone else who is in front of you. In that sense, it's broken.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Currently it's also likely that you will make a story that someone doesn't like because it has a better rating than theirs. When it doesn't have a good rating, all those people suddenly dislike it so much they won't even click "Play."

I'm fine with that. You shouldn't be giving 5-stars to arcs you didn't finish anyway. How do you know the ending doesn't suck? Besides, if an arc is good enough to merit 5 stars I'll leave it open and finish it later.

You get their global. 1-stars are anonymous.

Uh, we have those.

That is a legitimate reason for disliking an arc. Not too helpful to the author, as far as feedback goes, but most in-game feedback isn't anyway.
LOL, if I were author's I wouldn't be relying on in-game feedback.

Authors have to realize not everyone will like their arc.

That's life.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Sister_Twelve View Post

So that basically, to me, means that it actually doesn't much matter what the rating average of the arc is. The system itself is broken. There are presumably more than 340,000 missions now. The chances of any arc emerging from that large a pool, no matter how good or how bad, is diminishingly small.
This point is rather significant. As has been stated authors NEED to lower their overall expectations on how many folks will actually FIND their arc, let alone play it.

The star rating system is garbage. HOWEVER, even if they fixed it to be 100% perfect and non griefable, simply making an arc and sticking it up there doesn't not guarantee it will be played.

With the number of arcs out there now, authors NEED to advertise.

EDIT: I also agree that arcs should be RANDOMLY displayed each time you open the AE interface, regardless of rating. HOF and Dev's Choice should be moved to their own tab.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I just wanted to chime in that it's not the rating system that's broken, it's the MA search window. Aside from 5 stars being higher on the list than 4 stars and so on, I can't make any damn sense of how that thing sorts out arcs. Add to that the fact that invalid arcs aren't automatically removed from the search, and you've got the 4 star section (where pretty much any arc with any kind of decent amount of plays almost always ends up) filled with old farming missions.

Frankly, that's probably the biggest problem with the system as it works right now. It functions like a giant heap of things that you have to dig through to find what you want, instead of a store where you browse through products that are on display. Every arc that hasn't been taken down is up there forever, regardless of whether anyone has played it in months, or if it can even BE played. Implementing a system where arcs become "inactive" and no longer show up on the search window after say, a month without anyone playing, editing, or perhaps the author hitting a "refresh my arcs" button in the published stories tab would clear up the system immensely.

If no one is playing the arc, and the author doesn't care enough to hit a button every month to update their active status, then as far as I'm concerned no one will really miss the arc, and it should be cleared out of the search window so arcs that people are playing and arcs with authors with an interest in getting plays can be showcased properly.



Originally Posted by LaserJesus View Post
I just wanted to chime in that it's not the rating system that's broken, it's the MA search window. Aside from 5 stars being higher on the list than 4 stars and so on, I can't make any damn sense of how that thing sorts out arcs. Add to that the fact that invalid arcs aren't automatically removed from the search, and you've got the 4 star section (where pretty much any arc with any kind of decent amount of plays almost always ends up) filled with old farming missions.
It would be nice to be able to search for a "short" arc and actually get a short arc, instead of a farm. Usually a bad or obsolete farm.

Implementing a system where arcs become "inactive" and no longer show up on the search window after say, a month without anyone playing, editing, or perhaps the author hitting a "refresh my arcs" button in the published stories tab would clear up the system immensely.
We have one. It's called the "Edit" button. That is easy though, possibly too easy for people who make an arc just because they can, leave it up because they made it, and don't actually care enough to actually keep it up to date. I'm leaning toward requiring the arc to actually be played to remain in the search window, with author plays counting. I feel people should be subjected to the punishment they wish to inflict on others.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by LaserJesus View Post
I just wanted to chime in that it's not the rating system that's broken, it's the MA search window. Aside from 5 stars being higher on the list than 4 stars and so on, I can't make any damn sense of how that thing sorts out arcs. Add to that the fact that invalid arcs aren't automatically removed from the search, and you've got the 4 star section (where pretty much any arc with any kind of decent amount of plays almost always ends up) filled with old farming missions.

Frankly, that's probably the biggest problem with the system as it works right now. It functions like a giant heap of things that you have to dig through to find what you want, instead of a store where you browse through products that are on display. Every arc that hasn't been taken down is up there forever, regardless of whether anyone has played it in months, or if it can even BE played. Implementing a system where arcs become "inactive" and no longer show up on the search window after say, a month without anyone playing, editing, or perhaps the author hitting a "refresh my arcs" button in the published stories tab would clear up the system immensely.

If no one is playing the arc, and the author doesn't care enough to hit a button every month to update their active status, then as far as I'm concerned no one will really miss the arc, and it should be cleared out of the search window so arcs that people are playing and arcs with authors with an interest in getting plays can be showcased properly.
/Agreed. This combined with the random display of arcs would help.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
It would be nice to be able to search for a "short" arc and actually get a short arc, instead of a farm. Usually a bad or obsolete farm.

We have one. It's called the "Edit" button. That is easy though, possibly too easy for people who make an arc just because they can, leave it up because they made it, and don't actually care enough to actually keep it up to date. I'm leaning toward requiring the arc to actually be played to remain in the search window, with author plays counting. I feel people should be subjected to the punishment they wish to inflict on others.
That last part is actually not a bad idea either.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Working in a web development business, I can say with complete honesty that it's what is obvious in the user interface that determines the ways people use a system. What is first seen is what's most important to the user. Right now? That's stars. (And the dev choice/guest icons) The yellow, shiny things that glow on top of that green list just jump out. Hide the stars under a drop down, all of a sudden you are saying that those are of secondary importance.This isn't enough, however, if the first page is determined by stars.What you put on the first page is ALWAYS the most important, most used. I really like the idea of starting with a 'random' page; this means there's always a chance your arc could get played, no matter the rating. It also puts more emphasis on people simply submitting arcs, rather than just getting the highest rating possible.

Let's take a step back. The devs, I can say with pretty fair certainty, wanted the AE arcs by players to work as 'filler' content, especially in the downtime between issues to counteract some of the boredom/inactivity that happens when the new stuff has been 'used up.' Some may say that this ain't so, that arcs are just meant for you and your friends; this ain't true. Not with the way they balanced the star rating system. And there's no way friends can give enough content to use in casual play. I can make a long arc for a week or two of my play time sessions, and it will be used up in an hour and a half. More people's arcs must be used to give the MA continuous use. Like it or not, the AE is failing to do this to a large degree, despite the many stories available. If the AE functionality fails, the onus to make new content is soley on the devs, despite the time spent to give players the chance to do so. The biggest problem with the AE is that it just doesn't deliver a good gameplay experience. Why? Junk. Yes, people are not always going to make dev's choice arcs, and yes, one man's trash is another man's treasure. But in that huge mass, there has to be some good ones. Hey, some may make arcs that the devs would never choose that players enjoy MORE than what the developers may pick. The only way the AE will work and get used is if it can give players a fun time. As such, it will have to lead them to this. The only way in place compare arcs are stars.

But stars are just data, let's get back to what people mean when they insert that data. 4 stars can mean "good," as can five stars. Nobody gives a one or two star rating for something they really like, though. As such, let's not say that it's a matter of five being five times as good as one, but that someone really liked something. So, if a mission has 1400 four star ratings, and 10 five star ratings, it's actually more likely to please someone than a mission with 12 five star ratings. So, if a player could search by popularity of content, the system would be better off serving the 1400 four star-rated arc before the less tested 22 five star rating content.

But this is still all using stars, it should also give a chance to the content that hasn't been given a chance to get rated. I mentioned I'd like the front page random: just to renig on that a bit, what if the top 2-3 slots were always from a pool of the most recently played/edited/published arcs? (replacing current dev's choice/ guest arcs) It could be randomly drawn from something using a broader time frame, like days, to avoid people just sitting by hitting edit/republish to hog the front page.

Somebody mentioned having a separate tab for dev's choice/guest content. That seems a great idea, perhaps adding hall of fame arcs to this. That way the tried content would be easily available for those wishing for it, but wouldn't crowd out the many other arcs. And let's be honest, these arcs don't move much, so having them separate, but well labeled would allow people make a stable go-to point when looking for missions.

Having the search feature open would also let people see that yes, they could specify their tastes, and find stuff in said flavors. Yeah, it's there, but I hate to say it: people DO NOT explore UI often. For many folks, any content under an 'expand' type option=hidden.



Seldom makes some good points. As for myself I don't really have much to add to this conversation that I haven't already repeated ad nauseam somewhere else.

That said, while this topic has been discussed to death it's still worth talking about, if only to tell the devs that yes, people still want AE to be fixed and haven't forgotten about it.

A Penny For Your Thoughts #348691 <- Dev's Choice'd by Dr. Aeon!
Submit your MA arc for review & my arcs thread



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
It would be nice to be able to search for a "short" arc and actually get a short arc, instead of a farm. Usually a bad or obsolete farm.
That's essentially the core point I'm making. 4 stars honestly should not be a bad spot to be. Unfortunately it is due to the way the user interface works. Frankly, the user interface is simply not good. Very much so. If you don't have an author's global handle or Arc ID it's pretty much impossible to find any content you would want to play because it's lost in a sea of detritus.

We have one. It's called the "Edit" button. That is easy though, possibly too easy for people who make an arc just because they can, leave it up because they made it, and don't actually care enough to actually keep it up to date. I'm leaning toward requiring the arc to actually be played to remain in the search window, with author plays counting. I feel people should be subjected to the punishment they wish to inflict on others.
However it is implemented, as long as it makes old, completely inactive arcs not show up on the user interface it will do a world of good. The main reason why 4 star arcs get no plays is because you can have a 4 star arc with 200 ratings from total strangers who mostly loved it, but you're still buried on page 20 even if someone is searching only for 4 star arcs under tons of inactive stuff.

Obviously, 5 star arcs will get more plays, for multiple reason, but 4 stars is punished again by being drowned out.

I do have to agree with Dev's Choice, Guest Authors, etc. getting their own button. They're creeping up on 3 whole pages last I looked.



In addition to my firm belief that we should not give in game low ratings to people who submit their arcs to this forum for feedback, I am in complete agreement that the MA interface should be changed.

I think that a separate tab for the Dev's Choice, Guest Author and Hall of Fame arcs is a great idea. These arcs have already attained what many of us may be working for. It will still be easy to find them and it will give more exposure to other arcs.

I like the idea of random arcs showing initially on the first page, with some 4 and 5 star arcs, and some completely random arcs as well.

A way to identify griefers would also be great. Perhaps if a rating was more than 2 below the current in-game rating, the author could get an alert. So a 5 star arc that got a 1 or 2 rating could trigger an alert and a 4 star arc that got a 1 rating would do the same thing. At this point the author could choose to report a potential grief rating for investigation. A different implementation of this would be to not allow a vote that is more than 2 below the current in-game rating. This would prevent accidental 1 star votes on a 4 or 5 star arc and give griefers less impact. They could still 3 star a 5 star, but that would make it easier for a quality arc to recover. If the arc wasn't truly 5 star quality, over time 3 star and 4 star votes would lower it.

Finally, I think archiving stale arcs would be great. However, I consider the fact that an author refreshes an arc as a more important criteria for keeping it in the active search results than whether it was recently played. An arc from an author who no longer even plays the game could get a random play, and keeping that arc in the system instead of an arc from an author who cares enough about his or her arc to refresh it would be unfair.

Hopefully the devs will consider at least the new tab idea presented in this thread.

@Gypsy Rose

In Pursuit of Liberty - 344916
The Vigilante - 395861
Suppression - 374481 - Winner of The American Legion's February 2011 AE Author Contest



Originally Posted by ArrowRose View Post
Finally, I think archiving stale arcs would be great. However, I consider the fact that an author refreshes an arc as a more important criteria for keeping it in the active search results than whether it was recently played. An arc from an author who no longer even plays the game could get a random play, and keeping that arc in the system instead of an arc from an author who cares enough about his or her arc to refresh it would be unfair.
From an author's perspective, yes. But from a player's perspective, the arc by an inactive author that is still valid, not broken, and still getting plays is more important than an arc the author hits "Republish" on every month.

You don't have to care very much to refresh an arc. It requires pressing two buttons. It takes a bit more of an investment to actually play through your arc, especially if you purposely made it overly difficult.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



This is getting pretty far from the original topic, but regarding stale arcs, I'd suggest dividing published arcs into: Untested, Tested and Protected.

When an arc is first published, and each time it is re-published, it becomes Untested.

When an Untested arc is successfully played through (by anyone - usually the author, but could be someone else), it becomes Tested.

When a new CoH patch is released (or maybe just patches that directly affect MA), all Tested arcs are invalidated, reverting to Untested until someone plays through them.

When an arc becomes a Dev Choice or Hall of Fame, it becomes Protected (immune to change, can't be invalidated by a patch).

The default MA search should show only Tested and Protected arcs, but under "more" there should be an option to see Untested arcs, if desired. The "my published stories" search should always show all of your own arcs (even if Untested), though maybe a graphic showing which ones need testing would be helpful.

Advantages of this approach:
- Gradually filters out stale content.
- But you can still find the stale content if you really want to.
- Encourages MA authors to perform regression testing after a patch or a re-publish (note: it's a good idea for authors to do this anyway).
- Discourages MA authors from writing arcs that are too long/too hard/too tedious, since they have to play through it regularly.
- If I have a favorite arc by an author who quit the game, I can keep it from going stale by testing it myself.

- Won't filter out farms (except for stale ones no one is playing).
- Increases overhead required by an Author to maintain each story arc.
- Requires some development effort to implement.

It's all idle speculation unless someone volunteers to code it. But here's my 2inf in case anyone is reading it.

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"



Originally Posted by Jail_Bird View Post
What you are all not getting is that knocking an arc from 5 stars basically condemns the arc to never being played again. The irony of this is that we are left with a large percentage of five star arcs that are ticket farming missions (one of them was actually bold enough to announce it in their briefing dialogue). So, as the system stands at the moment, rating an arc less than five stars is basically saying it is worse than a farm.
No, actually what this says is that stars are meaningless. As you have found, many five-star arcs are just farms, because farmers run them a lot and they find them useful.

Because of this, I pretty much ignore five-star arcs because they are often completely worthless. Four-star arcs are more likely to be decent, well-written stories. This is because in a real story artistic choices have to be made, and not everyone is going to like those choices.

Five stars are used by farmers to make it easier for them to find their farms. Five stars are used by people who like stories to mark arcs that touch their hearts. Five stars are used by game designers (and apparently the devs) to mark arcs that use the mechanics of the MA to make complex arcs that stretch the boundaries of the system.

These uses are pretty much exclusive -- farmers hate stories because of the incessant walls of text, they hate complex mechanics because they just slow down getting tickets. Story lovers hate farms because of the lack of content, game designers hate them because they're BORING.

And the average player wants a moderate combination of all these things: a decent story, fast and easy tickets and XP, and interesting but not ridiculously time-wasting mechanics.

Which means that any arc that is highly valued in one of the above dimensions will be highly devalued by other segments of the audience. Which means no arc is going to be universally liked, and will almost certainly garner as many 1 and 2 star ratings as it does five-star ratings. Unless it's one of those rare arcs that is a happy medium of all of them.

The only real way to address this problem is to have multi-dimensional ratings. Instead of one star rating, we'd need to have five or six: plot, mechanics, "playability" (a code word for farmability), coolness of concept, characterization, soloability, etc.

The interface for doing this is already partially there. When you give a star rating at the end it displays the same categories that authors can select when they wrote the story. This appears to do nothing now, but it should be modified to allow you indicate a number of stars for each of these categories, in addition to the overall star rating.

Then when you search for stories and select categories, the results will be ordered based on the star ratings of the categories you selected.

Here's how the rating system works now: let's say I'm an avid soloer. I find a canon-related arc that has a great story line, but had way too many tough EBs in it. I would have rated it a 5 for the story, but only gave it a 3 because it was too damned hard and got me killed too often, unreasonably so. (To be fair, let's stipulate that the author marked the arc as team-oriented, but I stubbornly ignored that and plowed through it anyway.)

With the above proposal, I could rank it a 5 for canon-related story, and 1 for soloability, and give it an overall rating of 3.

Another player would rank it 5 for canon-related, and 5 for team-oriented, and 5 overall, selecting no rating for solo-friendly.

When you search with canon-related as the category, the results would be ordered by the score in canon-related. The ratings for the other categories would be displayed, and if I'm playing on a big team and see this has a poor rating for soloability, I won't care. If you select multiple categories it would rank the arcs based on an average of the selected ratings.

The downfall of this (and any) rating system is the conscientiousness of the raters. On the plus side, the lack of a rating in these categories would indicate no opinion and not zero -- so your arc wouldn't be torpedoed by someone who quickly one-starred you in anger, as long as other people give you fives for having a good canon-oriented story.

This system would probably give better results because only people who have an opinion would bother to rate a category.



Originally Posted by PoliceWoman View Post
Advantages of this approach:
- Gradually filters out stale content.
- But you can still find the stale content if you really want to.
- Encourages MA authors to perform regression testing after a patch or a re-publish (note: it's a good idea for authors to do this anyway).
- Discourages MA authors from writing arcs that are too long/too hard/too tedious, since they have to play through it regularly.
- If I have a favorite arc by an author who quit the game, I can keep it from going stale by testing it myself.

- Won't filter out farms (except for stale ones no one is playing).
- Increases overhead required by an Author to maintain each story arc.
- Requires some development effort to implement.
The only real downside I can see is it would require a complete playthrough every time you fix a typo. Still, it's better than having arcs up that even the author can't finish.

Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
"playability" (a code word for farmability),
Not the same thing at all. A mission full of Malta could get a 5 for playability, even though nobody in their right mind farms them.

The downfall of this (and any) rating system is the conscientiousness of the raters. On the plus side, the lack of a rating in these categories would indicate no opinion and not zero -- so your arc wouldn't be torpedoed by someone who quickly one-starred you in anger, as long as other people give you fives for having a good canon-oriented story.

This system would probably give better results because only people who have an opinion would bother to rate a category.
In theory, someone who doesn't care about the canonicity of your story wouldn't bother to rate that category. In practice, someone with a bug up their butt because you added a defeat-all or they couldn't solo your arc with an underleveled FF Defender or it wasn't the farm they were looking for, or someone just seeking to be a jerk would 1-star you in all categories.

This system works well with something like COHMR, which is a third-party site that people have to make some effort to even access, and is therefore populated by people who care about story and mission design. Such a system, used responsibly, is superior to what we have now, but since it won't be, we'd probably end up right back where we are now, with the majority of arcs sitting at 4 stars in all categories.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



I agree, but the thing about the AE system in general is that there are so many people using it that arcs are bound to get lost in the sea of arcs, especially ones made around the launch of AE.

Newer arcs, and authors in particular, have less chance of being played because they will have either an 'unsatisfactory rating' or they won't have many play-throughs of the arc, resulting it getting lost in the better, more played and more polished arcs.

Heck, at least fix the AE Channel. Don't hide it away because it's dead. Well, at least it is EU side. You see about two, three people max talking on it at least once a month if your lucky. Most of the time it's only a quick question, no one bothers to advertise their arc on that channel anymore because no one's listening.



Originally Posted by PoliceWoman View Post
This is getting pretty far from the original topic, but regarding stale arcs, I'd suggest dividing published arcs into: Untested, Tested and Protected.

When an arc is first published, and each time it is re-published, it becomes Untested.

When an Untested arc is successfully played through (by anyone - usually the author, but could be someone else), it becomes Tested.

When a new CoH patch is released (or maybe just patches that directly affect MA), all Tested arcs are invalidated, reverting to Untested until someone plays through them.

When an arc becomes a Dev Choice or Hall of Fame, it becomes Protected (immune to change, can't be invalidated by a patch).

The default MA search should show only Tested and Protected arcs, but under "more" there should be an option to see Untested arcs, if desired. The "my published stories" search should always show all of your own arcs (even if Untested), though maybe a graphic showing which ones need testing would be helpful.

Advantages of this approach:
- Gradually filters out stale content.
- But you can still find the stale content if you really want to.
- Encourages MA authors to perform regression testing after a patch or a re-publish (note: it's a good idea for authors to do this anyway).
- Discourages MA authors from writing arcs that are too long/too hard/too tedious, since they have to play through it regularly.
- If I have a favorite arc by an author who quit the game, I can keep it from going stale by testing it myself.

- Won't filter out farms (except for stale ones no one is playing).
- Increases overhead required by an Author to maintain each story arc.
- Requires some development effort to implement.

It's all idle speculation unless someone volunteers to code it. But here's my 2inf in case anyone is reading it.
I like PW's suggestion



Originally Posted by ReclusesPhantom View Post
Heck, at least fix the AE Channel. Don't hide it away because it's dead. Well, at least it is EU side. You see about two, three people max talking on it at least once a month if your lucky. Most of the time it's only a quick question, no one bothers to advertise their arc on that channel anymore because no one's listening.
Did people actually use that? Player made MA channels were used long before the devs ever got around to introducing an official one, though those are dead now as well.

A Penny For Your Thoughts #348691 <- Dev's Choice'd by Dr. Aeon!
Submit your MA arc for review & my arcs thread



Originally Posted by Tangler View Post
Did people actually use that? Player made MA channels were used long before the devs ever got around to introducing an official one, though those are dead now as well.

MA Arc Finder seems to still be going strong though many MA channels are not. The difference, I think is that MA Arc Finder was intended as a cross server MA channel rather than a server channel.


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



Originally Posted by Wrong_Number View Post
MA Arc Finder seems to still be going strong though many MA channels are not. The difference, I think is that MA Arc Finder was intended as a cross server MA channel rather than a server channel.

MA Arc Finder is the US version. The EU did have a channel like this. Unfortunately, the AE population with only 2 Servers is to small for the EU server to be using this channel anymore.



Originally Posted by ReclusesPhantom View Post
Heck, at least fix the AE Channel. Don't hide it away because it's dead. Well, at least it is EU side. You see about two, three people max talking on it at least once a month if your lucky. Most of the time it's only a quick question, no one bothers to advertise their arc on that channel anymore because no one's listening.
At least your server hasn't had the channel taken over by farmers and people advertising all sorts of non-AE related stuff, which is another reason why so few are listening to it anymore.

And yes, just about all the global channels other than Ma Arc Finder are utterly dead. When I started pruning my global list again I found a lot of channels with only 2 or 3 people hanging out in them but never talking.