Dark_Respite's Holiday Video Gift to the Community... AND the Devs




Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Would you quit being so awesome? So much concentrated epic win in one place is gonna cause a singularity!
To be honest, and this is not false modesty here, I really had no earthly idea that this video would be as popular as it is, and that so many folks would enjoy it and get laughs and stuff. I truly didn't.

And sorry, I can't afford to quit being awesome, assuming I ever was. I need all the concentrated epic win I can manage to find me a job.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
To be honest, and this is not false modesty here, I really had no earthly idea that this video would be as popular as it is, and that so many folks would enjoy it and get laughs and stuff. I truly didn't.

And sorry, I can't afford to quit being awesome, assuming I ever was. I need all the concentrated epic win I can manage to find me a job.

See, now you're just being selfish. Do you have ANY idea what a tear in the space-time continuum is going to do to property values?!

GL with the job hunt, though!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I just took the time to watch the official music video for that song, Avatar.

Something that I thought was really smart was how well you followed the original video. Certain points when they're acting out certain emotes, you took the time to have Blake recreate them at the same point in time as the song. It a salute to the original work and I thought it was done really well.

I specifically want to thank you for what you did and how well you did it. It's an amazing tribute in multiple fronts and, again, was really smart.

Great job,
- Fire Lilly



Originally Posted by Fire Lilly View Post
I just took the time to watch the official music video for that song, Avatar.

Something that I thought was really smart was how well you followed the original video. Certain points when they're acting out certain emotes, you took the time to have Blake recreate them at the same point in time as the song. It a salute to the original work and I thought it was done really well.
I liked how she touched on the original material in the first minute, and then completely departed from it for CoX-specific references. The video is very close to the original framing in the first minute, with mostly white-background, still, frontal shots. Then at 1:06 it takes off with the pan (framed perfectly against P-D's light show), snaps from there into a de facto zoom-out (allowing for the eye to follow because it starts from the same place), and proceeds into poking fun at itself - which is exactly the tone the original song requires. And it just doesn't let up from there.

The specific choices of emote are just excellent as well. Take the rap section: note Castle's face turned toward the camera right at "Who the heck's more heroic?" and Hero 1's nod right at "I'm ready for love".



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post

... "Avatar: CoH Style."

YouTube version is here - downloadable version on the Samuraiko.com Videos page.



Heheh, good job I like it. Yes, I want to date her : P



Another work of art, Michelle. I'm still sitting in your studio with headshots inhand, awaiting a role in the next block buster. Your agent must have lost my agents phone number again, lol.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I know what at least HALF of the playerbase wants to see.... though they may not be able to admit it....

....Sister Psyche extended animated bubble bath scene.

Niv was here. Let's not get her to come back for this reason again.

Gratz on getting modded for posting officially distributed CoX content.

Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
OH HELL YEAH, BABY! Just posted on the YouTube comments:


EDIT: *deafening shout* And she even Favorited it!

Gratz on Felicia Day gratz.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Gratz on getting modded for posting officially distributed CoX content.
Is that some kind of new feat? Do I get like a PS3 trophy or a Steam or XBox 360 achievement for that?



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Do you mean which song did I want to use for the Rikti War video? I had originally hoped to use "The Howling" by Within Temptation (it is just too perfect), but they declined permission, even to license it for a fee. However, they said no. I plan to try again, but I doubt they'll say yes.

In the meantime, I'm searching around for other ideas for "The Dying of the Light" (either instrumental or with lyrics), and a few ideas are percolating still. And there are other bands out there who ARE willing to let me license their music - it's just a matter of what I can afford. (After all, I don't make anything for doing these - the things I do for love.)

You might want to Look into some of the songs by Epica. Same style of music, but better IMO AND most of their songs would last the entire 10 minutes or so you plan for the video. If you could get their permission, it would rock.



Originally Posted by Knight_Marshal View Post
You might want to Look into some of the songs by Epica. Same style of music, but better IMO AND most of their songs would last the entire 10 minutes or so you plan for the video. If you could get their permission, it would rock.
I can't think of anything of theirs for this specific application, but if you're looking at Within Temptation and Epica you should also look at Nightwish.

(Oh, and if you don't recognize the contents of Wishmaster, your husband certainly will; and reading the lyrics out of the side-bar first is cheating .)





I keep saying each time "THIS is your best video EVAR!"

Well this time, THIS is your best video EVAR! High-larious!!

Thank you, lady. Keep up the MOST EXCELLENT work!!!

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse: http://www.citygametracker.com/site/....php?user=5608



Oh, I am QUITE familiar with Nightwish, not so with Epica, but will give them a look. Of course, the b**** is still finding a group that's willing to let me use the song for free (or as close to it as I can get), because, well... it's just me. *shrugs*

(And yes, I own "Wishmaster", and yes, I get the references. I is TSR D&D geek.)

I'd also love to get a few select voice actors I know (I've long since mentally cast certain characters in this game, including Hero 1) to do this.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
OH HELL YEAH, BABY! Just posted on the YouTube comments:


EDIT: *deafening shout* And she even Favorited it!

D_R: That is OSSOM. Felicia was quite the sweetheart to her fans at Dragon*Con last year, and was rather impressed at the number of CoX folks she met (yes, she knows our little superhero game!).

Go, you!

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse: http://www.citygametracker.com/site/....php?user=5608



Watched it...Loved it...

but then I got to see snippets of it while still in production.

Eat your hearts out people...with the exception of maybe the Husband I usually get sneak previews.

I actually LOL'd, inorite, the domestic Partner, ahem Fiance` looked at me like I was on something while I played it.

Is there a standing O emote?



Originally Posted by Scootertwo View Post
Watched it...Loved it...

but then I got to see snippets of it while still in production.

Eat your hearts out people...with the exception of maybe the Husband I usually get sneak previews.

I actually LOL'd, inorite, the domestic Partner, ahem Fiance` looked at me like I was on something while I played it.

Is there a standing O emote?
No, but it might be fun to demoedit a massive crowd of people in Atlas Park or Pocket D or something doing /em clap, /em cheer, /em victory, etc.

As far as sneak previews go, yes, there are about seven CoH players here in Phoenix who I hang out with on a regular basis who get 'behind the scenes' glimpses of the Ko's madness at work. I think almost all of them are on these forums.

Glad I was able to make your SO give you weird looks (do I need to bribe her with chocolate again?).

Still amazes me that people are actually laughing aloud as they watch this - I know *I* laughed, but I laugh at a lot of things.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Brilliant!!! *Two Thumbs Up*




Another great video, very nicely done. Someone needs to hire you asap, even if NCSoft can't/won't.

Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Do you mean which song did I want to use for the Rikti War video? I had originally hoped to use "The Howling" by Within Temptation (it is just too perfect), but they declined permission, even to license it for a fee. However, they said no. I plan to try again, but I doubt they'll say yes.
There could be a very good reason for that - "The Howling" was written specifically for the official trailer of The Chronicles of Spellborn MMORPG. It is probable that Within Temptation's management are contractually obligated by Acclaim to not license the song for use with another MMORPG/videogame in any capacity (promotional or otherwise).

It's a fantastic song, though - I can see why you'd want to use it.



Originally Posted by Lord Mayhem View Post
Another great video, very nicely done. Someone needs to hire you asap, even if NCSoft can't/won't.
If you know anyone who's hiring, I'll be happy to give it a try. My current roster of "applied and told no" (or in some instances, outright ignored) MMORPG companies - Carbine Studios, Paragon Studios, Trion World Network, Sparkplay Media, Gazillion, Arena, NCsoft Austin, Linden Lab, and about a half dozen others that I can't remember offhand coz I just woke up.

Originally Posted by Lord Mayhem View Post
There could be a very good reason for that - "The Howling" was written specifically for the official trailer of The Chronicles of Spellborn MMORPG. It is probable that Within Temptation's management are contractually obligated by Acclaim to not license the song for use with another MMORPG/videogame in any capacity (promotional or otherwise).

It's a fantastic song, though - I can see why you'd want to use it.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. No, I did NOT know that, but it makes perfect sense. Wow. All of a sudden, I don't feel so bad about them saying no. So now the quest must continue for another artist I can convince to loan me a song for free. (Or else I need to find a different WT song.)


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
To be honest, and this is not false modesty here, I really had no earthly idea that this video would be as popular as it is, and that so many folks would enjoy it and get laughs and stuff. I truly didn't.
How could it *not* be popular, Miss D_R? You took what is essentially a gamer's anthem, voiced by Felicia Day and starring Andrea Blake, added your usual epic-level professional videography skills, and mixed in panache and aplomb. That is a winning recipe!

The *only* way you could *possibly* have made it better is if you ditched Blake and put *me* in her place. However, as noted by EmperorSteel (and others), that would adversely affect the time-space continuum throughout the omniverse. So I guess we're "stuck" with Blake!

(*epic supa-fankitty huggles*)

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
I Support Nerd Flirting and Even More Nerd Flirting!



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
If you know anyone who's hiring, I'll be happy to give it a try. My current roster of "applied and told no" (or in some instances, outright ignored) MMORPG companies - Carbine Studios, Paragon Studios, Trion World Network, Sparkplay Media, Gazillion, Arena, NCsoft Austin, Linden Lab, and about a half dozen others that I can't remember offhand coz I just woke up.
No idea, sorry - I haven't paid much attention to employment vacancies in the MMORPG sector, aside from a short period several years ago when I applied for a few GM and Community Manager jobs with various companies, about the only videogame job I was qualified for, and was ignored by all of them (say what you like about the "evil" banking industry, but in all my years working in that sector at least banks always had the courtesy to respond to personal approach job applications - even the banks that only ever recruited through employment agencies).

Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. No, I did NOT know that, but it makes perfect sense. Wow. All of a sudden, I don't feel so bad about them saying no. So now the quest must continue for another artist I can convince to loan me a song for free. (Or else I need to find a different WT song.)
I'm glad that potential explanation gives you some consolation.

I had a look through my music collection earlier, after I posted, trying to come up with another appropriate song for you. In particular I was looking at bands that I normally listen to on my hi-fi or mp3 phone at the same time as I listen to Within Temptation, such as Nightwish, Lacuna Coil, Paradise Lost, The Rasmus, Evanescence, Tristania, Moonspell, etc. - but it was Within Temptation I kept coming back to, especially "Stand My Ground", track 4 from the album The Silent Force - the title just works for the heroes facing the Rikti, but it also has some lyrics that I can see being rather appropriate for Omega Team as well; in particular

It's all around, getting stronger / coming closer, into my world
I can feel that it's time for me to face it, can I take it?
Though this might just be the ending / of the life I held so dear
But I won't run / there's no turning back from here.

That could work for most of the Omega Team members we know of, and the "coming closer, into my world" part would work well juxtaposed with a sequence of some Rikti portals opening.

If I don't make it, someone else will stand my ground.

That line just begs to be used for Statesman and Hero 1's last meeting and wordless farewell in Crey's Folly (per the Savant history badge plaque in Crey's Folly), with Hero 1 knowing that even if he (likely) doesn't make it back he's leaving the defence of Earth in Statesman's capable hands.

Won't close my eyes and hide the truth inside

That line might work particularly well for Ajax, what with the recent revelation about his identity.

It's also quite a sad yet uplifting song, which suits the bittersweet nature of the Omega Team's victory. Sharon's voice is particularly beautiful and haunting on it, and it also has a mix of powerful/pacy sections but with some quieter moments, to suit a mix of action and more emotional/reflective moments in the video. Anyway, you may be able to find something more fitting, or that you prefer, but I've read through the lyrics of every song on all of WT's albums this afternoon and this track just stands out for me as one that would suit the subject matter really well - better than "The Howling", imho (though I would struggle to say which song is my favourite as I love them both).



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Let's put it this way - if I contacted them with money in hand (and a significant amount of it), they might say yes. Maybe. Maaaaaaybe.
You may want to consider Kickstarter.com if you need a "nominal" amount of money to pay for a license to use a song. If it's amount of perhaps up to the low 4-digits, the COH community might be able to help you swing it. Of course, the project and the expense themselves would need to be significant/worthy enough to persuade people to pitch in.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Well since this video is linked to from Felicia's Facebook page as a recommended link I'm guessing its a success

Police officer: 'Have you any idea how fast you were going back there?'
Werner Heisenberg: 'Nope, but I knew exactly where I was!'



Thanks for the new video! /e applause

It was exceptionally well done. I admit this is the first time I've watched one of your videos, but after seeing this one I had to go back through a few of the more recent CoH ones and they were all examples of great, professional quality work.

I feel I can state with high confidence that NCsoft HR is clueless. They should hire you, and if they have any qualms about your performance they should hire you on per project or year-length basis.

It's a no-brainer. Honestly!

Where do we sign the petition?