ranged melee




Originally Posted by SkylineGTR View Post
So if I'm unhidden while trying to escape and turn on Invis, it'll help more than Stealth?
Yes, with stealth+Hide+ Stealth IO, you attack/are attacked, you have 0<<< stealth, hit invis and you have 611, its nice, some people don't have alot of perception, with that unsuppressable stealth from invis, some people will lose you immediately, others will lose you as you run. Meaning its REALLY nice for toggle dropping.

Hiberfaze, Only time it really is useful is in RV, or better known as, zone. Temp faze anyone?

Sharks are nice, like, nearly broken nice. But if GR comes out and stalkers are on both sides, trowing sharks is going to come to a stop, in most likelihoods. 3 second animation(more then shout, and thats a AS ME PLZ sign) on an AT as squishy as stalkers is going to be tantilizing bait for opposing stalkers. All things considering, 2 shotting hp-capped stalkers is going to be easier then 2 shotting hp-capped blasters, which is possible if enough procs check.

GR will be interesting. Hrmmmmm



Originally Posted by Aumakua View Post
I use Invis + Shadow Meld as a second Phase... It works really well in RV, but I have Phaseshift for when I am really in a crunch.
This. Dropping into Invis + Shadow Meld puts me to 44% DR'd defense on my lolenergy armour. That's only 6% less than Overload.

Epsilon is exactly right about the perception break as well. It's a must have survival strategy.



I just want to tell the OP that spines/fire/blaze would be an amazingly fun build. FE for your ranged attacks can turn pew pew into QQ

I am PL in RL.

Freedom- Magnet Man, Hott Sauce, Stand-Up Comic



Originally Posted by Sinistar6000 View Post
I just want to tell the OP that spines/fire/blaze would be an amazingly fun build. FE for your ranged attacks can turn pew pew into QQ
Yeah, and get the hold too with the procs. Nasty.

Dark Bard, Zoobait, Debacle
Por vezes d� vontade...
speak american godamnit



Originally Posted by SoulTouch View Post
Brb going to care.
Just stop dude.... Apparently you have know idea who any of these guys are. Which means a few things, one your nobody, 2 your biting of way more then you can chew.

The best idea is just to ignore barrier, and take the advice from the people on these forums who know what there talking about. Unless you learn how to be much better at Forum PVP then I would call it a night for you.



Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
I'm with Rent on this. I got phase and hiber on both my stalkers. And spines really doesn't have any tricks. Ripper is pointless because you can just spam impale, which does more damage. Trow spines is completely pointless, because it basically doesn't even do any damage. I guess you can proc them, but you can just proc impale and lunge and spam them nonstop. Not like a stalker is likely to be using many attacks anyway.

The main reason I have phase and hiber is that it's a 100% guaranteed getaway. Without phase, if people are on you after you leave hibernoob, there's a decent chance you'll be in trouble. With phase, there's no possible chance to die at all. And when you play a toon with zero accolades or IO's, that is nice to have.

Lastly, some people actually like PvP'ing at less than level 50, for example sirens. With only hibernoob, you're basically limiting yourself to only RV and arena. Which is fine for some, but not all.

I agree with this--^

Nothing is more frustrating in RV when your stalking a stalker, on blaster or somthing, and you get him to go in to hiber. Thinking when this dumb sap comes out hes gonna get it, just to see him hit phase while in hiber and disappear. I also agree that as a stalker, and a none fightklub scrap you don't need that many attacks 3 at most. I don't see why you wouldn't have room to take both.



Originally Posted by Ready_For_War View Post
Just stop dude.... Apparently you have know idea who any of these guys are. Which means a few things, one your nobody, 2 your biting of way more then you can chew.

The best idea is just to ignore barrier, and take the advice from the people on these forums who know what there talking about. Unless you learn how to be much better at Forum PVP then I would call it a night for you.
I dont have respect for people on a game. Unless they're my friends, sorry.

That doesn't mean im not going to be respectful. Just there is a difference.

@Psycho Jas



Originally Posted by SoulTouch View Post
I dont have respect for people on a game. Unless they're my friends, sorry.

That doesn't mean im not going to be respectful. Just there is a difference.
Why qualify it with "on a game"?

Surely what your trying to say is "I don't have respect for people, unless they are my bff's, sorry"

Edited as per SoulTouch's request to include the entire quote. Not sure why.

Edited again as per Barrier's request for a small coffee... i hope its not to hot for ya



Originally Posted by Ignicity View Post
Why qualify it with "on a game"?

Surely what your trying to say is "I don't have respect for people, unless they are my bff's, sorry"
please dont quote half my post, quote all of it. Thanks.

@Psycho Jas



Originally Posted by SoulTouch View Post
please dont quote half my post, quote all of it. Thanks.
can i have a small coffee with that too?



Sorry if this has already been said, but I don't know who has said what yet in this thread (probably because I didn't read it).

Either way.

If you make a regen. Don't take spines. Don't take fire mastery. Either make a fire/regen/body, or an elec/regen/body.

Weapon mastery is joke, don't consider it. Fire mastery is a joke, don't consider it. Spines is a joke, don't consider it. Spines/Regen hasn't been good for a long time. It was only good because toxic damage mattered, and you had 4 solid ranged attacks. Now toxic damage doesn't matter, your damage in general is terrible, and only 2 of your ranged attacks are worth anything.

If you are still bent on making a "ranged melee" toon: I suggest you roll a Fire/SS/earth tank.

Fossilize hits like a truck. KO blow has 15 foot range. You even have that one really bad attack where you throw a rock.

It's why SS has always been the ultimate downie melee set (KO blow has a 15 foot range and half of them complain about not being able to land melee attacks). But don't let that turn you away from it's newfound functionality.

IF you do roll an SS tank. Please, for the love of god, don't make your toon have capped height. If you make really tall SS tanks there is a 95% chance that you are really dumb.



Originally Posted by Silit View Post
If you are still bent on making a "ranged melee" toon: I suggest you roll a Fire/SS/earth tank.

Fossilize hits like a truck. KO blow has 15 foot range. You even have that one really bad attack where you throw a rock.

It's why SS has always been the ultimate downie melee set (KO blow has a 15 foot range and half of them complain about not being able to land melee attacks). But don't let that turn you away from it's newfound functionality.

IF you do roll an SS tank. Please, for the love of god, don't make your toon have capped height. If you make really tall SS tanks there is a 95% chance that you are really dumb.



Originally Posted by silit View Post

if you make really tall ss tanks there is a 95% chance that you are really dumb.



Fire mastery isn't that bad, getting crit twice from the same char hurts leik a mother :S



Originally Posted by Not_Epsilon View Post
Fire mastery isn't that bad, getting crit twice from the same char hurts leik a mother :S
fire mastery means u r want get wrek by -tohit.



Originally Posted by black_barrier View Post
fire mastery means u r want get wrek by -tohit.
Never said it was good, then again, there is no good in I13, only different amounts of baaaad. :\



fire mastery is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.



Originally Posted by Void View Post
fire mastery is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.
con, joey and i were getting camped a few days ago by like 4 fire mastery scrappers.
i brought out my crappy storm with no kb protection.
within 3 mins i was setting up stuff in front of the hero base.

it's really funny when you see those blazes just go away from you as a tardo scrapper sits in your hurricane at melee range.



Originally Posted by black_barrier View Post
con, joey and i were getting camped a few days ago by like 4 fire mastery scrappers.
i brought out my crappy storm with no kb protection.
within 3 mins i was setting up stuff in front of the hero base.

it's really funny when you see those blazes just go away from you as a tardo scrapper sits in your hurricane at melee range.
they don't have blaze....just saying.



Originally Posted by Silit View Post
Sorry if this has already been said, but I don't know who has said what yet in this thread (probably because I didn't read it).

Either way.

If you make a regen. Don't take spines. Don't take fire mastery. Either make a fire/regen/body, or an elec/regen/body.

Weapon mastery is joke, don't consider it. Fire mastery is a joke, don't consider it. Spines is a joke, don't consider it. Spines/Regen hasn't been good for a long time. It was only good because toxic damage mattered, and you had 4 solid ranged attacks. Now toxic damage doesn't matter, your damage in general is terrible, and only 2 of your ranged attacks are worth anything.

If you are still bent on making a "ranged melee" toon: I suggest you roll a Fire/SS/earth tank.

Fossilize hits like a truck. KO blow has 15 foot range. You even have that one really bad attack where you throw a rock.

It's why SS has always been the ultimate downie melee set (KO blow has a 15 foot range and half of them complain about not being able to land melee attacks). But don't let that turn you away from it's newfound functionality.

IF you do roll an SS tank. Please, for the love of god, don't make your toon have capped height. If you make really tall SS tanks there is a 95% chance that you are really dumb.
I agree.....only thing i hate is that FA is the most BS toggle in the game when it comes to end consumption. They really need to fix it. When they completly gutted FA when i13 came out....they left the massive amount of end consuption is uses. They should tweak the end consumption to actually fit what FA does. Granted Regen should NEVER have any end issues, but it's annoying on corrupters.



Originally Posted by __Divine__ View Post
I agree.....only thing i hate is that FA is the most BS toggle in the game when it comes to end consumption. They really need to fix it. When they completly gutted FA when i13 came out....they left the massive amount of end consuption is uses. They should tweak the end consumption to actually fit what FA does. Granted Regen should NEVER have any end issues, but it's annoying on corrupters.
They did, it uses about 2/3 of the end it used to use (let that sink in for a minute).

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Isn't that still a pretty big chunk?

The Only Token Black Guy

Originally Posted by Murdok View Post
Your mom's real name is Castle.



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
They did, it uses about 2/3 of the end it used to use (let that sink in for a minute).
i <3 the devs.



Originally Posted by Swansu View Post
Isn't that still a pretty big chunk?
Was 1.04 end/sec before I13 and is 0.78 end/sec now. Of course, it was made nearly 100% worthless in PvE (+acc is largely garbage when NPCs don't have elusivity, and there aren't many groups that have -tohit to the point where the tohit debuff resistance comes into play) to the point where some people I know have just swapped it out for Tactics. PvP-wise it's still worth it because +acc helps cut through elusivity, +tohit is still nice, and the tohit debuff resists are handy...

Back in I13 when elusivity was really good and defense builds were generally hard to hit, I dueled a friend's DM/SR on my DM/SR. Mine was largely a PvE build (his was a bit more PvP-oriented and I believe it had Elude whereas mine didn't), but the biggest difference was I had FA and he only had Tactics. Neither of us hit each other often, but I could tell from the hit rolls on me when he was getting debuffed, as Tactics has no -tohit resistance.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."