why no psy ?




Originally Posted by black_barrier View Post
precedent states that we would get the blaster version.

also, remember how underwhelming psi blast is in PVE when it comes to blasters. it does not even begin to compare to fire (for aoe) or ice (for single target dps).

i think we don't have psi because during proliferation rounds, psi blast would have required them to rework the blast set in the way they did it for blasters and since there's a lot less players red-side, it did not seem like a worthwhile pay off if they could just do it first for blaster, data-mine and figure stuff out. then giving corrs TA without archery would have made a lot of RP-ers e-angry so they didn't give it to us back then.

psi blast on corrs would mean i'd need to make a 4th cold corr... which is not as thrilling as it sounds.
Actually...I don't think that's the reason it wasn't ported over last round at all.

The devs seem to try to port over in themes.

Archery/TA gave Corrs another natural origin option. And Archery/TA is themetic pairing.

Psi/'s pairing (imo) would be /Force Fields.

Now, Force Field isn't bad. However, imo it's overshadowed by Cold Domination. So, I think they went the Archery/TA route, because of that reason.

I also think they'll go the Defender route for Psi/ rather than the Blaster version. I think this mostly because for the blaster version, they changed things around for other reasons...like let's add this Psi Blast power to Mental Manipulation.

A hybrid could happen as well though for Corrs. Which would be even better imo. That way it changes up the differences between Psi Blast for the three ATs.

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Personally,i dont see the reason why all ranged ATs ...hero or villain,should get access to all the blast sets that the other can.I see that as a bit pointless.

That would be like giving Brutes and Scrappers Ice Melee,when its exclusive to Tankers only,and frankly,thats the main reason why im drawn to ice melee...becuase its for Tankers only.

I dont agree that Corrs should get Psi of any kind,and i dissagree with brutes getting Claws,and Blasters getting Psi and Archery for that matter,and i definatly dont agree with giving defenders Fire Blasts,which would be fun as hell,but wouldnt be fair to the classes that already have it exclusivly...like blasters and corrs.It wouldnt feel right on a defender.It would only piss off what you hit it with if a fireball came from a defender,its on Corrs and Blasters mainly because they can do DAMAGE.From high damage on Blasters to Scourge on Corrs.

Scrappers went from being mainly melee weapons and hand to hand power sets,to getting lightning,fire,and Armor of the same types?Whats the point in that?I feel with every poliferation of the ATs,we gradually lose an ATs individuality.

I would honestly say stop Poliforation,and invent new sets for the ATs,to allow them to keep something special,simply for them.



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
I would honestly say stop Poliforation,and invent new sets for the ATs,to allow them to keep something special,simply for them.
I disagree, on the grounds that, first, from a roleplaying perspective, leaving them to one archtype really limits you. For example, Villians side, you can't have someone who controls Pain, manipulates the temperature of their surrondings, or has the ability to turn sound into rings that protect their allies and also gets inside their enemies head and defeats them from there. Brutes deserved Claws because not every concept for a clawed villain includes stealthing around, and I'm sure there's a very Brutish reason they might have claws (Werewolves, or some other kind of monster, perhaps?).

Secondly, limiting a powerset to one Archtype is limiting it to one playstyle, which can be frustrating for someone who might think, say, Ice Melee looks neat, has a lot of migation options, but they hate playing a tank. I see no reason at all it should stay, eternally, Tanker-only unless they wanted to keep it Tanker-only

I hope I made sense with all of this...



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
Psi is definitely a thematic choice to go with Pain Dom as well. It should have been proliferated then.
Maybe, but then they would have had to do a whole round of proliferation, otherwise the other ATs would have been going nuts that only Corruptors got a set proliferated.

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Originally Posted by Trickshooter View Post
Maybe, but then they would have had to do a whole round of proliferation, otherwise the other ATs would have been going nuts that only Corruptors got a set proliferated.
Fine by me. I'm one of those people that loves the ice sets but hates tanks. I want Ice Scrappers!!

As for Psy Corrupters: I don't really PvP, and it's a bad set for PvE regardless of which version we get, so meh.

As for FF Corrupters: While Cold does steal a bit of FF's thunder, Cold really doesn't cut it when you want some of what FF offers. I've played both. Cold's freaking hardcore debuffs really do leave FF out in the cold mechanically (*rimshot*), but I still sometimes miss the things my bubbler had. Besides the nice things like better Defense, Repulsion Bomb(!) and status protection (!!), there is the more general factor that FF has always been highly conducive to blasting (in contrast to Cold, which expects you to spend a lot of time bubbling and debuffing). It would be nice to see it backing up an AT that has blasting as its primary!



I would like to see the corrs get the blaster version except with scramble thoughts exchanged with Confuse!

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Originally Posted by Necromatic View Post
I would like to see the corrs get the blaster version except with scramble thoughts exchanged with Confuse!
And I want a Fencing melee set. Let's not hold our breaths.



Originally Posted by Teeth View Post
Fine by me. I'm one of those people that loves the ice sets but hates tanks. I want Ice Scrappers!!

As for Psy Corrupters: I don't really PvP, and it's a bad set for PvE regardless of which version we get, so meh.

As for FF Corrupters: While Cold does steal a bit of FF's thunder, Cold really doesn't cut it when you want some of what FF offers. I've played both. Cold's freaking hardcore debuffs really do leave FF out in the cold mechanically (*rimshot*), but I still sometimes miss the things my bubbler had. Besides the nice things like better Defense, Repulsion Bomb(!) and status protection (!!), there is the more general factor that FF has always been highly conducive to blasting (in contrast to Cold, which expects you to spend a lot of time bubbling and debuffing). It would be nice to see it backing up an AT that has blasting as its primary!
Did someone said Ice scrappers?! *pokes head out*



Excluding EAT's Corruptors (and masterminds...) are the only AT's that don't have psi something. All the melee At's have willpower,and defenders, blasters, dom's and troll's have psi sets. and with MM's where would psi fit in, if anything MM's use psi all the time with their pets, and pain dom doesn't count as psi in my books.

So yeah give corruptors what they are deprived of, the ability to rip minds appart!



Originally Posted by Redd Rumm View Post
Does any one know why there is no psy primary for corrs?
Better question, why would you want it aside from concept. Considering how they butchered the range and damage on the blaster version its just better to roll as a dom or widow instead. The thing is when you think of psi users in the comics they are always powerful and even in the game the npcs are usually more damaging than the smashing lethal folks be alot but when we get it its always watered down to the point where you can barely taste the Psi in it. This is exactly why I fear that if we ever got some kind of psi melee set it would be garbage because the damage would not scale well at all.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

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Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
Better question, why would you want it aside from concept. Considering how they butchered the range and damage on the blaster version its just better to roll as a dom or widow instead. The thing is when you think of psi users in the comics they are always powerful and even in the game the npcs are usually more damaging than the smashing lethal folks be alot but when we get it its always watered down to the point where you can barely taste the Psi in it. This is exactly why I fear that if we ever got some kind of psi melee set it would be garbage because the damage would not scale well at all.
So? We had this with Blasters, too. Here's the procedure:
1) Rant that existing Psi sets--Doms notwithstanding--are pathetic.
2) Request Psi sets for AT's that lack them.
3) Cry about how overpowered Psi sets are when the set is announced.
4) Call anyone who is not trembling at the awesome power of Psi as "troll" and "retard."
5) Act completely blindsided when Psi set comes out and sucks.
6) Return to step 1 and repeat.

I predict this exact procedure being followed in the next 2-4 issues for Corruptors.



I'm sure there's a very Brutish reason they might have claws
Not to mention comic book precedent. Sabretooth is a claws/WP brute. Venom is also sometimes a claws brute, depending on if he's making his symbiote sharp and pointy. I don't know DC characters that well, but I'm sure someone over there would fit the description fairly well.

CoH powersets seem to be given a yay or nay depending on whether a superhero has ever had those abilities (among many other considerations)

Also, if Corruptors ever get Psi blast, it will most likely be the defender version. My reasoning? They got Dark Blast unchanged from the defender's version of it. And since Dark and Psi are the only 2 sets originally designed exclusively for defenders, it stands to reason that an AT that got one unchanged would also get the other.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



a nrg/ff or rad/ff would be so much fun when it came to pvp kickballs.



I have to say that the powerset proliferation was just another way of Heroes getting villain only powers and Heroes still kept some of their jewels...give us Psy Blast as an option with Psi Scream, Psy Tornado and Psi Wail or a brolick PSW as our nuke.

I would rather the devs try and not skimp out on trying to adjust powers to proliferate but make their own new powers. I would kill to see a Toxic Blast/Poison Villain or a Kunai/Shiriken Blast that works as a ninja blast, you can throw regular shurikens, exploding shurikens, smoke bombs, kunai, exploding kunai and other things.

Why must we get the hero sloppy seconds? I really think that we can do better and hopefully Demon Summoning and Dual Pistols arent the only two sets that are new.




Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Psi/'s pairing (imo) would be /Force Fields.
Actually, I'd think the obvious Psi pairing is already there; Pain Domination.

And as the devs have pointed out before, a Psi based Melee set would still do partially Smashing/Lethal damage, as all Melee sets do. Which would depend on whether it's consider a telekinetic type of psychic power, or if they decide to go with the obvious "Psi Knives". (Although the latter might rile up Marvel again)

It's not a matter of if, though, it's a matter of when.