Alternate Propel Animation
I'd hit that action, and I don't even play grav characters.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is a natural manure. -Thomas Jefferson
Read the Patriot newsletter. It's right, it's free.
wouldn't hurt, but might have issues in low ceiling areas. especially on tall enemies in caves. it either shoots through the walls and smashes immersion, or it appears on top of the guy already and breaks credibility of the hit.
If you put this in, I demand an anvil.
I used to keep track of my levels here.
But I got to 50.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is a natural manure. -Thomas Jefferson
Read the Patriot newsletter. It's right, it's free.
But the power shouldn't be doing knockback then.
You mean it doesn't make sense to hit somebody on the head then watch them fly 20' away?
I dunno, but just thinking about that sounds hilarious.
I dunno, but just thinking about that sounds hilarious.
Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the Repeat Offenders
Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize

As awesome as it would be, That's not exactly Propelling anything is it?
@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too

Technically, this should be knockdown. If the object can come from below, then it should be knockup. Finally, if the thing comes from behind, the mob should be knocked forward, which is not in-game. I think the idea is nice, I just think that different incoming direction should lead to different result.
You mean it doesn't make sense to hit somebody on the head then watch them fly 20' away?
I dunno, but just thinking about that sounds hilarious. |
No. From a completely technical standpoint, it would be knockback.
Propel is just like every other attack, but it comes with a fancy animation. All it really is doing is saying, "Apply XX Mag Knockback to target after XX seconds" which coincides with the animation time. And since power customization does not affect the actual mechanics of the power, merely the visual representation of it, the effect would remain knockback. So if this option ever became available, yes, you would see the target get hit on the head then fly away, because knockback is always, Always, ALWAYS directed away from the caster. |
No. From a completely technical standpoint, it would be knockback.
Propel is just like every other attack, but it comes with a fancy animation. All it really is doing is saying, "Apply XX Mag Knockback to target after XX seconds" which coincides with the animation time. And since power customization does not affect the actual mechanics of the power, merely the visual representation of it, the effect would remain knockback.
So if this option ever became available, yes, you would see the target get hit on the head then fly away, because knockback is always, Always, ALWAYS directed away from the caster.**
** - Even when said caster is a pseudopet.
I'm just saying what it would be if this OPTION (Op's term) was made available for Propel. I, of course, take "option" to mean that it is not the default and only manner for the power to act, which puts this in the realm of Power Customization. And Power Customization does not, can not, will not change a power's actual mechanics.
Now, if you want to ask for a complete change to Propel, period, so that the object will ONLY drop from above and change the knockback value to knockdown to be consistent with the graphic, that's perfectly fine. But that's not what was asked.
Propel is just like every other attack, but it comes with a fancy animation. All it really is doing is saying, "Apply XX Mag Knockback to target after XX seconds" which coincides with the animation time. And since power customization does not affect the actual mechanics of the power, merely the visual representation of it, the effect would remain knockback.
So if this option ever became available, yes, you would see the target get hit on the head then fly away, because knockback is always, Always, ALWAYS directed away from the caster.**
** - Even when said caster is a pseudopet.
I know that the effect is currently knockback for propel. If you think that it's fine for the animation to be inconsistent with the effect, then /em shrug. |
Now, if you want to ask for a complete change to Propel, period, so that the object will ONLY drop from above and change the knockback value to knockdown to be consistent with the graphic, that's perfectly fine. But that's not what was asked.
Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the Repeat Offenders
Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize

Huh. And I thought that this was going to be a request for a "Watch me pull an <$Item> of of a hat!" animation.
Yes. Option. Meaning if you don't like that dropping a forklift on a guy knocks him twenty feet thattaway, you don't have to use it. Personally, I think it'd be freakin' sweet.
I'm just saying what it would be if this OPTION (Op's term) was made available for Propel. I, of course, take "option" to mean that it is not the default and only manner for the power to act, which puts this in the realm of Power Customization. And Power Customization does not, can not, will not change a power's actual mechanics.
Now, if you want to ask for a complete change to Propel, period, so that the object will ONLY drop from above and change the knockback value to knockdown to be consistent with the graphic, that's perfectly fine. But that's not what was asked. |
I think it'd be awesome if, instead of opening up my propel wormhole right in front of me and blasting the pool table/statue/forklift/etc in a straight line between me and the critter, I had the option of opening it several feet directly above the enemy instead, thereby dropping the object onto the critter instead. Come on, fellow gravity trollers/doms, who's with me?