Would You Rather???




Originally Posted by The_Foo View Post
We need serious prison reform.
True dat!

I still wanna know what the founding fathers had against cruel and unusual punishment... If the punishment was C&U mayhap the criminals would think twice...



3' smaller. The Discovery channel and TLC have taught me that I can manage just fine at 3'1" but I think life would be considerably more difficult at 9'1". Plus every account I've read about the abnormally tall ends with them dying an early death due to health complications.



Prison or Coma?
The coma would be too jarring. A complete loss of 10 years of my life would be far too traumatic in my opinion. Also I would be more than happy to spend 10 years in prison if I could choose to be 3 feet taller assuming that the increase includes a proportional increase in muscle and bone mass. Who is going to mess with an 8'11" giant?

Taller or Shorter?
Hmmm, I have a character that is 3'6" tall with superhuman strength. It would be kinda cool if I was only 2'11" tall with the same body mass as I have now but with denser muscles and bones making me much, much stronger like Puck of Alpha Flight fame. Still I think I would rather be taller. At 8'11" I would be the new world record holder for the tallest man in the world and tied for the tallest man in history!


"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
True dat!

I still wanna know what the founding fathers had against cruel and unusual punishment... If the punishment was C&U mayhap the criminals would think twice...
Ironically the definition of Cruel & Unusual has changed dramatically since our fore-fathers created that tiny little ammendment. Remember just a few years ago chain gangs were common place unlike now. When was the last time you saw such a thing? For me it was about 15 years ago in Mississippi and it was women cleaning the highway. But that's another topic.

Coma or Prison - I'd pick prison as I've always been able to blend into the crowd. I went to a very gang filled school and only had 2 problems ever. So I think I could stay under the radar for 10 years. Also at least in prison you remember when you family comes to visit. I know a couple of people that have been in prison for that long and while they did not come out better at least they could walk and function as normally as before.

Taller or Shorter - Honestly this is harder than the coma or prison one for me. I'm 6'0" and 9' or 3' I'd be a a stand out. I know being that much taller or shorter comes with lots of health issues as well as just the hassles of day to day life. Um, I'd go with taller. I'd just have to figure out a way to build a house that fit me. Heck Shaq had a motorcycle custom built for him so travel could be worked around. I think the house and work would be the things I'd have the most difficulty with.



1.) Batman
2.) Bees
3.) If I'm still Batman, then Prison. I'd rule that place in no time. Cuz I'm Batman. If I'm just me, I gotta say coma... unless it's minimum security then maybe Prison... nah who am I kidding, I'll still say coma. The boredom of minimum security would drive me insane. Then again, maybe I can organize some other prisoners and get a good game of D&D going...
4.) Taller. The advantages of being taller outweigh the disadvantages. Although I'd be over 9' at that point, but even so, I don't think being under 4' would be amenable to me.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.




I'm superman *****! Say somethin and I'll superpunch you in your balls.

Non-Supes answer, Taller I guess. Honestly I think the inconveniences of being 2'10" greatly outweigh those of being 8'10" tall.

Sure I'd have to worry about hitting my head on stuff, but at least I could reach the cupboards and the freezer without a ladder. And you're stuck with health problems no matter which way you go.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



I'm not keeping score or anything but it seems guys go taller and gals shorter?(assuming I didn't miss any posts and have genders right it does seem the trend even if not unanimous)



..I would rather be superman... then kill batman and take his life as my own...

im sorta a ******* like that



These next 2 are easy -

I'll definitely take coma over prison! Hey, I have 4 children, and while they are my greatest gift in life - I could really use the rest, (especially without the arsh raids)

Taller - I'd have a great NBA and porn career with gear that scales up proporionately!

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hmmm either way you have a very promising caeer waiting for you in a circus...

I'll take taller, I want to be feared!



I'm a few behind, it looks like, so here goes:

Bees. I can swap them and take the sting away. The mosquito bites will likely get infected to some extent.

Coma. I need the rest, and they could maybe shed a few pounds for me while I'm there.

Well, I'm 6'4" now, so if I were 9'4" I would make a gob of money from the NBA. I could therefore afford to have stuff customized for me.

My Deviant Art page link-link

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Prison or Coma?
This is a hard one. On one hand I'd have to go learn what has happened the 10 years I was out cold and do rehabilatation, on the other hand I'd have to live with the social stigma of haveing prison time on my hands and having to explain to all future employers why I went to prison. While I think it would be cool to experience what a coma is like I think I'd rather go to prison, atleast that way I'll be able to stick in contact with people and not have to wake up after 10 years to be told some people in your life had died.

3 Ft taller or shorter?
This is easy, I'd rather be 3 ft taller. Mostly becuase I'm 5' 2" - 5' 3", which is short for a guy.

Crestent lvl 50 Mind/Emp Controller http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p...cGallary-1.jpg



Prison definitely, I'd be more afraid of a coma.

Also I'd rather be 3 feet taller. I have enough problems at 5 ft 1, don't want to imagine life at 2 feet tall



3 feet taller, because being 9'1 is a helluva lot better than being 3'1. I love being tall.



3) Prison! Free meals, camaraderie, I could learn a trade, cable tv, free computers... weight training, conjugal visits, clean clothes, free health care, keep up on current events as supposed to being asleep and oblivious... also I get to go to jail for stealing all of TA's artz...

4) LJ is already 8ft, so being 11ft wouldn't be a stretch.



Haha, funny question since I just watched monday's Castle, and it had a guy with anesia in it. (he was HOT too, err... not that that's relevant)

Umm.... I'd say I'd rather forget who I was.

I think it would be easier to figure out who one person was than who fifty people were. Plus, that'd let you forget all those stupid things in your past you might regret.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
Spending the time in Jail...I could see my wife occasionally
Most likely see her move on with her life while you sit helplessly by unable to do anything about it.

and pass the time doing something
The same something. Day after day after day after day after day...

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post





I'd rather forget who everyone else is. Gives me a chance to meet them again for the first time. How cool is that?

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.

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