Why two channels?
Justice United is the reincarnation of Chrome Support, which has existed alongside JFA for some time with no ill effects, as far as I know. Hope this helps.
OK, I've been in on JFA (old and new) for a while now. Recently I was invited to join Justice United. I get the impression this is supposed to be another JFA type channel. I don't quite get why this is a good idea. Wouldn't it just fragment the population so there is less traffic on each channel?
There are multiple reasons that drive people to create private channels, or to create splinter groups of existing channels.
Sometimes, in the case of the original splits on Victory Badges and Triumph Watch, it was to get around one of the design faults of the global channel system. Currently once you join a channel, you've joined it, whether or not you actually enter the channel... or play. So Channels that have been around for a significant amount of time can wrack up huge member lists... that the mods can't do anything about unless a player is logged on. Many channel owners then create a second channel, invite all of the active players to the second channel, then let the first channel just die. They can't delete it, but who knows. Maybe one day the developers will allow channel moderators to purge channel members who are not logged on.
Then there are the various personal conflicts that can result from channel problems. Kay Parfait and Magenta Bolt, to use as an example from Triumph, got fed up with problem players and issues in Triumph Watch, and simply created their own private channel for the people they liked playing with.
If you browse over to the Triumph Section of the board, you'll find a couple of posts by, or about, players like Sun Splitter and TamakiRevolution. These guys are well known for derailing conversations in the Triumph Watch channels and making life miserable for anybody actually trying to get a task force or badge hunt together, as referenced by a particular thread. All it takes is one or two bad apples, and players won't be inclined to visit or use a particular channel.
The Global Channel system used to be limited to, I want to say 5, 5 channels for one global account. A little over a year ago the limit was raised to 10, so for most players with only one or two servers, it's not a big deal to watch the big global channel, keep an eye on the supergroup channel, keep an eye on the smaller role-playing channel or splinter channel, and so on and so forth.
I'm on both JFA and JU (and Chrome before that) and both seem to serve the same population. I do think JU is a little more family-friendly, a little softer in its touch. Of course, this could be all my imagination. Just join both and you are in the loop for most raids and events. Both are useful.
There are also some smaller private channels which are, in my opinion, much more efficacious, informative and entertaining.
Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
@vanda1 and @nakoa2
A lot of this was already discussed in an earlier thread. I'd suggest giving that thread a look to see the various viewpoints.
Private channels should be banned.
Thing is that I can come up with several good reasons to have private channels. For starters, if you have a supergroup, there's a good chance that many of your SG members will be playing on multiple servers, or might be playing a different side of the game (heroes or villains). Having a global channel enables a SG leader to keep track of "everybody" whose playing online, whether or not they are actually on a character in that supergroup. If somebody wants to do a Task Force, Trial, or Strike Force, they just announce it in the global channel, and SG member's have time to switch over and bring a character to the event.
A second reason is that you can communicate with other players and avoid people you might not like very much.
From your typed post, I suspect that you've probably been thrown on a couple ignore lists and that quite a few people don't want to play with you. I can only presume that you want private channels banned so that everybody has to listen to what you have to say and you can join and speak in any channel you wish. No, I don't have any evidence to back this particular train of thought up, but I'm really not able to fathom why anybody would advocate the point you have if this wasn't part of the reason.
Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!
All of me thinks you took him seriously and shouldn't have.
In it, a player on our forums initially reported information on Half Life 3 and a Half Life Re-imagined thinking that the news came from a realistic twitter account for Gabe Newell.
Just because something somebody says is an obvious fake, or an obvious sarcastic comment, or an obvious joke, does not mean that everybody realizes that. It's important, especially on these forums where there are lots of new players who will take anything at face value, to respond to the bad ideas and off-comments in such a way that even players with no background information will be able to understand why something is a bad idea, or why something is not a joke.
Just because something somebody says is an obvious fake, or an obvious sarcastic comment, or an obvious joke, does not mean that everybody realizes that. It's important, especially on these forums where there are lots of new players who will take anything at face value, to respond to the bad ideas and off-comments in such a way that even players with no background information will be able to understand why something is a bad idea, or why something is not a joke.
From your typed post, I suspect that you've probably been thrown on a couple ignore lists and that quite a few people don't want to play with you. I can only presume that you want private channels banned so that everybody has to listen to what you have to say and you can join and speak in any channel you wish. No, I don't have any evidence to back this particular train of thought up, but I'm really not able to fathom why anybody would advocate the point you have if this wasn't part of the reason.

Snacks are over to the right.
Oh yah, thanks for the neg rep too.

PS This is an example of Justice forum sarcasm!

PPS Please don't take this seriously.
PPPS No, really, it was a joke!
PPPPS OK, I know it is a tired joke, and really not all that funny, but I was kinda trying to make a point, you know?
PPPPPS *sigh* Never mind.
PPPPPPPPPPPP...whatever, where is my coffee?

A lot of this was already discussed in an earlier thread. I'd suggest giving that thread a look to see the various viewpoints.
Too many alts to list.
Ok I read it and still don't see much logic in it, but it doesn't really matter to me. Was just curious really.
You expected a large, unorganized, and diverse group of people to all choose to do exactly the same thing because it would be the most logical and efficient way? Really?
Look at it this way, it is just another large Justice global channel, when I send out server wide announcements for events, teams or whatever, I send them to several channels. There are plenty of people who are in all the big Justice channels, and plenty who are only in one or some. Use them if you want, or don't. Up to you!

JU is still Chrome Support with a somewhat perplexing (to some) name change.
I'm probably not the only one who belongs to JFA2010 & JU. I seldom look at either for more than 10 minutes a day. Sometimes I see something interesting other times...eh.
At the end of the day... nothing meaningful has changed.
One more thing - in my limited experience Chrome/JU is a bit better for getting teams, TFs or other activities organized, but JFA is better for socializing. Just an observation.
Anyone who doesn't agree with this is getting neg repped, and then killed by our 'Merican peace-keeping force.
Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
@vanda1 and @nakoa2
I thought they removed all the rep stuff?
If you work hard enough, you can even see the rep comments left on your individual posts, but it's more hassle than it's worth for those of us that are rather prolific in our postings.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
Just because something somebody says is an obvious fake, or an obvious sarcastic comment, or an obvious joke, does not mean that everybody realizes that. It's important, especially on these forums where there are lots of new players who will take anything at face value, to respond to the bad ideas and off-comments in such a way that even players with no background information will be able to understand why something is a bad idea, or why something is not a joke. |
You say people posting need to be aware that not everyone will understand. It's also a poster's responsibility to recognize that he or she is unfamiliar with a specific group or community and to know when to ask questions instead of making assumptions and guessing.
Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!
Is it not also the responsibility of the poster to give the benefit of the doubt if uncertain or to ask for clarifiation before posting a bunch of snarky assumptions? Your response implied Pum was a troll or didn't have any friends, or was on a lot of ignore lists. You posted earlier that you don't play on Justice, then proceeded to post a bunch of incorrect assumptions about an active player the people who do play on the server recognize.
You say people posting need to be aware that not everyone will understand. It's also a poster's responsibility to recognize that he or she is unfamiliar with a specific group or community and to know when to ask questions instead of making assumptions and guessing. |
Teach that lousy good-for-nothing to come walking into Justice unarmed.
Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
@vanda1 and @nakoa2
OK, I've been in on JFA (old and new) for a while now. Recently I was invited to join Justice United. I get the impression this is supposed to be another JFA type channel. I don't quite get why this is a good idea. Wouldn't it just fragment the population so there is less traffic on each channel?
Too many alts to list.