What are the best SOLO FARM Tanks?
Shield/Electric. Go for recharge.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison
Elec/ss for cheap farming
So has Shield/Elec replaced the Shield/SS farmers? What are the Pros and Cons for Elec/SS? How is it cheaper than Shield/SS or the likes?

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison
Roll a Spines/Fire Scrapper, you'll be better off than a tank if you build it right. I know someone will comment saying they're squishy...maybe, I can farm +4x8 Demons, although I usually don't because 54's aren't worth it solo IMO.
I realize the best farmers in the game are (Not necessarily in this order):
I have a F.Kin & Arch/MM blue side farmers. Red side I have SS/FA & Elec/Shield Brutes
Shield/Elec or Shield/SS
If you don't want to spend alot of money, than Fire/SS or Elec/SS
I didn't make him for farming but my sheild/warmace is no slouch.
Apologies if this is getting a bit off-topic, but for the folks who mentioned spines/fire scrappers... do you get a lot of runners? Because mine gets a ton, even when I don't use Burn, even when I'm not at the aggro cap. I've had mobs run halfway across a map and come back almost a minute later, and frankly it drives me crazy. So much so that I came over to the tanker board looking for farm build advice. :P I actually was thinking of a SD/fire tank (nice damage boost to all attacks), although I'm seeing mixed opinions in this thread. What makes fire/fire better?
It is hard to beat Fire for a well rounded solo set. Self-Heal, Self-Damage Buff, Self Endurance Recovery, and Self-Rez for the bad pulls.
SS and the yummy goodness of Rage+Foot Stomp is made even happier by Fiery Embrace.
Haven't tried SD/Elect, but I'd say:
Fire/Fire/Pyre or Energy Mastery
Working on a Electric/Fire that seems very promising and has the potential be faster than my SD/Fire/Pyre.

Tanker Tuesdays: Meet in King's Row by IP Gate 6pm PT9pm ET.
1st Tuesday on Champion, 2nd Tuesday on Justice
3rd Tuesdays (Odd months) Freedom, (Even months) Virtue, 4th Tuesday, Tour, Server TBA
Brutal Thrashing Thursdays: Justice (ask Papa Slade when),meet in RWZ 6pm PT9pm ET.
I didn't make him for farming but my sheild/warmace is no slouch.
War Mace has even better AoE capability (somewhat), at the cost of maybe a little damage and more inconsistent secondary effects.
The damage types, smashing or lethal, are no disadvantage at all when farming, because farmers pick their enemy groups carefully. So unless you're a bad farmer, you're not farming resistant stuff, and lethal is as good as any other type of damage.
I have a Super Strength tanker and a Fire/Fire, and I have to say I have been impressed with the performance of Shield/Axe. Shield/Fire might be even better for damage for all I know (although it has fewer and slower AoEs, interestingly) but the knockdown mitigation would be missing.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
I run either a fire/ss/pyre built for +dam, or a shield/elec/pyre built for rech +dam and soft cap. I think the shield/elec is probably faster but he cost over a billion so in the long run they are probably tied.
Taking It On the Chin I-16 Tanker Guide
Repeat Offenders
I've been away from the game for a while (shields, what are shields?!?) but I'm still getting good results from my Ice/Fire tanker. 8-man +2-3 might be a little tough due to defense scaling, but 8-man +1 is no problem. Mostly a non-set IO build but with PBAoE procs in just about anything keeps attention on you. Works great as a main tank for TF, although ITF has a little problem with defense debuffs.
Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technolog...t-sarcasm.html
I farm with a Fire/Stone/Pyre tank and he rocks. Granted, he is fairly tricked out, but he is as fast as any tank I've seen. One reason I go with stone is that Tremor is a nice AoE and Seismic Smash is a great single target attack which is especially handy against bosses which are now all too common in farms now. Another reason is that (and someone better with numbers than me can back me up or refute this), the smashing/lethal effect of stone works better on the Demon farm than the firey attacks of Fire Melee, which is another good, common option. I usually use the BM map, and he just mows through that.
I don't have a lot of experience with shield or electric, so I'd like to see them in action.
Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
@vanda1 and @nakoa2
I realize the best farmers in the game are (Not necessarily in this order):
Trollers: F.Kin |
carry on.

Apologies if this is getting a bit off-topic, but for the folks who mentioned spines/fire scrappers... do you get a lot of runners? Because mine gets a ton, even when I don't use Burn, even when I'm not at the aggro cap. I've had mobs run halfway across a map and come back almost a minute later, and frankly it drives me crazy. So much so that I came over to the tanker board looking for farm build advice. :P I actually was thinking of a SD/fire tank (nice damage boost to all attacks), although I'm seeing mixed opinions in this thread. What makes fire/fire better?
On topic, SD/Fire is pretty good, I have a pimped out one. It deals a respectable amount of damage....for a tank I mean. fire/fire is good because of the damage aura and fiery embrace effects all of your attacks for the full duration because it's all fire damage. Though, I stick to my original statement, tanks can farm, but you're better off with a troller/blaster/scrapper.
Although, I'm curious Ghost Ripper. If you already have more than one farming toon on each side, why do you wish to build a farming tank? I dislike tanks in general. In the age of IO's IMO for 99.99% of the content in this game a tank isn't needed and I'd much rather have something else on my team that brings more to the table. With that said, I rolled my SD/Fire for concept reasons and made sure I took a combo that dealt a decent amount of damage.
Although, I'm curious Ghost Ripper. If you already have more than one farming toon on each side, why do you wish to build a farming tank? I dislike tanks in general. In the age of IO's IMO for 99.99% of the content in this game a tank isn't needed and I'd much rather have something else on my team that brings more to the table. With that said, I rolled my SD/Fire for concept reasons and made sure I took a combo that dealt a decent amount of damage.
I know Red side a SS/FA brute is a beast for farming; however, not sure how well it would translate blue side. What Blue side is able to handle the late game damage in farms and solo and 8 man +2 or +3. I'm looking for some criteria here: One. Survivability-if you can't stay upright then you can't fight. Two. Speed-this is tricky considering you add any kin to make you faster; however, I'm looking for a PURE soloist, High Damage, High recharge, and Endless Endurance. *Bonus* List ones that can do all this and still main tank an ITF or any TF for that matter.
I was thinking of doing a FA/WM; however, I don't know how well he'd be in surviving. I think he could survive 51 and maybe 52's but anything higher, he's done. I could make an Inv/WM and I know that would be survivable for anything...just never played a WM so not sure how their damage stacks up.
*Final Note* Using just SO's and mabye 2 or 3 IO sets. Looking for a cheap build, so Min INF. going into build for Max Inf. comimg out of build from farming and other stuff. Or should I just scrap this Idea roll a F.Kin and be done with it?