Super Reflexes (Scrapper)




Is Super Reflexes bugged or is it just plain useless now?

Reason I ask is I've had a Katana/SR level 50 since around i7 or i8, I've never really cared for the set that much but stuck with it & got it to 50. Now I find that playing the toon in either PvE & PvP just isn't fun anymore when I compare it to the other scrapper sets. Feels like the squishiest of all the Scrapper sets in both PvP & PvE.

PvP mainly because everyones accuracy is so dam high nowadays with the set bonuses etc & the defense/HP given just isn't enough to take an attacking players wave of strong attacks after build up.

PvE it seems like when you are hit once mid mob, you are dead. 1 hit lowers your defense, another hits lowers it again etc etc

I'm tempted to delete it, it would be the first time I've ever deleted a 50 & I'm just really wanting to make sure its not gonna be getting a buff in the next issue nor is it just me who seems to have this problem.



Well, I haven't been on my Super Reflexes for a month or so, but I doubt it's bugged. Super Reflexes is a great secondary for PvE, but you have to have a basic understanding of the combat mechanics and how to achieve what you need. More specifically, have you heard about the defensive soft cap (45% defense)?

PvP is a different story. Not my area of expertise.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



SR is a real specialist one trick pony set.
If you take and slot all three toggles and all three passives, you'll have an unequalled 95% Defence Debuff Resistance so that you dont get any noticeable defence cascade failure like you were describing, where the first hit lowers your defence.

To Hit buffs like Devouring earth emanators are still a major pain, but they're pretty rare.

My SR scrapper never got to the softcap, but I found having 40% defence against ranged and melee let in little enough damage that my natural rate of regeneration and the rate at which green pills dropped took care of everything, both on teams and solo. (And this was before we could combine enhancements)

These days its a bit overshadowed by Shield Defence, which offers enough Defence to get by and a bunch of offensive boost and tricks, but it still provides two distinct advantages over Shields - much easier to softcap and the massive Defence Debuff Resistance.

I found my MA/SR scrapper more survivable than my BS/SD scrapper.

I'd suggest doing a quick respec and taking and slotting all passives (if you havent done so already) before you delete.



Originally Posted by Werner View Post
Well, I haven't been on my Super Reflexes for a month or so, but I doubt it's bugged. Super Reflexes is a great secondary for PvE, but you have to have a basic understanding of the combat mechanics and how to achieve what you need. More specifically, have you heard about the defensive soft cap (45% defense)?

PvP is a different story. Not my area of expertise.
I have heard of the soft cap however my knowledge on how the entier defense numbers as far as 'maxing them' is fairly limited.

PvE play with my SR scrapper is the lesser of the 2 evils, but even then.. I am never confident going into a mob as I always feel that 1 hit could trigger a chain of hits killing me.



Originally Posted by DrMike2000 View Post
SR is a real specialist one trick pony set.
If you take and slot all three toggles and all three passives, you'll have an unequalled 95% Defence Debuff Resistance so that you dont get any noticeable defence cascade failure like you were describing, where the first hit lowers your defence.

To Hit buffs like Devouring earth emanators are still a major pain, but they're pretty rare.

My SR scrapper never got to the softcap, but I found having 40% defence against ranged and melee let in little enough damage that my natural rate of regeneration and the rate at which green pills dropped took care of everything, both on teams and solo. (And this was before we could combine enhancements)

These days its a bit overshadowed by Shield Defence, which offers enough Defence to get by and a bunch of offensive boost and tricks, but it still provides two distinct advantages over Shields - much easier to softcap and the massive Defence Debuff Resistance.

I found my MA/SR scrapper more survivable than my BS/SD scrapper.

I'd suggest doing a quick respec and taking and slotting all passives (if you havent done so already) before you delete.
Actually a a little test I took every single defensive power I could see, which included all the SR powers + Combat Jumping + Stealth + Maneuvers & I think Weave (every little helps so they say). I slotted it fairly basically, nothing special just standard IO's..

Still felt squishy, in fact the only time I had to spam DA from my Kat set to stay alive in mobs.. surely I should have to do that in order to make SR good.. especally in PvE.

I dunno unless I have been approaching the set wrong (slotting wise) since I created it..



Originally Posted by Super_B_EU View Post
I have heard of the soft cap however my knowledge on how the entier defense numbers as far as 'maxing them' is fairly limited.

PvE play with my SR scrapper is the lesser of the 2 evils, but even then.. I am never confident going into a mob as I always feel that 1 hit could trigger a chain of hits killing me.
Like has been mentioned, if you have all your SR powers (excepting Elude) and have them slotted for defense, you should be sitting at 95% Defense Debuff Resistance. This means that defense debuffing hits will have a miniscule effect. The problems you're experiencing might be related to your build. If you wouldn't mind posting them, I'm sure we would be able to give you some suggestions on maximizing the effectiveness of the build. SR is one of the best, if not the best, Scrapper secondaries to be able to achieve really high levels of survivability with little investment.



Originally Posted by Super_B_EU View Post
Actually a a little test I took every single defensive power I could see, which included all the SR powers + Combat Jumping + Stealth + Maneuvers & I think Weave (every little helps so they say). I slotted it fairly basically, nothing special just standard IO's..

Still felt squishy, in fact the only time I had to spam DA from my Kat set to stay alive in mobs.. surely I should have to do that in order to make SR good.. especally in PvE.

I dunno unless I have been approaching the set wrong (slotting wise) since I created it..
I threw your build into Mids putting two level 50 Def IOs in every defensive power and you're sitting pretty close to the defensive soft-cap of 45%. If you have a few million influence sitting around, I'd suggest grabbing a Steadfast:Resistance/Defense IO to slot into Tough. I'm wondering, though, how you're managing, endurance-wise, without Stamina?



Originally Posted by DrMike2000 View Post
These days its a bit overshadowed by Shield Defence, which offers enough Defence to get by and a bunch of offensive boost and tricks, but it still provides two distinct advantages over Shields - much easier to softcap and the massive Defence Debuff Resistance.
And don't forget Quickness -- permanent passive +recharge and runspeed. Everybody likes recharge, but I often see this perk of SR ignored when comparing it to Shields.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by BlackBellatrix View Post
I threw your build into Mids putting two level 50 Def IOs in every defensive power and you're sitting pretty close to the defensive soft-cap of 45%. If you have a few million influence sitting around, I'd suggest grabbing a Steadfast:Resistance/Defense IO to slot into Tough. I'm wondering, though, how you're managing, endurance-wise, without Stamina?
I'm not, I did it purely as a test just to see what it was like for surviving useing only DA & all the defensive powers.. it still seems rather squishy. In PvP usually any toon with basic level IO sets gains the accuracy/tohitt to hit me quite comfortably & kill me..

PvE it was better but once you stop using DA its not as good... it also still seems like 1 hit can trigger a chain of hits dispite the defensive debuff res built into the SR set :-/



Originally Posted by Super_B_EU View Post
Actually a a little test I took every single defensive power I could see, which included all the SR powers + Combat Jumping + Stealth + Maneuvers & I think Weave (every little helps so they say). I slotted it fairly basically, nothing special just standard IO's..

Still felt squishy, in fact the only time I had to spam DA from my Kat set to stay alive in mobs.. surely I should have to do that in order to make SR good.. especally in PvE.

I dunno unless I have been approaching the set wrong (slotting wise) since I created it..
Yeah, something's wrong. My MA/SR Scrapper doesn't have Tough slotted up, and lacks any self-heal at all, and she's plenty tough -- often she emerges unscathed from fights and is able to hand the fallen Tanker a wakie. Admittedly she is at the soft-cap with IOs, but you can get there too. SR is a fast, hands-free, very solid defensive set. It can resist defense debuffs fabulously well -- mine fights in Cimerora and on ITFs very well, despite literally hundreds of def-debuffing mobs crowding around her. And the new power effects can be set to show only in PVP, so it's very clean-looking now if you want that. Its problem is that it takes a lot of power picks, not that it doesn't work.

I don't see a build posted -- putting up your build might show us something.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Stories with SR:

RWZ Challenge: Level 54 spawn, 3 bosses + associated LTs and Minions, no insps: Done
Rikti Pylon soloed without insps: Done
Solo +4/x8 with bosses scanner missions: Often done
Last two times I was called into an Arena 1X1 match: 5-4, 5-2: Done
Last FFA: I had 8 kills versus the next two highest with 4 kills each out of 6 or 7 players in the match: Done
And I'm a carebear.

Can I do all that with SOs? Hell no. SR squishy? Also hell no.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Super_B_EU View Post
Actually a a little test I took every single defensive power I could see, which included all the SR powers + Combat Jumping + Stealth + Maneuvers & I think Weave (every little helps so they say). I slotted it fairly basically, nothing special just standard IO's..

Still felt squishy, in fact the only time I had to spam DA from my Kat set to stay alive in mobs.. surely I should have to do that in order to make SR good.. especally in PvE.

I dunno unless I have been approaching the set wrong (slotting wise) since I created it..
OK. If you had all that, lets say toggles and passives all 3-slotted with Def IOs, and CJ, Manouvers and Weave not slotted, you should be at around 40% Defence. Slotting Weave would get you up to maybe 42%, add in the Steadfast IO and you'll be at 45%.
This means you'll be taking half the damage you were at 40% Defence to all, because 5% gets through instead of 10%. You're absolutely right that every little bit helps when you get into the high end of Defence values.

This is why you're seeing such a big difference when you use DA for the extra +Melee Def, it pushing you into the softcap territory.

I'd ditch Manouvers, and replace it with a single Touch of Death set in your fastest attack for the +3.75% Melee Defence, and put Red Fortunes into your 3 Defence toggles for big Ranged Defence bonuses (and +Recharge to go with Quickness, thanks for the reminder, Sailboat!). You'll then be capped to Melee and Ranged, and almost capped to AoE, which is probably good enough.
The way you feel today when spamming DA, you should feel that way all the time without using DA if you do this.



I think SR is the worst secondary scrapper set in PvP so I wouldn't try that.



As others have indicated, do what you can to hit the magic 45% defense for PvE. I'll post a build template that does it with a single IO. Not saying to do it that way, but it's one way. Using IO sets and dropping Maneuvers is a better way.

I also think it's important to slot and use Tough, and to pick up as many hit points as you can, such as getting the accolades. To the extent possible, you want to turn your one-trick pony into something that can survive the hits. Aid Self may also be useful in that regard, but isn't strictly necessary - BillZ doesn't use it, and he's posted what he can do with his.

(Edit: Oh, and here is a link to attack mechanics. But the very simple version is that almost all PvE enemies you regularly face will have a 50% chance to hit. You subtract your defense from that, and the minimum chance to hit is 5%. Therefore, the maximum USEFUL defense most of the time in PvE is 45%. There ARE a fair number of defense debuffs, but a well-slotted SR all but ignores those. And there are occasional enemies with higher to-hit, but they seem very rare outside of Architect Entertainment.)

(Edit: Also note that there's almost no such thing as close enough to 45%. What about 40%? You're getting hit twice as often. 44%? Getting hit 20% more often. On a super Reflexes in PvE, it's almost "soft cap or go home", at least when you crank up the end game difficulty.)

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



Oh, and note, like it's been mentioned before, /SR is terrible in PvP. I just wouldn't recommend that toon for PvPing.



I'll also chime in on the PvP thing being meh with SR. Billz is some kind of mutant freak, or might be hacking a gibson or two, I'm not sure which.

Anyway, as noted, SR is completely brutal in PvE. My SR chars are Brutes, mind, but with Defense sets it's essentially the same thing: Get yourself to 45% Defense to Melee and Ranged, and as close as possible for AoE.

Go into the game and hit the powers tab on your bottom right tray, then hit the Combat Attributes button there. It'll bring up a screen to show us what you're actually playing with. Make sure all your defensive toggles are running. Mine, for instance, is all 3 SR toggles plus Combat Jumping and the Combat Attributes section on Defense tells me:

Ranged Defense: 49.8
Melee Defense: 46.15
AoE Defense: 46.88

The Debuff Resistance tab tells me:

Defense Resistance: 95%

This means that, generally speaking, most enemies only have a 5% chance to hit me. So most of the time, enemies will only hit me 1 time for every 20 times they attack. It's random, so it could be 5 in a row, but in practice that almost never happens.

You keep talking about cascading defense failure (enemies hit you, your defense lowers, they hit you more) but that should be virtually impossible, or at least unnoticeable. Assume an enemy has an attack which lowers your defense by, say, 7.5% (both the -def powers in claws, for instance).

Normally, if you have a 45% defense that would reduce you by 3.375, down to 41.625% Defense. As noted before, that would mean you're getting hit almost twice as often as previously (almost 10% of the time instead of 5% of the time). Assuming you got hit 3 times, it'd go:

45% to 41.6%
41.6% to 38.5%
38.5% to 35.6%

That'd be pretty bad, except you're Super Reflexes, so you should (with even basic SO slotting) be at 95% Defense Debuff Resistance, which means that a 7.5% defense debuff is reduced by 95%, and only imposes a .375% defense debuff.

45% Defense hit by a .375% defense debuff is ... 44.8%.

Even a hefty debuff like from Radiation Infection, at its highest value (a Defender with it 3 slotted for -Defense) is a 51.9% Defense Debuff... HUGE. Except to a SR, it's really only a 2.5% debuff, because we resist 95% of it.

So no, you should not be having any notable cascading defense failures on a Super Reflexes character. Your problem is, as has been noted, that you probably aren't sitting at the 45% defense cap, and it makes all the difference in the world.

For my build, I've chosen to invest heavily in IOs and skip Tough/Weave, to leave open slots for Aid Other (not that I use it) and Aid Self. I find that having a heal for just shy of 600hp every 10 seconds is plenty to keep me alive against virtually anything in PvE. Between a single Interrupt Reduction and the 5% chance to hit me, it's almost never interrupted.

I routinely tank the ITF on my Claws/SR brute, up to and including going toe to toe with all 3 AVs. The only one that gives me any trouble is Nictus Romulus's auto-hit pbaoe fluffy, but auto-hits are a pain in the *** for any Defense set.



Thanks to everyone who took the time to reply, I'm pretty confident that no matter what way I slot the toon it will be poor verging on average in PvP.

However in PvE I get the impression it is great (or at least better than I've experienced thus far), If its half as good as my Invunerable tank is in PvE, I'd be very happy. I'll take a stab at throwing a build together to try & touch the 45% soft cap, I'll toss it up here for critique when I'm done



For those on the bad in PvP side, have yall dove in recently? I remember SR also being painfully useless in PvP, and I expected it to be even worse now with PvP diminishing returns, but it seems that the new anti-accuracy/elusivity business is having some positive effect.

Course... it could also be blind luck with opponents not leveraging against SR. There was one /rad that spanked me rather quickly last week.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
For those on the bad in PvP side, have yall dove in recently? I remember SR also being painfully useless in PvP, and I expected it to be even worse now with PvP diminishing returns, but it seems that the new anti-accuracy/elusivity business is having some positive effect.

Course... it could also be blind luck with opponents not leveraging against SR. There was one /rad that spanked me rather quickly last week.

I pvp everyday super reflexes is just terrible when it comes to other secondarys like regen for example. Go to RV you'll find out pretty quickly. It was really good when I13 hit live maybe to good like widows and they completely messed up elusivity in there moved it from 30% down to 10%. Even with elude popped anyone with aim or build up is gonna hit you. I do occasianally see widows in there and you see the "elude" pop up over their head that's your que to use build up or aim or just even pop a yellow.

On a side note SR is just awesomeness for PvE I'm rolling a fire/SR right now no travel power I managed to get his run speed to 57.5mph and soft capped of course he's 38 right now.



| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Feel free to voice opinion, baring in mind I'm only really gonna use this for PvE & even though I have more than enough influence going spare.. I don't really want to spend anything on this toon considering its only going to be useful for PvE baring a major buff.



You can easily drop the thrid slot in PB and the three autos. Then, use those free slots to 5 slot red fortune in weave, evasion, elude and focused senses, while keeping the specials. That nets you +15% global recharge while allowing you to swap the crushing impact in soaring dragon to a full set of Mako's. Personally I think you're losing a lot of AOE damage by not taking lotus and flashing steel. I've posted my Kat/SR buld below for a comparison. I don't have the miracle or numina's yet, but the build runs fine without them.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



Make sure you get the accolades: Freedom Phalanx Reserve member; Task Force Commander; Atlas Medallion; Portal Jockey.

50's: Heroes: Ozmeth DB/WP; Black Decker DM/Regen; Shado-Strike DM/SR Scrapper (13 AV soloed); Desert-Shock Claws/Elec Scrapper; Shado-Shriek Dark/Son Def
Villains: Bokken Nin/Nin
Current project(s):



Originally Posted by Barbie_Ink View Post
I'll also chime in on the PvP thing being meh with SR. Billz is some kind of mutant freak, or might be hacking a gibson or two, I'm not sure which.

Anyway, as noted, SR is completely brutal in PvE. My SR chars are Brutes, mind, but with Defense sets it's essentially the same thing: Get yourself to 45% Defense to Melee and Ranged, and as close as possible for AoE.

Go into the game and hit the powers tab on your bottom right tray, then hit the Combat Attributes button there. It'll bring up a screen to show us what you're actually playing with. Make sure all your defensive toggles are running. Mine, for instance, is all 3 SR toggles plus Combat Jumping and the Combat Attributes section on Defense tells me:

Ranged Defense: 49.8
Melee Defense: 46.15
AoE Defense: 46.88

The Debuff Resistance tab tells me:

Defense Resistance: 95%

This means that, generally speaking, most enemies only have a 5% chance to hit me. So most of the time, enemies will only hit me 1 time for every 20 times they attack. It's random, so it could be 5 in a row, but in practice that almost never happens.

You keep talking about cascading defense failure (enemies hit you, your defense lowers, they hit you more) but that should be virtually impossible, or at least unnoticeable. Assume an enemy has an attack which lowers your defense by, say, 7.5% (both the -def powers in claws, for instance).

Normally, if you have a 45% defense that would reduce you by 3.375, down to 41.625% Defense. As noted before, that would mean you're getting hit almost twice as often as previously (almost 10% of the time instead of 5% of the time). Assuming you got hit 3 times, it'd go:

45% to 41.6%
41.6% to 38.5%
38.5% to 35.6%

That'd be pretty bad, except you're Super Reflexes, so you should (with even basic SO slotting) be at 95% Defense Debuff Resistance, which means that a 7.5% defense debuff is reduced by 95%, and only imposes a .375% defense debuff.

45% Defense hit by a .375% defense debuff is ... 44.8%.

Even a hefty debuff like from Radiation Infection, at its highest value (a Defender with it 3 slotted for -Defense) is a 51.9% Defense Debuff... HUGE. Except to a SR, it's really only a 2.5% debuff, because we resist 95% of it.

So no, you should not be having any notable cascading defense failures on a Super Reflexes character. Your problem is, as has been noted, that you probably aren't sitting at the 45% defense cap, and it makes all the difference in the world.

For my build, I've chosen to invest heavily in IOs and skip Tough/Weave, to leave open slots for Aid Other (not that I use it) and Aid Self. I find that having a heal for just shy of 600hp every 10 seconds is plenty to keep me alive against virtually anything in PvE. Between a single Interrupt Reduction and the 5% chance to hit me, it's almost never interrupted.

I routinely tank the ITF on my Claws/SR brute, up to and including going toe to toe with all 3 AVs. The only one that gives me any trouble is Nictus Romulus's auto-hit pbaoe fluffy, but auto-hits are a pain in the *** for any Defense set.
Um, how do you figure a 7.5% defense debuff is ony 3.75% BEFORE debuff resistance kicks in?

Generally it would be 7.5%, but then multiplied HIGHER by the fact that you're probably facing +2-+4s, not even levels at this point.

But likewise, that lets say + 2 averaged to about 10% debuff now. That first attack, will be reduced in its debuff from 10%, down to .5% taking your defense from 45%, down to only 44.5% Even with 3 attacks hitting, that would put you at 43.5% which isn't much to scoff at.

The DEFENSE-wise problem that SR has is when enemies have to hit BUFFs, which will be a simple subraction to your overall defense. DE quarts, and rularuu eyeballs, and forutunata seers will be your biggest worries with this.

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Originally Posted by Windenergy21 View Post
Um, how do you figure a 7.5% defense debuff is ony 3.75% BEFORE debuff resistance kicks in?
He said 0,375% not 3,75%. That was AFTER debuff resistance.

7,5% X 0,05 = 0,375%


"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX