who's the best Pvper you know?
Global Handle - Union - Any toon he plays to be fair.
CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.
Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle
there are no good pvpers in this game, only less bad players.
Multiple toons
especially scary on - Painful (PainDom/Sonic)
@Global Handle
Multiple toons
especially scary on - GET ON THE DOMINATOR (Mind/Fire)
@Fury Raiser
Multiple toons
especially scary on - Bombing Eardrumz (PainDom/Sonic)
Other toons on Union that I'm not sure of global name but if you see them, RUN !
Sniff Lord - Wp/Ss Brute
Mallacht De - Dark Miasma/Fire Corruptor
Daddies lil defect - Plant/Psi Dominator
Tang Master - MA/Nin Stalker
Ninja Sol - Elec/nin Stalker
there are more but i can't put my finger on the names... i'll add them as i remember.
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
@Mista Snax
dude plays a dark/storm and other assorted gimp toons he's better than anyone else in this game unless Z still plays.
Come back kiff
I have two names that come to mind. If either had moved to freedom or test pre pvp armageddon alot more people would know them. Quatermain and Solo One are two of the best that most people will never know. They could play any and all of their toons to the highest level. Great at duels or teaming, zone or arena, ranged or melee, it never mattered. If my good friend lucas would not afk so much I would put his name there as well. And the more I play with macskull the more I wish he had gotten into pvp sooner.
I could throw alot of old and current test and freedom pvpers out there as well. As I am sure others will come along and take care of that I wanted to get word in for my Justice people who don't often get kind words sent to them about pvp.
Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.

Blood mark, musey, morti, barrier (i know right)mac, and con.
i have some semblance of respect for solo after wooping my *** around on a fire/dark.
Union Multiple toons especially scary on - Painful (PainDom/Sonic) @Global Handle Union Multiple toons especially scary on - GET ON THE DOMINATOR (Mind/Fire) @Fury Raiser Union Multiple toons especially scary on - Bombing Eardrumz (PainDom/Sonic) |

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.
Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle
Johnny Wildfire and Aura NRGFX now have active accounts. Exit and Peril X still play, too.
Supermax: Virtuoso, Blasta, Sabaka.
Hyper Ai: Hyper Stealth, Hyper Kai.
Warhamster: Blood Mark.
Epsilon: Epsilon Assasin, Epic-Fail Epsilon.
Conflict and Macskull ofcourse.
Those are honestly the only people I consider to be "Top PvPers". That's from me observing them within the past 6 months.
Then again, what do I know.
Kifflom AKA MF TOxtheeZy should come back and start and SG with Aura and I.
I'm flattered I was mentioned but I'm definitely not one of "the best". I'm not going to say I suck (I'll leave that to the haters) but I'm nowhere near the best.
As far as PvPers I know... I guess that would have to be supermax since hes the only one I've actually spoken more then 10 words to in the past. For a SO user hes pretty damn good.
Blood Mark: Hes basically the only stalker that I worry about on my squishies. And he always tries to farm me, or at least it seems he does.
Subsonic Epsilon: Knows how to work that sonic.
Conflicts Grav dom (forget the name): His worm hole skills are tight son.
I don't really arena much and all the old schoolers I did know are gone now.
Thanks for mentioning me guys
Smeg, what are some toons of yours that I'd recognize? I can't seem to remember what you play.
Skarps! nuff said!
Thanks for mentioning me guys
![]() Smeg, what are some toons of yours that I'd recognize? I can't seem to remember what you play. |
Hyper Ai (fire/ss/earth tank)
Hyper Omega (psi/nrg/cold blaster)
Hyper Ki (nrg/nrg/force blaster)
Hyper Stealth (em/wp/lev stalker)
Hyper Kai (earth/nrg/lev dom)
Aura, for making me feel like a **** blaster every time I played on test. And the Justice (now Freedom?) people that faceroll me every time Im on a hero, con/solo/quat
i have a lot longer lists of names, but I dont know how many of em play anymore
also, me clearly
lol hyper, I hadn't realized this was you. Or maybe I knew at some point but forgot. Well, no wonder you always sounded like you knew what you were talking about on the forums. Cuz you actually do! haha
As far as the OP, it's kind of easy to answer at this point, with everybody gone. Which is why most of the posts mention the same guys. Conflict, mac, hyper, eps, and jimmay are the ones that come to mind for me. Problem is that hyper is the only one I run into regularly. Wish you ***** teamed with me moar.
Edit: Oh I totally forgot barrier still plays....add him to my list.
To the OP or anyone who made a serious post in this thread:
Obviously someone who's experience comes from PvPing in PvP zones would have a different Idea of "best" or even of "PvP" than someone who played in the arena.
There isn't and never was a "Best PvPer". There were good PvPers, but never "bests". As far as "good PvPers" go, few of the people who were considered good or even decent in i12 and back still play this game or PvP in it.
I know Aura and J. Wildfire recently reactivated their accounts. Elite's accounts are also active, and there are a few others out there who were actually considered "good" that still play or play currently. I just reactivated myself, but I'm terrible.
The problem isn't that there is a lack of good PvPers. The problem is that there is a lack of good PvP.
Name his/her server and pvp toon's name and build. I just wanna know what some good pvpers and pvp toons from other servers are.
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA594494F136118C7DF6E76A794CA2ED082088854B8B91 C8CA2262A258D182FA|
|2756827305AA6937648448DB85C8D1B41BDB0891A6FEAD1F8 49145C3E8689C6FA3C|
|CF7F8A078F4EDAFF6FE6D9DFB7F33673ED7844A9DB47942B3 A5AD42A95DC31525B2|
|FFBC7357BAEAC151B2A25D3C8276775D3D68AC959CD342CBF 52AADD09CB9DD5CC69|
|BD909EE0A8DC51DBD6F2577B6ABE8939CB2A95ED744692731 94E9E2B6AB65132E3A|
|7CC19BD4CF674ED26942D958AE9094BD70B11B93D69D8A65E A9E0614CD72CC39C8E|
|D51E0A7AB9326358F11396914F8F968A05AACE3DE75B68B80 1FA5E50B5ABEA53CB8|
|41155BF22685805D6043BD7810DC1E3BF595E0553D34BE095 A0E535808A93A42EA7|
|890BE16E84BB11EE45B8F78D6007B216493D4E96E7865B3C0 B82C84D41DD2DE032C|
|6BE2E4FDDB4ED3E695655BE41F1E448FD4E213F6A07B0C600 D618C21A4358630413|
|FA2825E8140A0E89891B859D658737A45DDB2AB02ED8B506A C087AA8421415DCD1A|
|098060282BD7EC112B9624EBD18EA75A25E270A75A26C12F5 FC542FEE4C143F4D37|
|7D2A40A6044CAEC433B4782268224F236AABC61F840ED54CA 666679EE62D0CF219D|
|8144C91ABD599A775C1C5A6DD77047BEE01778179C1537EC1 E587AD7ADA1F4985BE|
|07C0438CD2E8915788FA76384376A464279340823C5DF0F8B AB0C8243620850D486|
|103522FB0A1CB84847A4EF1DDCEEFD9BD29A3F46C015F30F4 37E09360E4AB204FF1|
|BDC8F2F4FEC498BF0443BF052355C134CDDC8F3877FF3B491 D7A0BBC1718143088A|
|13D837562DA1703424058F09DFE30D24EC374564CFBCF0019 605C7085EA0D23CE35|
|BC885196F01E79B78F197DE85263FF58B2DEEDB3A55C62497 96BC7ADFA5FD78748A|
|D57500B919E63C9B29C679964B9C872894542A658F22CD58F DBD9B1033CD0419643|
|2C8759EE73909F0F539825C21265A96389B1D4B324589A58D A589659AA7F006F901|