The state of eu servers




Been on 2 banner events and it lagged on epic proportions with massive rubberbandings and mapservers every 2 seconds. On a zombie apocalypse i had 1-2 minutes of powerlag.
This was on Union

How are the US servers doing on the event?



Finally we got a message of "Supernatural .." happening in Croatoa. We all rushed there (we all waited for it). We get 2 banners down, fight the 3'd and everyone gets mapservered.
For some time we are not able (until event is over) to relog into our chars as we get two messages. Account still logged in and when clicking our chars. "Character is still logging out".
Then when we do get back in I find that the one badge (Monster Masher from the Red banner) and the Accolade has been removed from my recent badge list. We have waited around an hour for the event and we are rewarded by a mapserver with badges that are deleted?

Its petitioned, and I hope I get those two badges back. I got more characters to do the event on... Hope for no more moments like this.
Please Feed the hamsters and give us our badges

Edit: This was on Union.

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



And Grandville on Union seems to be in perma mapserver as well.

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Performance is pretty good for me.

EDIT: Oh, I'm not in game yet. I'm still at work so that might be why.

On a more serious note I don't see any complaint threads from the US users so I assume it's going alright. Time will tell.



currently on my third attempt at an apocalypse event in IP (union server) and with only 44 people in the zone we have so much lag we hardly get any progress at all...

When do we get a new hamster?
the old one is clearly broken and since we are paying for this game i really think we have the right to a working (lag free) server the same as everyone else.

Thank you very much for the attention i hope my next post on the shiny boards will be of a more positive nature.




Edit to my problem.
I''ll say one thing, the Gm's where quick to contact me.
Ofc, After the Croatoa incident there came another Banner event in IP, and I got the badges there. Even time enough for me to relog to another char and do the event on her for the badges.

But... Union (and i suspect most of the Eu servers) suffers from serious map-servers problems, rubberbanding and lag, with many players in the same zone. The Croatoa incident just showed that we managed to crash that zone.
And No its not my computer or my connection (I got a pretty beefed up pc and very good line).
The problem lies close to the Servers I'm afraid. Specially since the Croatoa happened to every player that participated in Halloween event (and anyone unfortunate doing Trick or treating in Croatoa, or chatting there at the time).

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Know that quite a few players in perigine island suffered extremely bad power lag in that you'ld have to wait a good 10 seconds or so for your power to execute. Unfortunately this seems to happen whenever an EU server does reach any sort of level ingame [think about 30 - 40 people in that zone at that time].

Though i didnt petition it unfortunately.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Lag, the Deadly Assassin...

The infrastructure near the server farm in Germany must be made of wet paper tissues and glued with spit. At times like these I give thanks I have no toons on Union... at least Defiant stands laggy but proud.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Yep same problems on union. Got crushing lag in PI, just about unplayable even with graphics turned right down, then went to croatoa apocalypse thing had same lag which made only the shortest activation time powers useable, followed by zone crash. Looks like US servers have had that crash though.

The hollows apocalypse event before this was lag free for me but only after alt got rubberbanded all the way from middle of map to the entrance when the spawns started appearing.

The state of EU servers has been fairly feeble for a while with little glitches and laaag.

My connection is pretty darned good and my machine is stable and bedded in after upgrading a month ago (mainly for this game).



Serious Question to any redname that happens to glance this way?

Is this a problem that can be fixed?
Is it being looked into?

It is getting particularly bad. EU side was always a bit temperamental, but never to point of refusing log ins, whole zone crashes and general tom-foolery like this...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



50 ppl in PI and npc´s starts teleporting and getting serous powerlag.



Think that more than 2 teams in 1 zone cause bad lag and crashing.
For how many people are EU Servers designed?

We should be charged less than people on US servers since we have much worse condition for playing. (I know that will never happen, just getting bit mad because I love halloween event and can't enjoy it fully because of so many lag)

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Originally Posted by CatAstrophy View Post
Think that more than 2 teams in 1 zone cause bad lag and crashing.
For how many people are EU Servers designed?

... (snipped)
Is that the reason for the lack of Hamidon raids on Union?
I yet have to experience one myself, been on a few Rikti MS raids that usually had 4-5 teams, maybe 50 players in total at peak times. And yes there's usually "powers lag" going on then. It's still fun though. (the raids not the lag)



There is a map disconnect issue specific to the Halloween event that will be fixed with a live build this week. This should make the deadly Apocalypse less of a lag or crash inducing catastrophe.

As for the state of the EU servers, we are constantly trying to make sure our infrastructure can support our game as best as possible and whenever our monitoring systems detect an issue that can be attributable to our servers or our network, you can be sure that our engineers will be on the case the same day and even instantly in many cases.

There are many factors to take into account that could contribute to making the game laggy, however we can only encourage you all to /petition it whenever you experience a problem with the game since our CS and QA teams can then relay the information to higher instances.

It has happened several times that problems experienced by our players were due to external issues. I'm not saying that it can never be the servers themselves or their supporting infrastructure, I'm just saying that we always have to take several factors into consideration before being able to pinpoint the origin of a problem and it helps us tremendously when we get as many petitions as possible on the same issue since it allows us to eliminate certain factors immediately.

I hope I make sense!

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