15 -
Seems like a lot of names kicking about here.
I had every sympathy with the mod on that channel.
It was very harsh but it did stop the channel degenerating into the unreadable mess of spam I have seen it fall into on a weekend.
I have seen such reasonable off topic exchanges used as a "its so unfair" "inconsistent mod" excuse to clog things up with yet more drivel.
Its nicer and more relaxed when everyone shows a bit of consideration but unfortunately once someone starts the silly buggers I'd rather it went all Stalinist for a bit.
Just offering my observations of "a channel" -
I do agree with the O.P. that these run around missions can be annoying.
I would just like to offer a small counter point. I started playing after i15, and what people might not appreciate is just how big Paragon city is after 5 years.
As a new player I definitely needed and appreciated these hand holding missions on my first run through. A lot of team offers when I started seemed to be focused on AE which didn't interest me as I hadn't experienced any of the regular content yet.
It is worth remembering that when you first step into Paragon city, particularly after its years of growth, it is huge. After i16 it is also very nearly completely open.
Did I know that Steel was safer than Talos, or that Founders Falls was I smige less safe than Perez. No.
Did the now irritating hand holding missions get me through. Yes.
I also really enjoyed the Hollows and Faultline arcs and they probably got me hooked on the game.
Saying that personally its the Founders Falls contacts obsession with sending me to Kings Road before they give me a phone number that gets on my nerves but oh well. -
Yep same problems on union. Got crushing lag in PI, just about unplayable even with graphics turned right down, then went to croatoa apocalypse thing had same lag which made only the shortest activation time powers useable, followed by zone crash. Looks like US servers have had that crash though.
The hollows apocalypse event before this was lag free for me but only after alt got rubberbanded all the way from middle of map to the entrance when the spawns started appearing.
The state of EU servers has been fairly feeble for a while with little glitches and laaag.
My connection is pretty darned good and my machine is stable and bedded in after upgrading a month ago (mainly for this game). -
Union (EU) Crashed in Croatoa, last night same problem. Alts stuck logging out badges etc rolled back. The lag for me had become silly but I dont know if that was the same for everyone.
Hi there started playing EU version 3 months ago myself, after steam essentially forced me there. Its great fun (when everyone isn't hiding in Beta).
Paragon wiki sorted out most of my questions about arcs and badges.
Things that weren't obvious:
Cape quest level 20 see city representative. Same deal with Auras later.
Ourobouros Portal is the best travel short cut in game.
Montague Castinalary arc gives you access to a zone later in game.
Glowies make a noise. Did huge facepalm when someone on team said "I hear glowies"
Biggest gripe is character slots. Starting to run out. You need those extra Union/Defiant slots. If you are better at learning languages than me then still only 2 other servers worth. I am much too old to learn French and German just for this admittedly lovely game.
Oh and if you used pay pal because you don't have a credit card forget about in game store (no more slots) -
Some clever boffin types on the bug thread have explained that the detoggle bug isn't a bug.
The gist of it is that one of the server units hasn't had its clock reset so it thinks it is in a different time zone to all the others. So when you enter the zone it is running it thinks you have logged off for the time difference and logged back on.
As a side effect it dishes out an hour or however much the difference is of patrol experience.
Checked last night and I did get a tiny bit of patrol xp when I got dettoggled (Kings Row this time). About an hours worth.
So if this is correct no point reporting as an i16 bug. Instead we need to all ask really politely if the nice chap with the hamsters wouldn't mind WAKING UP. Its been a fortnight already.
If the bug boffins are wrong then I will obviously buy the hamster keeper a pint. -
Phew that worked.
Still waiting for costume pieces and event.
P.S. I also like purple recipes, and would feel more inclined not to rant if I got 1 Billion inf. -
When solo I tend to fly between missions using peripheral vision whilst hitting the Tab key, and pick off the odd defeat badge villain as I go.
Get loads over time, help the poor victims on the street, and bump into things a lot. -
Had a sudden urge to make a Technology Will Power Tanker called Marvin, but then really what would be the point. -
I fancy some free stuff and might have to pretend to rant endlessly about how unfair all this is.
Oh its unfair , moan , doom, devs hate europe, last straw, cancelling subs. etc.
P.s. I like costume items, dbl xp, and special events. -
Not sure what to do with myself. Don't trust myself to go outside, I might try to superleap.
Gosh do the forums often eat posts? Oh well this will be an abridged more readable version of what I wrote.
Union Hero RMT swearwording obvious.
Not hidden
Level50 Science Controller Gibberish name
Early hours(UK) when I often play 40 ish people not hidden 36 all 50science controller.
Effect on me before i16= removed an origin/archetype choice from game also removed Fire/Kin, functioned like an auto ignore on search.
After i16 my rubbish computer struggles with lots of fire imps, now I actively avoid portal corp. and only tend hop through ouro.
Reported all 36 alt names before i16 as worth checking while not expecting to be told of progress did expect progress.
These chaps are acting with such impunity its embarrassing they don't hide one even has a keystroke guide as his search comment.
Making me sad and a bit cross -
Just thought I would post again to respectfully suggest that this chap has a better grasp of English than he is presenting. The more baiting and provocative his comments the clearer they become. Also the inconsistent use of grammar is a little suspect.
As with his last deleted post could I suggest no further feeding, it will only get worse. -
Hello I just got forced out of lurking by someone saying some very silly things in city life. They seem to have got a tiny bit upset and reported everyone on the post so I am not off to a very good start. Hopefully this will be a little less objectionable.
Anyway just posting to say how helpful everyone has been on Union, and how generally nice I am finding the game. Its also quite novel to find forums where people use joined up thinking. I am just about to get my 3 month vet badge and I hope to get many more.
So you should all give yourselves a pat on the back.