Planting the Seeds of Suggestion




I had this posted on a different post but i believe it should go into this general Archtype post.

I would like the Devs to serioulsy review this option because i have been wanting this for years now.

Please provide feedback and suggestions as the more we ask, beg and rebel for change to more apt it is to occur.

What if you could use the existing "choose build" option to be allowed to change your secondary **OR** primary powerset only. (one or the other, not both :P )

Perhaps it could be incorporated into a "perk" upgrade, like the magic, wedding, science ect perks.

Maybe after the purchase a new contact could be placed on the map to do a powerswap of secondary powers, maybe pending a mission arc of some sort.

I Think it is penalty enough to loose all your Slotting Hancers especially if you have IO's.

I would buy it even if the Perk Upgrade cost $15.00!

After all you are only able to choose 2 builds so exploits could only go so far, if at all.

Perhaps this could become unlockable content at a certain lvl, like 25, 30, 40, or yet another Perk of becoming lvl 50.

I think it would be cool to be able to get to 50 and have the chance to "Master" different powersets. It would add to the enjoyment of getting and playing my 50's.

**New Contact Dialog Box at 50** Congrats your character has reached lvl 50, a new contact is now available to further your abilities. Arc content and contact info text inserted into pop up tab.

Like i said i would be happy to even pay for such an option. This idea could rake in yet more cash, or much needed cash because it seems that not only is the content lacking at 50 but players are becoming.....distant from COX more and more.

Please incorporate this!!!



Originally Posted by neoblayde View Post
Please provide feedback and suggestions as the more we ask, beg and rebel for change to more apt it is to occur.
I'd like to ask, beg and rebel for the change that you never post a suggestion again



OP, This has been suggested many times in the past, and not only been shot down by the Devs as something highly, HIGHLY unlikely to occur, but generally seen by the forumites as a bad thing. Why? Two reasons:

1) You can take an easy-leveling set, like Regen, to a decently high level, like 32, then switch to something that is harder to level, but has higher top-end performance, such as /SR. As such, it could be used to get around the drawbacks of many sets. Take Ice Armor until level 32, then get Stone Armor for Granite once you get there.

2) A slightly lower concern is that people won't know how to play the sets. Yes, the game is fairly easy to learn, and for us vets, it probably wouldn't take longer than a mission to figure it out, but for the newer people, they could switch sets within an AT, and have them play very different from another. Imagine somebody new, who has been playing as an Empathy Defender. Now, they switch to Storm Summoning. Will they have learned the tactics for the new set before they join your team? Maybe, maybe not. But if they haven't, they're likely to be a detriment to your team, more than a benefit.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by neoblayde View Post
you dont like my suggestions dont read them.

instead post me a comment that is worth while, not immature illogical 4 year old content that lacks reasoning or suggetion.

I could get a more productive comment from a mentally challenged quadrapelegic with minus IQ points.
Not that I'm defending the person you replied to, but you could have also followed the forum rules, and probably searched on this topic and found out some information on it yourself.

Also, flat out insults aren't likely to win you any votes on this.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by neoblayde View Post
I could get a more productive comment from a mentally challenged quadrapelegic with minus IQ points.
I'd get a better suggestion too



Paragon Studios will probably shut down the CoH/V servers before this idea will ever be implemented simply because CoH/V is modeled in such a way as to promote the creation of many characters by the players.

Your idea, while sounding very cool and all, goes against the concept of encouraging players to create more characters and will eventually discourage character-creation to the point where players may end up with several Lv50 character which they will respec every so often so that they may explore the power-sets available to each AT.

This is not what Paragon Studios or NCosft wish to encourage since it has already been demonstrated that people will burn through content and level up a character from Lv1 to Lv50 in a matter of weeks to months — and that's assuming one practices restraint in ones' playing habits.

TLDR :: You're asking the Devs to start sawing the tree upon which they are perched, and that's not good for any of us who want to see this game live longer and prosper.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by neoblayde View Post
I had this posted on a different post but i believe it should go into this general Archtype post.

I would like the Devs to serioulsy review this option because i have been wanting this for years now.

Please provide feedback and suggestions as the more we ask, beg and rebel for change to more apt it is to occur.

What if you could use the existing "choose build" option to be allowed to change your secondary **OR** primary powerset only. (one or the other, not both :P )

Perhaps it could be incorporated into a "perk" upgrade, like the magic, wedding, science ect perks.

Maybe after the purchase a new contact could be placed on the map to do a powerswap of secondary powers, maybe pending a mission arc of some sort.

I Think it is penalty enough to loose all your Slotting Hancers especially if you have IO's.

I would buy it even if the Perk Upgrade cost $15.00!

After all you are only able to choose 2 builds so exploits could only go so far, if at all.

Perhaps this could become unlockable content at a certain lvl, like 25, 30, 40, or yet another Perk of becoming lvl 50.

I think it would be cool to be able to get to 50 and have the chance to "Master" different powersets. It would add to the enjoyment of getting and playing my 50's.

**New Contact Dialog Box at 50** Congrats your character has reached lvl 50, a new contact is now available to further your abilities. Arc content and contact info text inserted into pop up tab.

Like i said i would be happy to even pay for such an option. This idea could rake in yet more cash, or much needed cash because it seems that not only is the content lacking at 50 but players are becoming.....distant from COX more and more.

Please incorporate this!!!
I can't see it happening.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



if the problem lies in someone switching sets frequently to lvl faster then it could be a lvl 50 unlockable content perk.

if noobie players are a concern then the powers should not be avaiable to use until the player has completed a mission arc. just as the powers are greyed out when you are exempt they will be greyed out in other missions except your own arc until you complete the arc usuing your new powers. this gives the chance to gain a bit of experiance with the new powers.

The fact that it might eventually discourage character-creation is the only money hungry reason that this possibly wont happen. but this will add to the fun of creating a 50 and if more powersets come out then people will play the game more again anyway.

There is always going to be change and there is no reason why there can not be more powersets created to broaden the spectrum and add to playable content.

The game is loosing people fast. 2xp weekend was pathetic this time around.

I removed my former comment, as it was wrote in the heat of the moment and uncalled for. I am not a new player but am new to the forums so the forum search is greek to me.
everytime i try to search the forums i get nothing.



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
Paragon Studios will probably shut down the CoH/V servers before this idea will ever be implemented simply because CoH/V is modeled in such a way as to promote the creation of many characters by the players.

Your idea, while sounding very cool and all, goes against the concept of encouraging players to create more characters and will eventually discourage character-creation to the point where players may end up with several Lv50 character which they will respec every so often so that they may explore the power-sets available to each AT.

Exactly. This would just be bad business.

MMOs, in general, are designed with time sinks in mind and giving people an instant skip over some of the more "painful" facets is a very, very bad thing because it results in burn outs which results in less accounts, resulting in less money. I'm kind of taking the worst case scenario for the track here but it's pretty accurate to what happens. Just try to play Diablo 2 offline with one of those character editors at hand (or Fallout 3/Oblivion/other with console cheats)--it's amazing how quickly your interest in the actual game will wither and die. That's fine for offline games with little relative maintenance but not quite so fine for online games with high degrees of required maintenance that depend on your continued support.

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



More evidence please. No, scratch that, more unsupported hypoerbole please. It's really entertaining

Also: Playing one arc = 50 levels of playing a powerset? Bwuahahah

Bad suggestion that appeals to people who want it all, and want it right now. The counterarguments, for NC, are really quite massive. Stop people making alts, and you remove a huge time sink. Money.

I don't care for swapping any of my alts to other powersets, that's what new alts are, can't personally see the appeal, and if NC is loooooosing people, as you so aptly and confidently claimed from between your soft and delightful buns, reducing its potential revenue is a pretty dumb way to try and solve that, no?



Originally Posted by neoblayde View Post

The game is loosing people fast. 2xp weekend was pathetic this time around.
Please support these two comments with actual evidence, please. I've noticed a lot more population on my server since I16 came out.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



but if you can only change one set one time per build there wont be much loss in that. in fact i will want to play my dusty 50's again if there is more goals insight. hence keeping revenue and evening out. adding more playable content is always a good thing.

creating a more broad spectrum of powersets will increase revenue as more players will want to test these.

the game is not going to flop because you can choose one powerset or ther other at lvl 50. the game will flop because of loss of interest from doing the same farms over and over or the same mishes over and over using the same builds. people might play there old builds more with some adequate change.

the idea is still good no matter how much you want to bash it.



Originally Posted by neoblayde View Post
the idea is still good no matter how much you want to bash it.


Sense of humility and reasoning: ur doin it rong!

I love your use of "will" and "this will definitely happen, I have the power of foresight". Really shows of the side of you that is actually a tool, great going



Originally Posted by neoblayde View Post
but if you can only change one set one time per build there wont be much loss in that. in fact i will want to play my dusty 50's again if there is more goals insight. hence keeping revenue and evening out. adding more playable content is always a good thing.
This isn't more content. It's just a new powerset with the same content. ACTUALLY adding content would be a good thing for the Devs to do. Of course, the Devs did give the players a way to make nearly unlimited content, but the Players then drove that system into the ground.

creating a more broad spectrum of powersets will increase revenue as more players will want to test these.
Creating more powersets would indeed do this. Allowing you to switch powersets would not. Right now, if you want to test a new powerset out, you need to make a new character, and level them up until the powers you wanted to test out. This take time.

If your suggestion were implemented, the players could just switch to the new set, and try it out. That's much less time to try things out, which means less revenues for Paragon Studios over time. Burst of revenues < steady revenues.

the game is not going to flop because you can choose one powerset or ther other at lvl 50.
Maybe not, but neither will it flop because of a lack of this.

the game will flop because of loss of interest from doing the same farms over and over or the same mishes over and over using the same builds. people might play there old builds more with some adequate change.
They can get much more change by creating a new character. Also, if all they're doing is farming, it doesn't matter what build they use to do it, they'll get bored at the same exact pace, and maybe even faster, as they find that running the same farm over and over again, even with different sets, is just as boring to them

the idea is still good no matter how much you want to bash it.
You can keep saying this, but it doesn't make it true. If you think that your idea is good, by all means, continue to support it. But base your arguments on actualities, not just how you feel about a particular subject. Figure out the problems with your suggestion, and address them.

Saying things like, "oh, just level gate it," doesn't address many of the problems with the idea, including the financial aspects of it.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



the servers never got redlined, Freedom or Virtue. i played from friday to monday only taking short breaks and a few naps and the servers never went red. last 2xp if you logged out you had to wait at least 30 min to log back in because the servers we full. last 2xp i played on triumph because my main server was full most most of the time.

teams are harder to find mid lvl than a few months back because there arent as many people online. yesturday during peak times there were 8 people in PO on vills freedom server.



Originally Posted by neoblayde View Post
the servers never got redlined, Freedom or Virtue. i played from friday to monday only taking short breaks and a few naps and the servers never went red. last 2xp if you logged out you had to wait at least 30 min to log back in because the servers we full. last 2xp i played on triumph because my main server was full most most of the time.

teams are harder to find mid lvl than a few months back because there arent as many people online. yesturday during peak times there were 8 people in PO on vills freedom server.
And you are completely ignoring the fact that the server load dots are just that: SERVER LOAD. They are not population. Freedom and Virtue have gotten server upgrades. As such, it takes, on average, a much greater population on those servers to reach red server load.

The population in this game always takes a bit of a drop during the fall. This is due to many factors, not the least of which is that people go back to school, and jobs tend to ramp up for end-of-year stuff. This has been a trend over this game, and many others, for a long time now.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
And you are completely ignoring the fact that the server load dots are just that: SERVER LOAD. They are not population. Freedom and Virtue have gotten server upgrades. As such, it takes, on average, a much greater population on those servers to reach red server load.

Also the second part of the post.

Things have been a little quieter than normal on a number of my global channels the last couple of weeks, but a fair bit of that has been because of people stating that they won't be on much for a while due to school and/or work load. Also, i know a number of people who haven't played any games for a while because they can't afford to pay for them right now. As soon as they have the money to spare they will be back, but there are a lot of people right now who can't justify ~$15 a month for a game.

On the flip side several in-game friends who i hadn't seen in a year or more have started playing again since i16 came out.

A few thoughts on the OP's "Seeds":
1) No, you're not sorry. So far you're apparently also not modest or supporting your position with convincing facts or an original argument.
2) There is a "Suggestions & Ideas" section of the forums. i'll bet you can guess what sort of posts should go there. (The OP is an excellent example.)
3) i think your suggestion is not a particularly good one, but many others have already given reasons why, so i'll just suggest re-reading those posts.
4) There is no number 4.
5) No pooftahs!
6) 6 is now 4. Deal with it.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by neoblayde View Post

I would like the Devs to serioulsy review this option because i have been wanting this for years now.
I nearly facepalmed. I DID grin like an idiot, shaking my head and chuckling at the same time.

Sure, I'd love it if I could change some powersets that I might have messed up in the past. Or have my character who is meant to have martial arts, psi blast, empathy and super reflexes all in one bundle.

But it's not possible. So I fudge and compensate and, actually, it's still just as fun.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by neoblayde View Post
I had this posted on a different post but i believe it should go into this general Archtype post.

I would like the Devs to serioulsy review this option because i have been wanting this for years now.

Please provide feedback and suggestions as the more we ask, beg and rebel for change to more apt it is to occur.

What if you could use the existing "choose build" option to be allowed to change your secondary **OR** primary powerset only. (one or the other, not both :P )

Perhaps it could be incorporated into a "perk" upgrade, like the magic, wedding, science ect perks.

Maybe after the purchase a new contact could be placed on the map to do a powerswap of secondary powers, maybe pending a mission arc of some sort.

I Think it is penalty enough to loose all your Slotting Hancers especially if you have IO's.

I would buy it even if the Perk Upgrade cost $15.00!

After all you are only able to choose 2 builds so exploits could only go so far, if at all.

Perhaps this could become unlockable content at a certain lvl, like 25, 30, 40, or yet another Perk of becoming lvl 50.

I think it would be cool to be able to get to 50 and have the chance to "Master" different powersets. It would add to the enjoyment of getting and playing my 50's.

**New Contact Dialog Box at 50** Congrats your character has reached lvl 50, a new contact is now available to further your abilities. Arc content and contact info text inserted into pop up tab.

Like i said i would be happy to even pay for such an option. This idea could rake in yet more cash, or much needed cash because it seems that not only is the content lacking at 50 but players are becoming.....distant from COX more and more.

Please incorporate this!!!

abso-*******-lutely not. no no no no no no nooooo, and no. never. ever. ever. ever. that is why we can make new toons and are encouraged to do so.

also, learn to search before making anymore posts. and be prepared to back up anything you say that requires evidence with actual evidence. not hyperbole.



what part of:


just isn't gotten by players?



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
what part of:


just isn't gotten by players?
The part where they're not getting their way, I would venture to guess.

The "I know what's good for the game better than the people in charge of it" attitude doesn't help either.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Ok so due to lots of criticism let’s revamp this to benefit all.
Revamp Respecification Reward
This reward is granted to the (39, 42, 45, 48 whichever is best) Month Veteran at levels 32 – 50.
A new Contact will appear in Veteran Rewards Tab just as Respecifications and Powers do. The contact will not see you until level 32+, although he can be claimed and placed into your active Contacts tab for future reference.


Contact: Mad Scientist Dr. Genome

Welcome if it is new power you seek it will come at a hefty price.
Complete these tasks for me and I will make you a special serum that allows you to alter your powers or enhance your current state of being.

There are two ways in which I am able to scientifically alter your genetic makeup, Muahaa..
You must choose one or the other!
Both alterations are too much for anything to live through, the last person who wanted both imploded when I injected the serums!!
Muahahahaa…. Or I mean… poor soul. Anyways that was a freak accident, make your choice.

Choice One Power Alteration
I will make you a serum that will allow you to change your attack powers or your defensive powers. The choice is yours. No I will not do both! Especially after what happened the time after last… That was a mess, and left stains!!
Beware!! After you take this serum you will become extremely weaker. You will be dropped to level (27, 32, 37 which ever) and your enhancements will be sold to auction to pay for my experiments with the exception of what you can fit into your pockets, after all I am Mad not Evil!

Choice Two
I will inject into you a specially formulated serum that will allow you to enhance yourself to maximum potency!! (Or this option can grant X number of additional slots to place wherever you wish)
This serum will cost you extra for my time, Mad Scientist have to eat. (Price could range from 1M – 5M)

Are you willing to let me try my experiments on you?

I accept choice one, and hope I don’t die in the process….

I will pay your crazy butt and become STRONGER!!Or implode…. Just tell me what I have to do…

Leave this crazy goon!


Upon acceptance of the choice a new mission arc will appear that you can now begin. After completion of the arc you return to Dr. Genome with his supplies and you are taken into the Respecification window to either slot additional slots or revamp your build and stuff your tray with whatever enhancements you want to keep.



The developers said no. Nearly all of the players who have responded to this suggestion throughout the innumerable times it's been brought up have said no.

Which part of "no" are you having trouble understanding? The N or the O?



No is not an option

No = New Opportunities.

Bash as much as you want suggestions to better the game should be look upon as a plus not flammed at start.

The first concept of the notion was not good, as I quickly learned from the criticism. Hence it was revamped to address the prior issues. This is how new ideas come about to improve what we do, game. So how about some suggestions to better enhance the gameplay of the COX community and not a ton of unnecessary flaming.

Let the Dev's tell me no and give a reason why personally, you are not the Developer.

Perhaps the ways it was brought up in the past were not adequate and obviously so.

Provide to me an adequate reasoning as to why this will not work and I will revamp the idea until it fits all.




Originally Posted by neoblayde View Post
Bash as much as you want suggestions to better the game should be look upon as a plus not flammed at start.
You're absolutely right. Suggestions that better the game should not be flamed. However, any suggestion that goes against the business model of the game, which is to encourage income by encouraging people to spend more time in the game — this is an MMO after all — is simply not good for the game, it's bad for the game.

Originally Posted by neoblayde View Post
The first concept of the notion was not good, as I quickly learned from the criticism. Hence it was revamped to address the prior issues.
Any suggestion that allows people to cut down on the time it takes them to try a new power from a different power-set without actually committing to growing a character with that power-set as an original choice, from Lv1 to Lv50, will essentially decrease the time said person spends with their character(s) hence with the game itself.

If you are suggesting things that would increase a player's saturation level and therefore the boredom a player feels towards their characters, you're going to get a resounding no from the Devs and the community.

Originally Posted by neoblayde View Post
This is how new ideas come about to improve what we do, game. So how about some suggestions to better enhance the gameplay of the COX community and not a ton of unnecessary flaming.
How about reading through the Suggestion Forum first so you can actually check and see for yourself which suggestion were shot down and which suggestions actually encourage productive debates, before suggesting anything?

Originally Posted by neoblayde View Post
Let the Dev's tell me no and give a reason why personally, you are not the Developer.
Sorry, that's not going to happen because the Developers are busy developing the game. What's more, the Developers owe you nothing more than to allow you to log in and play the game according to the EULA for as long as they keep the game servers open and you keep paying the subscription fees. Other than that, the Devs owe you nothing more.

Originally Posted by neoblayde View Post
Perhaps the ways it was brought up in the past were not adequate and obviously so.
No, what's not adequate about this suggestion is that it leads the game towards a direction the Devs do not wish to take, period.

Originally Posted by neoblayde View Post
Provide to me an adequate reasoning as to why this will not work and I will revamp the idea until it fits all.
It's not that your suggestion will not work. Mechanically, it will work. However, what people are telling you is that the idea itself to allow people to replace power-sets or even mix powers from different power-sets, even if those are powers within the ATs' scope, that idea is simply bad for the game as a whole because eventually it leads to cutting down on the time a player spends in-game making characters and growing them.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati