Character names becoming hard to come by

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Can I make a suggestion?

What about an option to 'generic' your name in the character creator? Kinda like blurting out a random placeholder name and you can come back and rename the character later, perhaps after playing it a few levels, when you thought of one?

I've actually rerolled half a dozen characters that made it to the mid 20s because 'Oh! I just thought of a cool name! AND IT'S AVAILABLE! Too bad I just threw together a not as cool one because I got frustrated with all my choices being taken...*sigh*'

For me, character look, bio and concept usually come about first with a name being an afterthought so it's more of a hassle for me.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
I've actually rerolled half a dozen characters that made it to the mid 20s because 'Oh! I just thought of a cool name! AND IT'S AVAILABLE! Too bad I just threw together a not as cool one because I got frustrated with all my choices being taken...*sigh*'
... but we can rename characters now. Have been able to for a couple of years, in fact.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
... but we can rename characters now. Have been able to for a couple of years, in fact.
I don't think Leo wants to pay for it. I don't think anyone wants to pay but that's the only option they have.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
... but we can rename characters now. Have been able to for a couple of years, in fact.
But you have to pay for it...or make a character with an offensive name and have someone report you to a GM.

I'm talking about a 1-time-upon-character-creation choice to either enter your character name like now or choose the option of a 'generic' placeholder and enter a real name at a later chance.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
But you have to pay for it...
Told ya!



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
The only way a vet could get "priority" on any given name at any particular point is for someone to submit a name, and then to have them email every vet (starting with the longest, down to the person who joined two minutes before the new person) asking if THEY wanted the name instead.
The other way that a vet could get priority is to roll up a new character with the name they want, and when the system checks for the name, it also checks the vet status of the person who already has the name.
If the existing character is on a newer account, then *yoink*, they are generic67853 until they get a (hopefully free) rename.
Even as a veteran who would get the ability to do this to anyone who came in after August 2004, I think it would be awful.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
But you have to pay for it...
No fault of mine...



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
No fault of mine...
So the suggestion has no merit?

And if we're being snarky about it, my suggestion isn't actually available because we don't have the option to temporarily bypass inputting a name. What we *do* have is a purchasable name respec.

Apparently, being bogged down with searching, researching and squeezing our imagination until a clever idea pops out (or your brain turns purple and explodes) before you can play the game is a situation no one minds suffering through...

...or they just didn't think to suggest something to solve it.



that's why you come up with a name first while playing other toons. you already know what power sets you want so all it comes down to is naming the toon. think about how mad you will be if you get to 25 with a generic name holder only to find out that the name you want is now taken.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
And if we're being snarky about it, my suggestion isn't actually available because we don't have the option to temporarily bypass inputting a name. What we *do* have is a purchasable name respec.
I don't think you're going to find many superheroes - or actors, or authors, or anybody else whose career involves using a nom de guerre, for that matter - in fiction or real life who decided, "No, you know what, I'm gonna hold off on having a name for a while." It just... doesn't happen. Car companies will occasionally build a car before deciding what to call it, but I've yet to see one start selling them before naming them.

Apparently, being bogged down with searching, researching and squeezing our imagination until a clever idea pops out (or your brain turns purple and explodes) before you can play the game is a situation no one minds suffering through...

...or they just didn't think to suggest something to solve it.
... yyyyeah, I'm thinking "A". This is basically asking the programmers to solve a problem that isn't one.



You know that we CAN select a name at the start of character generation now, right? I mean... that big bar of tabs across the top of the gen screen means you can switch around if you want to...

We can pay for renames, we can pay for server switches and extra slots. We don't need to get some things utterly free.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
that's why you come up with a name first while playing other toons. you already know what power sets you want so all it comes down to is naming the toon. think about how mad you will be if you get to 25 with a generic name holder only to find out that the name you want is now taken.
That's pretty much the same as sitting around and trying to think of a name. You're still not playing what you want to play.

Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
I don't think you're going to find many superheroes - or actors, or authors, or anybody else whose career involves using a nom de guerre, for that matter - in fiction or real life who decided, "No, you know what, I'm gonna hold off on having a name for a while." It just... doesn't happen. Car companies will occasionally build a car before deciding what to call it, but I've yet to see one start selling them before naming them.
Gah, good thing I'm not trademarking a character who'll be in a mass published graphic novel that will make me thousands of dollars.

...but yeah, not seeing how that analogy is working out for this.

... yyyyeah, I'm thinking "A". This is basically asking the programmers to solve a problem that isn't one.
Which is pretty much what every QoL issue is. Those Dark Armor users were *soooo* oppressed by their cloudy appearance so it just *had* to be changed so the character is transparent but visible.

Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
You know that we CAN select a name at the start of character generation now, right? I mean... that big bar of tabs across the top of the gen screen means you can switch around if you want to...

We can pay for renames, we can pay for server switches and extra slots. We don't need to get some things utterly free.
Meh, I was just suggesting something that might help me and the OP out with the name difficulty issue. As is, I bearly have the money to pay for my 1 account (and I still have to periodically shut down the account) so I'm not paying for extras like switching servers.

If you think the suggesting is just asking for something free, then that's your opinion. I'm suggesting a name delay option, which is certainly not the same as asking for a freebie. It's not like I'm asking for free renames for the characters I already have.



but you are still missing the point that while you sit there playing that toon the name you have finally come up with has a 99% chance of being used. name generators, a thesaurus or dictionary can help cut down on the time you spend thinking of a name.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
but you are still missing the point that while you sit there playing that toon the name you have finally come up with has a 99% chance of being used. name generators, a thesaurus or dictionary can help cut down on the time you spend thinking of a name.
I'm not missing the point, you're just not willing to look at it from another perspective.

I never said don't use a thesaurus or dictionary to help generate a name, I'm simply offering options where options are limited. That's what we're doing here, right? Suggesting options and offering assistance to those that ask. Like you suggested using a thesaurus, I suggested adding a color to the name.

The OP suggest giving vets priority (not a fan of that) and I suggest a name delay option.

Just to put my idea in perspective, let's say you make a character and join a team at lvl 10 and you rocked missions non-stop until you get to lvl 18(actually did something close to this thanks to the super sidekick thing). You 'could' break the streak and stop by a trainer every time you lvl up or you could just do it later all at once. If you messed up with slots/powers or just want to change the order you have to burn a respec.

Being able to delay the choosing of a name is similar to that. As a QoL issue, how is the suggestion bad (because no one has said why)? To clarify, this isn't some kind of 'rename token'. It'd be a choice in the character name section during character creation. You click it and it generates a generic name that you change later. Why use it? Because some people aren't good with names. It might take them a while to finally decide on one they like and the only option is not play until then, pay to change it or reroll.

PS: Just so you know, I'm *all* about the work arounds. I always try to suggest ways to get around limitations even if they might not be popular. I'm simply making a suggestion here and I'm getting a 'but you *can* do that' response when you *can't*.



If you don't like the name your character has at level 10, buy a namechange.

If you don't like the name of your character at level 50, buy a namechange.

You have to start WITH a name. It's that simple. It does not make any sense whatsoever to "not" name it at the start. Naming it does more than just put a tag on "your" character.

It makes the character YOURS, and yes, there's a difference.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I'm not going to argue with posters that seriously fail to listen or bother to understand the viewpoints of others, it's not like I'm not giving the same courtesy. And I'm not going to repeat myself further so if you feel the need to, don't bother quoting/post toward me to do it.

Anyway, as far as names go in-game, the competition is pretty lax. I sometimes feel miffed that I create a cool serious character with a rich background and a fitting name yet have to deal with jokes like Senior Shaved-legs or XxxSiffirothxxX. So really, when choosing a name it's probably easier to just relax. If you're RPing, you can put a more elaborate name in the bio section of your character.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
I'm not going to argue with posters that seriously fail to listen or bother to understand the viewpoints of others, it's not like I'm not giving the same courtesy. And I'm not going to repeat myself further so if you feel the need to, don't bother quoting/post toward me to do it.

Anyway, as far as names go in-game, the competition is pretty lax. I sometimes feel miffed that I create a cool serious character with a rich background and a fitting name yet have to deal with jokes like Senior Shaved-legs or XxxSiffirothxxX. So really, when choosing a name it's probably easier to just relax. If you're RPing, you can put a more elaborate name in the bio section of your character.
1. If you can't handle people giving you negative feedback on an idea then you should refrain from posting them in an open forum.

2. If you don't want to be quoted in an open forum then once again you should refrain from posting.

3. If you are truly creating a "rich background" for a characters bio then you should have no problem coming up with an original name. There are plenty of tools available to help you. It's not the devs fault you feel it's necessary to wait until your level "X" before putting any serious thought into a name.



I'm reminded of the child born sometime in the mid 70s? I think? Whose parents waited until she was like 4 years old to ask her what she wanted her name to be.

She named herself Purple.

This is why we need to start with names.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
I'm reminded of the child born sometime in the mid 70s? I think? Whose parents waited until she was like 4 years old to ask her what she wanted her name to be.

She named herself Purple.

This is why we need to start with names.
Just goes to show ya even a 4 year old is smart enough to come up with a name better than Dweezil.



Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
I'm reminded of the child born sometime in the mid 70s? I think? Whose parents waited until she was like 4 years old to ask her what she wanted her name to be.

She named herself Purple.

This is why we need to start with names.
I had a classmate in high school named Baby Girl $SURNAME. That's apparently what they put on your birth certificate when you're a girl and your parents can't be bothered.



If you can't handle people giving you negative feedback on an idea then you should refrain from posting them in an open forum.
That's the thing, no one actually provided feedback on the idea. If anything, posters are doing everything they can to sidestep actual feedback of why or why not the idea is bad or good. It's like being ignored which is more frustrating to me than negative feedback.

If you are truly creating a "rich background" for a characters bio then you should have no problem coming up with an original name. There are plenty of tools available to help you. It's not the devs fault you feel it's necessary to wait until your level "X" before putting any serious thought into a name.
In this game, where names have a possibility to be taken, that rich background is usually omit of names because writing around a name change might be harder than just inputting one after the fact.

Now if you want to slap around a debate about what is and isn't a QoL issue then just say so.

Also, in the Spiderman movie, Peter didn't get bitten by a spider and go 'BLAM' my name is Spider-Man! Nah, he picked up the name after the fact he started wrestling guys with his super powers.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Also, in the Spiderman movie, Peter didn't get bitten by a spider and go 'BLAM' my name is Spider-Man! Nah, he picked up the name after the fact he started wrestling guys with his super powers.
You mean he got his hero name after publicly using his powers? Where in the timeline of this game would the put him...I imagine somewhere after making a costume but before being tasked with stopping bad guys.

Also I just got the name Slamfest on Freedom. I don't think we have a name issue yet.



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
You mean he got his hero name after publicly using his powers? Where in the timeline of this game would the put him...I imagine somewhere after making a costume but before being tasked with stopping bad guys.

Also I just got the name Slamfest on Freedom. I don't think we have a name issue yet.
We have a winner!



I like the fact that, if you see a Claws/Regen scrapper named Claws and Effect on Pinnacle, you know, without a shadow of a doubt, that it is ME.

Not one of any number of people who thought the name was clever and decided to use it.

What Samuel Tow said holds true. People that are well known in this community are recognizable if they are on their signature characters. Yes, we have signature characters, just like the devs take the identity of the signature heroes in the game.

Bill Z Bubba, Friggin' Taser, Claws and Effect, and anyone else you care to name. Those are our identities in the context of this game.

My real name is Chris. A very common name. Within the world of City of Heroes, I am Claws and Effect. There is no other person known as that. (at least not on my server)

I go by Claws for short, because you can type it faster, or C&E. If someone says "Hi Claws" in a global channel, they are talking to me, and no one else. It would suck if someone said "Hi Claws" and then had to clarify who exactly they meant.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Also, in the Spiderman movie, Peter didn't get bitten by a spider and go 'BLAM' my name is Spider-Man! Nah, he picked up the name after the fact he started wrestling guys with his super powers.
And yet, the people who came up with Spiderman already had the name figured out before drawing the first panel.

On the same token, when creating your character, you are not your character, but your character's author. And honestly now: Which self-respecting author forgets to name their characters when writing their stories and only comes up with one halway through? Especially after the first half has already been published?

I can see why people want something similar to CO's naming system. I don't, and I personally prefer the current, restrictive naming system much in the same way I like sonnets, but I can see where those people are coming from.

Your suggestion to have a mid-way namechange or something, however, seems awfully specific. Right now, I'm just not convinced it's something the playerbase needs but rather something you, as a single individual, wants. That's fair enough, mind, but unless you can rally up some more support for your specific idea, I'm just not convinced it's something the playerbase would largely benefit from and encourage long-term subscriptions.