



What's the best build for a controller? Everyone has an idea but is it Proven to be the best?



I don't think your question could have been more ambiguous. What primary/secondary? Solo or team? Farms? TFs?

BTW, controller forum is that way



Originally Posted by kebbler33 View Post
What's the best build for a controller? Everyone has an idea but is it Proven to be the best?
The one that each player enjoys the most.
The most popular for farming is Fire/Kin, which is not the best for defeating GM's or AV's. Except in fairly narrow criteria there is no 'best'. You provided no description of what you want to do with the Controller.

Now i've heard that in some MMO's certain classes/specs/AT's are far better than the others. This is not one of those MMO's. As already stated, your best bet would be to ask in the Controller forums. (And get pretty much the same response: best at what?)

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



It's important to note that this game isn't about "best build" like other games. You don't have to play Empathy to be invited to a team. People won't go "Ew, Storm? Go roll a real Controller, nub." This game isn't WoW, Guild Wars, or Ragnarok Online. There are not builds or powers that are required to do anything in this game (although a few people shout about Granite Armor and Fulcrum Shift).

Don't worry yourself with trying to find the optimal build, because this game is very open. Pick something you think sounds good, and have fun playing it. Believe me, you'll have more fun playing your own idea of a character than someone else's.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



This jus goes to prove that there is no best build regardless of any situtation. You have to be in a confrontation in order to win. I do understand that this is not those other games. That is reason why i asked.



And again, the answer would be "For what?"

Personal answer, the best controller gives the most amount of control. When I think of "Controller," I *immediately* go to Earth, Ice, or Plant, with Mind at various levels in there. Insane control? Earth/TA, for instance. You may not solo fast, but you'll be so incredibly safe it'll be boring.

Fire/Kin comes up a lot, as it's a specific farming monster. (Or was. I have one I rarely play, just because I hadn't made one.)

Want heavy team support? Pair one of the heavy control primaries with, say, /FF, /Rad, /Empathy or /Thermal.

Want annoying, play Ill/Sonic.

Of course, come Going Rogue, you'll have folks bringing Dominators over, with a rather different playstyle, and you'll have to decide just how you want your control served.

Regardless, though, it depends on what you want to do with the controller. My Earth/FF is not, for instance, a fast soloing build.



I love my Ice/Rad for TF's and AV hunting.
I love my Fire/Kin to make inf on my BM farm.
I love the look of Plant.
I love love teaming with my Fire/Storm and/or Ill/Storm. (must know how to play /Storm though)



Originally Posted by kebbler33 View Post
What's the best build for a controller?



Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
I completely agree.



Originally Posted by eryq2 View Post
I love my Ice/Rad for TF's and AV hunting.
I love my Fire/Kin to make inf on my BM farm.
I love the look of Plant.
I love love teaming with my Fire/Storm and/or Ill/Storm. (must know how to play /Storm though)
If "fun" is on your list of criteria - I'll second Ill/Storm. But you really should KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING if you roll one - it's very complex and easily played to the detriment of good team-oriented play, if done incorrectly.

But with a handful of 50s under my belt and a number of alts running, my Ill/Storm is EASILY, FAR AND AWAY my favorite hero of all time, play-wise.

As everyone has already suggested, go surf the Controller forums or look at the Player Guides section and read up on some of the various troller builds there.



I like my Fire/TA.

It's the only controller I've ever leveled high enough to get the pet. I like that it's pure offense.

"What? Oh...sorry...I skipped the Heal Arrow"

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



The one you actually know how to play. Proven time and again.



Originally Posted by kebbler33 View Post
What's the best build for a controller?
Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
WH/AT? There's no such powersets!

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Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
WH/AT? There's no such powersets!
I believe I heard in Issue 23, there will be two new controller power sets:

White House (thus the WH) and Amazon Tethering (AT).

Not sure how powerful the former will be but the latter is allegedly quite good.

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Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
WH/AT? There's no such powersets!



Originally Posted by kebbler33 View Post
What's the best build for a controller? Everyone has an idea but is it Proven to be the best?
Whatever build I'm playing at the moment . . . I have taken all but two of the primaries to 50 so far, and all of them are good for one thing or another.

Enant has a "pick a controller" guide in the guides forum. Don't even bother posting a vague question like that in the Controller's Forum without some explanation of what you are looking for.

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Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control