Dark/Shield Help again




It seems like you severly underslotted TG as well as AD. If you plan on soloing AVs without any inspirations its going to be filled with many deaths due to cascading defense failure.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
This is what I have so far 10% away from the recharge of my last build about 30% down on regeneration and a few points down on recovery !!!!
OK, so I looked at your build and the recharge is impressive considering the nerf. I worked this up after much deliberation. It has just enough recharge to run the MG>Smite>SL>Smite chain, has the Hecatomb and Cloud Senses damage procs both in Smite, and Soul Drain is slotted for only Acc and Recharge, so fodder remains alive. With both procs in Smite, it's DPS should be significantly higher than your build.

It is softcapped to all positions and has 95%+ DDR (AD slightly less than double-stacked). Hasten is down for 13.7 seconds as opposed to yours being down for 7.1 seconds, but to try for your recharge would sacrifice SD being slotted only for Acc and Recharge, which is something I'd like to try. SD is down for 6.1 seconds compared to yours at 4.8 seconds, which I consider negligible. To combat this difference, the Accuracy on my attacks are a bit higher. I couldn't reach 95% Acc vs. +4 mobs in all attacks without SD without losing either Def or global recharge, which was not an option.

Regen is not what I would have liked, but with SL, it should suffice. End is sustainable on my build, which I am not sure about on yours since you don't have Conserve Power.

Let me know what you think fellow forumites.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



O Gaiden why must you further my builditis!

I moved a slot from conserve power to health to give you more recharge because you have a lot of recovery and I'm fairly certain your build would be sustainable, and I slotted a Performance Shifter: End/Acc into PP to give you alittle more +hp and you only lose .08end/s

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
O Gaidin why must you further my builditis!
Bwahahaha! I can't help it. The no Damage enhanced SD is just too tempting for me. The build would have been easier without that goal, but I think it'll make Pylon/AV soloing that much easier.

Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
I moved a slot from conserve power to health to give you more recharge because you have a lot of recovery and I'm fairly certain your build would be sustainable, and I slotted a Performance Shifter: End/Acc into PP to give you alittle more +hp and you only lose .08end/s
Good suggestions. Since I am not good at calculating end sustainability, I always err on the side of more end. Instead of throwing the slot from Conserve Power into Health, I put it into Combat Jumping as a LotG: Def, since this will give a boost to regen and buffer the softcapped positionals a tad more, which I always like. So, 20.8 HP/sec(250% regen) and +0.28 Positional Defenses vs. 22.2 HP/sec(268% regen).

My only regret is not being able to fit in Super Speed, as I like the utility of being able to Stealth missions. Ninja Run + CJ + Hurdle should be good enough for travel purposes otherwise.



Well as a temporary stealth you can go to warburg and get a temp stealth power.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Hi all, here's the build il be running shortly (lvl 43 at the mo), any chance you guys can take a look and get more recharge out of it?, i cant afford pvp ios, but the rest i can. thanks in advance Johnny

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Johnnycash-''Morning bright eyes!!''
Mrs johnnycash-''P*****F im sleeping''



Originally Posted by jonnycash View Post
Hi all, here's the build il be running shortly (lvl 43 at the mo), any chance you guys can take a look and get more recharge out of it?, i cant afford pvp ios, but the rest i can. thanks in advance Johnny
Well, there are a few issues I would have with this build; primarily that SD won't be hitting frequently enough in difficult content. It has only 65.5% chance to hit a +4 minion as GSFC offers no Acc enhancement and global Acc is not high enough to compensate for this. Secondly, SL isn't slotted primarily for damage. It is one of your key attacks and should be slotted for damage. Thirdly, and this may be in part why you're asking for more recharge, you can't run the MG>Smite>SL>Smite attack chain with the current slotting.

I will look it over in Mids and see what I can come up with. How attached are you to having a travel power (ie Super Jump)? With the BotZ nerf upcoming, the slots and power choice could be used otherwise to better effect in most instances I've found.

Also, are you going to solo AVs/fight Def de-buffing enemies alot? If so, I'll look into trying to get Grant Cover into the build to up DDR and can slot a LotG: +Recharge into it.



Thanks for reply gaidin, don't mind losing a travel if it ups my recharge but 1 question, grant cover is a team only toggle and I thought it's DDR didn't help you??. Thanks in advance johnny

Johnnycash-''Morning bright eyes!!''
Mrs johnnycash-''P*****F im sleeping''



Originally Posted by jonnycash View Post
Thanks for reply gaidin, don't mind losing a travel if it ups my recharge but 1 question, grant cover is a team only toggle and I thought it's DDR didn't help you??. Thanks in advance johnny
Grant Cover only gives Defense to other players, but it gives you DDR. If you're not looking for high DDR, then Grant Cover becomes a power to skip.

I generally build to have as much survivability as possible without compromising specific build goals that people set forth. For example, my build goals for my previously posted build were soft-capped positional defense, 95% DDR, SD slotted with no damage enhancement, and the ability to run the MG>Smite>SL>Smite chain with at least the Hecatomb proc in Smite.

For your build, it's important for power choices to know if you plan on fighting mobs that will de-buff defense a lot, or if Grant Cover is optional. The reason it's so important is that since we're not including the PVP +Def IO in your build, it becomes harder to soft-cap Defense and keep DDR at 95% while maintaining high recharge values and the ability to run the optimal DM attack chain.



Is it possible to soft-cap Defense without the PvP recipes or purples?



Ive done a few builds now gaidin and i still cant get higher recharge values, i want to try and keep ddr above 70% and still get maybe 135% recharge? would that run the attack chain you mentioned?. Please can you come up with a that will achive this or as close as possible. thanks in advance Johnny.

Ps. i like sl as a heal, so in long fight against av's and pylons etc you still can keep your hp up.

Johnnycash-''Morning bright eyes!!''
Mrs johnnycash-''P*****F im sleeping''



Originally Posted by Andferne View Post
Is it possible to soft-cap Defense without the PvP recipes or purples?
Certainly! Purples are for recharge, not for defense. Skipping them leaves more room in the build for other sets, so actually makes it EASIER to soft cap, not harder. PvP recipes, when talking about defense, pretty much means the Gladiator's Armor +3% defense. That's certainly nice to have (as people shelling out billions for it obviously agree), but it isn't required. Have a look at Fury Flechette's cheap and moderate builds in the Electric/Shield and Fire/Shield for any budget thread for a few recent examples. Yeah, they're not DM/SD, but same idea.

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Originally Posted by jonnycash View Post
Ive done a few builds now gaidin and i still cant get higher recharge values, i want to try and keep ddr above 70% and still get maybe 135% recharge? would that run the attack chain you mentioned?. Please can you come up with a that will achive this or as close as possible. thanks in advance Johnny.

Ps. i like sl as a heal, so in long fight against av's and pylons etc you still can keep your hp up.
With enough global recharge bonuses you can slot SL with 3 Nucleous and Gogoli Exposure for 95% enhancement to acc, dmg, end, and heal. Right now my SL heals for about 19% of my hp.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Here's another build ive done ddr is at 68.4% and recharge is 135%, which isnt bad but aoe def is not soft capped only 44.1%, i think im going to have to get the glad unique to achieve the sort of recharge i want.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Johnnycash-''Morning bright eyes!!''
Mrs johnnycash-''P*****F im sleeping''



Originally Posted by jonnycash View Post
Here's another build ive done ddr is at 68.4% and recharge is 135%, which isnt bad but aoe def is not soft capped only 44.1%, i think im going to have to get the glad unique to achieve the sort of recharge i want.
I'm not home at the moment, but I have a build worked up with soft-capped def, over 95% DDR, and enough recharge to run the MG>Smite>SL>Smite chain (which is at minimum 135% global rehcarge). I am still tweaking it, as the build has the Hecatomb set in MG to reach the needed recharge and I prefer it in Smite for DPS purposes. I'll see if I can get it posted later today.



OK, so I have a few different builds...I'm not entirely happy with any of them for one reason or another, but they all are solid. All builds have 95% DDR, run the MG>Smite>SL>Smite chain, and SL is slotted to be both an attack and heal using the 3 Nucleolus/3 Golgi HO option. EPS drain numbers exclude Perf Shifter procs.

Build 1: Hecatomb set in Smite, 142.5% rehcrage, 215% Regen(17.6 HP/sec), 3.6 EPS gain, 1 EPS drain, 1961 HP.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Build 2: Manuvers instead of Combat Jumping so you gain better regen, but uses more end, Hecatomb in Smite, 142.5% recharge, 240% Regen (19.7 HP/sec), 3.6 EPS gain, 1.18 EPS drain, 1961 HP.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Build 3: Mako set in Smite, 137.5% recharge, 250% Regen (20.6 HP/sec), 3.6 EPS gain, 0.96 EPS drain, 1966 HP.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
I am going to still fiddle to see if I can come up with anything better. Hopefully this will give you some ideas. :-)



Thanks for the builds gaidin, Il have a look at them later, I got a few purples stored up, only have to buy 1-2 pieces. Thanks for the help guys. Johnny

Johnnycash-''Morning bright eyes!!''
Mrs johnnycash-''P*****F im sleeping''



Gaiden that first one looks good, you probably won't be able to tell a 25% regeneration decrease. The increase to endurance consumption out weighs the increase to regeneration. I'd rather have more recharge to keep the recharge down on Hasten which in turns keeps you pumping out more damage than have more passive regen.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



I have a question about Numina's Convalescence.
Currently I have True Grit and Health slotted (4 times) enough to get the 6% increase to heals. Is it worth slotting them both to 4 since the only heal I have is Siphon Life (If that even affects SL?). Or should I go with slotting it just the 3 times and be better off putting those other ones somewhere else.



I actually haven't had the slots to do that but if you slots to spare I would! 12 percent increase in heal to Siphon life sounds nice.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



So it does effect Siphon Life? I wasn't sure since it was a attack/heal type power. If I didn't use them there or they were not effective, then I was going to place them in Weave.



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
Gaiden that first one looks good, you probably won't be able to tell a 25% regeneration decrease. The increase to endurance consumption out weighs the increase to regeneration. I'd rather have more recharge to keep the recharge down on Hasten which in turns keeps you pumping out more damage than have more passive regen.
Build 1 was my first choice of the three as well.

AndFerne, yes it does affect SL.



Originally Posted by Andferne View Post
So it does effect Siphon Life? I wasn't sure since it was a attack/heal type power. If I didn't use them there or they were not effective, then I was going to place them in Weave.
You should post up your build so I can go to town!

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread