Remember Lucas' Lesson! (Longish)




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
He was? Maybe being a guy makes me biassed, but I found Anakin to be repulsive in a very physical way.
That makes you wrong, in a very physical way

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Haruu View Post
Two quick questions:
1) Has anyone seen or read a comic in which regeneration is a self created green glowing effect? I cant think of any, maybe there is one or two, but mostly the holes just close up.
That's why I dropped the regen effects - now I just do the animaiton, and the green numbers appear - even the sounds are gone.
But that horrible chest thumping animation for Integration is still there

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Anakin is just way too emo. You'd stab him after an hour just to get him to shut up.
I think less violent ways could be found

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



QR to the OP:

That post was great until you stopped talking about George Lucas and started talking about City of Heroes.

You talk as if all that was not happening already.

There have been abominate costumes since day one, there is even a very cool MA story arc mocking it.

Not everyone is a roleplayer, and people can color their powers for whatever reason they want. They want pink shadows just becuse they go with their shoes? It's their right. Why must they match their shoes to their shadows when their shadows can match their shoes?



Originally Posted by BigFish View Post
Bad taste and bad manners are not hard and fast rules. They are personal opinions, which you are entitled to. But you're throwing them around like you own the place, and that strikes me as 'bad manners' in it's own right
Note that I am not actually defining what constitutes bad taste and bad manners and am not telling you or anybody else what is good and bad. I actually have a much more optimistic view of human creativity than Theodore Sturgeon, but I don't think that every human being has an inner Rembrandt just waiting to come out, either.

What I'm claiming is that instances of bad taste and bad manners will occur, regardless of what you or I personally think what these constitute. I don't make any specific value judgements here, I'm putting forward a statistical proposition (not quite "90% of everything is crud", as Sturgeon put it, but I'm wagering on a non-zero percentage still).

By the way, I also happen to think that putting up with this is worthwhile because of the many significant benefits the freedom of character customization confers.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think less violent ways could be found
For instance, seal him in a black body suit and helmet, but forget to turn on the vocal systems. Or give him a sealed chamber and tell him that's the only place he's able to remove his helmet and actually talk - unfortunately, there aren't any communications systems inside.



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
You mean, like drugging him?
Anakin on drugs would be quite a sight to see. Whether or not anyone would want to see such a thing depends on the kind of drugs and his reaction to them. Personally, I think Anakin on a 'roid rage would be hilarious as long as it was observed from a safe distance.

Would antidepressants make him not evil anymore? What about the mood stabilizers that bipolar people often take? If he got completely drunk, would he just mutter about his dead mom and cry all night (even though he does that anyway), or would he randomly kill imperial peons for no reason whatsoever (see previous statement in parentheses), or...?

I guess what I'm getting at is this: What would Anakin on drugs do? Do we even want to know?



Originally Posted by Lucretia_MacEvil View Post
Anakin on drugs would be quite a sight to see. Whether or not anyone would want to see such a thing depends on the kind of drugs and his reaction to them. Personally, I think Anakin on a 'roid rage would be hilarious as long as it was observed from a safe distance.

Would antidepressants make him not evil anymore? What about the mood stabilizers that bipolar people often take? If he got completely drunk, would he just mutter about his dead mom and cry all night (even though he does that anyway), or would he randomly kill imperial peons for no reason whatsoever (see previous statement in parentheses), or...?

I guess what I'm getting at is this: What would Anakin on drugs do? Do we even want to know?
Pretty sure he was on painkillers after the duel with Obi-Wan

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Anakin is just way too emo. You'd stab him after an hour just to get him to shut up.
Hell, I wanted to stab him as soon as I saw who they cast for the role. I don't even know the guy, but his emo plus that look were just murder for me. Then again, I also wanted to stab young Obi Wan, but adult Obi Wan I find to be one of the coolest characters I've seen, upstaging large ham Samuel L. Jackson by several orders of magnitude. Then again, the various Clone Wars series have made him a lot cooler still, as well as actually doing Anakin a lot of good. He's actually a pretty decent, impressive character there. On the other hand, Genndy Tartakovsky tends to have that effect on pretty much everything he touches.

Above all else, I REALLY hate how Anakin was written. All he did was add to the fake, grating drama that the prequels suffered from, something Han Solo would have probably laughed at. The sequels managed to avoid this, as the "Oh, woe is me" only really started creeping in at the end of The Empire Strikes back, giving us the majority of two episodes of decent quality and characters.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Above all else, I REALLY hate how Anakin was written. All he did was add to the fake, grating drama that the prequels suffered from, something Han Solo would have probably laughed at. The sequels managed to avoid this, as the "Oh, woe is me" only really started creeping in at the end of The Empire Strikes back, giving us the majority of two episodes of decent quality and characters.
I don't know if it's how he was *written* (in most instances) or "What ended up on the cutting room floor." I mean, the final "switch" where he gives Sidious his pledge to follow him was just... poorly done. It wasn't just acting or writing, it was the whole package.

On the other hand, the second series, with the relationship between Anakin and Padme? The book had more detail that had things make sense - from padme's family pressuring her to step out of politics and lead a normal life, having a family, etc. to the two of them developing ... well, an actual relationship. The movie? It goes from "Oh, you're that cute Orphan Annie" to "You're a kinda creepy stalkery sort" to "ZOMG gotta jump you NOW!" with no real rhyme nor reason.

A lot of development would have helped - and a lot of it was sacrificed for speed and effects. I generally enjoyed the moveis, TBH, but... yeah, they could have been better.



I think people often also forget how bad the dialog and delivery was in most of Star Wars as well...

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
I think people often also forget how bad the dialog and delivery was in most of Star Wars as well...
It might be a generation thing, I think

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
The sequels managed to avoid this, as the "Oh, woe is me" only really started creeping in at the end of The Empire Strikes back, giving us the majority of two episodes of decent quality and characters.
Yea, all that nasty emotional stuff getting in the way of the special effects

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I too am attracted to ancient albinos in black life-support armor.



Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
I too am attracted to ancient albinos in black life-support armor.
I kinda find the pre-suit version a little hotter

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Yea, all that nasty emotional stuff getting in the way of the special effects
No, all the "nasty" emotional baggage that makes these people feel like a blown-up roll of cheese. Star Wars and the The Empire Strikes Back had more than enough "emotional stuff" in them, it's just that most of it was believable and even deserving of sympathy. It had characters I actually liked.

The Star Wars series have declined farther and farther into wangst as the franchise rolled on. In Star Wars, it was almost entirely absent, outside of Luke's reaction to the deaths of his family and Obi One, which is actually pretty much deserved. The Empire Strikes Back is generally good, developing the characters of Han and Leia, but ends up with major wangs. In one word: "No!!!" To his credit, Luke still retains face for much of the Return of the Jedi, though the ending started spiralling down.

And then we have the sequels. That is just a cartwheel tumble downhill, head over heels. Episode 1 was relatively good, but over done, and it just goes worse from there. The original Star Wars movie was very representative of its age - it was largely a war movie with some humour and a good deal of adventure, sort of like Kelly's Heroes in space. Everything from then on has been watered down little by little, even in the old sequels, and I would still take Han Solo's wit and bravado over any of the characters in the new prequels, ESPECIALLY Samuel L. Jackson, who had no business being in the movie to begin with. I might make an exception for Quai Gon, because he really was the one character who didn't writhe in generic pain and came off generally decent, but overall, I'm unsatisfied with the Star Wars prequels.

And it's not because there is too much drama and not enough effects. It's because the drama that it DOES have is terrible and unconvincing. I remember Episode 2 being described as "Obi One travels to a planer. Anakin and Padme fall in live in a tent. Obi One battles droids. Anakin and Padme fall in love by a river. Etc." Not an exact quote, mind you, but it's an apt description. It's done so poorly, that a concept I should find endearing and sweet (I'm a sucker for love stories) ends up being as grating and annoying as watching that YTMND skit of William Shatner shouting "KHAAN!!!"

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
The lady (?) said it well. I doubt Superman has a reason his underwear are on the outside. It's just the way the character is. (Though, maybe it's so he doesn't have to change them as often.)
I always did like the reasoning used in Lois & Clark.

Clark: Why the colors? They're pretty bright.
Mr. Kent: You don't wanna look like that psycho from Gotham, do you?

I sit in my zen of not being able to do anything right while simultaniously not being able to do anything wrong. Om. -CuppaJo
It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
We only need one Shinji Ikari. No more emo is allowed.
Darth Shinji is the best of both worlds.

(and his name is Gendo)

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
To his credit, Luke still retains face for much of the Return of the Jedi, though the ending started spiralling down.
If you don't like the redemption of Anakin, then you're kinda missing the whole point of the story

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
If you don't like the redemption of Anakin, then you're kinda missing the whole point of the story
I like the redemption of Anakin. Consistently throughout the series, Darth Vader is easily my favourite character, and I like how he's consistently being downplayed from this authoritarian "black knight" into a pawn for an evil emperor, and within this setting his turn is very much on the money and well played. What I dislike is Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi. He goes from a kid to some sort of slogan-spewing sage on par with "does very little" Kenobi, who nevertheless gets suckered into a cheap mind game. And I especially dislike the evil emperor, not for how he's treated, but for the fact that he feels like he was pulled out of thin air. His whole shtick is sitting on a throne, talking, eventually displaying the world's first example of Force Lightning.

If anything, I'd pick Darth Vader over Anakin Skywalker every time. Vader is a dark, conflicted character, yet his conflict is very much internal and implied, rather than external and whiny. Maybe the several-decade time skip between Epidsode 3 and Star Wars, Episode 4 could be said to turn him into a much more interesting character, but the fact remains I could have seen several different ways to depict the corruption of a good jedi that didn't include a whiny, unlikable brat. In fact, of all depictions of a young Darth Vader I had back when I was a kid watching Star Wars, Anakin Skywalker's character in the prequels wasn't even close. Hell, this is starting to remind me of Linkara's list of Top 15 Worst Heroes Becoming Villains, although in this case the "worst" applies to the original hero.

Ironically, I was much more convinced of the Dark Side characters in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, as all of them were given a lot more depth both in evil and in good.

I've always believed that a good villain is someone you really want to see fail, but a great villain is someone you kind of want to see succeed. I know Anakin is someone I REALLY want to see fail, but has never been someone I could sympathise with and actually want to side with. Darth Vader is more a villain I can kind of root for, because he's both so badass and so powerful, but the transition between the two is just... Meh.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I disagree with the spirit of this thread. The Star Wars prequels sucked because of BAD WRITING, not because of excessive effects. Really, this Luddite notion that effects somehow take away from the "spirit" of a film is something that has always bugged me as a concept, and I see it said by "old school" directors in pretty much every documentary on movie history I watch. So, what, does that mean that animated and 3D movies are inherently inferior? Animation Age Ghetto, anyone? A good movie does NOT require real actors speaking to each other in front of REAL sets. As something like Wall E demonstrated, you barely require actors at all. JUST effects, be they many or few, take away nothing from a movie. If a movie is written well, it will ALWAYS be better with more effects. If a movie is written poorly, it's going to suck no matter how much money you chuck at it.
To be fair, the prequels sucked because of both -- the availability of cheap FX let Lucas fall back on special effects rather than tightening up the script, and then fell into the special-effects version of the "font-in-mouth disease" you used to see in the early years of the personal computer after the original Macintosh came out (most noticeable in college term papers, where papers written on Macs were more creatively formatted and often used six or more different type faces... and averaged a writing level two grades lower than papers written on IBM PCs, which were more prosaically formatted) -- "If I can show a space battle with five or six spacecraft zooming around, and it's good, then showing a space battle with fifty or sixty spacecraft zooming around is ten times as good!"

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers