Task Force Question from an Old Player

Ad Astra



I'm back with CoH after years away and loving it once again. But things have changed mightily. My day was not only before ED, it was before Contacts had phones.

So please help me catch up on three key questions about Task Forces:

- Are player levels still restricted, now that there is Sidekicking?

- Are there pre-level 20 Task Forces I could consider? I loved Positron's, but it was long (and frequently underestimated, which made it longer as people rushed into, well, wiping).

- Can teammates be added partway through a TF? In the long ones (again, like Positron), it was painful to lose players after a few hours and be unable to replace them.



- Are player levels still restricted, now that there is Sidekicking?
There's still the minimum level. If you're above the so called maximum level, you still get XP now, and you can use powers you got up to 5 levels after the maximum level.

- Are there pre-level 20 Task Forces I could consider? I loved Positron's, but it was long (and frequently underestimated, which made it longer as people rushed into, well, wiping).
Posi is the only pre-20 Task Force (except for the Cap Au Diable Strike Force on red side).

- Can teammates be added partway through a TF? In the long ones (again, like Positron), it was painful to lose players after a few hours and be unable to replace them.
No, but you can log off and back on without any issues.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



If the answers you're getting don't thrill you, consider running some story arcs instead of a full fledged TF/SF. If you head to the Hollows, the storyline and contacts all run within that zone, and tell a cohesive story. Additionally, any villain contact tells a cohesive story, and they are actually some of the best in the game. They let you invite more/less people, and while the others wouldn't get any special rewards for the arc unless they had the same missions themselves, it can still be fun.

I recommend the Unlockable Contacts in particular. They have some really interesting stories. In fact, I tend to think of the first one, Veluta Lunata to be the villain equivalent of a lowbie Task Force.

It's pretty easy to get a group working together to get the Pirate Badge, then go to the contact and run her missions together as a group. You get the badges for Ghost hunting, and her arcs have some cool temporary powers as well.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Posi is the only pre-20 Task Force (except for the Cap Au Diable Strike Force on red side).
What about Synapse? I thought it was 15-20. Even though it tops out at 20, it can be run before that level.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
What about Synapse? I thought it was 15-20. Even though it tops out at 20, it can be run before that level.
On snap! You're right, I was thinking Posi was 15-20 and Synapse was 20-25... but Posi is actually 10-15, and Synapse is 15-20.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Good tips, thanks! I'll look at Cavern of Transcendence, which is new to me, and at story arcs.

Are there story arcs that lead to useful bonuses for a new (meaning, well, poor) player? My build has to rely on DO's and SO's, as that's all I'll see for some time.

One benefit of a good TF that may be hard to capture in a story arc: it can make for especially challenging play.

I've been teaming in a lot of short missions this weekend, and it's good fun, but each team really runs through the mobs, and we've never needed much in the way of strategy.

As I recall, Positron was, for many players ,the first time they actually had to coordinate tightly, to plan their pulls and holds. It rewarded teams willing to talk for a few seconds before each fight, and I liked that tension. It was always tempting to rush, but with little room for error, the Task team felt more like a team than a loose collection of players.



I think everyone has answered your questions already but here are a couple of links I use when trying to organise a Task Force/Trial for my SG:

The various trials both villain and hero

All the task forces

All the strike forces

They list all the levels and rewards etc. I would think there have been a few added while you've been away

Edit - Oh and I totally agree with what you say about TFs being generally harder than arcs. I remember doing the Positron TF a little while ago on a team made up of all lvl 10s bar one 15. Took us two nights to finish but was definitely a challenge because of the mix of mobs and the automatic spawning of lvl 15s because it is a named TF!

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



If you're looking for bonuses, make sure you do Radio Missions and the subsiquent "Bank/Safeguard" missions (you'll get a Safeguard misison after about 3-5 "radio" missions. To get a radio, see a Detective that's assigned to you whenever you enter a zone. You can only do radio missions in a zone that's compatable with your level range). Each Bank mission has: an exploration badge, a long-durration temp power (like a jetpack, +regen, self rez, etc), and there are side missions which you can do, one of which is "Stop a weapon's deal" where you can get a random temp power.

Additionally, with Story arcs, MOST will reward you with Merits upon completion, which can be redeemed for recipes and enhancements.

You may also be interested in accolades. Accolades are awarded when you achieve a collection of badges (defeat, exploration, and history badges from reading plaques). Some of them grant some nice buffs, such as +HP and + End, but there's a few other goodies, too. Check them out here: http://badge-hunter.com/view_badge_bytype.php?type=5


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by CB_GB View Post
Are there story arcs that lead to useful bonuses for a new (meaning, well, poor) player? My build has to rely on DO's and SO's, as that's all I'll see for some time.
Give serious consideration to learning about Inventions. Level 15 IOs are as good as DOs, and they aren't too expensive to make. The big advantage is that they don't expire so no need to replace them every 5 levels. Consider working on a set of them and using them for a good long while. You can even keep them until level 32 with a mix of some SOs, then sell everything you get until that level. Then replace them with level 35 IOs and use those until level 50.

I find that replacing enhancers once or twice in a character's career is a lot more relaxing for me, even if those replacings take a bit more time to get ready for. Overall it takes less time and money.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



And depending where you look on the market, IOs can be easy to get. Some sets are very cheap, while generic IOs from people getting the crafting badges will flood it every now and then.



Originally Posted by CB_GB View Post
Good tips, thanks! I'll look at Cavern of Transcendence, which is new to me, and at story arcs.

Are there story arcs that lead to useful bonuses for a new (meaning, well, poor) player? My build has to rely on DO's and SO's, as that's all I'll see for some time.
Regarding the Cavern, keep in mind you have to run the whole Hollows arc to get access. Which isn't bad, you won't have seen it, and theres some neat stuff in there. Also, its a VERY tough Trial to complete, just getting to it isn't easy, and you MUST have 8 to complete it because of a simultaneous 8-way glowie click so make sure you have people who will stick with it. You want a need for a coordinated team, thats your baby.

Second, figure out how to use the markets. Just selling everything that drops for 1 Inf should earn you enough for all the DOs and SOs you need at the appropriate levels, with plenty to spare, not like the old days of scrimping and saving.



What a terrific set of advice and info - thanks!

Tired, thank you for the Trials links, and Steele for the explanation of Radio missions. I'll start them today.

This is exactly what I needed! There are good guides here for specific AT builds and strategies, but what I lacked was a sense of 'How to Get Stronger, Even as a Newcomer.' Now I have specific missions and boosters to seek.



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
And depending where you look on the market, IOs can be easy to get. Some sets are very cheap, while generic IOs from people getting the crafting badges will flood it every now and then.
And for more on buying and selling:
The Guide to Market Guides. There's an updated post with working links toward the bottom. I'd stick to the basic, starting out guides for now. You can make enough money for generic IOs and DOs rather easily with some patience on the market, if levelling doesn't provide it.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Scientist
Regarding the Cavern, keep in mind you have to run the whole Hollows arc to get access.
The contact for the Caverns of Transcendence trial is Talshak the Mystic. If one has outleveled the Hollow story arcs before getting this contact, then one can do "The Heart of the Hollows" flashback arc through Ouroboros. At the end of the arc, you will have Talshak as a contact.




This is a big help, thanks.

New question: yesterday, I did the Synapse TF, which I believe is now levels 20-25 (back in the day, it was higher, as was Positron). Our Group Leader was 20.

When we began, all the enemies were 27... too much for us to handle. How did that happen?

Assuming the Leader had his difficulty settings at +2, does that mean the TF runs at a base of 25?

We began again with a new leader, level 50. That bumped him down to 25 (and me to 24), with enemies at 26 (his settings were +1), much more achievable.

If the TF base settings are always at the highest level of the range, that makes it important to have a leader at or above that level. If not, what else do I need to know about how the level of enemies is set?



More specifically, the part that says:

On a "signature" Task Force, enemies will spawn based on the task force's maximum level (and the leader's notoriety setting) regardless of the team's composition. Therefore Signature Task Forces are usually done by characters at (or above) the top of the level range. The majority of Task Forces are considered signature.

A Non-signature Task Force spawns according to the highest level person on the team (and the leader's notoriety setting). These include: Moonfire, Hess, Imperious and all four of the Shadow Shard task forces.
All Strike Forces (villains' task forces) are "signature". Most (all? I forget) Trials are non-signature.

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
All Strike Forces (villains' task forces) are "signature". Most (all? I forget) Trials are non-signature.
Ah, thanks for that explanation. I'm playing a Hero, and this TF must also have been 'signature.'

Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
Welcome back to Paragon, CB_GB!
Thank you! I'm having great fun. I'm continually amazed at how good the game is.