Destination beacons?
For SG teleporters?
In SG mode pick up all the exploration badges in a zone.
A RWZ badge can only be had during a ship raid as its normally under the forcefield at the centre of the ship.
Pocket D destination can only be picked up during the christmas event (or when the ski chalet is open) due to one badge being outside the normal Pocket D map.
For the rest check out as they have the badges marked on the map. eg This is Atlas Park.
So what you seem to be saying is that i have to explore every inch of each zone, collect all exploration badges in SG mode, and then i somehow can create this beacon. is that right? What if i've found half of them in normal mode. What then? Seems a bit silly to me
Use the Paragon Wiki for the exact location, with images, for the badges you need along with a list of which ones are needed. Unless you are in a solo SG set it up as a SG event and give everyone a zone. Takes no time at all on a high level toon
Wow, what a pleasent chap you are. The Wiki is a community run site, that has links to all the beacons etc. I'd also recommend maybe being slightly politer in future, people might be more willing to help you.
Now now. You came here asking for help and you got it. You'd be surprised how many have got all their YP beacons. It's really not that hard. Just use Paragonwiki and Vidiotmaps and you'l be done in mere hours.
The Kickers base.
Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
-Groucho Marx
My apologies for my frustration, and i appreciate your answers and candor. I just don't see why anybody should have to seek help outside of the game. Why can't these things be explained in C.O.H.. As it stands now I have to cheat my way to a destination beacon. I guess that's life.
I wouldn't call it cheating because technically you don't need them. Yes having a Super Group base with Teleporters is nice but not NEEDED. I have many characters that I play Often with out any supergroup at all. I tend to not even use the Base Teleporters when I do have them and I been playing for over 2 years now.
Out of all my Characters I only have one I even bothered to get the exploration badges that's my level 50 Tanker.
I see them as Easter eggs a prime example of this is Faultline Cryptic's clubhouse.
You can also wonder why there are Exploration badges in the first place... maybe to Explore the Zone and find all the fun little things the Dev's added in. Being told where they are defeats this goal.
There's only so much handholding that is acceptable in a game. The exploration badges are an example of that.
Now that's putting things into perspective. Thankyou Rotten. By the way, do you know how many badges are available?
Now that's putting things into perspective. Thankyou Rotten. By the way, do you know how many badges are available?
Heroes get 22 beacons and villains get 9.
If badges, a large number. Check out ParagonWiki for more info.
How many badges total? Gods, somewhere around 750ish I think. Exporlation badges? Check the wiki, there should be a list of them. You don't need all of them for the beacons, there is a beacon for most zones, and usually around 4-5 exploration badges per beacon iirc.
I'm not sure what happens if you have found some in normal mode. I would suggest using a toon that hasn't for those ones, you don't need to find them all on the same toon, just on toons that are in SG mode.
Pocket D destination can only be picked up during the christmas event (or when the ski chalet is open) due to one badge being outside the normal Pocket D map.
Edit: also, if you found some in normal mode already, just go back to them in SG mode and stand over them for about 30 seconds or so, it will pick them up for the SG that way.
How many badges... Well that a huge list and I personally have no clue but to help you out here a list if the different types of Badges. Remember this game is made to be Open ended meaning even when your 50 there will be things to do. So Badges were designed in part to be part of this goal to give you rewards other then XPs.
City of Heroes Badges
* Exploration Badges attained by visiting certain important locations throughout Paragon City.
* History Badges attained by studying the history of Paragon City.
* Accomplishment Badges attained by completing tasks assigned by special Heroes and Contacts.
* Achievement Badges attained by reaching certain milestones in a heroic career.
* Accolades attained for truly special accomplishments and which can grant certain permanent bonuses to a hero's powers.
* Gladiator Badges attained by accomplishing specific tasks that unlock creatures that will assist you in the arena.
* Veteran Reward Badges attained by subscribing to the game for periods of three months.
* PVP Badges attained by activities related to PvP.
* Invention Badges attained by activities related to the Invention System.
* CoH Defeat Badges attained by defeating certain critters in the game.
* Event Badges attained by participating in special events that occur in Paragon City.
* Ouroboros Badges attained by completing Flashback content.
* Wentworths Badges attained by selling items on the Consignment House.
* Day Job Badges attained by logging out in specific locations.
* Architect Entertainment Badges attained through the Mission Architect.
__________________________________________________ _
City of Villains Badges
* Exploration Badges attained by visiting certain important locations throughout the Rogue Isles.
* History Badges attained by studying the history of the Rogue Isles.
* Accomplishment Badges attained by completing tasks assigned by special Villains and Contacts.
* Achievement Badges attained by reaching certain milestones in a villainous career.
* Accolades attained for truly special accomplishments and which can grant certain permanent bonuses to a villain's powers.
* Gladiator Badges attained by accomplishing specific tasks that unlock creatures that will assist you in the arena.
* Veteran Reward Badges attained by subscribing to the game for periods of three months.
* PVP Badges attained by activities related to PvP.
* Invention Badges attained by activities related to the Invention System.
* CoV Defeat Badges attained by defeating certain critters in the game.
* Event Badges attained by participating in special events that occur in the Rogue Isles.
* Ouroboros Badges attained by completing Flashback content.
* Black Market Badges attained by selling items on the Consignment House.
* Day Job Badges attained by logging out in specific locations.
* Architect Entertainment Badges attained through the Mission Architect.
__________________________________________________ ___
Supergroup badges (must be in SG mode)
*Supergroup Exploration Badges
*Supergroup Achievement Badges
*Supergroup PVP Badges
*Supergroup Defeats Badges
I'm not sure what happens if you have found some in normal mode. I would suggest using a toon that hasn't for those ones, you don't need to find them all on the same toon, just on toons that are in SG mode.
Also it's generally easier to get them with fly, since some of them are up high, Top Dog, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and Triumphant I'm looking at you.
Lastly some groups still do "Badge Tours" least on virtue on the weekends. Basically people with TP take groups to all the badge locations of some of the odder zones.
Blimey!!! I thought i was doing well with 67.
Here look up your side's Accolades.
Blimey!!! I thought i was doing well with 67. So besides beacons, do badges have any other effect on your hero?
And there's also the day job badges, which when you get the Accolade for them will make that day job location grant another reward at the same time as the original.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
The big ones like Accolades gives you extra powers.
For example...
The Atlas Medallion gives you +5 Max Endurance.
Conspiracy Theorist Badge gives you a Crey CBX-9 Pistol Ranged Moderate Damage over Time(Cold) Foe: Immobilize -Speed -Recharge
But most badge hunters go for the bragging rights of having as many as they can. A lot of badges have no special bonus other then just the fun of having them. For example my Tanker.. he's named Rotten Luck by the way lol has the Debt Badges Undying under his name for Pay off 600,000 debt there is no extra goodies for having this badge just I like having it.
My apologies for my frustration, and i appreciate your answers and candor. I just don't see why anybody should have to seek help outside of the game. Why can't these things be explained in C.O.H.. As it stands now I have to cheat my way to a destination beacon. I guess that's life.
You raise a valid point Panzer. Tanks a lot.
Welcome to the city mrmeeowgi!
Like any city there's alot to do if you can find it. I said before I been playing 2+ Years and still haven't done All there is to do. If you want extra goodies look for Missions with rewards. One example and one of my favorites is the pet Warwolf you get doing a Mission in Striga Isle. It a bummer that you only get to summon a Warwolf 5 times.
Thank you RottenLuck. I've only been playing for 3 mths. I did stumble upon the warwolf but think i wasted its potential. I wondered were i got that from. My hero is at lvl 36. it seems to take me forever to lvl up. Any tips?
Ah your in the 30 hump! Yeah the levels in the higher 30s tend to level slower for some reason. Or it just feels that way. One way is to do some Task Forces the XP rewards are good and with a Great team can be gained fast. Me I tend to run Imperious Task Force when I hit those levels. There is also the Lady Grey Task Force in the RWZ.
One of my Friends after hitting level 10 does nothing but Task forces, Trials, and Radio Safeguard Missions.
I recently formed a solo task force for an Ouroborous mission, but got no exp points. Though i only completed 1 mission. is that normal ya think?
Where or how do I get a destination beacon? pls help. Does anyone out there know?