Destination beacons?




Originally Posted by RottenLuck View Post
Ah your in the 30 hump! Yeah the levels in the higher 30s tend to level slower for some reason. Or it just feels that way. One way is to do some Task Forces the XP rewards are good and with a Great team can be gained fast. Me I tend to run Imperious Task Force when I hit those levels. There is also the Lady Grey Task Force in the RWZ.

One of my Friends after hitting level 10 does nothing but Task forces, Trials, and Radio Safeguard Missions.
Agreed. TF's are great ways to level up and get XP. You'll almost always have a full team that is pretty much guaranteed to stick together for the entire time. Plus you get merit rewards on top of the XP. And now with the upcoming SSK system, even exemping down for lower level TF's will still give XP.

In addition to ITF & LGTF, Manticore and Numina are both fun and can be knocked out pretty quickly with a good team. Respec trials are another fun & quick way to knock out some XP.



Originally Posted by RottenLuck View Post
Welcome to the city mrmeeowgi!

Like any city there's alot to do if you can find it. I said before I been playing 2+ Years and still haven't done All there is to do. If you want extra goodies look for Missions with rewards. One example and one of my favorites is the pet Warwolf you get doing a Mission in Striga Isle. It a bummer that you only get to summon a Warwolf 5 times.
There are a fair number of temp powers that you can get multiple times by using Ouroboros to repeat the arc or mission that granted the power. However, many of the flashback versions are somewhat weaker than the originals.



Originally Posted by mrmeeowgi View Post
I recently formed a solo task force for an Ouroborous mission, but got no exp points. Though i only completed 1 mission. is that normal ya think?
If the mission's level ranged was below your current level then it would have auto-exemplared you, and you don't currently get xp when exemped (it should be noted that this will change when I16 goes Live).



Ouroborous I wouldn't put in the same class as other Tasks forces do that to A. replay missions you missed or want to play again or B. to explore the past events of the game.

To LEVEL you need a true Task Force. The Solo Ouroborous is not the best way to do it. Even with my Tanker I have trouble Soloing some of the foes ... (*mumbles about Nosferatu and foams at the mouth*).

Um sorry lost track there. Anyway you want is a Team Task force (more members more xps both in foes and bonus boost). You need to devote yourself about 2 hours or more. Thought I have done ITF in 45 mins. One of the longest Task Forces is Dr. Quaterfield also called by some Dr. Quaterhell! It can last over 5 hours my last ran was 5 hours and 18 mins.

This is where your Supergroup comes in if your friends with enough you can start a Taskforce and if you have to leave you can stop log out and return later and finish. Just so long as you don't Quit.



Very funny RL! My scrapper got killed 5 times by Nosferatu, only then did I realise what a fool i had been. Didn't finish that one.



You should try the arc in RWZ, there's some fun missions there.



Originally Posted by mrmeeowgi View Post
My apologies for my frustration, and i appreciate your answers and candor. I just don't see why anybody should have to seek help outside of the game. Why can't these things be explained in C.O.H.. As it stands now I have to cheat my way to a destination beacon. I guess that's life.

Taking advantage of the reports filed by people who went before you isn't cheating. This is how humans made it everywhere on the planet. We all had to find these markers on our own once, and kindly we left the info behind for others so that they wouldn't have to look for hours.

Whether or not you take advantage of that or not is up to you. You could simply work to figure it out on your own, like a lot of people have.

Supergroup accomplishments are measured by things done in SG mode. I'm sorry you think it's silly, but if it weren't done that way, as soon as the character who had the badges that granted the beacon left an SG, they'd lose it.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by mrmeeowgi View Post
Very funny RL! My scrapper got killed 5 times by Nosferatu, only then did I realise what a fool i had been. Didn't finish that one.
Bring Purples and learn timing, Nosferatu is a fun challenge.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by RottenLuck View Post
Ah your in the 30 hump! Yeah the levels in the higher 30s tend to level slower for some reason. Or it just feels that way.
For levels 1-40, each level was scaled/setup to require more XP (after the "I'm higher level" inflation) to reach the next.

Levels 40-50 are setup to require roughly the same amount of time as each other.

Thus the mid-to-high 30's hump.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.