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  1. mrmeeowgi

    rank properties

    no toon with that name, just my puddy tat.
  2. mrmeeowgi

    rank properties

    Thanks for that guys, I thought there might be more to it than that for some reason. much appreciated.
    ps: my name is a nickname i call my cat.
  3. mrmeeowgi

    rank properties

    Could anyone explain the "edit rank properties" for me pls.
  4. Thankyou Hellguard. You were right. had the badge already. Silly me not thinking to look into my personal info. It didn't show itself under badge. Thanks again.
  5. I can't pick up minotaur badge in normal or SG mode. Don't know why that is, and i don't already have it. Any ideas?.
  6. Very funny RL! My scrapper got killed 5 times by Nosferatu, only then did I realise what a fool i had been. Didn't finish that one.
  7. I recently formed a solo task force for an Ouroborous mission, but got no exp points. Though i only completed 1 mission. is that normal ya think?
  8. mrmeeowgi

    Many Villians?

    Thanks Kitsune, sounds like we need to forget about being goodies for a while. What's a world without Supervillians!?
  9. Thank you RottenLuck. I've only been playing for 3 mths. I did stumble upon the warwolf but think i wasted its potential. I wondered were i got that from. My hero is at lvl 36. it seems to take me forever to lvl up. Any tips?
  10. mrmeeowgi

    Many Villians?

    Just curious, are villians as prevalent as heroes. On the few occasions I've ventured into PVP zones. I haven't seen any villians. Or is it just because i'm online at the wrong time?
  11. You raise a valid point Panzer. Tanks a lot.
  12. Blimey!!! I thought i was doing well with 67.
  13. Now that's putting things into perspective. Thankyou Rotten. By the way, do you know how many badges are available?
  14. My apologies for my frustration, and i appreciate your answers and candor. I just don't see why anybody should have to seek help outside of the game. Why can't these things be explained in C.O.H.. As it stands now I have to cheat my way to a destination beacon. I guess that's life.
  15. So what you seem to be saying is that i have to explore every inch of each zone, collect all exploration badges in SG mode, and then i somehow can create this beacon. is that right? What if i've found half of them in normal mode. What then? Seems a bit silly to me
  16. Where or how do I get a destination beacon? pls help. Does anyone out there know?
  17. mrmeeowgi

    Can't promote

    u too hellguard, thanks for helping me out. useful info about Super Leader too I didn't know about issue 14
  18. mrmeeowgi

    Can't promote

    Crikey, Thanks Hazey, i didn't think of that, will just have to wait until others online. ta
  19. mrmeeowgi

    Can't promote

    I started the group. I have never heard of a Super leader. I promoted 1 to commander, and that seems to be all i can do. It makes no sense ???????????
  20. mrmeeowgi

    Can't promote

    I'm a leader of an SG, yet can't promote anyone. WHY??????????