Many Villians?
The Hero-side population is generally a fair amount higher than the Villain population. The population of a PvP zone, though, depends hugely on the time and the server.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Thanks Kitsune, sounds like we need to forget about being goodies for a while. What's a world without Supervillians!?
In a poll taken long ago, people were asked if they were heroes or villains at heart, and the result was a 63/37 split. It shows in the game populations.
Villains are populated enough on Virtue to make teams. /sea really helps with that. I16 should do away with the notions of ""no teams"" on redside as forming a team will be made so much easier. Still, there are teams and the ATs are fun. Give it a shot!
Yes, hero side is usually more populated, after all it has more content, way more zones, and 10 different starting contacts plus other low level options as opposed to Snakes in Mercy or Snakes in Mercy on villain side, and thus much greater replayability value.
Also, most players seem to start out on hero side and only later occasionally peek into villains, where they get bored even faster than if they had started out there as a good deal of things are similar, they played the shared content already on hero side, and a some things on villain side are just simply more boring.
Also, hero archetypes tend to go more into extremes while villain ones are a bit more 'balanced' or multifaced, which can make them feel mediocre compared to heroes.
Yes, the sun shines more on the heroes than on the villains.
Just curious, are villians as prevalent as heroes. On the few occasions I've ventured into PVP zones. I haven't seen any villians. Or is it just because i'm online at the wrong time?