Kheldian Binds and Strategies
This post may be of interest to those trying to use these excellent binds in macros.
The quick summary is that if you create a macro with one of these binds there is a bug that, when you zone, will remove everything after the 'gototray #' part.
In my case I designated the last and second to last slot with macros called 'dwarf' and 'nova' and bound those to my 'Q' and 'E' keys. I then made a 'Human' macro on my nova and dwarf form trays to turn back and rebind the teleport key, similar to this bind below:
"powexec_toggleoff black dwarf$$powexec_toggleoff dark nova$$goto_tray 1$$bind lshift+lbutton shadow step"
What happens is that for some reason everything after the 'goto_tray 1' part gets cut off at random when I zone. The proposed solution in the thread I linked to was to put the 'goto_tray' command at the end of the macro.
The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]
I20 has borked Kheld Targetting...
/bind tab "target_custom_next alive quantum$$target_custom_next alive void$$target_custom_next alive cyst$$target_enemy_next"
/bind tab "target_enemy_next$$target_custom_next alive quantum$$target_custom_next alive void$$target_custom_next alive cyst"
As for the Teleport glitching...
I have it bound to a key so I know it works, try lbutton if lclick is glitching.
Also don't click next location until you re-appear as this will help fix the 90 degree turn in mid air.
Good trick to know when teleporting across cities tho, once you start the teleport anim reselect teleport and click to the left or right of your current teleport location and it will queue, teleporting you as soon as you complete the initial one to your new target location and turning you to face that way.
I20 has borked Kheld Targetting...
/bind tab "target_custom_next alive quantum$$target_custom_next alive void$$target_custom_next alive cyst$$target_enemy_next" Becomes: /bind tab "target_enemy-next$$target_custom_next alive quantum$$target_custom_next alive void$$target_custom_next alive cyst" As for the Teleport glitching... I have it bound to a key so I know it works, try lbutton if lclick is glitching. Also don't click next location until you re-appear as this will help fix the 90 degree turn in mid air. Good trick to know when teleporting across cities tho, once you start the teleport anim reselect teleport and click to the left or right of your current teleport location and it will queue, teleporting you as soon as you complete the initial one to your new target location and turning you to face that way. |
The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies
So to clarify (because I haven't been in game for longer than five minutes since I20 went live and haven't been able to test for myself - stupid real world) you're saying that the target_enemy_next must now come FIRST in the bind? I'll edit the OP accordingly - thanks!!
Putting target_enemy_next first in the bind seems to fix this.
Oh and I apologise for a typo in my previous post a - instead of a _ which I have now corrected.
Hope this helps.
So i've had a single blunder with one of these binds, basically I put in the Target ALIVE voids ect. bind and it still loves to target the dead ones.
I used the EXACT bind below, copy & pasted it to make sure it was right
/bind tab "target_enemy_next$$target_custom_next alive quantum$$target_custom_next alive void$$target_custom_next alive cyst"
/bind [key] "powexectoggleoff white dwarf$$powexec_auto white dwarf sublimation$$powexecname white dwarf$$
/bind [key] "powexectoggleoff white dwarf$$powexecname white dwarf$$powexecauto white dwarf sublimation"
Ummm, neither actually.
powexec_toggle_on (or off) is the correct form of that usage. And you're turning the white dawrf power off in your examples, not on like you want.
Ummm, neither actually.
powexec_toggle_on (or off) is the correct form of that usage. And you're turning the white dawrf power off in your examples, not on like you want. |
But if it's just a fluke, then what am i doing wrong here? My logic was basically taking the idea of the Moving out of dark dwarf to heal, then back into dwarf, accept the process is completely inverted. Doesn't the bind execute from right to left? If so, like i've read numerous times wouldnt
powexecname white dwarf --> first turn on the power
powexec_auto white dwarf sublimation --> then auto-activate the heal
powexectoggleoff white dwarf --> toggle off dwarf mode and revert back to human form?
If not, could i get some clarification or maybe some direction as to what to do?
And, regardless, the _ just makes it easier to read, the bind works exactly the same with or without them. I've already tested it out on my Khelid.
But if it's just a fluke, then what am i doing wrong here? My logic was basically taking the idea of the Moving out of dark dwarf to heal, then back into dwarf, accept the process is completely inverted. Doesn't the bind execute from right to left? If so, like i've read numerous times wouldnt powexecname white dwarf --> first turn on the power powexec_auto white dwarf sublimation --> then auto-activate the heal powexectoggleoff white dwarf --> toggle off dwarf mode and revert back to human form? If not, could i get some clarification or maybe some direction as to what to do? |
File this one under the "Now why didn't I think of THAT" category. Dremster has a couple of binds that will drop form, execute a power and go back into form when the key is let up. It's all in this post. The binds use toggle keys and autoexec together. Now I'd tried toggle keys, and I've had my share of binds using autoexec, but I never thought to put 'em together! Here's the bind: /bind [key] "+down$$powexec_auto stygian circle$$powexec_name black dwarf" |
Now if shapeshifting were instantaneous...
But I can't say without testing it myself. It's not a bad theory, though.
I can also think of two other ways off the top of my head whereby you might accomplish this, depending on how you intend to use dwarf.
If you're mostly human form and only using dwarf for the extra heal, then just put the dwarf heal on auto fire and leave it that way. Then use the following bind:
/bind [key] "+down$$powexec_name white dwarf"
The +down designates it as a toggle key (and I'm not even sure the "down" after the + is necessary), so that when the key is pressed down the white dwarf power will activate, and when it is let up the white dwarf power will toggle off. If your heal is on auto it will fire immediately after the white dwarf animation finishes.
In fact, now that I think about it, I see no reason why you couldn't use Dremster's bind for what you want:
/bind [key] "+down$$powexec_auto white dwarf sublimation$$powexec_name white dwarf"
Be careful, though: if you let up on the key before the animation finishes, I'm betting nothing but the animation will happen - for the same reasons as above.
The most reliable method involves two binds, and is more useful if you're planning on using dwarf more:
/bind [key] "goto_tray 4$$powexec_name white dwarf sublimation$$powexec_toggleon white dwarf"
/bind [key] "goto_tray 1$$powexec_name solar flare$$powexec_toggleoff white dwarf"
Insert whatever power you want in place of solar flare. In fact, since my dwarf tray is so empty I like to use macros that transform me into human form and execute different powers based on the situation.
The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies
/bind [key] "+down$$powexec_auto white dwarf sublimation$$powexec_name white dwarf"
Be careful, though: if you let up on the key before the animation finishes, I'm betting nothing but the animation will happen - for the same reasons as above. |
What also inspired the idea was a tip mission where i needed both heals, but didn't want to use essence boost due to the (recently recpeced) long recharge of essence boost.
Now with this bind in mind:
/bind [key] "+down$$powexec_auto white dwarf sublimation$$powexec_name white dwarf"
If i replaced "white dwarf sublimation" with the stomp power, in theory would this work the same, and MAYBE even throwing a "powexecauto" for human form stomp too would create a single toggle key for the stomp power as i could double stomp from human form? >
Thanks for the help joe !!
Did the way that macros work change since this post? This worked with my warshade just fine until she got Black Dwarf, at which point it would only work while in dwarf form.
So for the binds you may have to swap the commands positions.
The targeting bind for instance was locking the next target after a Quantum/Void/Cyst...
It was targeting them then running into the last command Target_Enemy_Next hence the next target, moving this first means it picks the next target and then the specific targeting overrides and selects said Quantum/Void/Cyst as it should.
As for: /bind shift+lbutton "powexec_name shadow step$$powexec_name black dwarf step"
Try: /bind shift+lbutton "powexec_name black dwarf step$$"powexec_name shadow step"
And if lbutton doesn't work try lclick.
I think this is because you can have the Black Dwarf Step power greyed out whilst in human form, I would hope that the reversal will work as the Dwarf mode cannot access any of your human form powers.
If not then it is an issue the Devs have caused and I would not have any other solution to this other than the combo tray binds.
I Wonder if you could Macro a form change and teleport bind...
Can someone make a bind or macro that will make my ws to tp in as Dwarf then does double mire then in human form I do Quasar pop a blue do Stygian Circle then Uchain Essence (for over kill) and to end it I go back in to Dwaft. I do this when I see a void boss, in incarnate trials, or when I show off but I do it with like 4 binds and macro. Or is this impossible. If you can get it thx for then help. Forgot to add thx for the binds they really make my tri-form easier and fun to play.
Jake Doom - lvl 50 thug/poison - mastermind
Rock Hitman - lvl 50 stone/super strength - tanker
on Freedom and Protector
I can make a macro that can play the game, that can play the game, that can play the game.
50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM
Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad
Bionic_Flea, I can't get the link to work.
Jake Doom - lvl 50 thug/poison - mastermind
Rock Hitman - lvl 50 stone/super strength - tanker
on Freedom and Protector
Can someone make a bind or macro that will make my ws to tp in as Dwarf then does double mire then in human form I do Quasar pop a blue do Stygian Circle then Uchain Essence (for over kill) and to end it I go back in to Dwaft. I do this when I see a void boss, in incarnate trials, or when I show off but I do it with like 4 binds and macro. Or is this impossible. If you can get it thx for then help. Forgot to add thx for the binds they really make my tri-form easier and fun to play.
Ok, I thought it couldn't be done. Just was hoping to find a faster and easier way to do it. Thx for the info
Jake Doom - lvl 50 thug/poison - mastermind
Rock Hitman - lvl 50 stone/super strength - tanker
on Freedom and Protector
I noticed someone posted numpad binds for the WS, well here are the numpad binds i use for my PB instead. Each column is a form and each row a different action while in form. I'll explain:
Column 1 (keys:1,4,7) are used in human-form.
Column 2 (keys:2,5,8) are used in Nova-form.
Column 3 (keys:3,6,9) are used in Dwarf-form.
Row 1 (keys:1,2,3) are the regular form and tray switching binds.
Row 2 (keys:4,5,6) are heals.
Row 3 (keys:7,8,9) are special actions that take advantage of being a Tri-former.
/bind numpad1 "powexec_toggleoff white dwarf$$powexec_toggleoff bright nova$$goto_tray 1"
-The usual shift to human-form and tray 1 bind
/bind numpad2 "powexec_toggleon bright nova$$goto_tray 8"
-Shift to Nova and go to tray 8
/bind numpad3 "powexec_toggleon white dwarf$$goto_tray 9"
-Shift to Dwarf and go to tray 9
/bind numpad4 "+down$$powexec_auto white dwarf sublimation$$powexec_name white dwarf"
-This bind will shift to Dwarf pop off the Dwarf heal then when you let off shift you back to human, be sure to hold the key down long enough to do all actions and let off as soon as you see the green glow to drop you back to human
/bind numpad5 "+down$$powexec_auto reform essence$$powexec_name bright nova"
-This one is for use in Nova form, which does not have a heal regularly. Holding the key down will shift you to human-form firing off the heal and when you let off will pop you back into Nova-form.
/bind numpad6 "+down$$powexec_auto reform essence$$powexec_name white dwarf"
-This bind lets you have access to the human-heal while in Dwarf, it is like the above one only for Dwarf.
/bind numpad7 "powexec_toggleoff invisibility$$powexec_name incandescent strike"
-Tap once to turn off invisibility, tap twice to execute Incandescent strike or the Not So Stalker-Assian Strike
/bind numpad8 "powexec_toggleoff bright nova$$goto_tray 1$$powexec_name solar flare"
-This bind drops you out of Nova and executes Solar flare all in one touch of a key. As a side-note your character will hover for a second after Solar flare goes off. The reason for this bind is to more easily pull off the famous Triple Alpha Strike: Scatter, Detonation, Solar Flare.
/macro 3AS "powexec_toggleoff bright nova$$goto_tray 1$$powexec_name solar flare"
- This is a Macro i made to put in your normal Nova tray (tray 8 for me) right after scatter and detonation.
/bind numpad9 "powexec_auto solar flare$$powexec_name white dwarf flare$$powexec_toggleoff white dwarf$$goto_tray 1"
-this one is the quirky but really fun Double Stomp or I guess Hand-clap now. Side-note as stated before be sure to press twice when using
/bind numpad0 "powexec_name quantum acceleration$$powexec_toggleon energy flight"
- Tap once to turn on flight, twice to turn on quantum acceleration, and a third time to turn off quantum acceleration but keep on flight. Useful when dropping out of Nova mid-flight
Hope someone finds this useful. As a last side-note I did not write all of these binds just some of them and could not have written those with out the help of this thread.
/bind shift+lbutton powexec_slot 10
Edit: Checked in game, slot 10 does actually refer to farthest right and 9 to the slot to its left.
With numerical issues straigtened out, bind works perfectly.