elec melee concerns
Compare the DPE of Elec Melee to Fire Melee and notice that Elecs is different but some elecs attacks do end drain instead of all that damage and the set should be looked at as a whole so its attack chains versus attack chains inclusive of number of targets. It'll be a no wonder thing as to why the other attacks seem lacklustre.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
My experience with ELM is from Brutes as well and overall the set is fairly balanced now that Chain Induction got a revisit awhile back. For teams, the set really shines when you can drop BU + LR + TS and JL helps with the AoE damage. Conversely I find the set to be "ok" when solo. It lacks the ST heavy hitter and using TS on 1 enemy is not a very efficient use of endurance.
Teams = goooooooooood
Solo = ok
It may not be the best at doing any one thing, but I think the set works fine on its own. It has good AoE capabilities, decent single-target damage (certainly not on par with Stone Melee or SS, but good enough), and some soft control. That'll work for most people. With all of the AoEs, it should be a decent farming Tank as well. That said, it might not be better than some other sets at any one thing, but does all decently well.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
Use SandMan Chance for Heal Proc in your quick rech attacks for healing goodness. Its not much, but it can add up in AV fights.
Ive bee nthinking of rolling an IceArmor/ElecMelee tanker. Super soft controls. Heals from attacks and Hoarfrost. With Energy Absorb to keep the end up. Not much as a solo'er but a serious team tank.
Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion
"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."
I tried an Electric Melee brute a while back and was rather underwhelmed but that is probably prior to any changes made. Of course that's after having played an Electric/Electric blaptroller into it's 30s and, IMO, brutes to blaptrollers is a closer comparison than tanks to blaptrollers so YMMV.
Still, if you are looking for real Electric Melee goodness go with the blaptroller. They make scrappers cry!
"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull
"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat

Yeah, I am in the same boat as you Cold, I like my Elec/Elec brute, and tried him on test with the changes. The damage just seems lacking, and if it seems lacking on a brute, it's probably gonna be painful on a tank.
Then again, I am thinking of making an elec/ice tank, so............
Dark Armor is like that kid you knew in school that didn't know when to shut up, and no matter how bad he got beaten down, he got right back up again and kept on talking.
Then again, I am thinking of making an elec/ice tank, so............ |
What does elec armor/ice melee have to do with a discussion on electric melee? Interesting combo though.
Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental
Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration
Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
You can slot the placate proc in either of the first two powers!
I wanted to make this thread earlier, but have been out of the game for a month. Now that also means I have yet to test anything on Test, but at least using Stoney's Mids' numbers, Elec Melee damage looks absolutely anemic, at least for DPA. LR is awesome, of course, but recharges too slowly as a regular part of an attack chain (tho it synchs nicely w/BU). CB & HP are both utter crap, JL is worse than Frost and is narrower to boot and while I only have expericnce w/TS on my Defender, I recall the splash damage was mostly useless, and its full damage DPA is pretty pathetic. CI is difficult to factor into, but w/it, LR, JL & TS, I'm thinking the AoE damage will be good to very good, but ELM's ST damage is worse than Ice Melee at this point, and that's just pathetic.
Again, this is all on paper and using unconfirmed numbers. I'm still waiting for Test Sever to synch my account status, but I'm hoping I16 hits live this week and I can do some more testing, but my Elec/Elec tank is looking decidedly less tasty than he did a month ago. Hope I'm wrong.
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
I wanted to make this thread earlier, but have been out of the game for a month. Now that also means I have yet to test anything on Test, but at least using Stoney's Mids' numbers, Elec Melee damage looks absolutely anemic, at least for DPA. LR is awesome, of course, but recharges too slowly as a regular part of an attack chain (tho it synchs nicely w/BU). CB & HP are both utter crap, JL is worse than Frost and is narrower to boot and while I only have expericnce w/TS on my Defender, I recall the splash damage was mostly useless, and its full damage DPA is pretty pathetic. CI is difficult to factor into, but w/it, LR, JL & TS, I'm thinking the AoE damage will be good to very good, but ELM's ST damage is worse than Ice Melee at this point, and that's just pathetic.
Again, this is all on paper and using unconfirmed numbers. I'm still waiting for Test Sever to synch my account status, but I'm hoping I16 hits live this week and I can do some more testing, but my Elec/Elec tank is looking decidedly less tasty than he did a month ago. Hope I'm wrong. |
The damage isn't anemic nor is CB/HP utter crap.
I was going to put this in another thread, but here seems adequate as well.
What are your thoughts on a Stone/ELM Tank. From a pure team PvE stand point, it would seem very nice with the AoE, and LR to teleport to the next spawn. End wouldn't be an issue and Granite will kill most of the damage output anyway. Thoughts?
ELM/Stone is a popular set on CoV for Brutes since you get max survivability and a few AoEs for teams.
I think the same set, but reversed, could work over here as long as the player knows Big Orange Numbers will not be produced. I didn't get the chance to test ELM much for tankers but I'm guessing powers like TS and LR have a nice Gauntlet component that will be great for maintaining aggro (possibly jacob's ladder as well).
If I were looking for a ST damage heavy set then I wouldn't be taking Electric Melee. If I were looking for a great AoE/team heavy set, then I would consider taking Electric Melee.
The damage isn't anemic nor is CB/HP utter crap. |
I happen to like AoE damage a lot, esp for tanks. I'll take Ice Melee (see guide) over EM any day of the week. I would like *some* ST damage though, and so far what I see is... well, crap. Please convince me otherwise--you'll make me very happy if you can.
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
Please convince me otherwise--you'll make me very happy if you can.
Play or don't. <shrugs>
I don't care enough to convince you one way or the other. I'm not here to champion ELM as some uber set. I've already stated the ST damage is not great but it's not crap either, and I tend to let my experience ingame dictate my responses about sets. Not some numbers on paper.
Play or don't. <shrugs> |
Please note, I wasn't being confrontational w/my previous post (or hopefully this one) and genuinely wanted some hard data, if you had any. I'll of course get my own now that I16's going live and post about them later. Hopefully, you and others will find them useful. And yeah, I play the game and have fun w/o any numbers too, but I also find crunching numbers fun it its own right, not to mention illuminating. You'd be surprised how inaccurate "personal experiences" can be.
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
My experience with ELM is from Brutes as well and overall the set is fairly balanced now that Chain Induction got a revisit awhile back. For teams, the set really shines when you can drop BU + LR + TS and JL helps with the AoE damage. Conversely I find the set to be "ok" when solo. It lacks the ST heavy hitter and using TS on 1 enemy is not a very efficient use of endurance.
Teams = goooooooooood Solo = ok |
All IMO, of course.
Please note, I wasn't being confrontational w/my previous post (or hopefully this one) and genuinely wanted some hard data, if you had any. I'll of course get my own now that I16's going live and post about them later. Hopefully, you and others will find them useful. And yeah, I play the game and have fun w/o any numbers too, but I also find crunching numbers fun it its own right, not to mention illuminating. You'd be surprised how inaccurate "personal experiences" can be.
Either way you need to roll one and tell me what you think of BU + Lightning Rod + TS.

So I've been too busy w/work to play I16 yet, but just from the newly released Mids' planner (thanks to Stoney!), the new ELM numbers are looking much better. ST still isn't great, but it's not as pitiful as I once thought (which is to say worse than Ice Melee). No heavy hitter so I won't be soloing pylons any time soon w/it, but AoE wise, it's looking very good. Lightning Rod is just a beast (and for scrappers, it's just flat out cheating!). Fortunately, it's balanced around a 90 sec recharge or it'd get nerfed to hell & back.
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
i dont know but i have a elc melee /wp brute and playing with elec melee is ok..lightnin rod rocks of course but the rest of the powers besides thunderstrike seem alitte...lack luster dont they?
i planned on a elec/elec tank for issue 16 but i have concerns that maybe i should go the route of stone melee instead.
anyone got thoughts on elec melee as a whole?
i didnt get to play beta and i know the woriees already about elec armor but im thinknig sm would be better