Self Heal - Why don't some of you have it?




See, I like both side of this discussion. With a good build though that is alot of INF to build up in order to get IO'ed out. Some people will say "play the market and you luck up on something. Be patient" I have like about 100+ mill in influence spread amongst all my lvl 50s. But these days the market is ruthless. Maybe a market reset or something is in need. I don't know if they do that. I've been doing numerous boss farms to try to come up on some good finds in the AE vendor store. Haven't seen much that would go into my scrapper build.

FYI, I haven't tapped much into the AV killing. I've only fought a few, but would like to get more into it. And I wouldn't really solo either, my GF plays support roles alot so it would at the very least be duo-ing an AV.

I've found a nice love for tanking mainly because I think alot of tanks out there suck so I show em how I gets down, but I love scrappers as well. I want to get just ONE AV killer and Task force type. My DM/SR is 50 and is nice. My DB/SR is coming along. I also have a BS/DA at lvl 30, but I haven't really taken a firm liking to him because he is an end hog.

All in all I guess the majority of you would say save up, get IO'ed out, skip aid self. I'll spend my millions and see where it gets me.



Originally Posted by cp2_4eva View Post
All in all I guess the majority of you would say save up, get IO'ed out, skip aid self. I'll spend my millions and see where it gets me.
Well, I think we're mostly answering the question of “Self Heal – Why don't some of you have it?” rather than offering advice. On the other hand, when everyone says “don't need it”, it's probably equivalent to advising you, “don't take it.” If you want a no temps, no inspirations AV soloer, I'd take it. You'll be able to beat more AVs more easily. For most of the rest of the game, or if you plan to use inspirations for your AV soloing, or if you're going to have support, I wouldn't bother with Aid Self.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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Originally Posted by cp2_4eva View Post
FYI, I haven't tapped much into the AV killing. I've only fought a few, but would like to get more into it. And I wouldn't really solo either, my GF plays support roles alot so it would at the very least be duo-ing an AV.

I've found a nice love for tanking mainly because I think alot of tanks out there suck so I show em how I gets down, but I love scrappers as well. I want to get just ONE AV killer and Task force type. My DM/SR is 50 and is nice. My DB/SR is coming along. I also have a BS/DA at lvl 30, but I haven't really taken a firm liking to him because he is an end hog.
You would probably be better off taking Provoke or your scrapper taunt power to help keep your GF alive.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



If a build has a self heal, I pick that up.

However I have never felt the need, solo or team, to take the Aid Self on any AT. And on a scrapper? That's revokes my union card,... or something... doesn't it?

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Originally Posted by cp2_4eva View Post
I have a DB/SR scrapper in the making. right now she is at lvl 37. I was looking at a few builds and I was a bit surprised to see that some of the /SR builds had no self heal. Why is this? Are you dependent on that defender or controller to heal you or is your build that IO-ed out that you just really wont get that one devastating blow to the head and go down for the count? Plz do tell. I saving up alot of money....for what I don't know. I have alt-itis and I'm lookin to get that one toon that I can resort to as my AV and task force go to hero. I have a 50 DM/SR, but he has siphon life.
The only time I'd think a self heal was necessary would be solo AV fghts. Apart from that, they're completely unnecessary for a well built SR or shield character. Kill stuff and green inspirations fall like candy...if you even need them in the first place. I can go through two or three missions without using one.



I always pick a self-heal. I just like to be completly self-sufficient and greens can go in short supply in stress situations. But I also like to push the envelope.

That said if I didn't insist in being self-sufficient like having endurance for my use, enough recharge for my attack chains, heals, all of it who can or not be available in a team, then aid-self is a bit sucky. Slow to go off and interruptible plus the big lapse of time in which we can't attack even if we can move around.

But, for when we have no healer in the team, when we're getting slapped by hard mobs, when we've used our greens and don't want to trust the random number generator when hitting half HP? Then yeah.



The simple answer is that a self heal isn't actually needed. The complex answer is that many builds can completely ignore Aid Self because they've got enough passive damage recovery on their own, and Aid Self is just an easy, powerful way to increase your damage recovery by eating into your damage dealing abilities.

*/SR and */SD are both more than capable of obtaining more than 25 hp/sec passive regenerations (base regen is 5.575 hp/sec) thanks to +hp and +regen, which renders most need for a self heal largely unneeded. Of course, there will be times when you're facing 16 rabid Cimerorans and really wish you had a self heal to make sure you survive through the inevitable truck powered hit that will be coming your way every 5 seconds or so, but there isn't any guarantee that Aid Self would actually keep you standing.

Some people prefer paying for a little extra survivability. Some people prefer to continuously Scrap rather than stopping to apply band-aids every time they get hit. It's all a matter of preference.



Originally Posted by cp2_4eva View Post
I was looking at a few builds and I was a bit surprised to see that some of the /SR builds had no self heal.

SR Scrappers are just trying to give the defenders something to do.



I mostly solo, so it's not relying on teammates to heal me. In fact, on my Ninjitsu Stalker, which is an alternate version of the same character, I have a heal, and enjoy the options it gives me, so it's not that I think heals are useless. You learn how to work around it, though.

In my case, I'm MA/SR, but I have kind of an unusual build. I don't really trust Defense for much the reason you give, it can fail suddenly. So I use Cobra Strike and Intimidate for additional mitigation, and as a fall back in case of emergencies. If I get hit that hard, I can stun the foe and take him out without using an inspiration, or maybe using one instead of two.

It does come down to greens, though. I rarely if ever need blues, so I just trade them in 3 to 1. (That was sure a useful addition to the game ) And if I have to, I'll Rest. It's not like I'm slowing down a team when I'm solo.

On a team, I just make sure I'm not the guy people are firing at, if nobody has a heal. My FF Defender is pretty much the same thing.



I like Aid Self on my BS/SR, its about the quickest animation it has......... It helps though with my general lack of any other form of mitigation. It was a cheap build made to soft cap to fit a concept and not tinkered with at all once 50.

My DM/SR wouldn't need it, even though my Siphon Life has no heal slotting in it at all. Have tohit debuffs, imobs, fear and a top up heal. My BS/SR just has KD really, doesn't compare IMO

Would I take it on DB? Well to start with I wouldn't play one due to what I feel are very ugly animations. My Ice/DB was horrible enough and I couldn't seen most of them cause of the mobs surrounding me. But do I feel a heal is needed with DB? Not really, have Weaken and Sweep. Using them, greens and some regen you should be fine. I probably wouldn't want to Solo an AV without it (cause the above attacks would be out for a start) but for general play, and large spawns, seems fine to me.

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



A scrapper built for maximum surviviabilty is peforming his job less effectively then a scrapper built for maximum damage anytime the damage scrapper has at least 1 hitpoint.

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



Originally Posted by Shred_Monkey View Post
A scrapper built for maximum surviviabilty is peforming his job less effectively then a scrapper built for maximum damage anytime the damage scrapper has at least 1 hitpoint.
A scrapper built for maximum damage output has zero effectiveness when laying face down on the floor.

Both of those statements are true. What we also find to be true is that when it comes to scrapping, it doesn't actually make any difference at all how you choose to build your character as long as the end result leaves you standing over the fallen body of your enemy.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
A scrapper built for maximum damage output has zero effectiveness when laying face down on the floor.

Both of those statements are true. What we also find to be true is that when it comes to scrapping, it doesn't actually make any difference at all how you choose to build your character as long as the end result leaves you standing over the fallen body of your enemy.
Indeed. Although, given the choice between making a new body every 4 seconds vs making a new body every 3 ... i'm gonna go with 3 most of the time.

(I should probably point out, my current project is not a damage machine... but instead a survivabilty monster... i'm just providing counterpoints for the sake of discussion.)

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



I've never taken Aid Self and I never will. I don't like using a power pool and two choices for it. I like to take Fighting, Fitness, Leaping, and Speed for my scrappers.



Bill Z Bubba and Shred_Monkey, you two speak what a scrapper is. Thank you my brothers. You made this scrapper proud to be one. Okay back to pwning those spider troops in Warburg missions on Test.



I would love to avoid aid self on some builds... but i found i always need it sooner or later. I don't like relying on green inspirations, they don't drop that often and usually when i need a heal, inspirations are not enough. However i'll have to try some +regen build instead for something /shield or /SR. I'm now addicted to combat jumping + superspeed + hurdle for moving around, that's 3 power pools, last one has to be either tough/weave OR aid self...

Dark armor lover.

The Claws/DA Scrapper guide.



Well, after being one of two scrappers on a defeat-laden speed ITF run last night, I've decided to take another look at Self Heal for my secondary build. I've given up on trying to PvP with my BS/SR scrapper, so now I'm going to make him as survivable as possible. 'Twill be fun



Originally Posted by Celidya View Post
I would love to avoid aid self on some builds... but i found i always need it sooner or later. I don't like relying on green inspirations, they don't drop that often and usually when i need a heal, inspirations are not enough. However i'll have to try some +regen build instead for something /shield or /SR. I'm now addicted to combat jumping + superspeed + hurdle for moving around, that's 3 power pools, last one has to be either tough/weave OR aid self...
That is my favorite way to travel too!



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
Has anyone ever taken Aid Self on a Regeneration scrapper? Serious question
I did for a bit when I was trying to run my DM/Regen in PvP zones. It provided a good amount of stun resistance against the sheer numbers of EM Stalkers I ran into. He does not have it anymore, though.

I have other characters who still have it because, while the animation is long and techy (for power customization I really wanted an Aura-like Medicine option), it is still a great downtime reducer between fights and is a nice bump for when the RNG decides to try make you the punchline of a bad joke. On my Defense-based characters, it also lets me focus my inspirations more on Oranges so I have an extra layer of mitigation (thus more protection from the RNG).

With the IO options that exist now, it seems like the Medicine pool is losing the small following it once had.

11 months of all-nighters, messy feeding sessions, bath fighting and realizing just how good my son's lungs work, and I am still convinced he is the crowning accomplishment in my life. What in the blue HFIL is wrong with me?



Because walkie-talkies that heal me are dumb. I took tough/weave instead.



Why not have a self heal? Cause I got that useless healing sidekick always around..... XD j/k but I got two reasons why.

1) I have always believed on the age old idea of I kill them before they kill me.

2) Cause they have no end to attack me with? (EM for the win.)