Question The Person Below You




never heard of it.

Is khel like my long lost twin brother?



I dunno

Kheldarn: they exist but there are only 4 different ones INCLUDING the purple set.

If you were choosing the next 3 sets to create purples of what would they be?



No, I haven't. I don't even like leading an MA farm. I hate having the star. To be perfectly honest, I do better following orders than giving them, and I thrive when I can unleash hell with one of my scrappers without worrying about being in charge.

What year did you start playing?



Originally Posted by Angryellow View Post
What year did you start playing?
1996, just before the launch of Issue 7.

What's your favorite enemy group?

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



I Like CoT because I seem to get more and better drops with them.

What is your least liked enemy group?



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post

How do you feel about the lack of Targeted AoE invention sets?

This has bothered me plenty, especially when I flip to the ranged and there's like 12 of them (or something like that)



Originally Posted by Early_Girl View Post
What is your least liked enemy group?

Sky ******* Raiders. From the Porters who run away right before you kill them, to the Wing Raiders who fly up above you when their life's on the line, to the Engineer who drops those annoying *** force field generators. I HATE them

What is your least favorite AT?



Peacebringer. I've never made one and probably never will.

What is your main toon's name?



No. Angryellow is an alias I created for myself a while ago and I actually use it for just about everything I do online. I have no characters actually named Angryellow though.

What's the name of your second ever toon?



Chaos Creator is my second toon my first was Chaos Commander
incidentally 'Creator is only level 22 while Commander was my first 50.

What is your favorite invention set?



Just One? No Fair! I cannot answer!

No , You are going to get some more

#1 Decimation

# 2 Entropic Chaos (prolly yours )

#3 Positrons Blast

#4 Basilisk's Gaze

#5 Performance Shifter/ Efficiacy(sp?) Adaptor

It's hard to pick one because they are (all sets) justified in what they do.

So. Do you use ww's or bm?



Yes. Alot.

Actually my favorite is either Luck of the Gambler or Armageddon.

What role does the toon you are currently playing fill? (ex: buffs/healer/soloer/etc)



solos a lot, damage/ debuff preferred chars, I guess.

melee/ranged? both? what's your style?



Hmm currently playing an sd/ss tank and a fire/sr scrapper (at once) SO I guess right now I'm melee.

How many accounts do you have and why?



I personally have one, though 2 are occupied in the household.

Because "family's that stay together play together", LOL. (My first sig line)

Do you use the Leveling Pact?



I have done the leveling pact with 2 good friends so far. Kinda cool.

What is your favorite 'place' in the game? (indoors or out)

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Talos Island. It's even where my main toon Pink Lioness 'lives' when she's not fighting crime It's like the second Atlas Park, but quieter.

What place do you hate to have to go to?



Anywhere inaccessible from the Rogue Isle Ferry near the Black Market in Cap au Diable.

Port Oakes comes to mind most.

Are you for farming or against it?

"I do it better than anybody you've ever seen do it.
The screams from the haters, it's got a nice ring to it.
I guess every super hero needs his theme music .."



Let me tell you all something. Farming is another word for Hustling. Everybody needs or wants something, and some people are more willing than others to put in the effort to get it. That's hustle. Nothing evil about it. Ebil perhaps, but not wrong.

Do any of your toons own purple IO's?



All of them.

Do you want to buy some purple IOs?

"I do it better than anybody you've ever seen do it.
The screams from the haters, it's got a nice ring to it.
I guess every super hero needs his theme music .."



Sure, *counts at inf 1 inf at a time* *loses track and has to start over*
