Question The Person Below You





What is your favorite task force/ strike force, or if you've never done one then story arc?



Man I wasn't going to answer this last night because I really don't have any favorites but its still here so out of the 3 times I have done a tf (posi, katie, eden) I enjoyed eden the most... and I really enjoy Gordon stacey's Crey Arc, and CoT ones. A lot of them!! How can I pick just one??

Do you enjoy playing lvl 50, or do you start a new char once you ding 50?



Love my 50's. Purples <3

Have you ever been to a strip club?



Nope...other women don't do it for me, and never been to Chippendales.

Does your favorite teeshirt say something, or is it plain?

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Yes, its black and says:"
All Your Base Are Belong To Us"



(Waiting for a question from Chaos)

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Why did I forget a question?



It's a sign of pure genius..your brain cells are so busy, you can't keep up with yourself!

How do you cheer yourself up when you are feeling blue?

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



I paint myself green. Or I watch porn.

What is your most expensive character's build?



HMMMMM at least 800 mil

you wander why it costed me so much??




Do you "Build" every character you play to 50?



In Mids' Hero Designer? Yes.

Do you prefer spicy food over sour food or vice-a-versa?



Spicy is defin better, the only sour thing I like is Sour cream, and I like it with spicy stuff too. (and no, not with mids, for real)

Do you stick with your builds created in mids or end up changing stuff?



I try to stick to the Mids build as best I can, but it can get hard because the IO's I plan with aren't guaranteed to be readily available in the game itself, and if they are, not always at the optimal level.

Have you ever built a terrible character and got them to 50 anyway?



yep my very first one i ever made back in I10 a mind/empathy troller no IO's didn't even know what those were back then

are u ready for I16??



I have to be ready? I just wing it.

Do you use the arena ?(ever)



I don't pvp. The only use I get out of the Arena is the day job badge.

Were you put off by your first pvp experience?



I have yet to have my first PVP experience

does your cape have a radioactive look to it?




Go to Pocket D?



Only for special events. Otherwise, the Pocket D on Protector is a ghost town

Is your hometown a ghost town?



Hometown? At first I thot u meant home server. My city has about 60,000. people surrounding townships and areas make it about 200,000. Green and trees everywhere, Lakes Galore, Trails galore. A speedway. U name it, we pretty much got it. A college and a university. Nope, not a ghosttown but not as exciting as Sudbury or Toronto. (or Detroit, which I am terrified of) Micheal J. Fox was born and raised here.

So, do you believe in ghosts?



Not really.

Would you rather eat in your sleep or drink in your sleep?



Eat. I have dreamed of eating food(a hamburger), and when I awoke my hands were up to my mouth like I was actually eating a hamburger. Above all, I rather have crazy neat dreams to remember.

TPBM never remembers their dreams



True but that wasn't a question.

Do you like to sleep?



I love sleep. That's what my wife and kids know. That's why I'm not allowed to have it

Do you like pickles?