Question The Person Below You




Yes. You cheated D:

How many hours do you spend on the forums per day and how many hours in the game?



Not long and ALOT

How many hours do you spend indoors?



23.5 on work days 24 on non workdays.

Have you made any AE arcs?




What would you do for thirty minutes a day outside?

"I do it better than anybody you've ever seen do it.
The screams from the haters, it's got a nice ring to it.
I guess every super hero needs his theme music .."



Drive to/from work.

How many pieces of clothing are you wearing?




Pop or juice?



2% milk. if I have to choose one of those though; juice.

Why do you play forum games?



Boredom; procrastination on work.

Do you play the forums more than the game?

"I do it better than anybody you've ever seen do it.
The screams from the haters, it's got a nice ring to it.
I guess every super hero needs his theme music .."



Yes. My Villain is the leading badger on my server.

Are you a badger? Not the animal .. 'cause they can't type. Only bears can.

"I do it better than anybody you've ever seen do it.
The screams from the haters, it's got a nice ring to it.
I guess every super hero needs his theme music .."



No. I like badgers though.

What's your favorite animal and why?



I like mah Doodle Bug!

Cuz he's the best Kitteh evar.

Where were you on the night of August 14th, 2008 at 9:15 pm?



More than likely somewhere in Paragon City, other specifics are gone with the wind

How many times per schoolyear do you catch a cold?



Never. They always seem to catch me 1st.

How many times have you started on a certain AT, only to give up on it insanely early in its development?



Never, I PL to 20

What did you accomplish today?



Well, I accomplished things all week, and today I had a free slate so I am still in my PJ's :P I did manage to lighten my hair though!

Are you exclusive to one server?



Nope, Home is Justice by a play Freedom quite a bit lately.

Describe yourself in 8 words?



Serious smart pretty honest sensitive sensual tiny easygoing

Are you a Team leader?




Where did you come up with your forum name (if its a toon name where'd you come up with it there)?



Honestly, I believe its a strain of the "Mary Jane".

I was stumped for a name, and in case of some newb failure I wanted to be ANON from who I was in game, I recently made chars with Nu-Cleo, and Early_Girl names since I am feeling more comfortable.

Have you ever changed your Global or forum name?

(Nu-Cleo originates from yes, egypt and cleopatra and the Nu- part is supposed to represent Nuclear Energy or something/ in turn I ended up liking elec better, but my new toon Nu-Cleo is Fire/energy i think. Never played a more powerful char!!)



Yes: my 2nd account was originally globalled as @ChaosBuffBot it is now @Chaos Almighty.

What turns you on?



Legs and Feetsies. Yes, I admit it. And there's nothing wrong with it

What turns you off?




Do you like rp'ing?



No, I like sniping.

Now really, what turns you off?



Hairy $%%^&, Fat people, fat people in tight clothes, tentacles, hardcore bdsm (light is cool hardcore not so much)

How tall do you wish you were? (if you wish to stay same height please say what that height is )