Question The Person Below You




I am 5ft 8 In I like it

How often do you play?



Originally Posted by Angryellow View Post
No, I like sniping.

Now really, what turns you off?
I'm sorry!!



daily. usually several hours after work then I sleep then several more hours.

What super being do you find most attractive?




What was your favorite cartoon?



gundam wing.

What super being in a commercially sold comic book do you find most attractive?



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
daily. usually several hours after work then I sleep then several more hours.

What super being do you find most attractive?
(Do you not know Rogue when you see her? You know, X-Men?)




Do you like large groups?



Originally Posted by Early_Girl View Post

Do you like large groups?
In real life; no.
Large teams are great fun though.

What will be your first action after issue 16 comes out?



We'll see the day it comes

Have you received any "cash prizes" or "titles" ?



Ingame? Yes..won a bunch of money (costume contest) for Pengie, my tanker..and won 'Best Legs in Paragon' title for Sinuhmun, my troller. (In real life I got the title 'Flirtiest Eyes' in my high school year book, and got a $60 scratch-off lottery ticket once.)

Has anything that ever happened in the game made you cry in real life?

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�




Are youa good typist?



Nope. I'm a hunter-picker all the way. But I always do my best to spell correctly.

Have you ever used a word processor?




Are you a computer programmer?



I should but no. I'm going to college for my Computer Science degree

Oh and I am a programmer having 'sold' programs for points that cost money to buy..

What was your first computer?



LOL it was a Texas Instrument. I spent 2 hours typing DOS commands just to make a little robot that moved.

What was the least liked toon you ever made, and did you delete it?

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



I've deleted so many junk toons that I can't even pick a least favorite. I will tell you my least favorite toon who's still "alive" though. Her name is Queen of Kings, MA/Regen scrapper. She's a total AE baby, born during the Great Rikti Commie Crisis of '09. I PL'ed her up to 25, and left her to rot ever since. I have no interest in playing her whatsoever, and for the life of me do not know why she's still on my active roster

Have you ever gave up on a character and regretted it?



I have never given up on a character and regretted it as there are always more characters to roll and even starting an identical character can prove a different experience.

Does the question need to be about CoX... or should that be CoH... or even CoH/V?



It can be anything. Notice I asked about computers.

Pirates or Ninjas?



Pirates. They go where they want and take what they want. Ninjas are sissy ******* who have to hide and sneak attack like punks.

Is there a character name that you really wanted but was already taken?




Shocking isn't it?

Also you forgot the best part about Pirates, Lasses give up the booty for 'em!

What is your favorite snack food?



I guess If I HAD to pick ONE....Nachos with toppings and sour cream.

What is your response to rude tells?



<the sound of silence>

What 3 things happening would make this the best day ever for you?