Question The Person Below You




Yes, but they have to be CRUNCHY

What was the toy from your childhood that you remember most?

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
True but that wasn't a question.
LOLOL! OOPS, now I have new one for the 'Have you ever' thread.

My orange and yellow speak n' spell.

ooops edited for question

So, Do you read "The City Scoop"?



I used to when it was posted on the updater, but if i have to look for it then.. pfft

Would you let someone else use your toothbrush?



No. I already have a bad liver. I don't need hepatitis.

You used someone else's toothbrush, haven't you?



I'd rather use my finger and toothpaste.

Have you had a near death experience?



In 2007. I saw death, stared him down, and when he demanded my liver I said **** you.

Have you ever squealed like a pig?



OH yes. Please do not tickle.

COH is therapy, no?



It's the cheapest therapy there is on many levels.

Is there a condiment you think is so delicious that you could eat it right out of the bottle/jar?

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Me, not so much, my daughter on the other hand could eat mustard by itself. I walked in the kithen once and she was making a ham sandwich w/ mustard... lets just say she had enough mustard on it to stink up the kitchen for a few hours

Hurricanes, Tornadoes or Major Earthquakes... if you had to endure 1 a month which would it be?



if I HAD to, it would be earthquakes. I am a fulltimer, so my little home on wheels is used to jarring and handles it well.

Are you a hat person, or never wear them?

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�