i16 - Open Beta
Blasters cannot critical hit, so you were not one-shotting minions with Neutrino Bolt. Also, if Neutrino Bolt was normalized, so was X-Ray Beam (Eyes?)--probably bumped to a eight second recharge and a fitting damage/endurance cost.
Broadsword for Stalkers can result in rogue Knives of Artemis agents, which can slightly cool.
Fireball for Scrappers seems interesting. Spines/FA/Blaze? That's hawt. Excuse the pun.
Now to finish some homework.
Those aren't spoilers. It has been public knowledge for a while now.
I wouldnt be suprised if Rad/ Blasters got even just a lil nerf after i16 goes live or something im also going to be making and purping out a Rad/Em Blaster for pvp but i also wouldnt be suprised if they dont live up to exspections.
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weird color ice buffs and thermal buffs and FF buffs are really annoying. I wish we could turn buff graphics to normal color client side at least.
Behold! The hour of Blue Energy Fists is upon us!
Tremble in fear, mortals! *sohappyritenao*
[Team] Nicholas Flamel: i turned my mircrowave on [Team] Nicholas Flamel: it took me out like a sausage |
Nites of Darkness ~ Pinnacle
They will probably add that option, I'm sure others feel the same way.
So THERE..CK.. can't wait.

Broadsword: I think I wasn't the only one scratching my head and saying "Ummmmmm... What?" It seems stalkers have been asking for BS for awhile now, and they got it. (Not longer than Ice melee, but they can keep dreaming and hoping.) After seeing the assassin's strike for this, it intrigues me to think where, again, people will do with this powerset for stalkers.
"There's no magic formula that's guaranteed to make us produce a universally loved item each and every week, hell some people even poo pooed Street Justice." --Zwillinger
Also some additions to Ancillaries:
Scrapper Darkness Mastery gets Night Fall
Scrapper Body Mastery gets Physical Perfection (+regen+recov auto)
Tanker Energy Mastery gets Physical Perfection
Defender Dark Mastery gets Soul Transfer (self rez)
Defender Power Mastery gets Force of Nature (slotted it reaches 73.8% res to all cept psi)
Controller Fire Mastery gets Rise of the Phoenix
Controller Psionic Mastery gets World of Confusion
Blaster Flame Mastery gets Melt Armor (with lol blaster debuff mods meh)
Blaster Force Mastery gets Repulsion Bomb (Knockdown version)
Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*
Can I color mine clear? It would save my PC on graphic rendering.
Also some additions to Ancillaries:
Scrapper Darkness Mastery gets Night Fall Scrapper Body Mastery gets Physical Perfection (+regen+recov auto) Tanker Energy Mastery gets Physical Perfection Defender Dark Mastery gets Soul Transfer (self rez) Defender Power Mastery gets Force of Nature (slotted it reaches 73.8% res to all cept psi) Controller Fire Mastery gets Rise of the Phoenix Controller Psionic Mastery gets World of Confusion Blaster Flame Mastery gets Melt Armor (with lol blaster debuff mods meh) Blaster Force Mastery gets Repulsion Bomb (Knockdown version) |
I switch my Super Strength/Shield Defense over to test to check out the new animations with a shield weilder, and alternate Knockout blow is awesome! It's like a single target shield charge.
This is true, tanker primaries, scrapper secondaries, brute secondaries, and stalker secondaries may be given "No FX" option. You will still have to go through the animation, of course, but no colors whatsoever. There's also a minimum graphics option for some armors, encluding: Invulnerability and Willpower (I believe).
i16 sucks in my opinions... nothing really new other then seeing other colors. Broadsword stalker going be lame since scrapper and tanker have uber lethal and smasher def and resist. Wont be making one EM is still better. I though you knew its nerf central in COX and for the AE.... lame! I got all my 50's out of it. So i16 or Rogue don't really care for.
I find it grossly ironic, that the devs waited until elec armor was getting ported to heroes before they decided to add a heal to it. Guess we'll have to wait until next proliferation before they actually fix /EA.
Also some additions to Ancillaries:
Scrapper Darkness Mastery gets Night Fall Scrapper Body Mastery gets Physical Perfection (+regen+recov auto) Tanker Energy Mastery gets Physical Perfection Defender Dark Mastery gets Soul Transfer (self rez) Defender Power Mastery gets Force of Nature (slotted it reaches 73.8% res to all cept psi) Controller Fire Mastery gets Rise of the Phoenix Controller Psionic Mastery gets World of Confusion Blaster Flame Mastery gets Melt Armor (with lol blaster debuff mods meh) Blaster Force Mastery gets Repulsion Bomb (Knockdown version) |
Oh yeah, if you are a mind controller does world of confusion stack?
Finally, a new tank. Hmmm, now just to decide between an ELA/DB or ELA/ELM
Flaming Intern/Tanker(main)
The Ice Albatross/Blaster
All the tank sets in the Intern variety
Burning Intern/Brute(CoV Main)
And the list goes on...
i16 sucks in my opinions... nothing really new other then seeing other colors. Broadsword stalker going be lame since scrapper and tanker have uber lethal and smasher def and resist. Wont be making one EM is still better. I though you knew its nerf central in COX and for the AE.... lame! I got all my 50's out of it. So i16 or Rogue don't really care for.
Powersets aren't proliferated for PvP. They're proliferated first if they balance right and make sense for the AT.
Flaming Intern/Tanker(main)
The Ice Albatross/Blaster
All the tank sets in the Intern variety
Burning Intern/Brute(CoV Main)
And the list goes on...
Now that i16 has hit open beta for everyone's eyes to see, what do you think?

Is it what you expected? Is it less than you expected?
I have made and played a few characters with the proliferated powersets and new powerset.
Don't say I didn't warn you......
I will weigh in on the issue, now:
Let's get Villainous!
Earth Assualt: couldn't have made it better, a very excellent blend of range, melee, and AoE that has me jumping up and down waiting for i16 to go live to roll the real version.
Claws: *drools* Sooo nice, I really like the decission to move it over to brutes, instead of smashing and cleaving all the time, let's get some slicing 'n' dicing going.
Archery: Well, what can be said? I have to admit I haven't tried this on a corruptor yet, though, I have had multiple archery heroes (Defender and blaster) and both were deleted. I can expect the same from corruptors. Nothing against the set, I love the set.
Trick Arrow: This is the set that might make me roll a corruptor, I had a TA/A fender, but deleted him out of sheer dullness. Maybe with a little damage and corrupt-ness I can find some love in A/TA?
Thermal: No stranger to this set, I have an inactive fire/thermal corruptor over on Pinn, but this going to masterminds peaks my interest and has my full attention. Moving the set over for GoRo no doubt, I can't wait to see what people do with it.
Broadsword: I think I wasn't the only one scratching my head and saying "Ummmmmm... What?" It seems stalkers have been asking for BS for awhile now, and they got it. (Not longer than Ice melee, but they can keep dreaming and hoping.) After seeing the assassin's strike for this, it intrigues me to think where, again, people will fo with this powerset for stalkers.
Let's start from the top
Radiation Blast: Giggity, giggity, giggity, Allll-rigggght! Oh! I rolled a rad/mental on test just for giggles and to check out the real issue maker, COLORS! I must say, it seems that rad/mental would make an awesome blaster, alas, I will not be going that route (yet). I will be making rad/em. Oh, yeah.. All the goodness of rad's debuff with the buffs and damage from energy manipulation (That, and I'm a sucker for */em). One small change in the set, Neutrino Bolt got a little change. No biggie, definitely NOT A NERF! Recharge was bumped up to 4 seconds, but a damage buff: deals 10.25 out of the box and I was able to two shot equal level minions at Lv1.
Cold Domination: I believe we'll be seeing more colds now, I like the transfer. It looks good in a controller's secondary, and will work nice with ice, illusion, or just about anything. (Earth/cold sounds nice.)
Traps and Assualt Rifle: Mmmmm-Mm! I love the sound of this. The assualt rifle is a nice added bonus, I love the traps part even more. I look forward to teaming with some traps/* defenders.
Electric Melee and Electric Armor: Once again, *drools* I have been waiting for Elea/Elem for tanks awhile now, and the fact that they added to scrappers as well is just an added bonus! Now I'm torn between making a tank or a scrapper.
...and while I'm on Scrappers,
Blaze Mastery: I can't drool anymore folks, I gotta get some water. Although it's almost a replica of Tanker's fire mastery: ring of fire, char, fire blast, melt armor, and FIRE BALL. The one power I thought they'd never put in and they proved me wrong. I think players will be pleased with what the devs have made up for their fire scrappers, and the pyros out there. That said, I'm debating switching to blaze on my dm/fa/dm. But, I'd need some kind of incentive to drop tenebrous tentacles + burn attack chain.
As far as powers and powersets go, that does it! Other issue additions worth mentioning:
-They added a neat little feature in the level circle that shows your current level. It will show Lv2 once you ding Lv2 and if you're SK'd it'll show you're Lv49 (just for example)
-An Arena quickstart to the menu, with hot key being "Z"
-Super Sidekicking, we all know about this.
i16 in a nutshell, I left some stuff out I know.. Just say it or keep it to yourself. Let's get this discuss underway!
Edit: I made a lame mistake.