I16 and Kheldians...




Well, I haven't decided yet if it's DOOM-worthy, probably not, but form shifting now roots us.

If you're running forward in Dwarf for example and shifting to Nova, you'd be rooted for a moment right as you drop from Dwarf to Human and shift from Human to Nova.

If you activate Superspeed for example and start running while shifting to Dwarf, you'd instantly stop running until you're fully shifted to Dwarf!

There goes some of my favorite tactics! BAD DEVS!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



This is not in the patch notes, correct? Could be a bug?



Originally Posted by Irresponsible View Post
This is not in the patch notes, correct? Could be a bug?
Haven't seen it in the patch notes, just found the issue in the Test Server and verified it again on Live. Up-shifting roots.

The thing is though, I think that just like last time our form-shifting got affected yet again because of animations fixes.

EDIT :: Unlike last time, BaB actually said it may be a bug.. so YAY!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Sigh. Another one? I'll have to see it for myself, but damn I'm tired of issues with the shifting.

EDIT: Of course I16 goes onto open beta on my night to work late, right? Popped over to the test forum to see BaBs state it was a bug (and thanks Xenite for posting it there so quickly) so that's good - maybe this one won't make it to live.

...maybe they'll get the animation bug fixed from two issues ago, right?

DOUBLE EDIT: What, LX? We edit at the same time? LOL

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
maybe this one won't make it to live.
Here's hoping...

Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
...maybe they'll get the animation bug fixed from two issues ago, right?
Fat chance!

Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
DOUBLE EDIT: What, LX? We edit at the same time? LOL
Great minds and all that...

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I just bummed that there are no color tinting options for Khelds when everyone else gets it... :/

"The One"
WHAT? Are you serious?

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)



Well, not "everyone" but close enough for par.

Most sets get it with a few exceptions and Kheldians,SoA's, and I believe Mastermind Primary totaly out of the picture.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Most sets get it with a few exceptions and Kheldians,SoA's, and I believe Mastermind Primary totaly out of the picture.
Necro Masterminds get tintable blasts and upgrade FX. Probably because they are more pure FX and not 'Use a device' or 'throw an object' powers.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Urgh I really hope they fix that bug!

I can live without changable colours (Stupid idea), I can live without being able to make a Kheldian in the MA (Another stupid idea), I can live with having problems getting into Dwarf (I tend to use dwarf pre-emptively) but anything that roots me is just annoying, I hate being rooted!

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



I talked to Dark Watcher at Comic-Con about it, and he said that it was "on the table," and they might have it in the future.... But, definitely not in time for i16's release... :/

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I'm glad that you can't change the colors of Kheldians, that would be completely... odd. The whole thing with khelds is that there is the "light" side Peacebringers and the "dark" Warshades. The colors are indicative of their race... it's all the same across the entire race. Where as with say an electric blaster... ionizing atoms for a lightning bolt could maybe refract light on the light spectrum to change colors. My 2 cents.



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
...but anything that roots me is just annoying, I hate being rooted!
It's not just annoying, it gets you killed. I turned on Superspeed+Stealth, and made a mad run at a Malta Sapper, hitting Incandescent Strike and my key-bind to shift to Dwarf as soon as I saw the Sapper was hit. What I guessed would happen, happened. I was rooted out of Superspeed, and while my character was shifting to Dwarf, all the TechOps and other Malta Operatives alpha'ed me to death.

If this doesn't get fixed, no more hit and run tactics for a solo PB. Now granted, against most enemies hit & run may not even be needed, but against some, it's the only thing to keep oneself alive.

I should say though that I took on Malta's that were +2 to me and the mission was set for +5 people. Despite that, Ascendantia had no trouble handling the first room in the mission which was packed with TechOps and other Malta Operatives, but just one Malta Sapper means I have to take it out of the fight first or else I bleed endurance, and all of my preemptive-strike tools are in Human-form and rely on the element of surprise and my ability to shift to Dwarf in relative safety after my initial strike has taken the Sapper out.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by Sunpulse View Post
I'm glad that you can't change the colors of Kheldians, that would be completely... odd. The whole thing with khelds is that there is the "light" side Peacebringers and the "dark" Warshades. The colors are indicative of their race... it's all the same across the entire race. Where as with say an electric blaster... ionizing atoms for a lightning bolt could maybe refract light on the light spectrum to change colors. My 2 cents.

Well I hope we can someday. It'd be easy enough to have a Light Template only for PB and and a Dark Template only for WSs - they're doing something similiar now for certain powers.

I want a Golden PB!!! Energy can have different tints. And colors being race distinctive...you don't really want to open that can of worms, do you???



This better be a bug...and one they address prior to taking it live. This will make a huge difference to those of us who PvP.



Originally Posted by SoilentGreen View Post
This better be a bug...and one they address prior to taking it live. This will make a huge difference to those of us who PvP.
And to those who PvE in all Kheldian teams as well!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Well, I think all you formers have been exploiting shapeshifting bugs for years (Double footstomps, anyone )

I don't think Kheldian shapeshifting was conceived as something you do all Helter Skelter like, popping from one form to another like the Impossible Man, but rather you see a scenario, pick a form that best deals with it, and more or less stay in that form unless there are dire reasons to switch again.

That's essentially how I play a tri-form, since I don't bother with all that non-official keybind styles that you have to dig into someone's virtual storage bin to find. Maybe that's why I'm not as effective a former as some of you - I'm not exploiting haha

Don't take offense. I'm half joking. Half in the sense that I don't care how you play, and the other half in that I think I'm right in how the Dev's originally conceived the AT to work (and still do, possibly, and a pushing it in that direction).

The change is supposed to be a concentration thing, as evidenced by the animation (the big squeeze), and there are other animations like that that root you. My Brute stops in mid-flight all the time when I turn on certain toggles...

We're not smart enough to Toggle, Chew gum, and Travel at the same time



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Well, I think all you formers have been exploiting shapeshifting bugs for years (Double footstomps, anyone )

I don't think Kheldian shapeshifting was conceived as something you do all Helter Skelter like, popping from one form to another like the Impossible Man, but rather you see a scenario, pick a form that best deals with it, and more or less stay in that form unless there are dire reasons to switch again.

That's essentially how I play a tri-form, since I don't bother with all that non-official keybind styles that you have to dig into someone's virtual storage bin to find. Maybe that's why I'm not as effective a former as some of you - I'm not exploiting haha

Don't take offense. I'm half joking. Half in the sense that I don't care how you play, and the other half in that I think I'm right in how the Dev's originally conceived the AT to work (and still do, possibly, and a pushing it in that direction).

The change is supposed to be a concentration thing, as evidenced by the animation (the big squeeze), and there are other animations like that that root you. My Brute stops in mid-flight all the time when I turn on certain toggles...

We're not smart enough to Toggle, Chew gum, and Travel at the same time
Oh, I see. Shoe's on the other foot now, huh? For years you human formers were held in derision and accused of not playing the archetype how the devs intended, and now we get two little shifting bugs and you're all like "HAXXORS! EXPLOITS! Not playing as the devs intended! YADAYADA!!!111!!"

I see how it is.

::removes tongue from cheek::

Okay, yeah. That was a joke. Couldn't resist.

Oh, and it's all a Nemesis Plot.

No, it's not.

::Nods head "yes"::

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Sunpulse View Post
I'm glad that you can't change the colors of Kheldians, that would be completely... odd. The whole thing with khelds is that there is the "light" side Peacebringers and the "dark" Warshades. The colors are indicative of their race... it's all the same across the entire race. Where as with say an electric blaster... ionizing atoms for a lightning bolt could maybe refract light on the light spectrum to change colors. My 2 cents.
I disagree.... And I think it should be an individual's choice. If you like yours the way it is, you should be able to keep the "legacy" Warshade or Peacebringer colors. And if I don't, I should be afforded the same opportunities as the rest of the ATs, and be allowed to make mine black with hints of blood red (like the awesome dark/black electricity tinting on electric blasters).

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Oh, I see. Shoe's on the other foot now, huh? For years you human formers were held in derision and accused of not playing the archetype how the devs intended, and now we get two little shifting bugs and you're all like "HAXXORS! EXPLOITS! Not playing as the devs intended! YADAYADA!!!111!!"
LoLz, I love when other people see the irony in situations sometimes like I do. I found that quite humorous as well...

...although I'm glad it's been fixed. Being rooted while shapeshifting is just frikkin' annoying.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I disagree.... And I think it should be an individual's choice. If you like yours the way it is, you should be able to keep the "legacy" Warshade or Peacebringer colors. And if I don't, I should be afforded the same opportunities as the rest of the ATs, and be allowed to make mine black with hints of blood red (like the awesome dark/black electricity tinting on electric blasters).

"The One"
I hate the whole concept of any powers being able to pick colours from anything bar a very select range (I expect i16 to make the game an eyesore for a long time), but if they are going to do it for others then they should do it for everyone.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
I hate the whole concept of any powers being able to pick colours from anything bar a very select range (I expect i16 to make the game an eyesore for a long time), but if they are going to do it for others then they should do it for everyone.
I fully expect it to be City of Rainbows for a while, but - like every new shiny we get - it'll wear off in time. I'm thinking this will be a shorter time than most.

Don't get me wrong - I originally fully intended to buy a whole hoop of that awesome cheese. I currently have the name "Electric Boogie" reserved on my server of choice and popped over on test and made an elm/ela scrap named Captain Disco to test out the concept. Every single power was a different color. You know, like a disco ball.

I'm sick of it already. I'll still create something on I16 launch - mostly because sewer teams will be so.... interesting.

And they'll be back, with the AE boss nerf.

But either way it'll even out eventually, and if/when Khelds ever do get to change up colors, I fully intend to make a retro hero movie based kheld who's all black and white.

Just remember to wear your sunglasses when you play after I16 goes live.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Sunpulse View Post
I'm glad that you can't change the colors of Kheldians, that would be completely... odd. The whole thing with khelds is that there is the "light" side Peacebringers and the "dark" Warshades. The colors are indicative of their race... it's all the same across the entire race. Where as with say an electric blaster... ionizing atoms for a lightning bolt could maybe refract light on the light spectrum to change colors. My 2 cents.
They do limit some of the options of coloring certain sets have so I would expect when we do get it it will be a limited form.

Back to the topic though.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Oh, I see. Shoe's on the other foot now, huh? For years you human formers were held in derision and accused of not playing the archetype how the devs intended, and now we get two little shifting bugs and you're all like "HAXXORS! EXPLOITS! Not playing as the devs intended! YADAYADA!!!111!!"

I see how it is.

::removes tongue from cheek::

Okay, yeah. That was a joke. Couldn't resist.

Oh, and it's all a Nemesis Plot.

No, it's not.

::Nods head "yes"::
Haha It's a goshdarned conspiracy I tell ya...

Seriously, I really don't care how formers play - doesn't bother me in the least. And even though I see where LX said the current rooting was going to be fixed, I still stand by that I don't think the Devs imagined folks doing things like Double Mires and Double Footstomps as standard playstyle when they invisioned the AT. Not that it matters - I also don't think they intended for Cysts to appear in normal missions either. They've simply allowed some oversights to become more or less official features...

But that's just speculation on me part - don't mean jack