Tranfer to freedom
EDIT: I completely missed the fact that you were talking about an EU server so my answer was wrong .
Did I miss something? Are Server transfers from European Servers to American servers up again?
:::editted to add:::
And apparently: no. What a difference a few seconds makes.
Ninus Lvl 50 Bots/Dark/SM Mastermind Badges: 1384 @Ninus on Global
Put an Ebil MasterMind in the Obal Office: It wont be the first time

Campaigning for Global Global Ignore Champion since 2009!
No it's not possible. Sorry.
@Psycho Jas
If you want a team, you can GET a team, easily. Just read my PuG TF guide in my sig and apply it to normal teaming.
@Psycho Jas
I have played on the lowest populated US servers.
hehe spelled transfer wrong twice...sorry I have nothing good to add, just board looking around forums
Triceth LVL 50 Ice/Storm Controller
Ghost Scrapper LVL 50 MA/reflexes Scrapper
Gespin LVL 44 Spine/Regen Scrapper
Treal LVL 41 Emp Defender
Radill LVL 41 Ill/Rad Troller
Triceth LVL 50 Ice/Storm Controller
Ghost Scrapper LVL 50 MA/reflexes Scrapper
Gespin LVL 44 Spine/Regen Scrapper
Treal LVL 41 Emp Defender
Radill LVL 41 Ill/Rad Troller
all i'm saying is sometimes it just bothers you knowing your playing on a server with a small population when you can be playing on a server with a much larger population.
That doesn't make sense. If someone doesn't care about teaming why would they care how many people are on the server? It's more likely a soloist will choose a low pop server because he's less likely to get pestered with random team invites.
Freedom may have the largest population, but it's also got the largest amount of morons.
Who ever said anything about teaming? And tbh are you speaking from experience? Do you/Have you played the EU servers at all.. Specifically Defiant? I'm not complaining here as I have my 3 account's and I play on both but all i'm saying is sometimes it just bothers you knowing your playing on a server with a small population when you can be playing on a server with a much larger population. Like I said in my previous post some people prefer the small/family feel to Defiant. Many also don't.
The market is cross-server, so being on Freedom doesn't increase the supply of IOs or salvage.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
Why would you even WANT to? Freedumb is already stupidly overpopulated.
You are joking right? Freedom is serously UNDERpopulated the whole game is even if they combined all the servers into one (like they should in any case) it would still be kinda lonlely.
Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!
If you're not teaming, the only reason I can think of to want to be on a heavily populated server is to have more people to spam with fill requests when you're farming. Otherwise there's no effect, is there? Unless maybe you just like to hang out at the train and watch people pass by, but you could do that on an alt on the other server or something.
The market is cross-server, so being on Freedom doesn't increase the supply of IOs or salvage. |
Another reason other then teaming to be on the high pop server is PVP. Let's be honest any server but freedom for PVP is a joke
How can i trasfer my characters from Defiant to Freedom without losing 5 years veterans and all super boosters? Now 50 people in defiant 800 on Freedom