Et tu,





I was reading the newest article from Castle on Powerset Proliferation, and I looked at the links to the right of the article out of curiousity. One in particular stood out, "The Top Ten Games of 2012." After reading through a bit, I realized I should have known it would be one of those silly articles that tries to predict things (made even more silly by selecting MMOs that were still in production and not even released yet). Linky for your perusal. (ugh, and let me know how to get links to embed with text... not sure how it goes with the new forums)

Anyway, #9 stood out to me. "#9: A Superhero Based Game (DC, Marvel, or Champions)" Ouch, not even a mention of City of Heroes? Is the game that "doomed" to a game journalist's eyes? I know 2012 is a ways off, but considering the longevity of CoX, it seems a tad harsh. A Marvel MMO seems very iffy to me, considering the problems they've had before and how it would come in after DCU (just another comic IP... seems rather limited to me). Champions and its devs have consistently tried to sell itself as "look what we can do better than CoX," but then the dev team here have consistently showed over the past year (well, and more) that they're willing to add new and big things to the game, and steal the thunder from Champions (I love I16 coming out right when Champions does). I don't know much about DCU, though the videos I've seen look a lot like Champions, just with DC characters.

Anyway, how do things stack up from what you all have seen? I'll admit that CoX does have older content, and that the devs here have to really get going on that (and map types) to give CoX wings to the future, but it seems like it should have a lot more going for it than this article gives credit to (almost seems a slap in the face, after all the articles the devs put on the site). I may give Champions a trial just to see what it's like (if they have trials), but it really looks a lot like Cryptic trying to make a CoX 2 from the videos I've seen. So really, just the same thing, but with different graphics and missions. I know the setup is a little different, but looking at power lists and even the character selection/creation screen bugs me, as it is SO like CoX.

I honestly have no interest in DCU. I don't really want to play hero in a world with Superman, etc. It's far too established and doesn't feel like I can "make my own mark" (as silly as that sounds for an MMO). What I like about CoX is how it is more open for us, and for the developers to make their own stories, etc.

Meh, it's late and I'm rambling. But what do you all think?

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey_Pilgrim View Post
(ugh, and let me know how to get links to embed with text... not sure how it goes with the new forums)
It works just like the old forum:
Link Text

If you didn't know, there is a WYSIWYG editor for posts that you can enable in the options somewhere. I pretty much always write out my posts in code anyways, so the forum migration didn't effect my posting much.

Originally Posted by Grey_Pilgrim View Post
it really looks a lot like Cryptic trying to make a CoX 2 from the videos I've seen. So really, just the same thing, but with different graphics and missions. I know the setup is a little different, but looking at power lists and even the character selection/creation screen bugs me, as it is SO like CoX.
I've heard that CO is more of an analogue to WoW than CO - if nothing else than the quest structure. Instead of doing a lot of instanced missions where you have your own map full of baddies, most things take place outdoors with other players. I've also heard the quest style is more similar to WoW as well (go kill X of Y, go kill Named Mob Z, etc).

I'm not in beta, so I don't know for sure, but screenshots and a video link seems to point towards that. (Heck, NPCs have a big i and ? over their head similar to WoW.)



Ah, found the editing stuff. I can always remember the tags for bolding and such, but the link one never wants to stick in my head.

I hadn't heard about the quest/mission stuff for CO. I've really only seen videos of it at work in character creation and some in game action. What I saw looked pretty similar in setup, just with a different look. I suppose non-instanced missions can be nice for seeing people around more, but I rather like the instanced missions more. Feels a bit more immersive and fun than having to camp out to kill things.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



CO is pretty much WoW in Tights, but it does look good.

The instancing is about 1% of what we have here, and the character building (not talking about the costumes) is extremely different. You have stats to manage like most other MMOs, which obviously we don't have to worry about. The power sets are more free-form but oddly less diverse than CoX.

CoX will definitely be around in 2012, but with two major games coming out (not sure Marvel will launch by then) I'm not sure it will be top-of-mind.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Fanboi traitor

I've already forgotten about most of you



Saw people playing DC at comiccon and it looks sweet. Don't know anything else about that game since I didn't take the time to play.

I think City will definitely still be around in 2012 but not so confident that CO will be.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



Stupid new forums... I didn't even see all these replies... I have to stop looking for the little arrow by threads, as it's meaningless. It'll sometimes be threads where I am the newest poster, and it never showed for any of these.

Anyway, what are the thoughts on the more "cartoony" looks of DC and CO? I can see some liking them for superhero MMOs, but I dunno. I kind of like the more realistic look CoX has. I liked the cartoony bit with other superhero games, so I'm not sure why I like it more here. Seems more legitimate, or something? Heh.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey_Pilgrim View Post
Anyway, what are the thoughts on the more "cartoony" looks of DC and CO? I can see some liking them for superhero MMOs, but I dunno. I kind of like the more realistic look CoX has. I liked the cartoony bit with other superhero games, so I'm not sure why I like it more here. Seems more legitimate, or something? Heh.
I don't think CO is cartoony, at least not like WoW. My only gripe with CO is that the bodies are great, the faces not so much. Maybe if I really spent time on a face I can get it more realistic, not sure.

Is she cartoony?

Or her? Requisite cat-girl. Yes, tails move.



Originally Posted by NancY View Post
The old screen shots were saved as tga's, I had to convert to png to upload to Imageshack.

My first beta character, in metal armor.

Taking in the view before entering an instanced mission.

Millennium City is huge.

And a little futuristic.

I didn't take many shots, I was too busy playing.
Yeah, that does look rather toony, actually. The buildings don't look real at all.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Originally Posted by Grey_Pilgrim View Post
One in particular stood out, "The Top Ten Games of 2012." After reading through a bit, I realized I should have known it would be one of those silly articles that tries to predict things
Well, yeah, based on the title you really should have known.

Originally Posted by Grey_Pilgrim View Post
Anyway, #9 stood out to me. "#9: A Superhero Based Game (DC, Marvel, or Champions)" Ouch, not even a mention of City of Heroes? Is the game that "doomed" to a game journalist's eyes? I know 2012 is a ways off, but considering the longevity of CoX, it seems a tad harsh.
Harsh? When was the last time CoH was on a "top 10 games" list? I think he was being completely realistic. Once a game has fallen out of the top, it's going to be incredibly hard to get back on the list. New additions can come out as often as they can crank them out, but there will always be something newer around the corner, likely with a better engine, the best practices/lessons learned of other games incorporated into it, etc etc. Few games are on that list that have been around for as long as CoH and the ones that are already have some pretty good reasons for being there. I don't know much about Eve Online, but it sounds like they've done a lot of growth since they started. CoH has had a lot of issues, is a different game than it was before, and will likely still be around, but it's got a lot of things to work out before it gets back on the list, especially with so many new competetitors in the same genre. (Which, by the way, speaks very well of CoH, I think. From no Super Hero MMOs to 4 in a few years? That's a pretty good legacy right there. CoH showed people it could be done and done well.) I don't know if our player base is shrinking/steady/growing, but if it is growing, it doesn't appear to be growing at a rate that would put it back in the top 10 by 2012.

WoW is also on that list simply because it's unstoppable. I have no idea why, either. I played it and it's fun when it's not super frustrating. But I can see nothing about it that explains the wild success it's seen. But at this point I think the only way it's going to fall off it's bizarre pedestal is if someone at Blizzard accidentally trips over a power cord and knocks all the server racks over like dominoes, then sets them on fire and seals the building with a biohazard mark on the door and the national guard out front. Even that probably wouldn't even stop them for a whole day if they have a solid disaster recovery plan.

With information available today, I think the list creator got it right by not including CoH. That doesn't mean Positron and Co don't have something big up their sleeves, but right now we're not seeing it.


Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



From what I have seen of CO I don't think I'll be defecting anytime soon.

Hell, I still whip out UO once a year.



Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
Yeah, that does look rather toony, actually. The buildings don't look real at all.
I have to agree, I never liked the cel-shaded look that CO offers (although I know that it can be disabled, I really didn't prefer the alternative either). That was only one of the reasons I couldn't do more than a few hours of the closed beta, but a significant one -- I'm really spoiled by the look of CoX. I couldn't believe how awful WoW looked when I first saw a screenshot of it (MUCH worse than CO in my opinion).

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