Hi guys!




Originally Posted by YellowjacketX View Post
I think this "debate" has been framed in the most petty and myopic terms. What this is really about is limiting people's fun because some other people are annoyed by that fun.

OK, so a lot of people don't like the Rookery. Those people who want it put in one thread are advocating limits on people's fun because they are annoyed with multiple threads. I am sorry, but your annoyance is too low of a bar to limit people's fun.

The Rookery is harmless. It's fluff and zany light-hearted intra-day banter that some people enjoy. Since there is no giant flamewar going on in the Rookery, or anything that is outright hurtful or illegal going on there, then the mods should leave it alone. That they have let it exist in peace for so long signals to me that they have decided they are cool with the Rookery in its current, daily incarnation.

If we examine this through that lens, what then, is left of this "discussion" or debate? All that remains is that a certain group of individuals don't like the Rookery and want their will imposed on how those threads progress. That is a limitation on the fun of those who /do/ enjoy it. No matter how you slice this, this debate is about how group A wants to limit the fun of group B over something that is, at its absolute worst, a petty annoyance.

The tools currently exist for people who are annoyed by the Rookery or don't like it or whatever, to completely ignore its existence. Those tools merely need to be implemented by those people who wish not to partake of it. That they choose not to implement those tools is very telling of the attitudes of those people who have vented all this Rookery hate (or hate for "fluff" in general). Sometimes you don't get what you want in life. Sometimes that is for a very good reason.

I would think that if there is anything approaching irony about this whole thread it's that individuals who were so deeply criticized for their fluff are now on some crusade to limit other people's fluff. Absolutely hilarious. What is it about the Internet that turns otherwise intelligent people into such a petty bunch of *******? Why do you want to limit the fun of other people who are not hurting you?

Think on that for a bit.
And yet you're still grinding an axe over Sorah threads, so it's hilarious seeing you leap to the defense of the Rookery.

Sorah hasn't played or posted in, what, 2 years?

That'd be like me lashing out at people who participated in the Ravenbane/Darkfang lover affair and daily updates still.



Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
And yet you're still grinding an axe over Sorah threads, so it's hilarious seeing you leap to the defense of the Rookery.

Sorah hasn't played or posted in, what, 2 years?

I didn't have a problem with Sorah's threads either frankly, because I did what I do to Rookery most of the time to those threads. I ignored them.

So, not grinding an axe, merely pointing out your hypocrisy and what this whole debate is really about Haet. And I am not the only person pointing it out, either.

LOL, forums: most balanced PvP ever.
Tacos > Zombies



i opened this thread because it looked like it was gonna be fluff and didn't look as daunting as trying to keep up with multiple threads of Rookery fluff. i guess i'll just stop looking for fluff here.

This isn't the fluff thread i thought it was.

And Rookery is still too daunting to try to tackle with a new thread started every day.



Originally Posted by YellowjacketX View Post
I think this "debate" has been framed in the most petty and myopic terms. What this is really about is limiting people's fun because some other people are annoyed by that fun.

OK, so a lot of people don't like the Rookery. Those people who want it put in one thread are advocating limits on people's fun because they are annoyed with multiple threads. I am sorry, but your annoyance is too low of a bar to limit people's fun.

The Rookery is harmless. It's fluff and zany light-hearted intra-day banter that some people enjoy. Since there is no giant flamewar going on in the Rookery, or anything that is outright hurtful or illegal going on there, then the mods should leave it alone. That they have let it exist in peace for so long signals to me that they have decided they are cool with the Rookery in its current, daily incarnation.

If we examine this through that lens, what then, is left of this "discussion" or debate? All that remains is that a certain group of individuals don't like the Rookery and want their will imposed on how those threads progress. That is a limitation on the fun of those who /do/ enjoy it. No matter how you slice this, this debate is about how group A wants to limit the fun of group B over something that is, at its absolute worst, a petty annoyance.

The tools currently exist for people who are annoyed by the Rookery or don't like it or whatever, to completely ignore its existence. Those tools merely need to be implemented by those people who wish not to partake of it. That they choose not to implement those tools is very telling of the attitudes of those people who have vented all this Rookery hate (or hate for "fluff" in general). Sometimes you don't get what you want in life. Sometimes that is for a very good reason.

I would think that if there is anything approaching irony about this whole thread it's that individuals who were so deeply criticized for their fluff are now on some crusade to limit other people's fluff. Absolutely hilarious. What is it about the Internet that turns otherwise intelligent people into such a petty bunch of *******? Why do you want to limit the fun of other people who are not hurting you?

Think on that for a bit.
Funny you should put it that way. In the same scope we could say that some people like the Rookery and its multiple threads, but their fun is too low of a bar to cause other people the annoyance it does. Group A and Group B in your comparison are interchangeable. Scrolling through an individual thread could be considered just as much of a petty annoyance as going over a list of threads and bypassing the Rookery threads. The difference being that one's annoyance is limited to an individual thread in a server forum versus the server forum as a whole containing that annoyance.

The Rookery, in its content, doesn't bother me. I'd feel the same if Heroid were to post a daily thread talking about the latest chapter of whatever he was writing, or if Nadya made a daily thread on her new child's birth.

So, in that vein, why would you want to limit others' enjoyment of the forum who are not hurting you?

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



Originally Posted by Reiraku View Post
Funny you should put it that way. In the same scope we could say that some people like the Rookery and its multiple threads, but their fun is too low of a bar to cause other people the annoyance it does. Group A and Group B in your comparison are interchangeable. Scrolling through an individual thread could be considered just as much of a petty annoyance as going over a list of threads and bypassing the Rookery threads. The difference being that one's annoyance is limited to an individual thread in a server forum versus the server forum as a whole containing that annoyance.

The Rookery, in its content, doesn't bother me. I'd feel the same if Heroid were to post a daily thread talking about the latest chapter of whatever he was writing, or if Nadya made a daily thread on her new child's birth.

So, in that vein, why would you want to limit others' enjoyment of the forum who are not hurting you?

Because you are the ones seeking to limit. Why don't you implement the tools at your disposal to simply ignore what you view as extraneous or fluff? Having to move that mousewheel one more tick is not at all like telling people that can only have one thread ever.

I said it once before but your annoyance is too low of a bar to limit someone else's enjoyment. If they were insulting your mother in Rookery, you'd have a legitimate beef, but since they aren't YOU CAN JUST IGNORE IT.

So your hypothetical situation, not even close.

Thanks for playing though.

LOL, forums: most balanced PvP ever.
Tacos > Zombies



Originally Posted by YellowjacketX View Post
I didn't have a problem with Sorah's threads either frankly, because I did what I do to Rookery most of the time to those threads. I ignored them.

So, not grinding an axe, merely pointing out your hypocrisy and what this whole debate is really about Haet. And I am not the only person pointing it out, either.
Well, gee golly willikers, thanks for being the GUIDING LIGHT OF MY SANITY with your deep soulful thoughts into my INNER NATURE.

Thanks YJ!



Originally Posted by slaveteri View Post
i opened this thread because it looked like it was gonna be fluff and didn't look as daunting as trying to keep up with multiple threads of Rookery fluff. i guess i'll just stop looking for fluff here.

This isn't the fluff thread i thought it was.

And Rookery is still too daunting to try to tackle with a new thread started every day.
Don't blame me lady, all I said was "Hi guys, Whats up LOL"




Ok, so here's one thing about the Rookery threads...they are indeed fluff, but they are fluff that also involves some in and out of game substance. Inside the Rookery threads we've planned SFs/TFs Teams SGs/VGs the current static team as well as general advice on builds, runs etc...we also use it as a birthday thread, general advice (such as the Dread curse of Pogos poisin ivy a few weeks back, and several different times when those who've had life long insomnia offer advice for those new to not sleeping as examples) all rolled into one place where we meet regularly (in a virtual sense). The reason for a daily Rookery thread is basically to make sur eit's not a 300 page monster and therefore at least a little more welcoming to anyone new who may want to just join in. As for Rookery threads drowning out more useful threads, if the rookery threads are left for dead at the end of the day and new threads are started, they'll fall off the front page...if they're still there (aside from the occasions when someone pops in late to finish off a conversation) then it means not enough new threads are coming along to knock them off the front page and maybe instead of complaining about the Rookery you could add to non-fluff part of the equation. At last check about half the threads on the front page of the virtue forum hadn't been touched at all today (not counting the stickied threads) so worrying about the signal to noise ration on such a stagnant medium seems...odd to me. It's not like anything's rushing off the front page, and it takes a single post to get it back up into the light...so keep what you want alive.

Hope that was relatively comprehensible...a bit overtired and overcaffinated at the moment. Also, Haetron...the pictures were forged of 100% win, especially Cobra Commander stabbing Nick Fury.

I haz 87 Clouded Points



Wait, after a review, I derailed it after that minty person asked about a negative rep comment.




Originally Posted by YellowjacketX View Post
I said it once before but your annoyance is too low of a bar to limit someone else's enjoyment. If they were insulting your mother in Rookery, you'd have a legitimate beef, but since they aren't YOU CAN JUST IGNORE IT.

So your hypothetical situation, not even close.

Thanks for playing though.
Again, both are issues of annoyance. On one side, some want daily threads to avoid the annoyance of having to scroll through what could be days worth of posts in order to find the "current topic". On the other, some want a singular thread so that can avoid having to scroll through more pages of threads to find a particular topic. So there is no "hypothetical" situation there. That's the current reality. The only hypothetical I posted was in relation to Heroid or Nadya posting daily threads which was used as an example of how I'd feel about the same issue under a different topic.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



Originally Posted by BreakneckBecky View Post

Ok, so here's one thing about the Rookery threads...they are indeed fluff, but they are fluff that also involves some in and out of game substance. Inside the Rookery threads we've planned SFs/TFs Teams SGs/VGs the current static team as well as general advice on builds, runs etc...we also use it as a birthday thread, general advice (such as the Dread curse of Pogos poisin ivy a few weeks back, and several different times when those who've had life long insomnia offer advice for those new to not sleeping as examples) all rolled into one place where we meet regularly (in a virtual sense). The reason for a daily Rookery thread is basically to make sur eit's not a 300 page monster and therefore at least a little more welcoming to anyone new who may want to just join in. As for Rookery threads drowning out more useful threads, if the rookery threads are left for dead at the end of the day and new threads are started, they'll fall off the front page...if they're still there (aside from the occasions when someone pops in late to finish off a conversation) then it means not enough new threads are coming along to knock them off the front page and maybe instead of complaining about the Rookery you could add to non-fluff part of the equation. At last check about half the threads on the front page of the virtue forum hadn't been touched at all today (not counting the stickied threads) so worrying about the signal to noise ration on such a stagnant medium seems...odd to me. It's not like anything's rushing off the front page, and it takes a single post to get it back up into the light...so keep what you want alive.

Hope that was relatively comprehensible...a bit overtired and overcaffinated at the moment. Also, Haetron...the pictures were forged of 100% win, especially Cobra Commander stabbing Nick Fury.
I think Im going to start a random picture thread to help bolster my popularity and increase my fan club capacity.

It has to work better than the YTMND push of 2007.



The Rookery is not a violation of Rule #5.

The rookery threads do serve a constructive purpose, and a specifically virtue related purpose at that. They promote socialization within a specific subset of virtue players who desire social interaction of a certain type. While this sort of interaction might not be interesting to those who do not participate, as long as they limit themselves to one single thread per day (which they do in most cases, although occasional confusion or extenuating circumstance arises)There is no issue with them posting in this manner.

As to some of you who contend that the rookery threads push other topics off the front page, that is not due to the prevalence of the rookery threads since they only post one thread daily. If you have your thread view count set at 10, if there are 9 non rookery threads active (that day) they should comprise the other 9 active threads. The fact that there are not active conversations going on is the only thing that allows the rookery to monopolize (so to speak) the active thread real estate.

If you want other active conversations, please start them and participate in them. I personally think that it would be good for the server community to have a greater variety of types of discussion to participate in, however it has to come from the server population. If people are not posting these sorts of threads or participating in them, then they will not find threads to read that meet their interests either.

I personally do not find the rookery threads particularly engaging or interesting, however I respect the rights of all our players to play as they see fit including those who participate in the rookery. Limiting the rookery participants to one thread goes against their stated goals and intent. I highly encourage you all if your desire is to spark more conversation, and suggest you who are interested start a series of conversations you feel reflect your interests and the interests of those like minded.

Why is the rookery genuinely irritating a number of people? I have to read the rookery threads often, and I can overlook them the rest of the time. People who don't have to read the threads go in there and look for reasons to start trouble. It is easy to ignore, so why do people find it bothersome? Simply do not click on any of the rookery threads since they are clearly labeled.

If in the future the situation changes, and there is perceivable harm to the posting community, or if the rookery posters act in a manner that is in actual violation of the forum rules then their posting privileges will be reviewed. Forum rules interpretations do change over time, and at some point in the future this may change. Until then it is highly inappropriate to continue to harass other players for playing a game the way they choose.


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Originally Posted by Reiraku View Post
Again, both are issues of annoyance. On one side, some want daily threads to avoid the annoyance of having to scroll through what could be days worth of posts in order to find the "current topic". On the other, some want a singular thread so that can avoid having to scroll through more pages of threads to find a particular topic.
You misrepresent the Rookery position. The Rookery uses a daily thread not just for the convenience and organization, but because it's less daunting and more inclusive to newcomers.

"Cupcake cupcake cupcake; Cupcake. Merry_Mint is the best." - Abraham Lincoln



Originally Posted by BreakneckBecky View Post

Ok, so here's one thing about the Rookery threads...they are indeed fluff, but they are fluff that also involves some in and out of game substance. Inside the Rookery threads we've planned SFs/TFs Teams SGs/VGs the current static team as well as general advice on builds, runs etc...we also use it as a birthday thread, general advice (such as the Dread curse of Pogos poisin ivy a few weeks back, and several different times when those who've had life long insomnia offer advice for those new to not sleeping as examples) all rolled into one place where we meet regularly (in a virtual sense). The reason for a daily Rookery thread is basically to make sur eit's not a 300 page monster and therefore at least a little more welcoming to anyone new who may want to just join in. As for Rookery threads drowning out more useful threads, if the rookery threads are left for dead at the end of the day and new threads are started, they'll fall off the front page...if they're still there (aside from the occasions when someone pops in late to finish off a conversation) then it means not enough new threads are coming along to knock them off the front page and maybe instead of complaining about the Rookery you could add to non-fluff part of the equation. At last check about half the threads on the front page of the virtue forum hadn't been touched at all today (not counting the stickied threads) so worrying about the signal to noise ration on such a stagnant medium seems...odd to me. It's not like anything's rushing off the front page, and it takes a single post to get it back up into the light...so keep what you want alive.

Hope that was relatively comprehensible...a bit overtired and overcaffinated at the moment. Also, Haetron...the pictures were forged of 100% win, especially Cobra Commander stabbing Nick Fury.
Not to contest the content of the threads themselves, but more to the effect that multiple threads can cause. In one example, some of the writers here will put up a new chapter to an ongoing work maybe once a month (sometimes less) in a single thread. When it comes up in discussion in other places, I'll recommend said work to a friend. However, if they are unable to find it and I go to try and provide them a link, then I'd like that experience to be as time consuming as only absolutely necessary. Again, this is just one example.

Now, if there were just a solitary Rookery thread, I'd have no problem at all. Hell, I'd probably post in it now and again.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



Originally Posted by Merry_Mint View Post
You misrepresent the Rookery position. The Rookery uses a daily thread not just for the convenience and organization, but because it's less daunting and more inclusive to newcomers.
I didn't mean to speak for the Rookery as a whole, but rather to list the primary reason given for a daily thread versus a consolidated thread. Listing the reasons in their entirety for both sides would be a rather trying task as people on both sides of the issue don't always agree with one another on why they feel the way they do.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



Originally Posted by Reiraku View Post
Not to contest the content of the threads themselves, but more to the effect that multiple threads can cause. In one example, some of the writers here will put up a new chapter to an ongoing work maybe once a month (sometimes less) in a single thread. When it comes up in discussion in other places, I'll recommend said work to a friend. However, if they are unable to find it and I go to try and provide them a link, then I'd like that experience to be as time consuming as only absolutely necessary. Again, this is just one example.

Now, if there were just a solitary Rookery thread, I'd have no problem at all. Hell, I'd probably post in it now and again.
Indeed, and if the Rookery were a continuing, almost chaptered piece like Soaring Valor (Is it back yet ) instead of a daily check in and overall social club/bar/Fraggle Rock on far too much LSD and Meth then it would make much more sense to centrally locate it in a single thread. Unfortunately the Rookery is almost Sitcomesque in its need to reset...it's not really a place where lasting fiction is left, or if a story is written there it's usually just linked for a more enduring location.

I haz 87 Clouded Points



Originally Posted by Moderator 08 View Post
The Rookery is not a violation of Rule #5.

Forum rules interpretations do change over time, and at some point in the future this may change.



Originally Posted by BreakneckBecky View Post
Indeed, and if the Rookery were a continuing, almost chaptered piece like Soaring Valor (Is it back yet ) instead of a daily check in and overall social club/bar/Fraggle Rock on far too much LSD and Meth then it would make much more sense to centrally locate it in a single thread. Unfortunately the Rookery is almost Sitcomesque in its need to reset...it's not really a place where lasting fiction is left, or if a story is written there it's usually just linked for a more enduring location.
I suppose the answer to both of our problems would be to have a sub-sub-forum within Virtue that could house a "Rookery Thread" with subsequent daily threads linked inside.

Of course, I'm not sure if that would be as inclusive as is wanted. It might only be one more mouse click, but that can often be enough to stave off interest.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



Originally Posted by Moderator 08 View Post
The Rookery is not a violation of Rule #5.

The rookery threads do serve a constructive purpose, and a specifically virtue related purpose at that. They promote socialization within a specific subset of virtue players who desire social interaction of a certain type. While this sort of interaction might not be interesting to those who do not participate, as long as they limit themselves to one single thread per day (which they do in most cases, although occasional confusion or extenuating circumstance arises)There is no issue with them posting in this manner.

As to some of you who contend that the rookery threads push other topics off the front page, that is not due to the prevalence of the rookery threads since they only post one thread daily. If you have your thread view count set at 10, if there are 9 non rookery threads active (that day) they should comprise the other 9 active threads. The fact that there are not active conversations going on is the only thing that allows the rookery to monopolize (so to speak) the active thread real estate.

If you want other active conversations, please start them and participate in them. I personally think that it would be good for the server community to have a greater variety of types of discussion to participate in, however it has to come from the server population. If people are not posting these sorts of threads or participating in them, then they will not find threads to read that meet their interests either.

I personally do not find the rookery threads particularly engaging or interesting, however I respect the rights of all our players to play as they see fit including those who participate in the rookery. Limiting the rookery participants to one thread goes against their stated goals and intent. I highly encourage you all if your desire is to spark more conversation, and suggest you who are interested start a series of conversations you feel reflect your interests and the interests of those like minded.

Why is the rookery genuinely irritating a number of people? I have to read the rookery threads often, and I can overlook them the rest of the time. People who don't have to read the threads go in there and look for reasons to start trouble. It is easy to ignore, so why do people find it bothersome? Simply do not click on any of the rookery threads since they are clearly labeled.

If in the future the situation changes, and there is perceivable harm to the posting community, or if the rookery posters act in a manner that is in actual violation of the forum rules then their posting privileges will be reviewed. Forum rules interpretations do change over time, and at some point in the future this may change. Until then it is highly inappropriate to continue to harass other players for playing a game the way they choose.
Thread over.

LOL, forums: most balanced PvP ever.
Tacos > Zombies



Originally Posted by Reiraku View Post
I suppose the answer to both of our problems would be to have a sub-sub-forum within Virtue that could house a "Rookery Thread" with subsequent daily threads linked inside.

Of course, I'm not sure if that would be as inclusive as is wanted. It might only be one more mouse click, but that can often be enough to stave off interest.
An interesting idea nonetheless. It could possibly limit casual visits (downside for the pro-Rookery side) and I'm not sure if the mods/forum admins would even be interested or capable of making such a change.

I haz 87 Clouded Points



Originally Posted by YellowjacketX View Post
Thread over.

stfu, my thread, I say when its over.

Well, until a moderator decides to reinterpret the rules and lock it.



Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
stfu, my thread, I say when its over.

Well, until a moderator decides to reinterpret the rules and lock it.
Your thread is over.

IBTL + 1

LOL, forums: most balanced PvP ever.
Tacos > Zombies



Thread over,you say?

But can't we leave this thread up as a single, unified thread for Haet to vent his spleen in? If nothing else, the irony'd keep me well-nourished for at least a week.

The Elysienne; Magical controller
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And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



Or maybe to post more pictures scavenged from the torn and tattered carcasses of the internets he's devoured over the centuries.

I haz 87 Clouded Points