Justify why you should be in Closed Beta




I should be in Closed Beta because if you haven't done it right until you've done it with me.



I should be in beta because of arc 303231.

While both bosses con as "heroes" in the mission, they're actually the "pet" versions, which are a bit easier than the elite boss versions of each.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



I should never be invited.



I just thought of a good reason to let me into I-16 closed beta.

I won't be leaving for Champions Online.

But you know.. now that they know that.. why the heck would they let me in closed beta?..

*shoots self in foot*



My justification for a Closed Beta invite is simple, so simple that it hardly deserves any sort of statement to describe it.

I know where you all live....



I'm me...and that's been enough since the very first closed beta. :P



Not only will I jump kick everyone into spess, I will also krak everyoness jaws, delaying i16 releasae

I guess that means no closed beta.



Originally Posted by Leandro_NA View Post
I was in every closed beta until i13 and found quite a number of bugs. Wasn't invited for i14 closed, and still found a bunch of exploits during its open beta (including several ways to achieve permanent double XP in the AE). Still wasn't invited to i16's, so I figure their selection criteria just changed or previous findings don't count towards future participation.

For myself I am a mediocre tester. So my exclusion from the test process does not overly upset me.

However it does upset me that people like you (providing that you are giving factual information, not calling you a liar just sometimes people exagerate and I have no real way of knowing) who have a history of finding bugs are not given access to beta. That to me makes no sense and very much irratates me.

Also to make matters worse I have in the past (not this current issue sadly) had friends who had a secondary account that they only used to pl themselves, other than that they almost never played it. The main account in both cases was a 30ish and a high 40 month vet badge account while both of the farming accounts were 6 to 9 and had no other activity other than the occasional farm. Both of their farming accounts got access to closed beta a couple times while their main accounts did not?

Just baffles me and leads me to belive that there is something flawed in how they decide who gets testing rights.

Admitedly you do not want the same people testing over and over. Everyone thinks in their own way and tends to only test certain things, but thats why you rotate out medocre testers like myself. People who regularly find bugs should regularly be testing.

Just my two cents, from someone who actually agree's with personally not always havving access despite the 54+ months. I may be a vet but that does not mean I would make a good tester.

*readies fire extinguisher*



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
I shouldn't be in closed beta. I just gloss over the new stuff and then forget about the beta. Other people will help the game better.
That's pretty much what I do. I was invited to Issue 13 Closed Beta, and I mostly just played around with Shields and Pain Domination. My complaining about how Shields sucked must have denied me further beta invites. xD

Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero

Got Inf?



Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
Myself? If you are surprised because you saw my usual terse posts, that's how I talk when I don't have a reason to put effort into my diction, or want to get right to the point.
That is pretty much the same reason why my forum posts are usually riddled with grammar and general spelling errors.

If it was something more important like a report or a resume I would actually take the time to proof read.

Not to mention usually my mind is kind of running away with ideas and my fingers cannot keep up.

*readies fire extinguisher*



Originally Posted by Gerad_Gantert View Post
Not to mention it would keep 90% of the game's population from periodically trying to log in as if they were magically granted access, as well as cluttering up the boards with useless garbage.

TL;DR - Suck it up.
Rofl what actually makes you think 90% of the population bothers with the test server or the boards.

Most of the people I have known I had to either direct to the post on how to set up test or simply walk them through it myself.

As for the boards lol. It is actually quite shocking how many people do not bother. Which exactly why Ive always wanted them to implement some kind of in game survey system. Something that would actually get to every player that is currently active. The forum users are a realatively small minority, admittedly a vocal one.

*readies fire extinguisher*



Originally Posted by Vicar View Post
Rofl what actually makes you think 90% of the population bothers with the test server or the boards.

Most of the people I have known I had to either direct to the post on how to set up test or simply walk them through it myself.

As for the boards lol. It is actually quite shocking how many people do not bother. Which exactly why Ive always wanted them to implement some kind of in game survey system. Something that would actually get to every player that is currently active. The forum users are a realatively small minority, admittedly a vocal one.
Which is why I stress they explain Forums and Test Server usage in the tutorial with an expansive walkthrough. Maybe position the contact by the information koisk and make him/her tech-like.



Na, I shouldn't be in the beta.

I got a fulltime job now, and my goof-off time is very important to me. I'd rather stay in the live server to advance there... I mean, it's cool that we have customization with powers, but I'd only do it once or twice and swap back to my live account.

Now Going Rogue? ....'WHOLE 'nother story!

@Nameless Hero, Insane Sword-wielding Video Game Hero - Also a character in CoH

Yukie Bikouchi, Halfway Lost, and others



I been playing this game close to 51 months. I got about 9,200 hrs in this game since i downloaded x-fire on 12/17/05. And been in pretty much all closed betas till this point.

[@Brewha] [Lv50-Necro/Dark][Lv50-Spines/SR][Lv50-Thug/Dark][Lv50-Martial arts/Shield] [Lv50-Sonic/Storm][Lv50-Rad/Rad][Lv50-War Mace/Granite][Lv50-Ice/Pain][Lv50-Fire/Psi] [Lv50-SS/Fire][Lv50-Granite/Energy][Lv50-Fort.][Lv50-Earth/Elec][Lv50-AR/Thermal] [Lv50-Energy/Will][Lv50-Energy/Kin][Lv50-Ninja Blade/Dark][Lv50-Crab][Lv50-Fire/Energy] [Lv50-Empathy/Energy][Lv50-Cold/Archery]



Reasons why I should NOT be invited to closed beta.

1. I don't want in. It totally ruins the excitement of a new issue going live when you've been playing it for a month.

2. Because of #1 I would spend about 2 hours taking a Claws/WP Brute to lvl 10, check out the animations for MA and SS on existing characters and then quit and never test anything.

3. I'm unemployed and need to stay focused. Beta would only be a distraction.

So there you go. Now I'm sure to get a closed beta invite soon.



I'm just an average player, and don't PVP or PL. I notice little things that make the quality of game life way more enjoyable. Others are into 'numbers, stats etc.)and are a bit more technical. There are lots of things in the game that would make it more fun and productive, and looking at things with new eyes is always good.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Originally Posted by JDouble_NA View Post
Reasons why I should NOT be invited to closed beta.

1. I don't want in. It totally ruins the excitement of a new issue going live when you've been playing it for a month.

2. Because of #1 I would spend about 2 hours taking a Claws/WP Brute to lvl 10, check out the animations for MA and SS on existing characters and then quit and never test anything.

3. I'm unemployed and need to stay focused. Beta would only be a distraction.

So there you go. Now I'm sure to get a closed beta invite soon.

Glad I'm not the only one, JDouble.



Well I'm a carpenter and all my friends and family are always telling me to start my own business.....so I'm hoping my unemployemnt is the motivation I needed to get out there and do it for myself. Could be a blessing in disguise.



Originally Posted by brewha View Post
And been in pretty much all closed betas till this point.

Under that name really. I suppose there are folks who've gotten in past c/b's who didn't post much. A lot of the c/b regulars are ardent posters however, and that likely is a contributing factor.

Justify why you should be in Closed Beta

I break the hell out of things.



Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
Under that name really. I suppose there are folks who've gotten in past c/b's who didn't post much. A lot of the c/b regulars are ardent posters however, and that likely is a contributing factor.

Justify why you should be in Closed Beta

I break the hell out of things.
That is unfortunate. Frankly, I'm terrified of this community, and so don't post much. It seems like vitriolic derision is the norm on forums these days, and I've always found that discouraging for participation in much of any discussion. I really wish they'd reconsider this stance.



I shouldn't, I just wish I was.

It would be nice to be one of the first people to see something... bah, with my luck, it'll never happen :P



10+ year IT professional with an MSCE
Trained Systems Analyst (it's even part of my job title)
2 CoX Accounts
2 Desktops (about to be 3) and a Laptop to test on
3 Closed Betas under my belt already
I know the difference between something wrong with my computers, my internet connection, and the software I am working with
I will say please



Originally Posted by GoliathBirdEater View Post
Wait, wait, wait ... you're not in the closed beta yet? Considering how many things I've seen you horribly break during previous closed betas, you'd think your name would be added to the "must invite" list.
Glad someone else feels that way :P

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This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Because now when I report a graphics issue, my hardware info doesn't include a Nvidia 440MX PCI card