Best Newb Guide n tips ?




Just checking here to see if anyone had an old thread or site tagged that perhaps was a crucial help to them when they started the game. I just started last night with a few hours played and someone helped me get a jet pack ( ) really neat item. I've read some to know about keeping in good with contacts as you level for future missions etc. Just wanna try not and miss anything vital as I go.



I don't know of any specific guides offhand, but here's the best newb tips i can give you:
1) Avoid the AE building in Atlas.
2) Don't be in a rush to get to 50. CoH is much more about the journey than the destination.
3) Play a character that you enjoy conceptually and functionally.
4) Join the "BMT of Champion" global channel.
5) Avoid joining a SG that spams blind invites to every new toon in Atlas. Instead, seek out players you like to play with and ask if you can join their SG. Most will be happy to have you.
6) Beware the penguins.

"Don't unravel them-- your ears were meant to be that way."
-Steve Aylett



Thanks, I found a few newbie guides so far. Just trying to not self nerf my toon early on or anything dumb :P . I made an energy person with energy manipulation as a ( side trait ? ) . Seems really fun so far. Not sure if that's a good build or not but so far I'm having lots of fun.



Adjusting UI Windows

You can detach any window from it's parent by clicking the tiny blue button on one of the corners. Now you are free to move that window anywhere you like.

You can change the tinting, colour, and scaling of the windows globally (ie. it affects all windows; you can't change them individually).

Go to Options -> Graphics and Audio
Scroll down until you see a section titled, User Interface.

Window Scale
This adjusts the size of the windows in relation to the default.
Move the slider to the left, decreasing the percentage, to make all windows smaller.

- Text size will be adjusted relative to the window scaling so you may have adjust the text size.
- That the scaling will be affected by different resolutions. So if you change the resolution of your monitor you may have to adjust this setting again.

Border Color
These three sliders are self explanatory. Each one is labeled either Red, Green, Blue.
Moving a slider to the left will decrease the amount that color is used (making it lighter).
Moving a slider to the right will increase the amount that color is used (making it darker).

- Moving all sliders to the left will make the window borders Black.
- Moving all sliders to the right will make the window borders White.

Window Opacity
This slider adjusts how "see-through" your windows are.
Moving the slider to the left will make the windows more translucent or "see-through".
Moving the slider to the right will make the windows more opaque or "solid".

- You may have to perform the next step for all windows to be dimmed.

Border Opacity
If the Options window is not already open:
Go to Options -> General
Scroll down to the 'Windows' section
Second from the bottom of this area you should see 'Dim All Windows'.
Change 'Disabled' to 'Enabled'.

Tip: Here you can also show the option to open the Pet window by changing 'Disabled' to 'Enabled' in the line marked 'Show Pet Window Option'. You will then get a 'Pets' text button, that you can click to show/hide, on the top border of your team window.



Increase Turning Speed

Go to Options -> Control

In the first section, Control Sensitivity, there is a slider for Mouse Look and one for Turning.

Mouse Look refers to when you hold down the right mouse button and move your mouse.
The same action can be done by
Experiment with this by moving the slider to the right and click the Apply Now button in the lower left corner of the Options window. I have mine set between 140-150%.

Turning refers to turning or spinning with keyboard keys. For left and right, respectively, the defaults are 'Q' and 'E', as well as the left and right arrow keys.
Experiment with this by moving the slider to the right and click the Apply Now button in the lower left corner of the Options window. I have mine set between 425-525%.

Tip: You can use the right mouse click and keyboard commands at the same time to spin 180º really fast.



Combining Inspirations to make a new one

If there are 3 Inspirations of the same type and tier (there are three sizes, reflective of their total effect, of each Inspiration) in your tray you can right mouse click one of them and create one that you want/need.

This is handy in multiple scenarios, though the most common use will be to create an Awaken instead of going to the hospital or base.



Originally Posted by Brutikus4th View Post
Thanks, I found a few newbie guides so far. Just trying to not self nerf my toon early on or anything dumb :P . I made an energy person with energy manipulation as a ( side trait ? ) . Seems really fun so far. Not sure if that's a good build or not but so far I'm having lots of fun.

Actually self-nerfing your toon isn't really that bad of an idea. Simply because once you realize your mistake or someone point it out to you, you'll understand so much more about the game and it's mechanics.

I can safely say that in my debut, I did take whirlwind and flurry, I didn't have health or stamina. I faceplanted just by looking at a grey con. But with all this and help from other players, I learned why I kept dying (I still do but now it's for fun lol), how to successfully pull on my blaster, how to manage my aggro... etc

If you start the game by doing what everyone tells you to do, you'll never really understand WHY they tell you to do so, you'll just believe them and when something new will come your way, you won't know how to react.

So play the game, take powers you think will be fun to use, learn the game, take your time and have fun. the rest will come with time and don't be afraid to ask question if you don't understand something ( oh and don't bother 6 slotting brawl .. no matter what people tell you )



Ok like its been said stay away from AE, (its nice to see what other players made for the game but doesnt team you basics you get from ingame missions)

Go through the training arc, stop and do it again. read the information and follow directions. reason to do it twice is so you know the basics.

Travel powers, you really only need one. Fly is slow but safe. Super Jump, you need to make sure you know where your landing, because landing in a purple mob can be deadly. Super Speed, takes some timing practic and with the right skill you can be 1st to the door.

lvls 1-10 you have a bit of a safty zone, no debt and your chances to hit are a bit higher but fade to the base lvl.
lvl 11-20 tend to start balancing your toon (travel, getting a bit better at understanding the maps).

at about lvl 24 if you realized you nerfed your toon. this is where you can start doing respec trials to rebuild with the powers you have chosen.

build guides are being fixed in that section of the forums, once they are done reading the basics on how to play X toon is good. over view of powers are nice.

BMT have some great resorces in players for some help.

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.



Just want to reiterate:

Don't rush to 50. It is a scenic drive, not a sprint.

And don't worry about taking the "wrong" power for your character. If you have a concept/idea just go with that. Anyone who complains and doesn't understand your explanation isn't worth much to you anyway.

Welcome to the game and the Boards, and everyone is right when they say BMT is full of helpful people. Use us, err, them.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



Originally Posted by Brutikus4th View Post
Seems really fun so far. Not sure if that's a good build or not but so far I'm having lots of fun.
This is the most important part. Do it how you like it, and have fun doing it. You only get one first time around, so you might as well have fun at it. As you start to play longer and get more experienced, you'll find things in your build that you don't like, that you want to change, that you wish were better. And when you do, there's a great vast network of people who will be more than happy to help you make your character into what you want it to be. But stick with the fun first, foremost, and always. It outweighs everything else.

And if you need any help/advice/starting funds, give me a holler @Ultraamann in game. I'll see what I can do.

�Life's hard. It's even harder when you're stupid.� ― John Wayne

�Just think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are even stupider!� - George Carlin



Originally Posted by StarkFist View Post
I don't know of any specific guides offhand, but here's the best newb tips i can give you:
1) Avoid the AE building in Atlas.
2) Don't be in a rush to get to 50. CoH is much more about the journey than the destination.
3) Play a character that you enjoy conceptually and functionally.
4) Join the "BMT of Champion" global channel.
5) Avoid joining a SG that spams blind invites to every new toon in Atlas. Instead, seek out players you like to play with and ask if you can join their SG. Most will be happy to have you.
6) Beware the penguins.
Listen to Stark (At least until he becomes a total alcoholic in Iron Man II ).

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by Ultraamann View Post
This is the most important part. Do it how you like it, and have fun doing it. You only get one first time around, so you might as well have fun at it. As you start to play longer and get more experienced, you'll find things in your build that you don't like, that you want to change, that you wish were better. And when you do, there's a great vast network of people who will be more than happy to help you make your character into what you want it to be. But stick with the fun first, foremost, and always. It outweighs everything else.

And if you need any help/advice/starting funds, give me a holler @Ultraamann in game. I'll see what I can do.
If Ultraa can't help you, find me. I have half a billion laying around and can spare abit for a someone in need.

Welcome to Champion.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Hehe, thx everyone. Kinda got it figured out. One question though. at lvl 10 it seems Most my quests are elite / epic . This common ? No biggie, I"ll just have to focus on LFG while I grind. Wanna hit lvl 14 asap



Originally Posted by Brutikus4th View Post
Hehe, thx everyone. Kinda got it figured out. One question though. at lvl 10 it seems Most my quests are elite / epic . This common ? No biggie, I"ll just have to focus on LFG while I grind. Wanna hit lvl 14 asap

at this poing you should have at least started radio/paper missions to get a temp travel power. Jet pack or jump pack. the safeguard or mayham are a bit toughter at 1st but once you know whats going on, they are just something to do.

I should be in and out today with my new scrapper Rabid Squirrel

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.



How bout starting by saying welcome to CoH and the Champion Server, where we are drama (side note but you'll understand the longer ya play.) Anywho...

Most of what everyone has said is true, don't rush, enjoy the landscape, stories and the different non-AE story arc's first. Don't rush on trying to pick up the game so you don't feel new to it, there are still old school players who have been here since the beginning who either ask questions or have "newb" moments.

With that said you'll find most of the community has seemingly flocked to AE blowing it way out of proportion leaving the few, the proud, the oddballs left to clear the near heroless streets. Yay us. You'll also find some still functioning SG's if you're into that sorta thing more so if you're not, you can (and I've proven it) practically solo this game all the way to 50.

I'm not saying you have to join BMT, there is also UHB networking Channel you can look to join as well and both are pretty active even during the odd hours and most of the people there sit back and if they see something going on or you have questions and can't find them there plenty of people will probably have an answer for ya.

On that I guess I'll say welcome and have fun, and the best tip I can give ya, if you're finding yourself playing too much and getting burnt out, just take a break for a couple days or weeks and come back, the light will still be on when ya do.



Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
Listen to Stark (At least until he becomes a total alcoholic in Iron Man II ).
Bah humbug- I was Stark Fist long before I ever heard of Tony . I was never into the Iron Man comics. Sue me.

"Don't unravel them-- your ears were meant to be that way."
-Steve Aylett



Ok tyvm, Not sure what BMT is though. I'll look for it on my channel list ? or option to join ? I assume your talking about a private / global known chat channel of some sort or something?



Originally Posted by Brutikus4th View Post
Ok tyvm, Not sure what BMT is though. I'll look for it on my channel list ? or option to join ? I assume your talking about a private / global known chat channel of some sort or something?

BMT is badge Monster and Task/strike force private channel, Just need to find a wako on it and we can see if a admin is on or not

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.



Energy/Energy is a great starter for a new player, I must say.

I don't know what Stark is talking about with this "Beware of the penguins" they're nice.. They don't bite.. Usually.

Play the game. That's the best advice out there. And if you have any questions, you can get a channel invite to BMT of Champion and ask in the channel. Most everyone there will be glad to help out.



I did the accept blind invite. :/ like the first day i was playing. 'even though i KNOW better' /shrug. Is there a way to leave a SG. One I'm doesn't seem to have any players. Least 4/5 SG conversatios I hold are by myself rofl. So stupid of me I thought to myself DUH when i hit accept instead of decline .. But though oh well you never know ( even though base instinct says if they don't even have time to talk to you pre invite its kinda a base precaution... ) So can you just /leave SG or something ? And are there any 'large' SG's out there with pretty active players . Adult preferred ( I can handle a few kids , but any guild that has people talkin in all caps all day long or 733t speaking will cause me to stab forks in my eyes and smash my finger tips with a 8lb mini sledge repeatedly until the pain surpasses the urge to reach thru the monitor and slap people.
I'm laid back and easy going other than that.



to quit it's easy.. open the SG window and click on Quit



First and foremost my advice, learn the ATs, what do they do, what is their basic premise, then go into the snazzier things where you can make an AT do silly things that make people double take when you succeed. Every AT has a very basic premise of what they do.

Tanks- Your main job is to keep everyone alive via aggro management and herding critters for the "squishies" to lay into. All about keeping yourself alive with your shield powers to keep the others alive, attacks are a secondary for a reason.

Scrappers- ...don't know if I should advice on these guys cuz of how biased I am towards them...but...scrappers are awesome! I mean...scrappers are the safe DPS machines who can take a hit and stay alive. All about finding a balances with your attacks and defense powers.

Blasters- You're a DPS machine with a jaw of glass, you really want someone in front of you to keep your rear alive. Ranged attacks are a primary for a reason, you have some melee attacks but those should be a last resort at first.

Defenders- Support, support, support. That's your job. You keep every one alive by buffing and debuffing and healing. You have some of the bests buffs and debuffs in the game, use them.

Controllers- One of the broadest character choices in the game, they have a lot they can do. Initial concept is riddle the enemy with status effects while buffing and debuffing.

Peacebringers and Warshades- These guys are advanced and I really don't advise even bothering to roll one up until you've learned the game mechanics well because it's very easy to get confused on what you want to do with them.

As I said these are the original and generic uses for these ATs. Later when you've learned more about the game and can tweak stats it's quite possible to have ATs evolve way beyond their original intentional usage. That's it for the hero types. I'll let someone else talk about the ebil guys.

I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"With great moustache comes great responsibility" - Zee Captain



Open the SG window by clicking "Super" above your chat box. Click the button to leave/quit SG. It's just that easy.

And yes, there are lots of large and active SGs, if you're looking for that sort of thing.

"Don't unravel them-- your ears were meant to be that way."
-Steve Aylett



I have a few guides in my sig that might help you, especially the Combat guide.



Originally Posted by Horusaurus View Post
First and foremost my advice, learn the ATs, what do they do, what is their basic premise, then go into the snazzier things where you can make an AT do silly things that make people double take when you succeed. Every AT has a very basic premise of what they do.

Tanks- Your main job is to keep everyone alive via aggro management and herding critters for the "squishies" to lay into. All about keeping yourself alive with your shield powers to keep the others alive, attacks are a secondary for a reason.

Scrappers- ...don't know if I should advice on these guys cuz of how biased I am towards them...but...scrappers are awesome! I mean...scrappers are the safe DPS machines who can take a hit and stay alive. All about finding a balances with your attacks and defense powers.

Blasters- You're a DPS machine with a jaw of glass, you really want someone in front of you to keep your rear alive. Ranged attacks are a primary for a reason, you have some melee attacks but those should be a last resort at first.

Defenders- Support, support, support. That's your job. You keep every one alive by buffing and debuffing and healing. You have some of the bests buffs and debuffs in the game, use them.

Controllers- One of the broadest character choices in the game, they have a lot they can do. Initial concept is riddle the enemy with status effects while buffing and debuffing.

Peacebringers and Warshades- These guys are advanced and I really don't advise even bothering to roll one up until you've learned the game mechanics well because it's very easy to get confused on what you want to do with them.

As I said these are the original and generic uses for these ATs. Later when you've learned more about the game and can tweak stats it's quite possible to have ATs evolve way beyond their original intentional usage. That's it for the hero types. I'll let someone else talk about the ebil guys.
>:O Lies and blasphemy! You forgot to tell him about blappers as well.. Since Horus fell down on the job..

Blappers - A mixture of a scrapper and blaster. You have the melee attacks from a blaster's secondary, in your case energy manipulation (good choice). You run in blasting and don't stop until the group falls, it's a very fun tactic, there are some side effects.. Well.. You die. I'm not sure how you feel when you die in game.. I'm cool.. You don't ALWAYS die, but it happens, and when it does, shrug it off and get back up, there's a badge for it! (actually there are 6, and I got all of 'em!)
((Actually there's more, but I'm just talking about the debt badges, I could add the damage taken badges))

I am a living, breathing blapper. Did I say I was good at it? No, but I do enjoy it.