Reputation contest




So I decided to acquiesce to your request. I thought it was pretty funny that the boards thanked me ever so politely for taking rep away from someone.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
No, I'm challenging people to toll ME. Because I couldn't give a damn otherwise. And because I'm trying to prove a point that reputation doesn't matter on a single online board, and people shouldn't base their personal view of themselves on the reputation they have on a forum.

Can you negative rep me? Please? I'd greatly appreciate it!

"The One"
**** you here's your ******* bad rep



AlienOne you are a very strange fellow...your gaming technique is fine...but your choice in aftershave leaves muchto be desired. Hmmmm....wait a second...I'm hunting for the "Negative Reputation" Button.




Originally Posted by _____ View Post
i think my rep might be negative if i didn't keep getting it from people who have theirs' turned off

protip: you can't leave rep if yours isn't enabled
My rep is disabled and I leave rep fairly frequently. (Legitimate rep plus or minus, not games with it.)

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



i am at least fairly certain it does not actually add to the tally
your comment will appear, but you won't influence any numbers

i am curious, though: do you consider it hypocritical to disable your rep while participating on the "giving" end of the system? it seems like you're opting out just insofar as it affects you



Originally Posted by _____ View Post
i am at least fairly certain it does not actually add to the tally
your comment will appear, but you won't influence any numbers

i am curious, though: do you consider it hypocritical to disable your rep while participating on the "giving" end of the system? it seems like you're opting out just insofar as it affects you

I don't see it as the least bit hypocritical. By turning off our reps we castrate the pathetic little poo flingers that are going around gleefully throwing out neg rep in an effort to forum grief. They have no idea if our reps are red or green nor how many dots we have, thus their efforts are wasted and they are powerless to change it.



so you just consider your distribution of rep more legitimate than that of a significant portion of the userbase

if the "pathetic little poo flingers" were anything but a significant number of users, i can't see it being a worthwhile opt-out



Well, I have no reputation, and therefore, less Rep than the OP. Does this mean I'm winning?!



Is this some kind of a reverse-psychology attempt at GAINING rep?



so you just consider your distribution of rep more legitimate than that of a significant portion of the userbase
Assign me whatever ulterior motives you want to help you cope. Your the one frustrated about my turning off my rep. You can try to bait me all you want. I left the high school drama behind me years ago and my reps staying off.



I got down to -20, but then I posted in a thread asking people to give me as much negative ratings as possible so I could be the most ebil forumite eva!!.....and within 36 hours I was at +150.

The only way to get a a bigtime negative rating is to actually be a jerk to everyone...and it's not really worth all that.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Assign me whatever ulterior motives you want to help you cope. Your the one frustrated about my turning off my rep. You can try to bait me all you want. I left the high school drama behind me years ago and my reps staying off.
Yeah man, fight the power.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Well, I guess that would work too... Then I could win the "most neutral" contest....

"The One"
I think I win the contest as "most neutral" or maybe "most invisible." Despite regularly posting on the forums, I have no rep at all yet.

Obviously I need to make my posts more like P_Ps..... QQ

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



SWEET! It's finally happening! You're all goin' DOWN! I'm winning!

I'd like to thank the Academy, my parents, and everyone who has posted a negative comment in my reputation section. It's been great entertainment thus far.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Assign me whatever ulterior motives you want to help you cope. Your the one frustrated about my turning off my rep. You can try to bait me all you want. I left the high school drama behind me years ago and my reps staying off.
the only thing i'm trying to "bait" you into is explaining your thought process

really, the whole forum isn't out to get you, bub
stop being so paranoid



The rep titles look to be stock vB. If so you are currently at -50 or lower. The next step is a huge one, -99999

Let just hope they didn't setup group promotions for negative rep



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Hey, everyone!

I've read through quite a bit of "reputation" centered posts about how people are upset with it and such... Personally, knowing what my "reputation" in an online forum isn't going to affect who I am as a person nor my REAL reputation in r/l, I could care less what my reputation on here is.

So, I thought that maybe I would create a contest on here. I would like to be the first person to reach the "worst reputation ever" title (whatever title that is), so if everyone who reads this thread would simply add to the "negative" for my reputation, I would greatly appreciate it! I'm goin' for the gold, baby!

Mod08, since you met me at Comic-Con and know my r/l GOTTA allow this! :P (haha)

If anyone else beats me to the worst reputation ever title, please post in this thread, so I can bow to your amazing villainy!

"The One"
er, it's couldn't care less


could care less

Saying: I could care less, means you care (since you could actually care *less*). So, -Rep 4 joo!




Problem is, I normally don't negatively rep hot guys. Sorry!


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Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I don't see it as the least bit hypocritical. By turning off our reps we castrate the pathetic little poo flingers that are going around gleefully throwing out neg rep in an effort to forum grief. They have no idea if our reps are red or green nor how many dots we have, thus their efforts are wasted and they are powerless to change it.
Actually I've been leaving mine on precisely for the same reason. Mine is green, it's been green ever since day one, and it has only steadily increased in spite of several griefing negative rep comments. It's kind of my own little private way of saying, "**** you, forum trolls, bring it on."

However, threads like these are why I do consider turning it off. So many people out there are so worked up about something so silly, and this is like the tenth post I've seen by people who'd like to grief the system as a whole by begging for reputation, both positive and, yes, negative too.

Is this going to be the new "When does Issue [whatever] come out?" theme, the thread that keeps being posted every week by yet somebody else? I'm sorry OP, I'm not meaning to come off as too harsh on you personally, I really don't hate you or anything. If I could, I'd spread the ire in this post among everyone who has so far posted a "Give me (posi|nega)tive reputation!" thread and everyone who has responded. Although I don't mind the reputation system, and I really don't care about the reputation griefing, I'm really starting to wish they'd turn it off simply because I'm tired of threads about it.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



AlienOne, I approve of your quest, if only for being morbidly curious as to how far you can plummet.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Actually I've been leaving mine on precisely for the same reason. Mine is green, it's been green ever since day one, and it has only steadily increased in spite of several griefing negative rep comments. It's kind of my own little private way of saying, "**** you, forum trolls, bring it on."

However, threads like these are why I do consider turning it off. So many people out there are so worked up about something so silly, and this is like the tenth post I've seen by people who'd like to grief the system as a whole by begging for reputation, both positive and, yes, negative too.

Is this going to be the new "When does Issue [whatever] come out?" theme, the thread that keeps being posted every week by yet somebody else? I'm sorry OP, I'm not meaning to come off as too harsh on you personally, I really don't hate you or anything. If I could, I'd spread the ire in this post among everyone who has so far posted a "Give me (posi|nega)tive reputation!" thread and everyone who has responded. Although I don't mind the reputation system, and I really don't care about the reputation griefing, I'm really starting to wish they'd turn it off simply because I'm tired of threads about it.
No hard feelings, man. Actually, you're pretty much on to me. If you read my original post, that's exactly what my point was... There really ISN'T anything that's going to happen to anyone who has good or bad rep... It isn't going to affect you in r/l, so why get worked up about it? So, I decided to go the opposite direction to prove a point. If everyone's so concerned about getting positive rep, why don't I "get all excited" about negative rep? It's just a game, anyway...

Remember the e-mails that got sent out "If you don't forward this, you'll die a horrible death tomorrow?" Or "If you forward this, you'll meet the love of your life next week?" It's all lies.

You're not going to suddenly have good fortune because you're the "highest ranking" rep-o-meter person, and I'm not going to suddenly have a heart attack because my negative rep went "over 9,000." It's all BS.

And that's my point. So, go ahead! Give me more negative rep, and please, while you're at it, include some "witty" comment along with it for my personal entertainment!

It's certainly not going to cause "bad ju-ju" for me, so don't get all worked up about it, unless, of course, you're naturally superstitious, and you can't help it.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I think im hating the comments more than the rating system. It just seems like an excuse to berate people. It's bad enough people giving you "negative rep" for replying to a poster whom they don't like without having some smart-alec posting snide remarks as a comment for you to read afterwards.

If anything, this rep system has only strengthened my dislike of them.

The Heroic Mary Grace (50)
The Mystical Thunderspark (50)
The Candy-loving Little Jenny (50)