Improving Mercenaries




Would it be possible to just give the spec ops a flamethrower for a cone/fire damage? It would add a less resisted damage type and give it a targeted aoe or a cone like fire breath.



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
I REALLY like the idea of the Marksman rounds.
I agree...special rounds for Spec Ops like the Council Marksmen would be very cool. How about stealth strikes like the PPD Ghosts?

I also really like the idea of an entrenchment power instead of serum, even if it comes with an immobilize. This power would mostly get used against AVs etc, ie, long fights. Maybe another approach would be to make it a toggle with +res/def and (maybe) -dmg that can be depolyed and undeployed quickly to give you the choice between extra survival with a bit less damage (hard to shoot when ducked behind sandbags) or going full auto.

Gun drone for commando would rock, as would some shorter recharges on a couple of key powers.



You guys realize that, with the current AI behavior toward debuffs, Merks is quite possibly the strongest MM set of them all right now?

Every boss I fight turns around and tries to get away about 2/3 the way through the battle because of all the def debuffing (and often when they're just about to finish me off.) And, since almost all my merks' attacks are ranged anyway, it's barely any inconvenience to chase them.

Who needs flashbang or web grenade when you've got an un-resistable fear effect overwhelming the AI every 20-30 seconds of combat?

Originally Posted by FightMan View Post
I've got an idea, get rid of Serum and replace it with

The mercenaries dig in and commit to a defensive position. They become nearly impossible to move and gain a bonus to resistance. They also gain range and damage bonuses from the superior firing position.

I would definitely second that. (Or I guess third that, since Xiroth is already seconding it.)



I've been thinking about how Serum could be changed without violating the cottage rule. Would something along the lines of one of these options be good?

Option 1: strict cottage rule - only changes to the numbers

This would bring the duration up to 300 seconds and the recharge down to 600 seconds. The recharge is now in line with other primaries' level 18 powers, and the duration is not more than Soul Extraction, but given that it has a crash, well above the 120 seconds of Gang War. The Damage Buff would also be increased to 15%.

Option 2: Tanker Serum

I'm not sure if the code can be worked out, but I was thinking that - in addition to a recharge of 600 seconds and a duration of 300 seconds, you would trade the damage buff and possibly the accuracy buff for an increase in threat level and damage resistance. The threat level is the part I don't know about - I got the idea from looking at Oil Slick's stats - it's a summoned pet power that automatically applies a -1 threat level to its caster (if I'm reading that right). If threat level can be changed on the fly this way, I thought increasing the threat level would simulate a "taunting" gauntlet effect (which is baked in to individual powers, and so can't be cast as a power). It would also bring resistance to all types but psionic to 75%. It would still crash.

::shrugs:: don't know how workable that threat level is, though.

Option 3: Alpha Serum

This brings the recharge/duration of the power down to 120s/15s, and grants a build-up sized damage buff. It also provides near MoG level defense and resistance to all but psi. Accuracy and end/recovery bonuses are given up, and there is no crash.

Option 3 would come the closest to violating the cottage rule by turning Serum into a "Pet MoG or Shadowmeld", but it still might be just close enough to work.

What do we think?

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
I've been thinking about how Serum could be changed without violating the cottage rule. Would something along the lines of one of these options be good?

Option 1: strict cottage rule - only changes to the numbers

This would bring the duration up to 300 seconds and the recharge down to 600 seconds. The recharge is now in line with other primaries' level 18 powers, and the duration is not more than Soul Extraction, but given that it has a crash, well above the 120 seconds of Gang War. The Damage Buff would also be increased to 15%.

Option 2: Tanker Serum

I'm not sure if the code can be worked out, but I was thinking that - in addition to a recharge of 600 seconds and a duration of 300 seconds, you would trade the damage buff and possibly the accuracy buff for an increase in threat level and damage resistance. The threat level is the part I don't know about - I got the idea from looking at Oil Slick's stats - it's a summoned pet power that automatically applies a -1 threat level to its caster (if I'm reading that right). If threat level can be changed on the fly this way, I thought increasing the threat level would simulate a "taunting" gauntlet effect (which is baked in to individual powers, and so can't be cast as a power). It would also bring resistance to all types but psionic to 75%. It would still crash.

::shrugs:: don't know how workable that threat level is, though.

Option 3: Alpha Serum

This brings the recharge/duration of the power down to 120s/15s, and grants a build-up sized damage buff. It also provides near MoG level defense and resistance to all but psi. Accuracy and end/recovery bonuses are given up, and there is no crash.

Option 3 would come the closest to violating the cottage rule by turning Serum into a "Pet MoG or Shadowmeld", but it still might be just close enough to work.

What do we think?
This is not a bad idea.
One thing I just thought of is what if they threw in a recharge bonus for the pet? Keep serum the same but add in the recharge bonus and I'd use it even with the borked recharge it has now!! Make it the ONLY power in the game to increase pet power recharge. I have no idea how hard that would be to code. I don't imagine it'd be very difficult seeing as it would only affect Mercs.



Originally Posted by FightMan View Post
I've got an idea, get rid of Serum and replace it with

The mercenaries dig in and commit to a defensive position. They become nearly impossible to move and gain a bonus to resistance. They also gain range and damage bonuses from the superior firing position.

I like this idea. I think its unique and could have the coolest animation ever.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



This thread is still around?

Really, the biggest issue is with the Henchmen recharge times, Serum and the Medic.

I should dig up my proposed revision of Mercenaries...



Originally Posted by Delta_Strider View Post
This thread is still around?
YES!!!! This horse has not been beaten to death enough!!

Originally Posted by Delta_Strider View Post
Really, the biggest issue is with the Henchmen recharge times, Serum and the Medic..
All the more reason to beat it some more!!



My personal gripe is Mercenaries don't seem to behave themselves anymore. Was trying my Merc MM a bit last night, and it seems like the tier 1 minions like to rush into melee now. They used to stay at range and only brawl if something ran next to them.

Culex's resistance guide



Give mercs the ablity to swap ammo like Dual Pistols...

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Option 2: Tanker Serum

I'm not sure if the code can be worked out, but I was thinking that - in addition to a recharge of 600 seconds and a duration of 300 seconds, you would trade the damage buff and possibly the accuracy buff for an increase in threat level and damage resistance. The threat level is the part I don't know about - I got the idea from looking at Oil Slick's stats - it's a summoned pet power that automatically applies a -1 threat level to its caster (if I'm reading that right). If threat level can be changed on the fly this way, I thought increasing the threat level would simulate a "taunting" gauntlet effect (which is baked in to individual powers, and so can't be cast as a power). It would also bring resistance to all types but psionic to 75%. It would still crash.

::shrugs:: don't know how workable that threat level is, though.
From what I understand of threat mechanics this wouldn't accomplish as much as desired. I think threat level determines who the enemies attack after aggro is established. To give an example, when a spawn is aggroed the AI assesses who has the most aggro first THEN takes stock of who has the highest threat level. It's why a Defender can peel mobs off a Tank under the right circumstances. So giving the Commando a higher threat level would only make a difference if it can take and hold aggro versus the other Mercs. Considering they all have cones and AoE controls that's a dicey proposition.

Nevertheless, I like your ideas. And keep in mind I didn't refresh my memory on the threat mechanics before posting so it's very likely I'm completely off base.

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This thread should never die. It seems the best way to let the Devs know their is a issue with a set is post about it and discuss it. I have no problem with hitting the grease stain that use to be the horse lol.



Originally Posted by Delta_Strider View Post
This thread is still around?

Really, the biggest issue is with the Henchmen recharge times, Serum and the Medic.

I should dig up my proposed revision of Mercenaries...
I'd echo the need for something to be done about the Commando's endurance use to add to your list up there. When the Commando runs out of blue halfway through a hard fight it can be a real PIA. Every. Single. Spawn. he runs out of end. I took stamina so I wouldn't have to stop to rest between fights, and I still have to stop and wait for my PETS to rest? Lame.

And I would love to see your proposed revision of Mercenaries. Start digging, sir!

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Beats this dead horse with my medics helmet, which I found rolling towards me after he turned into the suicidal combat engineer that I believe he really is and bum rushed that mob of Longbow over there.

I trained in the army to be a 12B combat engineer. That job involved taking a bag of highly explosive material and run it up through a live mine field while dodging bullets and artillary shells just to lay the explosives next to the mines so there can be a path cleared for the batallion of M1 Abrams tanks that are hauling butt to my location. Fun job but the life expectancy of the average engineer was about 12 seconds into the mine field. Kind of suicidal really....... I wonder if that makes me suicidal?

One of the upgrades to the medic must be the combat engineer mentality. No soldier that's not a bag of C4 I just handed you IT'S A FIRST AID KIT!!!!! GET BACK IN LINE MAGGOT!!



Kicks dead horse some more.

I always thought that the medics grenade should be given to both the other T1 soldiers and the medic given longer range and another heal.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



(joins the beating for no apparent reason)

I like the Mercs for the most part, but yeah, theres ALOT of room to improve.

The Commando, give him the new (faster) AR animations, and cut the LRM to just 1 minute. (current is 4 mins)

Spec Ops, again, cut the debuff attacks down 1 one minute, and give em Stealth Strike ability.

The Medic, I'd swap the heavy burst for Slug, for the faster animation and knockdown power, and swap the grenade for a buckshot, a nice cone right along with the Soldiers Full-Auto Lite.

And to Smiley, I had that problem once upon a time, back when there were those Hami Mito farms on AE. (those were the days ...) My boys were already high rollers, I usually had XP turned off, I just had fun shooting em, but my Commando and my Thug Enforcers, would burn their ammo up in record time.

So I tried double slotting Equip n Upgrade and loading em with heavy end reduction. They SLOWED down the end burn, but they still ran dry. I finally thought, "Would end reduction on the Commando STACK with Equip n Upgrade?" IT DID! I created a Commando That WOULDN'T BURN OUT. Kinda scary actually.

Shigeru Miyamoto "A delayed game will eventually be good, a bad game is bad forever."



Originally Posted by Main_Battle_Tank View Post
So I tried double slotting Equip n Upgrade and loading em with heavy end reduction. They SLOWED down the end burn, but they still ran dry. I finally thought, "Would end reduction on the Commando STACK with Equip n Upgrade?" IT DID! I created a Commando That WOULDN'T BURN OUT. Kinda scary actually.
Not to rain on your parade but to my knowledge slotting end redux in the upgrade powers only works on your end. Does nothing to reduce end cost in pet powers.



Originally Posted by Main_Battle_Tank View Post
The Commando, give him the new (faster) AR animations, and cut the LRM to just 1 minute. (current is 4 mins)

Spec Ops, again, cut the debuff attacks down 1 one minute, and give em Stealth Strike ability.

The Medic, I'd swap the heavy burst for Slug, for the faster animation and knockdown power, and swap the grenade for a buckshot, a nice cone right along with the Soldiers Full-Auto Lite.

This is the normal requests but at this point we have a Medic with a shotgun model instead of an AR. (or rather the SMG he has now) Shotguns are short range. This is the problem he has now, getting too close to the fight and getting killed. He needs longer range and better heals

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Originally Posted by Debt_Magnet View Post
Beats this dead horse with my medics helmet, which I found rolling towards me after he turned into the suicidal combat engineer that I believe he really is and bum rushed that mob of Longbow over there.

I trained in the army to be a 12B combat engineer. That job involved taking a bag of highly explosive material and run it up through a live mine field while dodging bullets and artillary shells just to lay the explosives next to the mines so there can be a path cleared for the batallion of M1 Abrams tanks that are hauling butt to my location. Fun job but the life expectancy of the average engineer was about 12 seconds into the mine field. Kind of suicidal really....... I wonder if that makes me suicidal?

One of the upgrades to the medic must be the combat engineer mentality. No soldier that's not a bag of C4 I just handed you IT'S A FIRST AID KIT!!!!! GET BACK IN LINE MAGGOT!!



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
I'm with Negate, thats just scary!

To Debt, yeah I haven't played with AR in forever, forgot the range on buckshot ... in that case they oughta just give the Medic his own Full-Auto Lite, the Commando alone has plenty of knock power. An Aoe heal would be nice.

To Joe, good news, bad news, Bad news is .. Debt was right ... (I REALLY hate to admit that!) I remember when End and Recharge reduction DID work ... they evidently 'fixed' that. Even still shows in the details that it SHOULD work.

Good news, though, I took my 33 Thugs/Pain to the Vanguard shooting gallery, tested my Enforcers. (They burn ammo about as fast as the Commando, and I have no Mercs .. at the moment.) They took roughly 1 min to run dry, without end reduction. With 1 End SO, they kept going for OVER 3 mins. I stopped counting after that, NO target should last that long under sustained fire. Have Fun!

Shigeru Miyamoto "A delayed game will eventually be good, a bad game is bad forever."



*Walks over and punts dead horse*

My favorite primary is Mercs, so I would love to see some buff love come thier way.

First of all, like everyone says, Serum is complete and utter sh*t.
I really like the dig in temp buff that was suggested above. I also like the idea of somthing similar to what the Thugs have. They could call in a quick reactionary force or something. The sets that have recharge intensive pets carry an inherant advantage being able to slot those extra passives. My other idea is that the mm would pull out that slow a$$ animation radio of his when the power is cast and call in an air strike. It would be a targeted AoE that does big dps on a relatively quick recharge. That would be very soldierish and would be a good burst in AoE dps for the set in general.

Also, nothing is more annoying than being in a group with a bots mm and watching the a$$bot fire off rockets every freaking pull. We get 4 minutes on our big rocket. 4 MINS! Thats f'in rediculous!!! For the love of all thats holy, lower the recharge on all our big hitters. This would make a big impact on merc dps. Also, since we do the dmg types that are the most mitigated/resisted, then up the base dmg for all the powers. All accross the board. Why the hell not! It only makes sense. They aren't going to give mercs the ability to do sweet energy dmg (like bots) or elementalish dmg (demons) we are stuck with lethal. Up the base dmg on all lethal dmg attacks by around 25%. That would be great.

Rant over.



Instead of serum why not give us an Airstrike??



Mercs seem to be a soldierish type of set.

The MM calls into base to get reinforcements and the big upgrade.

The Commando arrives in a parachute, obviously after being ejected from a plane.

Thematically, it makes sense. Why can't the MM special power be a really nice dps power?

I'm just trying to come up with ideas here. Because Serum SUCKS!!!! Worst of all, the big dps boost is somthing like 7%. Good lord that is sh$t. The dps buffs in both the pain and thermal trees are much better, with much better recharge times. Sure Serum gives some resistance buffs and such, but who gives a damn! It is craptasticly horrible. Laughable at best. And also on a 16 min recharge!!

I swear, when the powers that be sat down and designed Serum, they must of had the objective of creating the most worthless power in the game.

Not done yet... When cast, you throw your merc a shot of dope that gives them a crappy high followed by a huge drug induced crash. Really!?! Seriously!?! ALL the other special set powers in the other primaries are far superior.

Sorry for the rant. I just really want to see this joke of a power changed.



Somewhere I already made a post about why they made Serum. In Vietnam and Desert Storm the U.S. Army was fond of field testing drugs on its soldiers. These drugs often had very serious side effects things like blindness and cancer. Thematically having a Serum power makes sense. A buff followed by a rather debilitating debuff.

What doesn't make sense are its stats. The 16 minuet recharge on it is absolutely ridiculous. At the very least it should affect all your pets.

Please note, I am not trying to defend serum, I hate it with a passion. However there is a reason the developers put it into the set.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



I was playing around on my lvl 20 merc/ta and was thinking. "Wouldn't serum be great if if were mere of a "Clear Mind" type power that you could cast only on your pets?". The current recharge is too long to be useful..but I guess fear of stacking powers from sets like /Pain. Though I can't see a reason why it couldn't be coded not to stack with similar powers, from the same caster.

My level 50 Dominators:
Madame Mindbender 50 Mind/Energy
Fly Agaric 50 Plant/Thorn
Nate Nitro 50 Fire/Psi