Migration to new Message Boards - Part two




Yeah, but, seriously... are we there yet?

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Are we there yet? NO!

Thats why its called land of far far far.. away.


50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Really, they should get started. I really need to get some yard work done and there's only an hour left till dinner

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Just got time to add:


I really should do something about this signature.




Mijn fout, maar ik zal opletten in het vervolg
En die namen zijn wel ernstig ja.. Ik loop in het spel zelf tenminste nog rond (soms) met een karakter met mijn boardnaam, maar die namen zijn een beetje jammer ja. Overduidelijk altijd vrij omdat je als kaaskop nederlandse woorden prima kan gebruiken, maar toch.. en dialectjes zijn zo te maken natuurlijk, al moet ik zeggen dat ik het breezah tijdperk al wel een beetje voorbij ben

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I guess I could make up a meaning form the words that look like English words

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Given how English spent hundreds of years happily absorbing and anglicising words from Germanic and Romantic languages (amongst others) you may find that you're not too far off.

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I think I probably might be

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Your first guess at 'mijn fout' was pretty accurate, the werewolf thing less so though.

[/ QUOTE ]What are you on about? She was right on the nose! It really was a story about a werewolf wearing a hat that was pulled over its eyes down too far so it nearly stepped on my foot after which I asked the case cop in a dialect he'd understand to breeze him to the tide!



Just got time to add:


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They are already 1 hour late, i think you're even quite early with it.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



"My mistake, but I'll pay attention next time "

There. Now you do the rest

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"Ik loop in het spel" is probably "I know a loop in a hat spell", so it sound slike he might be playing Quidditch.
Then there's something about a character and a boardname, and "beetje jammer ja" looks like it's something to do with putting beet in a jam jar.
Then "Overduidelijk" is obviously over-dude-like, so he's complaining about someone being too much of a dude.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Just got time to add:


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They are already 1 hour late, i think you're even quite early with it.

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They're not late - they're right in the middle of the estimated time period - between 7 and 9 am PT

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



What are you on about? She was right on the nose! It really was a story about a werewolf wearing a hat that was pulled over its eyes down too far so it nearly stepped on my foot after which I asked the case cop in a dialect he'd understand to breeze him to the tide!

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So that is what i am uh? A case cop?

I like the name

Zou ze het snappen: Gouden meisje?

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



"My mistake, but I'll pay attention next time "

There. Now you do the rest

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"Ik loop in het spel" is probably "I know a loop in a hat spell", so it sound slike he might be playing Quidditch.
Then there's something about a character and a boardname, and "beetje jammer ja" looks like it's somehting to do with putting beet in a jamjar.
Then "Overduidelijk" is obviously over-dude-like, so he's complaining about someone being too much of a dude.

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That was ... actually better than the original post. Beet in a jamjar, hehe.
Now only if I could hear you pronounce "overduidelijk"

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Ugh,doet me denken aan een 'pijltjesschieter' die ik laatst tegenkwam op Union. Waarom doen Nederlanders dat eigenlijk? in elk spel dat ik speel maken Nederlanders er altijd een sport van om met de meest idiote namen rond te lopen. veel meer dan elke andere nationaliteit.

P.S.: *zingt* Vlaanderen boven!

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Moet je voor de grap eens op 'dutchbane' wow gaan kijken, daar is het echt zielig. En waarom? Goeie vraag, gebrek aan inspiratie ofzo?


Mijn fout, maar ik zal opletten in het vervolg
En die namen zijn wel ernstig ja.. Ik loop in het spel zelf tenminste nog rond (soms) met een karakter met mijn boardnaam, maar die namen zijn een beetje jammer ja. Overduidelijk altijd vrij omdat je als kaaskop nederlandse woorden prima kan gebruiken, maar toch.. en dialectjes zijn zo te maken natuurlijk, al moet ik zeggen dat ik het breezah tijdperk al wel een beetje voorbij ben

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I guess I could make up a meaning form the words that look like English words

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Oh please, do try

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Well, "vervolg" is obviously "werewolf", and "het" is hat, or maybe "hot" - so the first part is something about a werewolf in a hat, or a hot werewolf, possibly wearing a hat.
And "Mijn fout" is either "my fault", "my foot", or "mind my foot" - perhaps the werewolf in the hat is standing too close to him?

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HAHHAHAHAHAHAH Serious you are damn original on that

(fout = mistake, mijn = mine/my)

Ik ben verplicht meegegaan in de breezah tijdperk, van het random hoofdletter gebruik, het 1337speek en -uh gebruik (denkuh), kan het allemaal

[/ QUOTE ]Ik kom nog een heel eind met het ge-uh en de 1337 speak, mede door overdadig gamen, maar ik moet toch nodig bijspijkeren op het gebied van breezah, maar dat is iets waarbij mijn zoon mogelijk kan gaan helpen (hoewel hij hard op weg is om een nieuwe versie van zijn vader te worden.. rockertje in hart en nieren )

Voor wat betreft namen.. Ik ben vooral moe aan het worden van mensen die allemaal besluiten dat Xx, xX, x x, x X en alle varianten ervan voor en achter je naam cool zijn. Ze zijn vooral irritant in mijn ogen

And for those that got none of that last bit.. I'm royally annoyed with every other character in game these days getting xX and all the above added in their name to look cool



"My mistake, but I'll pay attention next time "

There. Now you do the rest

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"Ik loop in het spel" is probably "I know a loop in a hat spell", so it sound slike he might be playing Quidditch.
Then there's something about a character and a boardname, and "beetje jammer ja" looks like it's somehting to do with putting beet in a jamjar.
Then "Overduidelijk" is obviously over-dude-like, so he's complaining about someone being too much of a dude.

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That was ... actually better than the original post. Beet in a jamjar, hehe.
Now only if I could here you pronounce "overduidelijk"

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I'd pronounce it as "over dude like"

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork




Now only if I could here you pronounce "overduidelijk"

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I'd pronounce it as "over dude like"

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You're clearly wrong...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



What are you on about? She was right on the nose! It really was a story about a werewolf wearing a hat that was pulled over its eyes down too far so it nearly stepped on my foot after which I asked the case cop in a dialect he'd understand to breeze him to the tide!

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So that is what i am uh? A case cop?

I like the name

Zou ze het snappen: Gouden meisje?

[/ QUOTE ]Aren't we all? Well, except for True of course. They have the better beer though

Ik denk dat ze die wel vlot door heeft, vooral het eerste woord lijkt teveel op het engelse
Maar ze doet wel heel erg haar best om er iets van te maken, als we niet oppassen leren we haar nog nederlands.. dat zou toch een beet in a jamjar zijn




Now only if I could here you pronounce "overduidelijk"

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I'd pronounce it as "over dude like"

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You're clearly wrong...

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I'm right to myself

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I'd pronounce it as "over dude like"

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Very very close.

However, ui is something english doesnt have as prononc..pronouncat.pronounch... 'sound'.

My ex-gf actualy tried to learn dutch, its one of the hardest, if not the hardest, languages to learn. Like the saying: its double dutch to me.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!




Now only if I could here you pronounce "overduidelijk"

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I'd pronounce it as "over dude like"

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You're clearly wrong...

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I'm right to myself

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Actually I think it's EXACTLY that which we wouldn't mind hearing
But then, I'm always fascinated to hear any english speaking person try and pronounce Scheveningen



I'd pronounce it as "over dude like"

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Very very close.

However, ui is something english doesnt have as prononc..pronouncat.pronounch... 'sound'.

My ex-gf actualy tried to learn dutch, its one of the hardest, if not the hardest, languages to learn. Like the saying: its double dutch to me.

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A Dutch friend of mine bought me a Dutch for Dummie's book. Even with the audio CD, I can't make the sounds needed...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Really? I'm fascinated (and try to wear rain gear) when anyone tries to speak in Welsh. I mean, buy a vowel already. Scottish accent on the other hand makes my knees melt. And some Irish ones too.

Also, are we there yet?

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



I'd pronounce it as "over dude like"

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Very very close.

However, ui is something english doesnt have as prononc..pronouncat.pronounch... 'sound'.

My ex-gf actualy tried to learn dutch, its one of the hardest, if not the hardest, languages to learn. Like the saying: its double dutch to me.

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A Dutch friend of mine bought me a Dutch for Dummie's book. Even with the audio CD, I can't make the sounds needed...

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Well don't speak with your mouth full then

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I'd pronounce it as "over dude like"

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Very very close.

However, ui is something english doesnt have as prononc..pronouncat.pronounch... 'sound'.

My ex-gf actualy tried to learn dutch, its one of the hardest, if not the hardest, languages to learn. Like the saying: its double dutch to me.

[/ QUOTE ]Okay, pronounciation aside, I do agree that dutch is one of the harder languages to learn and speak. But, what startled me is that you too have tried and teach a girlfriend to speak dutch, which led to her being an ex-girlfriend now.. Apparently the language IS that hard..

Most fun I had though was when a friend of mine tried to do so, but have you EVER heard a scotsman try and speak dutch?




Also, are we there yet?

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Unless Avatea comes on and says there's been a technical problem, and they'll put off the merge to next week

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



But then, I'm always fascinated to hear any english speaking person try and pronounce Scheveningen

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Oh, that one's easy.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.




Also, are we there yet?

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Unless Avatea comes on and says there's been a technical problem, and they'll put off the merge to next week

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Lol, for the past hour or so there have been many irrelevant posts in lots of different threads (like a goodbye, wreck the house party), I think it's in any mod's best interest to get on with the merge as soon as possible.



But then, I'm always fascinated to hear any english speaking person try and pronounce Scheveningen

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Oh, that one's easy.

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But that was a Dutch guy saying.

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Sounded more like someone sneezing

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork