Good arcs for leveling a toon form 1-50




Ok, I am trying to level a toon from 1 to 50. But it is hard to find good arcs to do so. Basically we need a list for just that purpose. Preferably with a story that makes sense for a lowbie as well. And tested with a genuine lowbie, not an exemplared lvl 50. There is a big difference.

So let me start with this list:

Level 1-10
The Blackmarket wants you: ID 1064. Red Side.

Can you help out Mia to get some odd jobs done so she can concentrate on trading instead of keeping corrupt Rippers, Longbow and some snakes out of her hair? As reward you will get a fancy ID that makes those Arachnos Arbiters happy. Saves bribing the whole time.

Lets get a nice list together. I still have 45 levels to do with Trolly.



Level 1-10
A Darker Dawn ID: 2502. Blue side.

Prompted by a comment some time ago by Ravenswing, this is intended to replace the starting arcs Hero-side for the more antihero inclined involving obtaining a conterfeit Hero ID. It has been tested with a few solo low level toons and seems to work well enough.



at least we wont have to "sprint" around mercy to get our mishes

will check after servers come back online.

btw : what level are the toons at the start of the black market arc?



Tangler's Mercytown: The One With All The Fish is a good one for starting villains. I dunno what it's ID is though, or indeed if it is transfered to live yet.

For mid level heroes, there is my The Secret of the Curse of Pirate Jefferies' Treasure Island ID: 14030. It's aimed at level 20-26. I wouldn't want to claim that it was any good though.

I really should do something about this signature.



at least we wont have to "sprint" around mercy to get our mishes

will check after servers come back online.

btw : what level are the toons at the start of the black market arc?

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I did it with a level 2 mm and with a level 2 brute. I had some trouble with the boss in mission 4 and turned him into an lt instead. If you got trouble with him give me a warning.



Thanks, I'll have to throw down some faceless promotion and concur with PRAF about my arc being being recommended too. The idea of my arc was basically an alternative to Burke and Kalinda, getting you through Mercy and move on to PO, ID is 6017.

I'd also recommened Twisted Tales - Part One - Storyland in Danger! ID: 12937 which was done by Arctic Princess, it's lvl range is around 5-15.

A Penny For Your Thoughts #348691 <- Dev's Choice'd by Dr. Aeon!
Submit your MA arc for review & my arcs thread



Ok going well, so far we got:

Red 1-15
The Blackmarket wants you: ID 1064.
Mercytown: The One With All The Fish: ID 6017
The Rogue Islands sewer system: ID 5482

Blue 1-15:
A Darker Dawn ID: 2502
Twisted Tales - Part One - Storyland in Danger! ID: 12937

Blue 20-30
The Secret of the Curse of Pirate Jefferies' Treasure Island ID: 14030



Searching on enemy group names in appropriate level ranges can help find some. Two that I found and played when searching for Hellions (1-14) were these:

Hearts on Fire (id 1472)
Rise of the Iron Maidens (id 3449)

I have an arc myself for the 10-19 range (The missing geneticist, id 2542).

[url=""][b]My Story arcs[/b][/url]: [i]The Siren Supremes[/i] ([b]1143[/b]), [i]The Missing Geneticist[/i] ([b]2542[/b]), [i]Elemental Jones[/i] ([b]263512[/b]), [i]The Soul Hunter[/i] ([b]294431[/b]), [i]Heart of Steel[/i] ([b]407104[/b]), [i]Project Serpens[/i] ([b]434082[/b])




Red 1-10
The Blackmarket wants you: ID 1064.
Mercytown: The One With All The Fish: ID 6017
The Rogue Islands sewer system: ID 5482
Magi and the blue knight: ID 12619 (5-30)
Noob assault course : ID 38967 (5+)

10-20: The missing geneticist, id 2542
15+ Arachnos Research and Development: A Security Breach Arc, id 8817

Blue 1-15:
A Darker Dawn ID: 2502
Twisted Tales - Part One - Storyland in Danger! ID: 12937
To Hell with a Hellion in a Handbasket ID: 39143 (5-14)
Goldbricked!: ID 38898 10-20

Bringing Down the Overpass - ID:26728

Blue 20-30
The Secret of the Curse of Pirate Jefferies' Treasure Island ID: 14030

Help me to improve upon this list concentrating on low level content



Í'm currently working on something for blue 10-20 (especially 15-20) just to fill out your list.

I should have a beta version published this evening.

I really should do something about this signature.



I just stumbled on an arc that is incredibly awesome and complete with the rocking of the socks, it's:

Love Is In The Error
ID: 26811
Lvl range 10-14

It's a humour arc about helping the lovesick sewage-horror Kraken in getting a date. Though my description really doesn't do it justice - just read the contact introduction dialogue and you will know what I mean.

A Penny For Your Thoughts #348691 <- Dev's Choice'd by Dr. Aeon!
Submit your MA arc for review & my arcs thread



Blue 1-15:
Twisted Tales - Part One - Storyland in Danger! ID: 12937

[/ QUOTE ]

Just to inform you that my arc is Neutral and so is suitable for both sides. It was inspired by chat about 'lack of new events' and so was created as a sort of 'Holiday'-style set of missions.

I am also trying to work on the dreaded 35-40 level range but am finding it tough to be 'original'. Any thoughts and suggestions are always appreciated.



Just published The Steel and Gold Affair (ID: 53761) aimed at blue side 15-20. It uses a few of the low level villain only enemy groups (and a couple of custom bosses).

Update: I have decided that the Autodemons, with thier end drain, where far to powerful for a low level mission, so they are gone. This has raised the minimum recomended level to 15.

I really should do something about this signature.



If you got trouble with him give me a warning.

[/ QUOTE ]

The only trouble I had with him was that he flee's and he starts so close to the exit. Either one woulndn't be so bad.

The second time I tried it, knowing that he'd run away, I lured him into a room then stood in the doorway so he couldn't get past me



Twisted Tales - Part One - Storyland in Danger! ID: 12937

[/ QUOTE ]

Should be ID 12397

Mister Volcano lvl50 Tank SA/FM
Silver Sight lvl 50 Controller Mind/Kin
Cryogenic lvl 50 Tank Ice/Stone
Winters Night lvl 50 Corrupter Ice/Dark
Chaos Agent lvl50 Brute EM/EA



at least we wont have to "sprint" around mercy to get our mishes

will check after servers come back online.

btw : what level are the toons at the start of the black market arc?

[/ QUOTE ]

I did it with a level 2 mm and with a level 2 brute. I had some trouble with the boss in mission 4 and turned him into an lt instead. If you got trouble with him give me a warning.

[/ QUOTE ]

I also started it with a level 2 Fire/Rad corruptor without any hassle.

Very well done, Spade. Sorry i couldn't give feedback nor starts in game thanks to damn crash occured. I will play it again and will give that well deserved stars.



Just gonna put down a few more before I forget them. In no particular order:

Birth of a Villain Group
ID: 60573
Mini review: for lvl 1-9s, this arc is an alternative levelling route for villains with the premise of establishing your own power base. You set up a base, recruit some minions and acquire assets. Fun and very well written.

Tales of the Weird Dimensions: Grand Convergence
ID: 7896
Mini review: no specific lvl requirements, but there's nothing here that should give you trouble once you have SOs. Heroic arc, the premise is to help Portal Corp to save the destruction of our dimension from an inevitable merging with another dimension, by ensuring that theirs sync with ours in certain key elements. It's a humorous arc, that plays on the CoX lore and in-jokes quite smartly.

Love Spurned
ID: 1934
Mini review: Lvl range 35-40, a lighthearted hero arc about helping one love sick guy who is in way over his head. It's a short and sweet arc that's fun to play.

When You Least Expect It...
ID: 12030
Mini review: No specific lvl range, but should be fine once you have SOs, note that it does have an AV. This is a neutral arc, the premise is that you have been paid by a company to test their military VR program due to your super-powers. It starts slow, but gathers momentum to a brilliant finish.

Apocalypse Cow
ID: 27552
Mini review: No specific lvl range, should probably do okay once you have SOs, though you do fight DE, and the group contains an AV if I remember correctly. This one's a silly arc, even if one of the jokes doesn't give you a chuckle so many are thrown at least a few will. Also gave me more information one more should ever need to know about cow breeds.

Twisted Tales - Part Two - Making a Song and Dance
ID: 12479
Mini review: Lvl range 20-29, like part one this is a neutral arc in the spirit of the holiday contacts. The premise is that the world has mysteriously succumbed to the effects of musicals, complete with the compulsive singing and theatrical plots. This is a fun arc with a fantastic twist at the end, if you played the first part and enjoyed it, you really, really should play this.

And finally some shameless self promotion:

Might Makes Right
ID: 5213
Mini 'review': Lvl range 40-50, though I suppose if you feel undaunted by Malta there's no reason not to attempt this once you get SOs. The premise is that this arc is the first time villains encounter the Malta group. I think Deus Ex and Secret Six were my main inspirations when I wrote this arc, contains elements of comedy as well as drama (oh, and lots of conspiracies of course).

A Penny For Your Thoughts #348691 <- Dev's Choice'd by Dr. Aeon!
Submit your MA arc for review & my arcs thread



Update (14-4-2009):

Red 1-10
The Blackmarket wants you: ID 1064.
Mercytown: The One With All The Fish: ID 6017
The Rogue Islands sewer system: ID 5482
Magi and the blue knight: ID 12619 (5-30)
Noob assault course : ID 38967 (5+)
Birth of a Villain Group: ID 60573
The Arachnos Hero Simulator: ID 1189
Acts of villainy: ID 43405

10-20: The missing geneticist, id 2542
15+ Arachnos Research and Development: A Security Breach Arc, id 28817

Blue 1-15:
A Darker Dawn ID: 2502
Twisted Tales - Part One - Storyland in Danger! ID: 12397
To Hell with a Hellion in a Handbasket ID: 39143 (5-14)
Goldbricked!: ID 38898 10-20
Hellion Earth: ID 54207

Bringing Down the Overpass - ID:26728
The Steel and Gold Affair (ID: 53761)

Blue 20-30
The Secret of the Curse of Pirate Jefferies' Treasure Island ID: 14030

35-40: Love Spurned ID: 1934
40-50: Might Makes Right ID: 5213


1 - 54 Tales of the Weird Dimensions: Grand Convergence ID: 7896
20-19 Twisted Tales - Part Two - Making a Song and Dance
ID: 12479

Help me to improve upon this list concentrating on low level content



Post deleted by Master_Zaprobo



Also a tip: You can play that missions no matter if you are villian or hero. If you are attempting to level up with MA arcs only this can be usefull to you, i hope.



Correction to arc ID for ARAD: A Security Breach - 28817

[/ QUOTE ]

It's corrected.



Shadows in your Mind
ID: 47625
Mini review: Probably manageable once you have SOs, but I would recommend a high level as there are a few EBs and AVs to fight. Heroic 'themed' (thanks for mentioning that in case of confusion Knightly), the premise is that a malevolent force has been abducting citizens and it's up to you to stop it. Very well written and has a good build up to the finale. This one's a serious arc.

A Penny For Your Thoughts #348691 <- Dev's Choice'd by Dr. Aeon!
Submit your MA arc for review & my arcs thread



A Game of Knucklebones
ID: 35280
Mini review: lowbie friendly, hero themed. The premise is that you're sent out to stop several Skull raids, only to find all the incidents involve backstabbing their (now) former partners for some strange scheme. A straight up hero arc, that ties itself nicely to the lore as well as having a few really cool custom mobs.

A Penny For Your Thoughts #348691 <- Dev's Choice'd by Dr. Aeon!
Submit your MA arc for review & my arcs thread



Just a note, The Steel and Gold affair has been taken down because of a map bug. Thanks to 3dent for helping me find it. Shame I can't fix it .

I really should do something about this signature.