Don't want tradeable merits. Why? Because then the price of them would sky rocket as well making the system completely and utterly pointless.
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
Don't want tradeable merits. Why? Because then the price of them would sky rocket as well making the system completely and utterly pointless.
[/ QUOTE ]
Tradable merits = all the loot goes to the farmers and gold sellers.
I really should do something about this signature.
I do think we should have some way of pooling our merits from all our characters (on the same side) in the one account though. My altitis is killing me (especially since I've rarely got time for TFs but accumulate a few via arcs which end up doing bugger all.
Someone with genuine altitis will want to kit out all there alts, so they will all need merits, so thier is no point in being able to trade them.
Pooling merits simply encorages the creation of a "farmer alt" to supply the others.
I really should do something about this signature.
Someone with genuine altitis will want to kit out all there alts, so they will all need merits, so thier is no point in being able to trade them.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmmm. That's nonsense IMO. Someone with genuine altitis will never have enough merits to kit out all their chars, that's a lot of the issue with having lots of alts. Having some way of pooling them would be nice as oppose to having lots of wastage.
Pooling merits simply encorages the creation of a "farmer alt" to supply the others.
[/ QUOTE ]
This doesn't make sense to me either, a Farmer alt can simply spend the merits currently to supply the others. Spend the merit. Get the recipe. Craft it. Use Base Storage to give it to the alt.
Someone with genuine altitis will never have enough merits to kit out all their chars
[/ QUOTE ]
True, but they would never have enough merits to kit out any of thier characters. May as well spend merits on individual alts as they earn them.
Farmer alt can simply spend the merits currently to supply the others. Spend the merit. Get the recipe. Craft it. Use Base Storage to give it to the alt.
[/ QUOTE ]
true, but it adds another layer of complication.
And if doing this is so easy, then there is no need to be able to trade merits between alts in the first place is there?
I really should do something about this signature.
Someone with genuine altitis will never have enough merits to kit out all their chars
[/ QUOTE ]
True, but they would never have enough merits to kit out any of thier characters. May as well spend merits on individual alts as they earn them.
Farmer alt can simply spend the merits currently to supply the others. Spend the merit. Get the recipe. Craft it. Use Base Storage to give it to the alt.
[/ QUOTE ]
true, but it adds another layer of complication.
And if doing this is so easy, then there is no need to be able to trade merits between alts in the first place is there?
[/ QUOTE ]
Huh? It's easy for a farmer to currently trade the recipes from rewards. It's currently impossible for me to use all the 8 Merits, 6 merits etc from arcs on different chars as I can't combine them into something potentially useful, like a random roll. Unless I start farming a few arcs myself to get a single toon up to 25 merits of course.
All the current system means to me (and I'll happily accept I might be a minority here) is either ignore it or start doing some Arc farming myself just to get some use out of it.
I'm falling foul of having a fair few piles of "loose change". Some way of spending that loose change by letting my alts pool their resources would be nice.
It's currently impossible for me to use all the 8 Merits, 6 merits etc from arcs on different chars
[/ QUOTE ]
If you are playing the characters, those 6 or 8 merits will increase until they reach a number you can use.
And if you are not playing those characters, then you haven't got altitis.
I really should do something about this signature.
Depends on what you see as being altitis.
I see it as never staying on one character for very long before coming up with the concept for and creating a new one. In this scenario, you never get much above lvl 35 or so before mothballing the character and starting another one. And in that situation you're never going to complete enough arcs for enough merits to get the recipes you use.
Frankly, that describes me at the moment, but I'm happy that SO's give me enough strength in my characters that I'm not really that bothered about IOs or Merits anyway.
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
Depends on what you see as being altitis.
I see it as never staying on one character for very long before coming up with the concept for and creating a new one. In this scenario, you never get much above lvl 35 or so before mothballing the character and starting another one. And in that situation you're never going to complete enough arcs for enough merits to get the recipes you use.
Frankly, that describes me at the moment, but I'm happy that SO's give me enough strength in my characters that I'm not really that bothered about IOs or Merits anyway.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't mothball em but certainly my playtime between them gets diluted. The issue more becomes that since they get played less often as they get older I tend to use them for Pick up and Play PuGs more so the amount of arcs they continue completing peaters off (since missions end up going stale and the like). It'd be nice to have a use for those merits I did earn in the teens and 20s with the characters is all really.
I dunno, i don't see a really big problem with tradeable merits. Could just farm the merits on another char, buy the recepie and then trade that to the char of your liking. Being able to trade merits could also be a boon to the economy, or it could just lead to merits being worth so much more then the recepies people are forced to buy merits instead of recepies. Dunno tho. It has both positive and negative sides, and i can't honestly forsee what would happened if we could trade em.
Perhaps just limit it to trade it within account.

Someone with genuine altitis will want to kit out all there alts, so they will all need merits, so thier is no point in being able to trade them.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmmm. That's nonsense IMO. Someone with genuine altitis will never have enough merits to kit out all their chars, that's a lot of the issue with having lots of alts. Having some way of pooling them would be nice as oppose to having lots of wastage.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is me. Since the abomination of Merits, I've had to choose two or maybe three alts to work on IOing out. All the others just have to get by with SOs. I'd be for trading Merits between alts on one account but nothing further otherwise it defeats the object of them as has been said.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

Perhaps don't make merits tradeable, just make them transferable? Doesn't that solve both problems then? Keeps them away from the AH and the economy, but still allows people to consolidate earned merits across their different alts.
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
Encourages making farming alts even more than people already do. Not going to explore my own opinions on farming in this thread (don't want to derail it), but the devs seem to look down upon it, so I find this an unlikely change.
Pooling merits simply encorages the creation of a "farmer alt" to supply the others.
[/ QUOTE ]
The current situation encourages this, actually. I think I qualify as a proper altaholic, given two accounts full on Union and mostly so on Defiant. I have quite a few toons I'd like proper builds on - end result is I end up doing TFs and so on repeatedly on one alt so that my merits are in one place so I can afford the things I want. Then since that toon has all my inf and rare salvage from being played so much, it's also the best toon to craft things on, so I craft from there and dump in the base for other toons to collect (which takes seconds and is no discouragement at all).
I'd be really pleased if I could vary which toons I played a bit and then pool the merits - I'd probably end up playing more of my lower levelled toons, rather than just repeat running things on a 50. Hadn't even thought of it before this thread, but I think it's a good idea.
Trading between accounts on the other hand... can't say I have a real opinion either way. If Smurphy is right and it'd lead to more lower-level recipe availability, then yeah, that'd be a good thing, but all I see in that thread is a load of theorising back and forth - I don't think there's any saying what the actual effect would be on the market.
Someone with genuine altitis will want to kit out all there alts, so they will all need merits, so thier is no point in being able to trade them.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmmm. That's nonsense IMO. Someone with genuine altitis will never have enough merits to kit out all their chars, that's a lot of the issue with having lots of alts. Having some way of pooling them would be nice as oppose to having lots of wastage.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is me. Since the abomination of Merits, I've had to choose two or maybe three alts to work on IOing out. All the others just have to get by with SOs. I'd be for trading Merits between alts on one account but nothing further otherwise it defeats the object of them as has been said.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't get this. How is this any different than before merits? Before merits the only way to get "expensive IOs" was through TF/SFs and trials (not counting purples, for purples things changed even less than for other IOs). Now for most TFs you get more than just the single random roll you got first, you get extra merits for story arcs where you previously would've gotten nothing and all the 'regular' IO drops from foes stayed the same. So how do you manage to get LESS toons IOed out than before?
@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.
Since the abomination of Merits, I've had to choose two or maybe three alts to work on IOing out. All the others just have to get by with SOs. I'd be for trading Merits between alts on one account but nothing further otherwise it defeats the object of them as has been said.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't get this either, there is just no way you can end up worse off with merits than previously. Yes you may think that because you look and see a character with 5 merits, but you would have nothing at all before they were introduced, and eventually that will build up to 20 for a random roll.
On almost all TF's you get more than 1 random drop (Villain side is worse off yes, but the TF's are very short) so you are again better off.
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
To add my actual opinion I think it is ok for them to be tradable between your own toons on your account, and would like Vanguard Merits to be included in that as well, and the forthcoming MA merits.
But I would hate to see them becoming sellable as nobody would ever do a random roll and the less wanted IO's would become impossible to get rather than just incredibly difficult as it seems to be at the moment.
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Someone with genuine altitis will want to kit out all there alts, so they will all need merits, so thier is no point in being able to trade them.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmmm. That's nonsense IMO. Someone with genuine altitis will never have enough merits to kit out all their chars, that's a lot of the issue with having lots of alts. Having some way of pooling them would be nice as oppose to having lots of wastage.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is me. Since the abomination of Merits, I've had to choose two or maybe three alts to work on IOing out. All the others just have to get by with SOs. I'd be for trading Merits between alts on one account but nothing further otherwise it defeats the object of them as has been said.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't get this. How is this any different than before merits? Before merits the only way to get "expensive IOs" was through TF/SFs and trials (not counting purples, for purples things changed even less than for other IOs). Now for most TFs you get more than just the single random roll you got first, you get extra merits for story arcs where you previously would've gotten nothing and all the 'regular' IO drops from foes stayed the same. So how do you manage to get LESS toons IOed out than before?
[/ QUOTE ]
This would be true, but merits along with other I13 features like Dual Builds, have combined to reduce the usefulness and availablity of the other source of IOs I used to use : The Markets.
Although I still do use the markets the cost has gone up and supply has dropped so it's a lot harder than it was. It'd be nice to gain a positive affect from Merits too since I've been affected by the negative.
I'm not even talking about the top class IOs either, I don't really give a fig about things like the Numina or Miracle uniques or the 7.5 LOTG one. It's the other Task Force IOs which don't seem to be being generated at the moment, things like Acc/Mez/Recharge IOs regardless of the set bonuses. It would be nice if I could try rolling for things like that myself using across-account pooled merits rather than having the odd merit-change sitting there doing nothing in 3 or 4 different chars.
This is me. Since the abomination of Merits, I've had to choose two or maybe three alts to work on IOing out. All the others just have to get by with SOs. I'd be for trading Merits between alts on one account but nothing further otherwise it defeats the object of them as has been said.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't get this. How is this any different than before merits? Before merits the only way to get "expensive IOs" was through TF/SFs and trials (not counting purples, for purples things changed even less than for other IOs). Now for most TFs you get more than just the single random roll you got first, you get extra merits for story arcs where you previously would've gotten nothing and all the 'regular' IO drops from foes stayed the same. So how do you manage to get LESS toons IOed out than before?
[/ QUOTE ]
Before merits people would run TFs/SFs to try to get recipes they were after, and have no choice other than a random reward at the end. A lot of the time they'd be unlucky in that, and get a recipe that was unusable by their toon (heal set for SR scrapper, melee set for a defender, etc...) - these would find their way to the AH, in the hope of making a bit of inf as a consolation prize.
With merits, though, people can do a few more TFs/SFs and be sure of getting the exact recipe they want.
End result - fewer "wrong" recipes in the AH for everyone else to bid for.
Merits shared per account are a nice idea... But unless they fix problem with villains getting less merits, that won't happen, or if it will... Well, we have enough "devs hate villains" sentiments already.
Merits shared per account are a nice idea... But unless they fix problem with villains getting less merits, that won't happen, or if it will... Well, we have enough "devs hate villains" sentiments already.
[/ QUOTE ]
Solution: share merits per side. Red/Blue.
Please fight My Brute:
Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.
Merits shared per account are a nice idea... But unless they fix problem with villains getting less merits, that won't happen, or if it will... Well, we have enough "devs hate villains" sentiments already.
[/ QUOTE ]
Solution: share merits per side. Red/Blue.
[/ QUOTE ]
Which will probably lead to even less villain content being done as all the villains run TF's on their heroes.
It is already hard enough to get a team villain side without making them play heroes.
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Merits shared per account are a nice idea... But unless they fix problem with villains getting less merits, that won't happen, or if it will... Well, we have enough "devs hate villains" sentiments already.
[/ QUOTE ]
Solution: share merits per side. Red/Blue.
[/ QUOTE ]
Which will probably lead to even less villain content being done as all the villains run TF's on their heroes.
It is already hard enough to get a team villain side without making them play heroes.
[/ QUOTE ]
So they should be doing hero side content to pimp their villains? I don't think NCNC would approve, but that's just my guess.
(I suppose there should be an exchange rate between red and blue side for those doing trading of inf across, because it certainly isn't 1:1).
Please fight My Brute:
Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.
To compliment the Re: 50+ mil, NO TY. thread I would like to post a link to the following US thread:
This topic has also made it over the Atlantic, and it was only yesterday that someone was asking whether they could trade Merits.;vc=1&nt=22
The subject came up in the 'random roll' thread and it seems worthy of its own topic.
As a marketeer, I love the idea- I see it as a solution to the current level-spread problems, and supply problems in general.
Smurph is a powerful advocate.
What's everybody think?
[/ QUOTE ]
Please fight My Brute:
Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.