1 on 1 duel builds




I want to see what the best duel build is for 1 on 1
And it can be hard, as every build has a weakness, but there is still must be one overall the best

i was thinking of a

fire/fire blaster

ice/battle axe tank

broadsword/regen scrapper

spines/willpower scrapper or katana/willpower

fire/kinetic controller

sonic/mind blaster (unless i got mixed up with a corrupter there)

your opinions ?



Ice/SS tank.


Only 2 worth rolling now tbh.

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



agreed, allthough fort ahead of ice/ss. Ice/ss ( and at a push ice/nrg ) just means blue isn't completely whitewashed

and ...


fire/kinetic controller

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whoever told you that was a good 1v1 pvp build, even with I12 rules needs to be shot




elec/therm corrupter is one of the best combos around atm, a good one is hard to beat.

Theres a few nice domi combos, mind/psy being quite nice. Drain psych and PFF.

And ofc like the others said Ice/ss tank and Fortunata's.

Elec/kins can also be very nasty, both corrs and defenders.




an kin/ele/dark defender is also a bad thing too handle
without recovery and endurance all opponents will be down soon

Helge corr lvl 50 rad/cold
Helge2 corr lvl 50 ice/rad
Techbothelge MM lvl 50 robo/dark
Helge Mauz def lvl 50 emp/ele
illuhelge troller lvl 50 illu/rad
Wiederbelebter helge nk lvl 50 bs/reg
Maennerschreack nightwidow lvl 44
Quantenjaeger ws lvl 3



an kin/ele/dark defender is also a bad thing too handle
without recovery and endurance all opponents will be down soon

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Except that the endurance drain aspect is nerfed so much in PVP that it is virtually pointless.




I encountered a elec/thermal/soul during beta. Really nasty stuff.
Powerboosted soulstorm then i got sapped then a few seconds later i was dead.



A short question for the OP: what kind of 1 vs 1? Standard Arena duration of 10 minutes? Or Last Man Standing?

It may have a very large effect on how viable end drains and recovery debuffs are. An opponent with Geas of the Kind Ones is practically immune to endurance drains and recovery debuffs for the 1 minute duration. In Last Man Standing, if one kill can be scored during that minute the match is won.
In addition, for Last Man Standing and shorter 1v1 duels inspirations can also have a larger effect than otherwise (since combatants are not as likely to run out) and can compensate weaknesses in the powersets.
I feel the question has some bearing due to any zone duels normally being equivalent to Last Man Standing, while Arena duels are normally 10 minute duels. Both are fairly common.



an kin/ele/dark defender is also a bad thing too handle
without recovery and endurance all opponents will be down soon

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Ever heard of CABS?

@Sweet Chilli



inspirations in a duel suck hard




inspirations in a duel suck hard

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It always amused me I12 PVP when people complained about their opponent using inspirations. They were usually the ones who complained that I wouldn't stand toe-to-toe with their brute when I was playing a blaster.

i.e. "I want you to play by my rules, so that I can win"

Inspirations are an INTEGRAL part of the game. Saying that they shouldn't be used in PVP implies that the player isn't confident in their build, confident in their playing ability, or both.







inspirations in a duel suck hard

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Wait... wait. No, still more.


Inspiration's bring balance where there would otherwise be little to none - though this is less true Post-I13 than it was Pre-I13 in my opinion.



Well inspirations are fine. I dont mind not using them in a duel though. Say brute vs scrapper or suchlike. But pre i13 i would just laugh at domi's or controllers who wanted no-insp duels.

I13 pvp though is so wildly unbalanced they are of little or no use really. Pop greens! oh. Pop BF's! oh yeh they do nothing.
Only insps worth stocking in pvp now are lucks really.

There are still a few tier9s and godmodes that have some effect in duels. Elec armours tier9 makes it quite tough while it is up. Then a duel tends to turn into a game of surviving long enough till the godmodes drop.



Well im currently working on a certain blaster that could very much be the best 1 v 1 duel build going, but im keeping it all hush hush at the minute, i dont want to see another SS/WP style brute fave of month come up that more or less every pvper owns nowadays and act like the ultimately awesome in pvp just because they win :/

If all goes to plan though, it would make mincemeat out of it Jess il duel you when I've leveled it up. Can see how it goes then.



Everyone already knows about Sonic/Em

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



Everyone already knows about Sonic/Em

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its not sonic/em



Everyone already knows about Sonic/Em

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its not sonic/em

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Not worth building then.

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



Sure, I'm always up for a duel. And good luck with building it up.



I want to see what the best duel build is for 1 on 1
And it can be hard, as every build has a weakness, but there is still must be one overall the best

i was thinking of a

fire/fire blaster

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I disagree with your Blaster choice there, I think for PVP Fire/Ice is the way forward. Shiver alone is a great power with a big -recharge. I have a had some great times on mine and it is very hard to kill it when you can not recharge your powers hehehehe.

The fire damage with DOT are great and I have no problems with this build. People should give it a go. I have looked at the blaster post about what people have and I only see 1 or 2 50's and the rest low level.