PVP - problems solutions and good changes




We might as well give up on responding to ANY of Moghedien points. Its like arguing with a child. A stupid one at that who needs a good kicking off his parents. There is no logic or reson in his posts. They are just full of emotion. He's like a woman when she's flying the red flag.

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As if you argue.... all you do its childish insults.

Did you made a constructive post or even replied to a post i made with meaningfull content ?
NO, so pls stop disguising your immature troll posts as arguing.

Seems that every time you have a different opinion than a poster you say hes immature and childish (I DID read several of your posts in other threads°°)



We might as well give up on responding to ANY of Moghedien points. Its like arguing with a child. A stupid one at that who needs a good kicking off his parents. There is no logic or reson in his posts. They are just full of emotion. He's like a woman when she's flying the red flag.

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As if you argue.... all you do its childish insults.

Did you made a constructive post or even replied to a post i made with meaningfull content ?
NO, so pls stop disguising your immature troll posts as arguning.

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oooooohhhhh PvP flaming in forums WoW i13 PvP has become such a dissapointment were now taking it to the forums

i see Snipe is still the most favoured attack

(can we get a mids designer for forum pvp now)

Is not going to remain VIP after Jan 14th 2012, but may remain an active Premium account holder.
See some of you guys/gals in other/new MMOs Soon(tm)
N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab



I just have enough of ppl saying other chars are overpowered in pvp, when at the same time they say they can take on 3 players at once with their toons and think thats ok.

If i want other sets nerfed cause i see them overpowered and my char does just fine vs 3 players i at least admit that my char is op too.

Thats what i mean its always the others that are op not the own char.
But it has been like that in all games all times so i shouldnt wonder.

How often do you see players saying the sets they play the most are op ? Very rarely

How often do you see players crying for nerfs of other classes they dont play ? Very often.

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Well for starters I think SS is way OP atm. And SURPRISE I have a SS brute.
I have an ice/em tanker. I think the nerf to em was needed at the time.
Why is regen OP? Where are the legions of ppl claiming this? There are plenty of sets that can survive against 3 opponents. Stalkers anyone??? All you really need are some defence, a heal and phase.

Scrappers have the damage but it is all melee bar one set and it is all S/L. Back on topic a fort/NW while not having attacks that can rival the big hitters from scrapper sets can easily build an attack chain that out classes all scrapper sets imo. They can build attack chains mixing long range attacks and melee attacks that hit any AT hard. The psi attacks expecially can be devastating due to the spike as they hit at almost the same time. Add on Forts mezzes that can still cause problems.

So as to your claims - My Scrapper can survive but it is a LOT harder to land that chain on anyone at the same time. BS's heaviest attack is awkward to land if you opponent doesnt stay still. While NW/Forts can survive just as well and pepper their opponents with powerful attacks without having to close with their opponents.

So no regen scrappers arent op imo. Maybe spines/regen could be argued but I feel overall scrappers are close to working as intended.
Being pedantic is no substitute for reasoned discussion.

I13 is very unbalanced. Most people have resigned themselves to the devs vision but want the obvious and biggest imbalances cleaning up.

Top problems imo -
Super Strength
Mobs in Zones

I have super strength and defence sets on toons I pvp with. And FYI i tend to not use them atm because i feel they are OP.
In fact I was using my PB yesterday and killed a brute in a duel :P
But as soon as the widows/forts got up to 3 or more I had to change as the incoming damage was just too much.



That was a very nice, informative and honest post Charnell, something i missed for a long time.

Thx a lot.



Charnell, why do you consider Superstrength to be overpowered? I am curious. I have my own ideas as to what are the problematic features, of which the main part centers around Rage, but I'd like to know your reasons.



That was a very nice, informative and honest post Charnell, something i missed for a long time.

Thx a lot.

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I'll agree there. In fact I don't think you've ever hit informative once.

@Sweet Chilli




I'll agree there. In fact I don't think you've ever hit informative once.

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You consider your post informative, or any of your posts in this thread ?

Well aynways i wont reply to your troll posts anymore.

Have a nice day and good luck finding another thread you can post your "informative" comments. :-)



Of course granite goes down fast to forts since forts are all about psi damg and granite has no psi resist or def.....

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minerals does absolutely nothing then ? ....... and who picks stone armour to pvp tbh ? o.O LOL


Try wp or elec with psi resists ?

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Yeah pre I13 PvP was very balanced......
Meele toons were unplayble in PvP since ranged was the only really option in pvp.

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more balanced than what it is now and ur so wrong, i played melee, played it well and won many fights tbh against ranged people just about ability tbh lol.


Very balanced when all a ranged toons had to do was bunnyhopp around just kiting meele toons which couldnt fight back at all.
If you consider that balanced pvp try have another look at other pvp games.....

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its already been said but tbh press F and attack ? not that hard tbh lol and tbh most people who play tankers/brutes and complain about bunnyhoppers are the ones who want plenty of res/def so they are hard to beat along with the bunnyhoppers damage ..... lol


Movement supresion isnt really that bad you make it out to be, bunnyhopping as ranged char is still a solid way to avoid attacks from meele toons.
How is movement frustrating now ?

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tbh taunt goes along way now with its -75 range it has bring them into melee range and with all the good ranged attacks they have now which are funnily enough better than the bunnyhoppers i dont see wot ur arguing about LOL.


You can still move as before if you dont attack something or are attacked.

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soz for the very very late reply but i only decided to resub to see whats what nowadays, but ur epic with some assumptions, make me lol alot.



problems - i13 PvP
solutions - i12 PvP
good changes - nil



problems - i13 PvP
solutions - i12 PvP
good changes - nil

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Cannot agree more!!!

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.




You can still move as before if you dont attack something or are attacked.

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soz for the very very late reply but i only decided to resub to see whats what nowadays, but ur epic with some assumptions, make me lol alot.

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Shotta i wanna PvP you but dont like TS, ill fight you if we dont attack each other kay?



I'll say one thing, they actually managed to nerf Assault rifle (apparently because they decided to nerf cones and AoEs (why I'll never know, considering AoEs aren't preferable to single target damage) which meant Flamethrower, Buckshot and Full auto got retardely heavily hit)...seriously you nerfed a set that had problems enough in Issue 12 PvP, way to go.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



If you want to make PVP more interesting, I suggest making an objective which stays in one state until flipped by the opposing faction, and make it affect gameplay out of the PvP zone. e.g. a 5% side-wide PvE & PvP damage buff, which flips from side to side depending on who flipped it last. So it would affect EVERYBODY, all the time on either red or blue side.

This idea is nicked off DAoC which arguably had some of the best PvP ever. They used to have relics which were kept in keeps. Your realm could steal enemy relics and you could then store all of the relics in one of your keeps for bonus %age stats (I think there was a melee damage relic and a magic damage one). This was then a big target for the enemy, and PvE players were interested because of the bonus.

There was never a reset to neutral (well, hardly ever - although I think they may have changed the rules on this later on), and if your realm was weak, you had to live with the consequences (although on most servers the relics did flip from one side to another, this was a massive undertaking - I'm not sure it needs to be such an epic scale as DAoC was (hundreds per side, and yes, extremely laggy - yet still incredibly fun)).

I believe this would work because the two sides (as far as I can tell) are formed into the following:

Hero side: Many, many players, very few interested in PvP
Villain side: Very few players, but a high %age of them interested in PvP- especially as certain ATs suit PvP more than hero side ATs.

I think the sides may even each other out.

Please fight My Brute: http://2hero.mybrute.com

Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.