Party Time ((Open RP))




Pious' uniform caught fire, then the smell of rotten flesh filled the air. The fallen hero, unconscious, helpless.



OOC: This action is for Crius to call. Basically it'll happen when he wants it too, posting it now, due to busyness tomorrow/I don't know if he wanted it done after his last post or after the next one.

Some small distance away...

The missle roared through the air, the police were caught unaware scattering into the air as a rose of fire blossomed, tossing police and barricade apart, a girl punched the air

“[censored] yeah! Maximum combo treble points!” Tomb screamed in joy.

But the police weren't her real target, only the barricade, her rain coat shifted in the wind as past her surged a mighty Juggernaut of a truck, it plowed through the remains of the barricade, burning remains piercing it's grill as it slammed into the side of the warehouse, materials gave way, the Juggernaut surged into the room, a hand width in front of Mr Maniacal, it slams into the supports of the main room, coming to a halt.

Fuel begins to puddle around the truck, the doors of it's load opening, barrels shifting and falling, labels drawing the eye, some read corrosive, but most just read explosive.

The girl tosses aside the bazooka, giggling as she runs into the night.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



((Ok, this is probably biting off way more than I can chew, but a major disaster is now occuring, and on the Militia's doorstep, so...
The following occurs shortly after whenever the truck impact is.))


Light flared briefly as the Portent materialised a safe distance from where the police roadblock had stood. Setting his helmet system to a full scan, he advanced on the crashed juggernaut, his visor flashing warnings as it detected the flammable materials in the wreck.

He paused, glancing back at the scattered remnants of the police line. There might well have been survivors... but there was little he could do to help them, and if the truck's cargo exploded, it would not matter either way.

He drew his trajector weapon from his back and loaded the first of what were likely to be many cryo-gel canisters into it. As he scanned for the best place to begin freezing the hazardous cargo, he opened his comm channel. "Wavekite. You are in the Kings Row vicinity."

"Yeah," came the reply. "I heard what was going on, I - "

"Stay away from the hostage situation. The situation has become more dangerous. I'm attempting to track the perpetrator of the attack on the police line. Uploading all information to your data device. Find them."

"On it."

The Portent cut the channel and re-loaded his trajector. High above, Wavekite began to descend toward the city, watching out for any sign of a fleeing villain appearing on the Portent's sensor sweep.


At the building's main entrance, Autumnfox froze at the collossal crash of the truck making its unconventional entrance. She didn't know what was happening, but odds were it made getting the hostages out even more urgent. She darted inside, through the corridors to where the fight was ongoing.

The scene that greeted her inside was utter madness - heroes and robots and fire. The hostages were safe, or trapped, or both, inside a forcefield; Asuka turned her attention instead to a wounded man ((Pious)) who seemed to be lying still amid the fire. Cursing, she unclasped her cloak and threw it over the man, trying to smother the flames while dragging him to safety.

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



Fireflash finally freed himself and hit the floor hard, he was still a bit gorggy when he realised that Ed's robot was about to a torch the place.
"Oh ****". He manged to say before the room was engulfed in flame, the flames could not get through his armour though. He grabbed pious's body and glared at Edward, "I will come back for you for this one day pal!
He silently hoped that the villians would kill eachother he had saw what the psycho had done, he felt that he had failed. However there was nothing to do about that now, he had to do what he could, self pity wasn't going to get anyone anything.he swore angrilly at the psycho.

With that he dragged pious out and attempted to smother the flames, he was sure glad of the help of the other hero who had just arived to smother poius with a cape as he was not having much luck getting the flames out, he nodded his thanks to the other hero and realised that shudder he felt must have been a lot more than part of the warehouse collapsing. He had to go back in there and see if any other heroes were hurt, his powers wouldn't be much help now there was so much fire anyway, the least he could do was to help any wounded get out of there.

The end is just a new beginning, Goodbye all my coh friends and even the enemies, its been a blast I will miss you all. Thank you Paragon team, you gave me a home from home I will always appriciate it.



Mr Maniacal raised a hand to shield his face as the truck plowed its way through the wall, sending debris flying his way.

It distracted him long enough. One of Efranof's blades caught Maniacal's face as the other found its target, burying itself in his neck.
Stumbling ever so slightly, he had no time to think as Momo's arrow punctured his chest, directly on target in his heart.

Grinning a little as the room filled with flames, he gave one last look around at all the people involved. He'd had fun, but he couldn't help thinking they hadn't.

Coughing hard, blood surged from within his lung and escaped as he gripped the arrow, wrenching it from its new home in his torso. He let it drop to the floor with a clatter, following it moments after.

Falling flat on to his back with a sick grin on his face, he stared up into the sky viewable through the hole in the roof. His view was soon obscured, however, by the spread of the flames, covering his body.

Coughing once more, he gently tugged and pulled the blade from his neck. Slowly, coldly, he started laughing. Louder and louder as the flames took hold.

"I...I haven't got long left, party-goers!" he screamed through the horrendous roar of flames.

Forcing himself up, still on fire and bleeding profusely, he rested on his knees, staring down and breathing heavily.

Lifting his head, another sickening grin plastered on his face, he called out.

"But BOY! Did I have fun?!"

The goggles could be heard to smash quietly as he collapsed on to his front, face first.


Bassai, Canadian Kid, Alruna, Kahi

Mistress Rad, Culpeo, Ms. Demeanor, Celsius

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. Let's go to work.



Ef watched Mr Maniacal as he fell backwards, then dived for cover from the incoming flames, but not fast enough, he was set alight, falling to the ground in a lump. Just above the flames he could be heard saying "Oh damn not aga-aaa, aargh!"

He laid there unmoving, the flames covering his whole body, were he normal he would have died, but a few grunts and groans came from him while his flesh burnt away.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Jake just had time to think "I was right to take my jacket off" before the flames hit him. He was pretty much fire-proof, in that he wouldn't actually burn, but he still felt the heat. Ripping off his flaming vest and throwing it to the ground, he then began beating at the flames licking at his pants, trying to put them out before he ended up standing there in his boxers.

This whole damn thing had been crazy. He could see Manical had gone down; it seemed the guy had just been plain nuts, with no kind of plan at all. He just didn't understand these kids today.

With his pants singed but relatively intact, he began thinking that it might be a good idea to get the remaining civilians out of the place, now that the drama was over.

Which was when a truck came crashing into the place.

This was the last straw. Now Jake was really mad. And as it didn't look like he'd get to take it out on the looney toon who had started all this, he figured somebody else should get the benefit. He turned to stare straight at Dr Mechano.

"You got the forcefields, right pal? Tell you what, you get the hostages out safe and I'll forget you set me on fire. Otherwise, you and me go right now."

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



Calm was stuck inside the same sheild as Holly. She flinched as the flames surrounded the forcefield. She could feel the air getting warmer inside the bubble.

Calm moved quickly, she had no idea how long the shield would last. She started to glow a soothing green energy which radiated around her.

"I'm sorry if this hurts!" She spoke to the unconcious Holly. Calm prepared to remove the knife and concentrate all her healing on the fallen Hero.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



He had tried his best to see through the flames and smoke to find anyone that needed help but Fireflash coundn't see a thing. He was about to go and look some more when a fireball from the blast hit him in the chest, he let out a startled scream and was flung down the corridor with the force of the hit. He hit a wall and slipped down it and he sat up proped against the wall breathing heavily, his armour had protected him, however he was sure he had broke a rib or two and would probably have concusion. He moaned painfully and stood up
"This is just getting worse and worse".
He said quietly and he sat back down again as the heat exhaustion hit him. part of a wall was giving him some cover, he was going to have to get out of here but he was not going to leave without knowing all the innocents were out.

The end is just a new beginning, Goodbye all my coh friends and even the enemies, its been a blast I will miss you all. Thank you Paragon team, you gave me a home from home I will always appriciate it.



The whole situation had turned into one big mess, things seemed out of everyone's control, a psychopath was killed outright three times over whether or not it was lawful justice would be up to the courts. And then the insidious Dr. Mechano who first came seemingly determined to help out had turned his weaponry onto the multiple Heroes. The huge Juggernaut crashing into the warehouse done no favours, but thanks to the Portent the risk of the whole place lighting up like Guy Fawkes night was significantly reduced.

It seemed one Hero was already on the brink of death, if not already, the doings of Doctor Mechano's vicious attack upon Pious. Thankfully, though some could say the very opposite, the grey-haired machinist had protected Holly, Calm and the hostages from his own relentless fiery assault.

Holly's eyes filled with tears from the terror she saw through the bubble, the sounds and screams were muffled, the protective bubble seemed to blot out some sound. Calm pulled the knife out in quick motion and as she did Holly's back arched so far over only the back of her head and the heels of her metallic feet touched the floor, if she wasn't still gagged her scream would of been enough to leave a ringing in the ears. Blood poured out of the wound like a river, the knife acted like a plug. Calms intense healing ability quickly stopped the bleeding, though it still wasn't an instant fix the wound healed to a stable condition and with that Holly laid back down with a thud, it wasn't often she got scared and if she did, she'd hide it, but her watery eyes looked terrified as she seen everything outside the bubble but couldn't do a damn thing about it.



Autumnfox had put out the flames on Pious' skin but the burns had engulfed him for too long, charred bone and muscle were exposed in places, incinerated flesh hung loosely by the threads. The man needed urgent medical analysis, but one thing was certain. The soldier was irreversably dead.



Edward looked at the surroundings.

"Enough Elise..."

The flamethrower switched off, instead the white mist of a fire extingisher replaced it, putting out the flames.

"A little demonstration for those that don't know my power...the flames are out, one of your number is fallen and so has the rookie that brought about his own downfall...let it be known that I am merciful and will spare the lives of everyone here..."

He looked over at Pious on the ground, "such a shame...we simply can't have that...after all, what would the lord think of me for killing one of my own..."

He moved over towards Pious and knelt down, placing a hand on Pious's chest his veins and eyes turned dark as he begun pumping his eternal life force into Pious, "get up man...get up..."

The exchanging of ones life force to help heal another was a rare sacrifice now for Edward but he wanted Pious alive.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Calm knelt next to Holly. She continued to heal her, worried at the slow rate which her abilities were affecting the girl. She started to remove Holly's bindings. When she removed the gag, she gently wiped some of Hollys' tears away.

"It will be ok!" She gave Holly a reassuring smile.

"You have no right to call any Hero - one of your own - Mechano." Calm looked at Edward while she continued to heal Holly. "Before you ask, we have never met! You're wanted criminal and I've read your file." She watched Edward as he attempted to heal Pious. She could not understand why a criminal would heal anyone.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Fireflash glared under his helmet as Edward went past, he didn't say anything though. He just shook his head in disbelief and slowly got to his feet

"Ok guys lets get these people out of here! he shouted to the others painfully and coughed a bit and went on, "We better hurry this place could fall on top of us at any second".
He knew he was not in charge or anything but he just wanted to snap people out of their shock. It would hit him later, he knew it, this had not been a good day at all.

The end is just a new beginning, Goodbye all my coh friends and even the enemies, its been a blast I will miss you all. Thank you Paragon team, you gave me a home from home I will always appriciate it.



Holly's wounds seemingly faded into nothing but a scar, the pain was gone, at least physically. When her gag was removed she coughed up blood and bile, spitting aside, but when it seemed like she was done the putrid smell of burning flesh hit her nostrils, she was semi-used to the smell but she still couldn't hold in her stomach...

After wiping her lips with a wrist she pointed weakly at Efranof speaking her first words in what seemed like a long time, "S.. see to him, I.. I'm okay, I'm okay." she said weakly looking to Calm. She shuffled away getting slowly up onto her own two crude metal feet. "We.. need paramedics.. in here." she said looking at the Hostages who received the baseball bat treatment from Mr. Maniacal.



Autumnfox started back as Edward approached, blades of spiritual energy flaring into life from her bracers. "What the hell do you think you're doing? He's already dead, you piece of - "

She fell silent, watching him carefully as he knelt over the dead hero's body. She wasn't sensing danger from him - not imminently, at least. But what was he trying to accomplish...?

She remained in a ready stance, blades extended, watching the kneeling villain. If he tried anything, she would be ready.

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



Justice dropped from the roof beams, landing lightly on the floor , his wings folding back ...he moves slowly towards Dr Mechano ...his hands still blazing with fire...

" you see Edward , truth will out , you are a deathbringer , the focus of destruction ..."

at the last moment he turns and walks over to the fallen Villian , and unleashes the fire from his handds ...a bolt of incandesent flame strikes at the body ....

" and in the end all is ashes and dust..."



Momo simply stood on the spot as she stared at the fallen Maniacal, her hands shaking as her bow disappeared in a burst of flame.

"What... what the hell did I just do?" Momo muttered to herself. Although a bow - potentially lethal if in either the right or the wrong hands - was her weapon of choice, up until this point, she'd made an effort to avoid killing anyone with it, despite whatever chaos could possibly distract her. Yet somehow, she lost that control, and now the result of her own failure to maintain it was in plain view right in front of her.

As she kept her eyes fixed on the corpse in front of her, she was rapidly starting to beleive she fell under the "Wrong Hands" category. And she didn't like it one bit.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




As the fires went out, Ef's charred remains could be seen. Around him lay several blackened daggers and an urn which was slowly rolling away. His blackened remains smoked, no signs of life could be seen or heard, to anyone who checked, he was clinically dead.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Not quiet far enough away....

Tomb skidded to a stop, still laughing to herself in an insane little giggle, she'd ran slipping down alley ways and scaling fences, doubling back on her self several times. She slipped into a building, trainers padding across the greasy floor. One of those open all day, never closing and by the looks of it never washing fast food joints, the employee behind the counter looked down his nose at her, a skinny greasy teenager, Tomb hated him at first sight.

“Shouldn't you be in bed kid?”he asked in a nasal whine

“Just give me twenty nuclear nuggets and a king size milkshake will yah?” Tomb responded, trying not to let her irritation take control....just yet.

As she walked out of the store, she tossed a silver egg like device into the trash. Crossing the road she climbed up the fire escape of an apartment block, by the time she had reached the roof, the store had engulfed in flames, settling her self down she took out her binoculars watching the warehouse and waiting for the boom....

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Jake guessed that putting out the fires, and whatever the hell he was doing to try and heal the pretty thoroughly dead looking guy, was enough to let Mechano off the hook. For now. Truth was, his anger had faded as fast as it had come. This whole affair had been a crazy, stupid waste and he was more than glad to walk away from it. He looked over towards what little remained of Mr Maniacal.

"Only one way to deal with a mad dog."

Which reminded Jake of something else. He walked slowly to Justice Delivered, standing close so he could speak in a soft voice.

"I recognise you from the TV, buddy. You behaved yourself today, so let me give you a friendly warning. You start torching people indiscriminately in my neighbourhood again, and I'll put you down."

With that, he turned to make his way out of the ruined building, looking to find whether his clothes were still in one peace out there. He needed a cigarette. And then a stiff drink.

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



Justice did not respond to Jakes words , he stood unmoving for a full minute then bend down a scooped up a hand full of Mr Maniacal's ashes , and slowly and deliberately eat them , chewing each mouthful.....

“death is only the beginning for some ... “



The red-haired 22 year old finally got her balance, she looked up only to be met by one of the most putrid, sickening sights she'd ever seen. She blinked for a second, was she hallucinating? Was this 'Hero' really -eating- the ashes of a dead man?... "Jesus f***ing Christ, you sick b***ard! You ca--" her disgusted speech was cut short as vomit rushed up her throat, she turned her back to Justice as she emptied what was left of her stomach.

With yet another wipe of her lips she turned and grabbed two hostages, the silent ones that weren't saying anything, as she walked away she glanced as the Hero ate at Mr. Maniacal's ashed remains. "Help me get these damn innocents out of here! Instead of f***ing eating a corpse!?" before a reply could be made she ploughed onward dragged the two hostages, keeping the rest of her opinions to herself.

Holly simply headed toward the Sirens and flashing lights parked outside the warehouse, quite a distance away, but she got there in one piece. Ambulance crews quickly took the two severely injured hostages, one of which was the Nurse that got treat like a piniata, and the male who took a baseball bat straight to his face. The whole ordeal had left Holly physically and emotionally drained, and scarred for that. She collapsed seconds after delivering the hostages, the emergency crews quickly tended to her rushing her and the two innocents into an Ambulance, and with screeching tires to the hospital.



Calm hadn't seen Efranof until Holly pointed him out to her. She saw Holly taking two of the hostages away, the rest hold have to wait for a minute

Calm kept an eye on the hostages as she moved quickly to Ef's side. She held her arms outstretched and attempted to resuscitate Efranof.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Fireflash shook his head and lead a couple of hostages out, he limped past Edward not giving the villain a second thought as he lead the hostages out.

He lead them to a ambulance and collapsed again, he had pushed himself hard today and it was showing, two paramedics helped him up and he nodded his thanks. He got his mediporter activator out, he was sure the heroes left could deal with this, he needed some medical help himself now his chest sure didn't feel good.

He activated the mediporter and slowly faded from view, to exhuasted to carry on fighting, he said down the intercom to the other heroes
"You all, we all did the best we could, don't feel so bad about it, i'm off to hospital, let the clean up crews know, so they dont go looking for anoter body, over and out". As he vanished finally he just hoped those left behind would tidy this all up.


A tiny hovering camera had been watching this whole thing and it moved out of the warehouse and transmitted its recordings.

In the rouge islands in a dark room with a wall filled with a bank of monitors they all turned on showing the recording, and a echoy womans voice said after it was complete, "So it seems Edward wont let heroes die, and is protective of kings row, interesting".
The shadowy figure smiled to herself it seemed two heroes were dead and two wounded, that amused her greatly and fireflash one of her enemies lackys was one of the wounded ones, even better.

With its work done the tiny camera detonated and there was nothing left of it for anyone to tell that this whole event had been watched and studied.

The end is just a new beginning, Goodbye all my coh friends and even the enemies, its been a blast I will miss you all. Thank you Paragon team, you gave me a home from home I will always appriciate it.