Party Time ((Open RP))




Jake Anderson shook his head as he watched the action from across the road. He was especially impressed by the hero crashing through the roof. He assumed it was a hero anyway, it was hard to tell the difference between half of them and the villains these days.

He had been sitting in a bar when the latest madness had come onto the TV screen. And as it was in his neighbourhood, he headed out to see what was going on. He hadn't needed to try and work out where this latest madman was hiding; it was simpler just to wait and see where the white capes congregated. And congregate they had, although on performance so far, these weren't exactly the cities finest. The way things were going, it was all going to end in tears.

But what really annoyed Jake was that these people seemed determined to make a ruckus in his neighbourhood. First that Mechano guy, though Jake wasn't too worried about him. He'd worked with plenty of mad scientist types in the past; most of them would have used that Chronodyne stuff to make an army of minions and try to take over the world. This guy seemed more the sort who viewed the world as his own playground and took joy out of stirring things up purely to see what happened. Which might bring about chaos, but that type generally didn't want to see too much damage done to their toy.

The crazy that had turned up and flamed a whole bunch of people a while back, now he was a different story. Same as this new guy causing the fuss today. Both sick puppies, and there was only one way to deal with a rabid dog.

The trouble was, Jake reflected, that he had been out of the game too long. With most of the heroes he'd fought dead in the Rikti war, there weren't many around who remembered his reputation. He'd made some progress with the local rats; the Skulls knew better than to bother anyone from his building, the Circle mooks slipped back into the shadows when he was around. The building super even said that the Clockwork had stopped trying to steal the air-con units; though he'd had to smash dozens of them before they got the picture.

No, the real trouble was the big guns, coming in from outside the Row. It wasn't where he would have chosen to live, but honest wages didn't buy the kind of luxury he had enjoyed in the old days. And since he'd settled here, for whatever reason, that made it his neighbourhood. And people were going to have to start learning that Iron Anderson liked his neighbourhood to be quiet. Could be people were thinking he'd gone soft since he'd gone straight.

Very soon it was going to be time to put people right about that...

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



Calm flew through the shattered doorway. She moved with the easy confidence of an experianced hero and soon caught up the Momo.

"Hey." She smiled at Momo while keeping pace with her. Calm raised her hand and gentle glow surrounded the other woman (fort). "Need some help?" she asked politely.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



The robots raised their weapons at Pious before Edward raised his hand to stop them firing.

"Father Michael...well...this certainly is are you, long time no see and all that..."

Edward shrugged his shoulders and sighed, "look we're probably both after the same thing and I'm still doing the Lords work so lets just call a truce for now and sort out this nutjob and then we can settle our differences...agreed?"

Edward smiled, "anyway...can't stop and chat too long, Kids, roll out..."

Edward begun following the corridors, his mechanical minions of mayhem following after him.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Mr Maniacal grinned to himself as he slid the baseball bat off of Holly's back, twirling it around in his hands.

"Now, now...whatever were you planning on doing with this."

He took a step back, standing in a mock baseball stance, rocking back and forth.

"Batter up!" His voice bellowed before he took a large swing.

Initially aiming for Holly's arm, before changing direction and striking her metal foot with all his might.
The clang of wood on metal was loud, the reverb leaving Mr Maniacal shaking.

Dragging the bat along the floor, he grabbed Holly's arm with one hand and dragged her over to where the others were sat, leaving her laid face down in front of the bound young couple.

He used Holly as a stepping stone, stepping up and over and sitting back in between the couple, Holly becoming his new foot rest as he sat there, baseball bat laid in his legs, waiting.


Bassai, Canadian Kid, Alruna, Kahi

Mistress Rad, Culpeo, Ms. Demeanor, Celsius

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. Let's go to work.



Calm flew through the shattered doorway. She moved with the easy confidence of an experianced hero and soon caught up the Momo.

"Hey." She smiled at Momo while keeping pace with her. Calm raised her hand and gentle glow surrounded the other woman (fort). "Need some help?" she asked politely.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Thanks," Momo yelled as she pressed on into the warehouse, "I think I'm gonna need all the -decent- help I can get."

Momo then stopped for a moment and cringed her bow lowered but still ready to fire at any moment, "Uh... and where the hell -did- that idiot get to?"

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




"Father Micheal?" said Pious, "why does everyone in this City keep calling me that?" He notices the mad scientist marching off with his machines and speedily chased after him, he eventually reaches the warehouse corridors and skids to a halt in the Doctor's path. "I'm not letting you go anywhere Mechano, except jail. Whether or not you go in bruised and battered, however, is up to you." Pious remained passive to encourage a surrender.



Edward sighed, "look I'm not here for a hero fight right now...I'm here to show some upstart villain that he can't just muscle in on my territory and get away with you'd rather let innocent people die, as that maniac will kill them and you know, to get me into jail or would you rather save innocent lives and have me get away..."

Edward looked to Pious, shaking his head, "can't we settle this AFTER we deal with this nutjob anyway?"

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



A small distance away...

“Are you really going to go through with this Miss Tomb?” the Hellion asked “He hasn't asked for help how are you planning to make the store a must have service, if you go around giving stuff away?”

The girl stifled a laugh

“Plan? I don't plan and neither does that guy down there, don't you find him kinda thrilling? But a prison relation ship would be oh so boring” the little blond haired girl laughed, behind her were several they were marked with the warning signs for explosives, in the shadows could be heard the sound of more barrels being loaded into something, the girl took a packet of cigarettes out of her pocket, lit one and raised it to her lips

“M...Miss Tomb! What are you doing?!?” the hellion almost screamed in alarm

“Don't worry Tony all part of the plan” she grinned at him, before raising a device to her eyes, watching the warehouse “All part of the frigging plan”

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Hitting her leg was painless to her, it wasn't flesh and bone, more like a reinforced container full of cybernetics and a deadly mix of gasoline. Holly tried to get up, but each time the hard boot of Mr Maniacal put her back down to the floor.

She groaned in pain, it was still unsure what damage had been done to her back from the fall, the maniac humiliating her like a footstool wasn't doing any favours either, although still defiant she kept telling herself she had been through worse but this hope was starting to fade. The lunatic was showing no signs of weakness asif he wanted the Heroes to barge in. Her first thoughts were that the room was rigged with explosive.

"Mmpph-you... ppphick.. mmph..uck..ner!" she muffled out into the gag her speech barly able to make out, but the tone it was said in sounded like profanity.



Oh great, he had heard the crash, Fireflash swore to himself, it sounded like someone had certainly made a enterance. He knew there would be traps but now he had to try and do something, he smirked and looked at the roof, well there was a new hole in it and a rafter hanging off it, great, if he aimed this right the rafter would miss the hostages and hit the shadow that seemed to be the nut, though it could jsut be a shadow either way this would distract him from the hostages. He fired a shot at the rafter and his fire ball hit it knocking it away from the hostages and down to the floor. Then he jumped across the doorway into the room the nutjob was in and fired two more blasts before taking cover in the shadows, "Ok boys and girls now the games started". He said to himself.

The end is just a new beginning, Goodbye all my coh friends and even the enemies, its been a blast I will miss you all. Thank you Paragon team, you gave me a home from home I will always appriciate it.



Mr Maniacal sat there, nonchalant and grinning to himself as the rafter fell to the floor with a thundering bang. The hostages muffled cries of protest and fear could be heard, while Maniacal slowly climbed to his feet, using the baseball bat as a prop.

He hummed to himself, gently stepping over Holly and doing a little skip down the line.

"Show's about to begin guys and gals. But none of you seem to be having any fun..."

A frown and mock sad face was plastered over Mr Maniacal's face as he stared at his hostages. His feet came to a halt in front of the businessman, who immediately knew something terrible was about to happen, squirming in his bonds.

"...Batter up!"

The sickening sound of wood impacting bone and flesh made all the hostages wince and scream. The businessman's now limp body fell on to the nurse next to him as she burst into tears.

A frightening grin plastered on his face, Maniacal leant down to the woman, wiping her face with his gloved hand.

"The fun's just beginning, sweety..."

Pushing the now-heavily-bleeding businessman away, he lifted the nurse up by her hair, making sure she was stood up steady. His imposing goggles stared into her eyes before he led her over into the centre of the room, placing her between the door and the other hostages.

Bouncing back over to the hostages, he grabbed the young female of the couple, giving her boyfriend a look and a grin as he let out a muffled scream. Leading her to the same position as the nurse, he placed them shoulder to shoulder, before sticking his head in between theirs and whispering a message.

"Now, don't move. Naughty girls get punished."


Bassai, Canadian Kid, Alruna, Kahi

Mistress Rad, Culpeo, Ms. Demeanor, Celsius

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. Let's go to work.



Fireflash ahd decided to stay low after that, ok the shadow hadn't been the nut, well that was just great. Why didn't these guys ever make it easy? He decided to wait now, he needed backup here, plus he didn't want to hasten anyone else getting hurt, maybe if he stayed quiet for a while the nut would think he had backed away after the violent display. He was part tempted to just march in there and announce himself for a proper fight but he didn't think it was going to be so easy. Trying to end this the fast and easy way hadn't worked so far, something else was going to have to be tried here. He had an idea on how to get them hostages out of the way of the door all he needed was a distraction and some backup too.

The end is just a new beginning, Goodbye all my coh friends and even the enemies, its been a blast I will miss you all. Thank you Paragon team, you gave me a home from home I will always appriciate it.



Calm caught upto the waiting Fireflash, Momo was only a short distance behind her.

"Hey." She whispered to Fireflash before dropping to the floor. She ducked low to the ground as she poked her head around the door into the main warehouse.

She saw the two women stood in the middle of the room and grimaced at the poor business man. She crept back and turned to Fireflash and Momo.

"Any idea's or are we storming the castle?" She asked quietly. "We can't stand here for long or those women will die."

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Fireflash nodded a greeting, "Well, I have some needles of sleeping stuff, we can get those two out of the way and unconsious in a few seconds tops, it wont hurt them, I am more worried about booby traps, I did think about charging in, I think we may have to, oh and I don't know if you know but we have a hero down in there, with three of us though we should be able to watch each others step's, so i'm ready when you are, way I see it, if we get in there, we may save some of them, if we don't he will kill them all eventually". He checked his armour and pulled the needles out of his belt. He didn't like using this on innocents but they were better off sleeping in this mess that was for sure.

The end is just a new beginning, Goodbye all my coh friends and even the enemies, its been a blast I will miss you all. Thank you Paragon team, you gave me a home from home I will always appriciate it.



Calm started radiating a soothing aura.

"Fine, I'll try to keep Maniacal occupied." Calm rolled her shoulders and stood ready to precede the others.

((I have to go to work now, but when Calm goes into the main warehouse she will be shooting Tenebrous Tentacles followed by Nightfall at Mr Maniacal.))

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



The sickening thud of wood hitting someones face made Holly gag, she turned away closing her eyes. Still she was helpless and in pain, but not in as much pain as the poor guy who was on the recieving end of her own weapon.

Holly was starting to get scared now, this guy wasn't just making threats, he was carrying them out without remorse.

The setup of the two young ladies and Maniacal's position gave her the distraction to get to her feet, but due to her clunky large metal feet the essence of stealth was kind of useless, she managed to get to her feet but all the hostages turned toward her no doubt alerting the mad-man, with her hands still bound aswell as her legs she used the last remaining weapon - she aimed a headbutt at the left side of Maniacal's temple, if she did hit it woulden't be enough to knockout, but the distraction could proove useful.



"Mechano, this is a rescue team of eight heroes, I think we can handle one maniac without you and your madness complicating everything. You're responsible for two attacks on this City and you really think I'd let you walk away after showing yourself in public. You might as well have walked into a Police Station when you flew here. By the power invested in me, I'm placing you under citizen's arrest until the proper authorities can detain you. Stay right here and do not make a move, understand?" Pious screamed.

He turned around and sent a telepathic message to his fellow heroes "Do not be alarmed, the voice you're hearing is a friendly telepathic message. My name is Pious Hunter, ex-supersoldier and licensed Paragon City hero. I need to emphasis the importance of our mission here. There are six defenceless people held hostage by one man and a company of hellion thugs. He has been identified as a Mr Maniacal, super-powered, armed and highly dangerous bordering insanity. Now I have a plan to get the hostages to safety so listen attentively. Efranof, Jake Anderson, Momo Serizawa, Justice Deliveress, Holly Steel, Captain Fireflash and Calm. Respond 'yes' in a loud thought if you have received this message and agree to team up with me."



Edward shook his head, "sorry but not today..."

He waved his hand, the bots opened fire...

...on the nearby wall, Ed wasn't one for subtle entrances and he was going to continue the trend for blowing a hole in things to get past them, "sorry Michael or whoever you are but this guy is MY business, he comes in here, copying my style and I simply can't have that..."

Edward pressed a button his new arm, raising his own personal force field, tougher than most but it interefered with the electronic neuro-transmitter use to hook himself into the family directly, hampering his ability to command them properly, "this guy think's he's dangerous, he ain't seen nothing yet..."

"heroes...too much talk for my liking..."

Edward stepped through the mess of the wall that had been made, flanked by his Robot family it was quite clear Edward was not in his heroic mode, he was here to show that not just heroes had vested interests in this little show.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



"Momo, Calm and Captain Fireflash" Pious called down the corridors. "A hero called Holly Steel has been taken hostage, keep an eye on her, she may be able to help us. Take every advantage you can to get in there and pull out the hostages, thier safety is our number one priority! I'm not sure Jake Anderson is here yet, but until he arrives, its up to you two Efranof and Justice Deliveress to take down Mr Maniacal and the surrounding hellions. Mechano will be my responsibility." Pious chased Mechano again and began assaulting his machines.



Mr Maniacal turned at the last second, hearing Holly's clunking feet too late.

Her forehead smashed against his nose and goggles, sending him staggering back.

However, a grin immediately spread across his face, and using the momentum, he staggered and span, delivering a strong backfist spin, baseball bat in hand.


Bassai, Canadian Kid, Alruna, Kahi

Mistress Rad, Culpeo, Ms. Demeanor, Celsius

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. Let's go to work.



Ef aimed his shot well, firing at Mr Maniacal's right leg, his abilities keeping the psychic callout out of his head. He then fell backwards, disappearing into the beam, reappearing next to the hostages on the floor as a fine smokey cloud, one hand going out to grab the injured hostage to get him out of the warehouse.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Seconds before Ef's aimed shot

Pious' telepathic ability was a little too late, Hollys mind was so concentrated on what she was doing she could hardly hear herself think yet alone and outside voice.

She only had time to frown as her attack was grinned at, the bat suddenly smashed against the side of her face powerful enough to even lift her off the floor, her limp body crashing back down to the unforgiving concrete, she was out cold, and her face didn't look it's best either. Not even a whelp or scream was heard, the ducttape around her mouth seemed to muffle that out.

No mind signals came from her, to Pious it would seem like she had just disappeared from the radar.



The grin on his face disappeared as the bullet tore through his right leg, causing his footing to waver.

Immediately, his demeanour changed. Once his right leg was again steady, albeit bleeding, the baseball bat swung with force against the back of the nurse's head, sending her flying like a macarbe Piñata doll towards the door.

As she crashed down to the floor, he grasped the neck of the young female, dagger pressed to her throat, turning to the hostages and their new accomplice.


Bassai, Canadian Kid, Alruna, Kahi

Mistress Rad, Culpeo, Ms. Demeanor, Celsius

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. Let's go to work.



Ef stared at Mr Maniacal, his eyes fully black, "Geeze, touchy, ain' ya? Put the knife down." he glanced at the nurse, ruffling his brow, "I know you prolly' ain' the kinda guy who accepts deals, but how about this one. Take me instead of the girl, leave her alive an' healthy and do what ya want wi' me. Heck, take me wi' you when you cunningly escape, I don' care."

Ef looked at the Nurse, grumbling under his breath.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Mr Maniacal stretched his head around his female hostage, staring at Ef from behind his goggles, grinning ever so slightly.

With hostage at knifepoint, he stepped forward with a limp towards the shadowy figure. Drawing the knife back, he gently cut free the binds holding the girl's hands. He produced a roll of duct tape from his jacket and handed it to her gently, pointing with the knife at Ef.

"Tape him up, sweety. Good and tight...use the whole roll, why not. Then run."

Leaning down, he cut the binds holding the girl's legs and stepped back towards where Holly Steel was still laid out cold. Quickly bending down, he grasped her arm tight and hauled her up, holding the dagger to her unconcious face and making a small cut.

"And no funny tricks, Mr Shadow Man...I don't wanna harm this pretty face if I can help it."


Bassai, Canadian Kid, Alruna, Kahi

Mistress Rad, Culpeo, Ms. Demeanor, Celsius

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. Let's go to work.