Party Time ((Open RP))




Ef started to go into the fetal position, his muscles regaining their form and his skin slowly patched itself up. He opened his eyes and look at Calm, then quickly covered himself up, his clothes reduced to scraps from the flames. Taking a few deep breaths, then coughing up a little blood, he grumbled, "Stiluhminterhmphjuries..."

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Calm took off her cape and draped it over the reforming Ef. She gave him another boost of healing energy.

"You ok?" Calm asked Ef as she headed over to the hostages to unbind them and help get them out.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



He continued to grumble to himself, "Thanks for the help." Ef closed his eyes, his body disappeared into a black mist, reappearing stood up fully clothed. He picked up his weapons and put them up his sleeves and down his top, then chased after the urn, quickly putting it away.

He joined Calm with helping the hostages, passing her cape back.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Mechano's spiritual awakening failed for some unknown reason. What remained of the psychic hero could only be re-animated as zombie. However, it would appear his heroic efforts had not gone in vein. Though he had failed to reach the heroes telepathically, though he had failed to detain the recklessly dangerous Dr. Mechano, the hostages were now safe and the maniac was neutralized. A hero had fallen but the day had been saved.



Justice turned slowly and seem to peer unknowingly at Holly , them he looked across at the hostages.” I can not claim them ..”

Wiping the ash from his mouth and hands , Justice surveyed the warehouse , seemingly seeking something ......and he spotted it , laying in the pool of Holly's blood ..Maniacal's knife.

Suddenly moving inhumanly fast he moved, bent and picked up the knife...turning over the blade in his hands he hunched over as if to seek the smallest detail ...he wiped the blood from is ..and then plunged the blade into his left hand ...his face remained passive despite the clear wound ...

Casually he let the knife drop back to the warehouse floor , his interest now focus on the wounded hand .....

“ Red , blood , life sweet bitter to see it lost .....”

his wings spanned open and with a whoosh soars up to the hole in the warehouse roof ...



Calm watched Justice disappear through the hole Holly had made with her fall. She slowly turned and observed the destruction around her. Her heart felt heavy at the events that had unfolded here today.

The hostages were all exiting now with Ef watching over them. She moved over to where Mechano was still stood over Pious. She took a chance, wether intentional or not he had sheilded her from the fire.

"We all have to live with our choices." She knelt down and closed Pious's eyes. From her kneeling position she looked up at Mechano. "You had better leave, I will make sure he is taken care of."

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Autumnfox stared at Calm in disbelief. "You're not serious? He murdered this man - he said it himself - and you want to just let him go?" She shook her head. "Help me bring him in. I don't want any more violence, but he is not walking away from this."

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



Calm closed her eyes and bowed her head. She wanted this day to be over. So much had already been lost. Something inside her was telling her to walk away, that no-one would care. But Autumnfox's words sank in and she realised at least one person would care, one person was enough.

Calm stood up and backed away from Mechano. She stood ready next to Autumnfox.

"Will you stand down and allow us to return you to custody?" Calm asked Ed in a smooth voice that hid her feelings.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Justice halted his departure , hovering in the hole , the voice of Calm seemed to draw his attention ...

Perchance there was more blood to see this day ....



Edward stood up, confused, something or someone was stopping the hero from being able to be brought back from the dead, interesting.

"Look my dears...I have no wish for a fight, the villain that has moved in on my turf has been dealt really wish to engage me in combat..."

The two smaller bots rejoined the group, the full compliment of six robots now stood behind him.

"Just say when dad..."

Edward raised a hand, "stand down's a shame that hero in the orange and black with sword isn't here...she is the only one that worries two don't seem to have any experienced beyond the Circle of Thorns when dealing with demons..."

Nether-energy wrapped around his arms, anyone who had delt with Ghost Widow would know the very familiar look of her Soul Storm, hurling it out to Autumnfox.

"I'm afraid I will have to detain you two for a while as I make my exit..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Justice's powerful voice called out across the warehouse ...

“ fight not Edward my dearest ladies, for it will bring you only woe , he is accursed , he is the sinner eternal , and his downward spiral will drag you in to the sphere of his doom ....”

pausing for effect , Justice continued ..

“ and what brought you here today Edward .. pride and arrogance ..and what have you archived ..another death ..” Justice points to Pious's broken body ....” how many is that Doctor , do you still keep count....and look what you have created in the hearts of these heroic women ...hate , pure hate , can you not taste it Mechano , is it not a sweet liquor to your lips ...does it not feed your darkness ..”

turning to face Autumnfox and Calm , his voice raising in pitch ....” flee , flee , there is no victory to be had here , the demon rides the flesh now ......”

remaining , hovering , in the hole the roof Justice started to mumble once more .....



Calm ignored Justice's words which ate at her own self doubt. She turned and pushed Autumnfox out of Ed's shot. Stepping forward she tapped into the netherworld and surrounded herself in dark energy.

"Looks can be deceptive." Calm raised her arms and threw dark energy toward Ed. Dark tendrils erupting from the floor and attempting to hold onto Ed and his family.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Given momentum by Calm's push, Autumnfox ducked out of the way of the oncoming torrent of dark energy, still feeling a chill run through her as the nightmarish attack screamed past. She regained her feet with uncanny grace and lashed out with her right arm, sending a focussed pulse of energy from her bracer toward the largest of the robots behind Edward.

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



Seeing the ladies ignore his words , Justice swept into action , fireballs and bolt started to rain down on Mechano's robot legion ..the warehouse filling with flames and heat ....(( note nothing is aimed at Edward ))

“ poor mindless mechanoids .. and still you enslave them Edward , made to serve your evil designs , is there no end to your perversions Mechano ...”



Some distance away....

“Where's the [censored] boom?” Tomb muttered angrily, staring hatefully through her binoculars.

Below her firefighters were battling with the blazing fast food joint.

“Guess some one put out the flames then....I'll use this instead” reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a black remote control, clicking it towards the warehouse

Truck inside the warehouse....

Ten super cooled barrels shattered like metal eggs as tortured meta-human flesh stretched and pushed, rising from the barrels ten horrific zombie soldiers. There flesh a twisted patchwork of roughly grafted together meta-human corpses, their lower arms replaced with weapons each had a heavy machine gun for their left arm, and a recoil less rifle for their right. Toxic radioactive blood surged through their bodies as they rushed from the over turned Juggernaut, they saw the heroes and opened fire spraying the room with random bursts off machine gun fire as slowly they began to target with their rifles...

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



((Woah, this is getting a bit... o_O))

Right before Calm confronts Ed...

Momo slowly started to hate herself as she continued to get some distance from the warehouse, having shuffled away quietly, not really caring if anyone had seen her leave. She needed to get away from there and that's exactly what she did. To hell with anyone who had a problem, in her opinion.

"I need to get out of this stupid city..." she thought to herself as she kept her attention on her own shaking hands rather than the path ahead. Going back to Fukuoka right now seemed a better idea than staying here.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Transmission source detected. Triangulating...

The Portent backed away as the barrels inside the crashed truck began to crack open, hideous mockeries of people beginning to claw their way free. He slung his empty trajector back over his shoulder and reached into his pocket, drawing out a small metal cannister that he threw into the midst of the monstrous creatures. It burst into a shower of razor-sharp caltrops. He charged his pulsar gauntlets, ready to fire.

Triangulation complete. Transmitting.


Wavekite was circling toward the burning wreckage of the diner when a locator flashed up on her data device. "Gotcha now," she muttered, turning in the air to swoop down toward the indicated point, bow in hand.

((Up to Cactus whether the right location was pinpointed))

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



((OOC: Sure pinpointed correctly))

Some distance away....

The little girl tossed her remote control over the side, grinning as the flames eating away at the fast food joint rose higher, her blond hair and yellow overcoat dyed a deep orange by the flickering flames. Suddenly she laughed a delighted giggle that caused tears of mirth to roll down her face...

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



The Robots were blasted apart.

Edwards turned to see the robotic zombie soldiers and smirked, "alright...welcome to my party..."

Edward grinned and began to run into the middle of the zombie soldiers, "shame...I liked this new arm...still I can get me another..."

Steam vented from his arm, electricity arc from it, the display showing a bright red countdown, "I suggest you run heroes..."

Edward pressed a few more buttons on the arm, raising an oroborous portal before wrenching it from the socket, "ladies first and I suggest you hurry...though you will have no durastiction in the palace of the Menders...out of your time and out of your place..."


Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Edward's artificial arm began to emit steam and arcs of electricity, and a bright countdown appeared on its display. The Autumnfox tensed, concentrating everything she had on one burst of action.


Asuka turned to Calm. "Get out of here. Now. Any way you can."


She sprang forward, blades of energy shining with vengeful power. Ignoring the cyborg zombies, she closed with Edward as fast as her legs would carry her, already planning her attack.


She lashed out with the blade on her right arm, aiming a blow with all her momentum behind it at the villain's nearest knee. Told you you weren't walking away from this, you son of a -



Wavekite checked her speed as her quarry came into view: a girl crying, or... laughing? at the burning wreckage across the street. She re-opened her comm channel. "Portent? There must be some mistake here. It's just a kid..."

"Somewhat busy here. Use your judgement."

Jennifer hovered closer, lowering her weapon. The Portent's scan must have been wrong; there was no way this little girl had done so much damage.

"Hey, kid," she called out. "What're you doing out here? It's dangerous, you should be inside..."

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



Calm watched the Chaos erupt around her. A hero dead, others injured and now Zombies and an exploding arm! It took a moment for Autumnfox's words to sink in.

Then with a nod she raised a hand toward Autumnfox, boosting her strength (fortitude). Calm then ran through Ed's offered portal.

The peace of the menders home was in stark contrast to warehouse she had just left. Calm sat down on the closest set of steps. Wrapped her arms around her knees and burst into tears.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Justice spun sharply at the Doctors words , his head swept from side to side , as if the cloth covered eyes where scanning the whole warehouse ...

..his wings unfurled and beat down with a thrust of speed , moving like a hawk he crossed the warehouse floor and landed at Pious's body ....

...Justice's constant muttering flowed seamlessly into a incantation ... a vast white light surrounded him as he picked up the slain heroes body... and both are teleported ....



His shields were down, the blade sliced cleanly into his leg, thick black blood oozed from the wound as Ed crumpled to the floor, "Damn it..."

He crawled towards the portal, reaching it just in time before the arm detonated with a large explosion...

Appearing in the Menders Oroborous palace he clutched his wounded leg and looked up at the heroes around him, "I hope you're happy now..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Barely waiting to see what effect her strike would have, Asuka dived for the still-open portal. She rolled as she landed on the hard stone of the Ouroboros citadel, landing on her feet... then staggered and fell to her knees as the last of her strength left her. She threw back her hood and pulled off her mask, drawing in the mercifully-fresh air in deep breaths. Wiping tears of frustration and grief from her eyes, she climbed unsteadily to her feet and turned as Edward spoke.

"Are you happy? Are you glad that you showed your face in there?" She clutched her forehead. "Just... get out of here. Now."

She walked away from him to where Calm was sitting on the citadel steps, in tears, and sat down beside her.

"I'm really sorry I put you through that," she said quietly. "You understand why we couldn't just... let it go."

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



Calm looked up at Autumnfox. Calm's eyes were red ringed and glassey with unshed tears.

"I understand why you couldn't let it go." Calm took a deep breath to steady herself. She stood up and released her grip on the netherworld. The black smokey tendrils that surrounded her disappeared. "I also know not everything is black and white."

She walked slowly to where Ed was still holding his injured leg. She held out a hand and a familiar soothing green glow appeared.

"I am a healer before anything else. I just wanted all the pain and fighting to stop." She knelt down and took a closer look at Ed's leg. She looked back at Autumnfox "I hope you can understand that."

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red