NCE Community team visits NCNC

Arctic Man



I find Jay funny, also he hates furrys so is naturally good people.

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Thus negating your OH GOD I'M OFFENDED issue with BAB.

Be offended by all of them, or don't take any seriously. It's only fair.



I find Jay funny, also he hates furrys so is naturally good people.

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Thus negating your OH GOD I'M OFFENDED issue with BAB.

Be offended by all of them, or don't take any seriously. It's only fair.

[/ QUOTE ]

No because Jay is funny, BAB comes across as rude, rudeness I can do without, funniness is okay.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.




No because Jay is funny, BAB comes across as rude, rudeness I can do without, funniness is okay.

[/ QUOTE ]

Unless it's directed at someone who isn't you, obviously. Really CB, that's a sloppy viewpoint to take when lambasting someone for being rude.



I don't find Jay remotely funny, but I'm prepared to humour him because he designs good costumes, and because you are more likely to influence someone if you laugh at thier jokes, however unfunny they are.

Humour is entirely subjective. You cannot say something is "not funny" without being a complete moron. All you can say is "I don't find it funny". BAB, I find mildly amusing, but since he doesn't post here, CatusBrawler gets his wish.

I really should do something about this signature.



I like BaBs posts. He's pretty honest and detailed as to what goes on behind the scenes in terms of how animations work and why they can or can't do something.

Jay scares me though. He's nuts!



I don't find Jay remotely funny, but I'm prepared to humour him because he designs good costumes, and because you are more likely to influence someone if you laugh at thier jokes, however unfunny they are.

Humour is entirely subjective. You cannot say something is "not funny" without being a complete moron. All you can say is "I don't find it funny". BAB, I find mildly amusing, but since he doesn't post here, CatusBrawler gets his wish.

[/ QUOTE ]

Huzzah that's one task down.

Now on to renewable energy sources.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.




f I was an NCNC dev, and I thought I had reason to believe I'd be met with hostility, I wouldn't visit here either. I'd suggest that in at least two cases (BAB and Jay) that's a reasonable belief to hold, and that's going to flow through to the rest of the dev team. It's that simple.

[/ QUOTE ]BaB is pretty open about using the ignore function on the US boards, I don't see why he couldn't do the same here.

That is, assuming people are allowed to throw personal insults, which the forum moderators should be preventing, right?



Agreed, however as a Dev/GM Its a fine line to tread, you can't be giving preferential treatment to some, get over-friendly or (in my opinion) take things to heart too much.
Yes BaB and the rest of the Devs are not obliged to post over here if they do not want to, but if I were them and I wanted my product to evolve and last (as all Devs want their MMO to) - I certainly would!.

In the cold harsh light at the end of the tunnel its ShowBusiness not ShowFriends, Put simply - If you don't show good customer relations with the consumers you wish to remain subscribed month after month then you cannot expect your product to really take off in the way it could nor take for granted there be the demand for it in the EU.

I'd expect Vitroil to be covered by the forum rules anyway and the Dev.Redname be less likely to address that person in the future, but you cannot blame the whole community for the actions of a stupid few, like I said you cannot take it to heart, NCNC is selling us an MMO (albeit through NCsoft Europe) that they want us to subscribe to!.... that by its very definition you'd think there would be more contact.
Lack of time is I doubt an Issue either, I've seen Red-names drop in for a forum chat stateside and talk/comment on the most obscure/innane topics, so its not all

I hope we see a lot more Dev.interaction over here in the future, It would be really nice to see some of our questions answered, and as a subscriber would make me feel I am valued as both part of the CoH/V community and a subscriber for the future of this MMO.



BAB knows the people on the US boards. here, the names mean nothing to him, so it gives the impression the comments are coming from everyone.

I really should do something about this signature.




Though honesty compels me to note that if they were to post here more frequently, there is less likely to be a negative slant on our opinions of them, as it would give us more opportunity to get to know their posting styles, rather than being the faceless entities that they are right now to many of us (except the few here who spend some of their time on the US forums, too).

[/ QUOTE ]This is very true. While actually insulting devs obviously shouldn't happen, I do think people have some right to be annoyed by the fact that we do receive less dev attention (disproportionately to the player amounts), even though we actually pay higher subs (no, we don't technically pay for dev comments, but that doesn't really make any difference in practice).



I've seen Red-names drop in for a forum chat stateside and talk/comment on the most obscure/innane topics

[/ QUOTE ]

Which if they tried to do here they would get slagged off for time wasting.

I really should do something about this signature.




Even when BAB wasn't here he has been viciously attacked over his jokes by humourless (and fartherless) people on these boards.

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American sarcasm should never be used. It just ain't funny and comes across as rude to the people who are essentially paying you.

[/ QUOTE ]You don't like it, you're free to use the ignore function on him just as any other poster.

Some of us think differently than you, however.



I don't find Jay remotely funny, but I'm prepared to humour him because he designs good costumes, and because you are more likely to influence someone if you laugh at thier jokes, however unfunny they are.

[/ QUOTE ]

Laughs out load at Praf
What cold logic!, you really are a cyborg aren't you!



I do think people have some right to be annoyed by the fact that we do receive less dev attention

[/ QUOTE ]

If you want someone to do something you are more likely to influence them by being nice to them.

I really should do something about this signature.



I'd just like to point out that BaBs DOES answer private messages still.

[/ QUOTE ]On the EU forums? I've not actually tried PM'ing BaB here, although I did try Castle or Posi once and they weren't accepting messages.



I've exchanged PMs with Lighthouse.

I really should do something about this signature.



I've seen Red-names drop in for a forum chat stateside and talk/comment on the most obscure/innane topics

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Which if they tried to do here they would get slagged off for time wasting by Morons.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fixed for you.




Bit odd when the devs are trolling their own boards though.

[/ QUOTE ]As long as they're trolling well, it's far better than a lot of the other posters we have here.



Yup on the EU forums, like I said I PM'd him with regards the halloween style costumes being able to use any of the player available powers or whether they are restricted in some way (was for a suggestion about them so wanted to know just incase) and it took him a day or so but he did reply.

The fact that it took him a day is neither here nor there since he's pretty dang busy with Issue 13 but he did reply.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I find Jay funny, also he hates furrys so is naturally good people.

[/ QUOTE ]See, I find that somewhat offensive (I don't self-label as a furry, but I do get called that occasionally), but I'm not going to say you should stop posting because of it.



A day? that's faster than the GMs!

I really should do something about this signature.



My Wishlist regarding Dev contact, by Shad

I wish the devs spoke to us more
It really would be great
But sometimes things just don't work out
I think that might be fate.

When BaB droped by he didn't like
The moaning that he saw
And now he might not e'er come back
Afraid he'll get some more

We really wish the devs would see
We're not that bad, all told
If they would pop up now and then
They'd be welcome in our fold

So BaB and Jay, Castle, too
War Witch and Positron
Give us in Europe a little love
You know you want to, come on.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



BAB knows the people on the US boards. here, the names mean nothing to him, so it gives the impression the comments are coming from everyone.

[/ QUOTE ]Which isn't exactly going to change unless he posts here more than once in a year.

I do think people have some right to be annoyed by the fact that we do receive less dev attention

[/ QUOTE ]

If you want someone to do something you are more likely to influence them by being nice to them.

[/ QUOTE ]Obviously, but they should understand that some people will be annoyed due to how we've been (or rather, haven't been) treated in the past, until they see that things might actually change.

I've exchanged PMs with Lighthouse.

[/ QUOTE ]On the US boards? I wasn't aware they had an EU account.



No because Jay is funny, BAB comes across as rude, rudeness I can do without, funniness is okay.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your opinion != fact.

Personally, I find totally the opposite. Jays's about as funny as trapping your privates in a wood chipper, BaB cracks me up.

And if you can do without rudeness, why do you employ it so much?


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



*Applauds Shadowe*

1 humble suggestion here that this thread be forwarded to the NCNC team, we really do wish to hear more from them.
Please Uncle GhostRaptor.