State of the game and ideas.




Hello ppl (players, moderators,devs), im a 12month vet soon to be 15month and would like to post, making a retrospective of my vet time and also talk about what i think is the game's current state, being the following my personal opinion.

I have seen 3 Issues (10,11,12) since i joined CoH, wich were good additions to the game, some better than others, bringing us 35+ coop. zone and content, weapon customization, ouroboros, power proliferation, VEATs, Cimerora and other improvements.
I sumarize this as I10 being a great addition on content, I11 being a good game inovation issue and I12 being a bit of both but weak on content and customization.
One of the important additions to the game was the weapon customization, it has remained with what was launched previously, i think that a major improvement like that should permanently get new stuff to complement it to give new weapon choices to players.
Ouroboros was great although all those badges were in excess. Increasing a new character's badge collection means having to do ouroboros all over again.
I find that this wouldnt be a problem if at least the 35-39 and 40-45 range arcs were a bit smaller like some but that can only change if new content in that range is added in the future so that getting the badges as well as new badges wont make it a worry or a bore.

The pacing of issues lately has reminded me that we used to have each issue in 4 months and that was brought to us until the end of 2007 that way. I12 in 2008 came within 6 months after last issue. I also understand that the more issues come out probably means more waiting as new stuff is implemented to enhance what was previously done but from what i saw it lacked content and customization and still took that amount of time.
With cimerora i was hoping that the new zone was a low level zone with new arcs in the range of 10-20 since we already had a 35+ zone with coop. and lots of content. Having to wait till 35 to get into the new zone is a bit frustrating seeing that players start characters and have to play the same old missions in the same old maps before getting there.
A new zone for low lvl characters would be great.

Moving on, security ingame was buffed up lately and players stopped receiving annoying spammer emails like I did and that is to be praised, so thankyou for making the game safer and more enjoyable.

Having said that, id like to leave my contribute.Some ideas came to mind that id like to share and see in the future.
-Having the costume editor to allow total combination of all pieces you want even if that means ending up with the wackiest toon, and include forms that arent just human/humanoid.
-To enhance the powers without restriction on amount of percentage.
-Zone events in zones that arent used much by players.
-Changing the way you travel in shadow shard and put in new mobs.
-To have new travel powers and to get them earlier instead of having to walk/run.
-To have a badge for bringing down a rikti drop ship .
-To have invasion event randomly spawn in the city instead of waiting months to get accolade.

To finish let me say that a new hero based mmorpg is rising to the challenge as most know, im thinking of the impact it can lay on CoX, comes a time to implement new things that can make CoX distinct from others, i think that first of all a stability in expansions is required to bring what ppl are always expecting in each issue, new powers, new content, more customization and when possible new zones that can astonish players and then inovate the game presenting players with new ways of playing the game, to give the players more choices making each character as unique as possible and fun to play.

I enjoy playing the game, hope that the devs keep up the good work.
To all, thankyou for your patience reading this, and feel free to comment or add any idea that can help, nuff said.



To my mind the most important long term goal is diversifying combat / missions types etc.

Feasible Ideas maybe:

1. Toxic Environments (to players and toons) e.g. flames, noxious gasses, liquid nitrogen spills, falling rocks. Doing either damage or debuff

This allows more tactics in terms of positioning yourself and the enemy.

2. Limited destructability

Smash the Generator, and Lights go out in the base (-acc and percep buff to all)

Shoot the Fuel Barrel, and explosion occurs (KB and damage, and an area of ignited fire)

Freeze the burning fuel, and it becomes stable.

Warm up the frozen Robot to start it frenziedly attacking all and sunder. Hack the glowy in the midst of combat to control it.

Smash the door to the Regenerator booster to get a buff. DO you smash the door or fight off the waves of security guards attracted to the noise? you choose!


2. New Mission types

Save innocents from the burning building / toxic gas leak at chemical plant / raiding villain / forest fire.

3. Additional Combat Twists / AI

Move away from "herd and AoE" combat. Enemies move, react, etc.

Smash damage from getting KB'd into a wall. Maybe even small chance of stunning

Get infamy from a succcessful em/ monologue if you are a villain

AVs challanege by summoning reinforcements, activating pop up turrets, retreating into a secret den, Activating the magic golem, or Morphing into different shapes. Not just being a sack of hit points and a big punch.

These are all ideas, but I think the thing that would be the most worthwhile addition is more of 1. and 2. (which kind of lead on from one another) This opens up a whole world of possibilities, tactics, and gameplay. Ultimately, I think unless the game progresses to this it will slowly wither.



all those badges were in excess

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Does not compute

A new zone for low lvl characters would be great.

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We'll get that when Boomtown gets a makeover.

To have invasion event randomly spawn in the city instead of waiting months to get accolade.

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If you complete the RWZ Task Force, that will spawn an invasion in a random zone - although that can be in a CoV zone too.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



To have invasion event randomly spawn in the city instead of waiting months to get accolade.

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If you complete the RWZ Task Force, that will spawn an invasion in a random zone - although that can be in a CoV zone too.

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Unfortunately while I've been on, barely anyone's been doing the buggering TF up until recently and even then it's seems to have been on a weekend and the resulting raid ends up being on the wrong side.

And no, I still can't do the TF myself yet.

Point: tying Rikti raids to the completion of a high-level TF that most have probably ditched now in favour of the ITF wasn't quite the best idea.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




And that proves what? That's one raid/LGTF completion. ONE. And at just before 3 in the morning as well, so it doesn't even matter what server it's on by this point.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




And that proves what? That's one raid/LGTF completion. ONE. And at just before 3 in the morning as well, so it doesn't even matter what server it's on by this point.

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just have to say i see it getting compelted quite often on union remembered a good few atleast a half dozen in the past couple of days so it dose pay off eentuly

There isnt a problem on earth that cant be solved with the proper aplication of hi explosive's

Darklords of the Underworld/Lords of Light forums [url=""][/url]
Scotlands Bru ill/emp troller lvl 50
Monster Bru SS/stone brute lvl 50
Carman thugs/dark mm lvl 50



just have to say i see it getting compelted quite often on union remembered a good few atleast a half dozen in the past couple of days so it dose pay off eentuly

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You're responding to someone who's about as fussed about that accolade as roadkill. I take part in those Rikti raids because I find them fun.

And the past few days for me, I've either logged in to find one blueside raid in progress (obviously not finding out until it was over) then nothing more, or found my "ALERT" tab full of several "Rikti attacking Redside" messages and only one Blueside one. Which can't be reached if your in the middle of a mish. And I've been on for several hours all of those days too.

Wouldn't that annoy you?

(Trying to get your point across after midnight: not a good idea)

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Well i cant wait for this to be implemented,

create missions and story arcs for your characters and others to participate in. You’ll be able to pick the map, villain group, and objectives, as well as write the dialogue and any clues needed for the missions. When you are satisfied with it, you can upload it and have other players across all servers play it and rate it. Fame will come to the players whose stories rate the best overall.



Let me start off by saying great first post!

I can agree that I-12 was low on content and thart was no surprise, the devs stated that several times before its launch. I-12 was more of a gameplay improvement issue, new powersets (VEATs and power proliferation), improved usability (chat enhancements, contact list improvements, real numbers etc) and they still got the (imo) best TF yet in the issue.


Having said that, id like to leave my contribute.Some ideas came to mind that id like to share and see in the future.
-Having the costume editor to allow total combination of all pieces you want even if that means ending up with the wackiest toon, and include forms that arent just human/humanoid.

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If they can find a way to make non-humanoids that's great. If not, I won't be disappointed.

-To enhance the powers without restriction on amount of percentage.

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We had this for the first (5?) issues. Basically, "everyone" slotted their attacks 1ACC/5DMG, using 6-slotted Stamina for end and 6-slotted Hasten for recharge. The devs introduced Enhancement Diversification (ED) which gave the now present diminishing returns on "overslotting" the same enhancements. It also meant they could introduce the Invention enhancements, which would have been overpowered without ED.

-Zone events in zones that arent used much by players.

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More events is never a bad thing

-Changing the way you travel in shadow shard and put in new mobs.

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I really like the current way of travelling in the Shadow Shards. It's different and forces you to think a little. Once you get used to it it really isn't that hard to do, you can still get around anywhere with SS/SJ, often faster than players with Fly. As for new mobs, sure, why not? I don't think it really needs it, at least not until it's revamped, but can't hurt if they can fit the Shadow Shard theme.

-To have new travel powers and to get them earlier instead of having to walk/run.

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Any suggestions for travel powers? The ones I usually see are vehicles and swinging (spidermans webs/batmans grapplehooks) and they are really difficult to get in the game. And level 14 isn't really that hard to reach, it's a reasonable level to get travel powers imo. There's always the Safeguard/Mayhem temp travel powers at lvl 5/10 if you really can't wait to lvl 14, and those will easily last you long enough to get a real travel power

-To have invasion event randomly spawn in the city instead of waiting months to get accolade.

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As others have mentioned, there is the raid after a LGTF finishes. What I'd like to see is a raid starting, say 20-30 minutes after U'kon Grai is killed as well (the AV/GM/whatever he is in the mothership raid)

Icelock - Ice/Storm Controller
Command Bot 1 - Bot/Traps MM



The pacing of issues lately has reminded me that we used to have each issue in 4 months and that was brought to us until the end of 2007 that way. I12 in 2008 came within 6 months after last issue. I also understand that the more issues come out probably means more waiting as new stuff is implemented to enhance what was previously done but from what i saw it lacked content and customization and still took that amount of time.

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I don't recall seeing a dev post about the timing, but I'd imagine that the organisational and geographical changes probably added a fair bit of non-development-time to the time between I11 and I12.

I'd also guess it likely that recruiting/restructuring and training will have had an impact on I12 and will for 13 and possibly 14.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Well i cant wait for this to be implemented,

create missions and story arcs for your characters and others to participate in. You’ll be able to pick the map, villain group, and objectives, as well as write the dialogue and any clues needed for the missions. When you are satisfied with it, you can upload it and have other players across all servers play it and rate it. Fame will come to the players whose stories rate the best overall.

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I wonder if that'll be I13 or I14? If I13 is going to be massive, then that sounds like it could be the central feature of it, but as it sounds quite a complex thing to do, maybe I14 would be a more realistic timeframe?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



just wait for the surprise mission - full of mu guardians/sappers for the 'real' hardcore players.

then wait for the mins and secs to complete - and watch it tried to be beaten




A new zone for low lvl characters would be great.

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There's already Atlas Park, Galaxy City, Perez Park, The Hollows, Kings Row, Steel Canyon, Skyway City and Boomtown, for the 1-20 range at least. and probably the one place most missed : Sewer Network, for normal hunting.



Well, if it's being done this late, it's sure to be done even more earlier

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This doesn't seem to be the case at all. Most people seem to start it at 8 or 9. So around 11:30 onwards seems to be the time they appear.

Or as Newt put it "They mostly come out at night... mostly..."

It'd be nice to tie em to the RWZ mothership raids alright, spawning after the GM is defeated.



And that proves what? That's one raid/LGTF completion. ONE. And at just before 3 in the morning as well, so it doesn't even matter what server it's on by this point.

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There's calls for this frequently on the badge channels and probably about 6-10 run every day on Union and a few on Defiant - more over the weekend as well.
Several times I've been at Lady Grey and there have been 2 or 3 teams forming sometimes more.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



What I'd like to see is a raid starting, say 20-30 minutes after U'kon Grai is killed as well

[/ QUOTE ]Surely not, a well thought out and reasoned suggestion...!


Main 50 & Badger Nine Claws Claws/Regen/Body

Other 50's Ph10x Brute Unjust Law Tanker Samantha Urai Scrapper Codename 1250 Scrapper
Defender Nilus Scrapper
Electro Field Blaster S.PONGE Tanker



What I'd like to see is a raid starting, say 20-30 minutes after U'kon Grai is killed as well

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Makes sense to me. "Nooo! They killed U'kon Grai! We must retaliate and invade Pragon City and the Rogue Isles!"




In addition to that I'd like to see at least one completely random Rikti Raid at least once per day (maybe one in Paragon and one in the Rogue Isles) - dynamic content is goooood.

In fact I'd like to see a lot more dynamic zone events added - GMs popping up occasionally in any zone where their faction spawns, fires like Steel Canyon gets in every city zone, the Talos/IP Ghost Ship popping up in Striga (perhaps the most logical place for it, if you've read the history plaques about the Moraine there), Peregrine and a few of the Rogue Isles zones.

And I want to see some banks being robbed by NPCs in city zones too - lots more dynamic events, in fact.




A new zone for low lvl characters would be great.

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There's already Atlas Park, Galaxy City, Perez Park, The Hollows, Kings Row, Steel Canyon, Skyway City and Boomtown, for the 1-20 range at least. and probably the one place most missed : Sewer Network, for normal hunting.

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And not even half of that for villains...

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



In addition to that I'd like to see at least one completely random Rikti Raid at least once per day (maybe one in Paragon and one in the Rogue Isles) - dynamic content is goooood.

In fact I'd like to see a lot more dynamic zone events added - GMs popping up occasionally in any zone where their faction spawns, fires like Steel Canyon gets in every city zone, the Talos/IP Ghost Ship popping up in Striga (perhaps the most logical place for it, if you've read the history plaques about the Moraine there), Peregrine and a few of the Rogue Isles zones.

And I want to see some banks being robbed by NPCs in city zones too - lots more dynamic events, in fact.

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Agreed.. also make some GM's like Lusca travel more... Get Lusca to attack Nerva or any of the isles. Don't keep her stuck in IP.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



In addition to that I'd like to see at least one completely random Rikti Raid at least once per day (maybe one in Paragon and one in the Rogue Isles) - dynamic content is goooood.

In fact I'd like to see a lot more dynamic zone events added - GMs popping up occasionally in any zone where their faction spawns, fires like Steel Canyon gets in every city zone, the Talos/IP Ghost Ship popping up in Striga (perhaps the most logical place for it, if you've read the history plaques about the Moraine there), Peregrine and a few of the Rogue Isles zones.

And I want to see some banks being robbed by NPCs in city zones too - lots more dynamic events, in fact.

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Agreed.. also make some GM's like Lusca travel more... Get Lusca to attack Nerva or any of the isles. Don't keep her stuck in IP.

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I love these ideas!!!! Would be intresting to see how villains get on with Lusca and the ghost ship.




A new zone for low lvl characters would be great.

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There's already Atlas Park, Galaxy City, Perez Park, The Hollows, Kings Row, Steel Canyon, Skyway City and Boomtown, for the 1-20 range at least. and probably the one place most missed : Sewer Network, for normal hunting.

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Yea I'm another for "why more low level content?" I tend to out level contacts at levels 1-20 faster than a very fast thing. 30-40 however is barron, yes we've just got a new zone and the RWZ but one zone only contains a tf whilst the other gives you 2 contacts until your lev 40. Other contacts at this level either stick restrictions on what you can do or give stupid hunting mishes (yawn). So what do 30-40 teams do....paper mishes in Bricks...yawn yawn yawn!!

Other points are pretty moot too, remove ED? Not gonna happen. More travel powers? Again not really needed and make the travel power available at a lower level? To me 14 is VERY kind and good enough where it is, as stated the mayhem/safeguard mishes give a temp travel power, get both and you don't usually have to tihnk about your travel power til mid-20's!


I'm not changing this signature until I'm proclaimed 'King of the World'.



the Talos/IP Ghost Ship popping up in Striga (perhaps the most logical place for it, if you've read the history plaques about the Moraine there), Peregrine and a few of the Rogue Isles zones.

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Maybe an old pirate galleon for the Rogue Isles instead rather than a cargo ship as it's more appropriate for the place. Possibly spawning near the the haunted pirate base.

It's not running away. It's advancing in reverse!